Size Matters (21 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Haefner

BOOK: Size Matters
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for a second morning in a row wrapped in Eli’s arms after a night of zero lovemaking. And that was plenty fine by her. Her arm lay across his chest, her body nuzzled into the crook of his arm. Warm. Relaxed. Home. She belonged with Eli. She loved Eli. And she wanted to spend the rest of her life with him, as long as he still wanted to as well. She’d been really nasty to him at the show, and was pretty embarrassed about that now.

He squeezed her and kissed the top of her head. “Good morning.”

She picked her head up and pressed a kiss to his lips. “Good morning right back at ya.”

“Did you sleep okay?”

“I did.” She felt good. Real good. Much better than one probably should feel after being abducted. “You?”

“I could never have a bad night lying next to you.”

She snuggled back in. “Thank you for everything you did last night.”

“You don’t have to thank me.”

“But I do.” She pushed up, rested on her elbow above him. “The things I said to you and the way I yelled . . . you had every right to walk away and never look back. But you didn’t.”

“I love you, Bryn. That’s all there is to it.”

She ran her free hand through his hair, those gorgeous blue eyes staring back at her, filled with more love than she could’ve ever hoped to find again. “I love you, too. I hope you know that. And it’s not just because of last night. I’ve been wanting to tell you. I just couldn’t get the words out and—”

He stopped her ramble with his lips, then pulled her on top of him. Bryn wrapped her arms around his head, fingertips in his hair, kissing him with all the passion he deserved. And he deserved so much. He deserved all of her. And she was sure as hell going to give it to him.

Bryn left his lips and traveled south, kissing over mounded pectorals. She wanted a taste of him. But as she got to that beautiful piece of manhood, already hard for her, he stopped her, pulling her up and then pushing her flat against the bed.

Mischief danced in his eyes. “Uh-uh. Not yet.” And then he headed south beneath the sheets.

Eli pushed her knees apart, nestling in between her thighs. His tongue lapped at her. Oh no. Was this going to be the same as before? But then he sucked her clit into his mouth and flicked it with his tongue.

Bryn gripped his shoulders, telling herself not to dig her nails into his skin. And also not to make too much noise, the major drawback of having sex with children in the house. But wait! There were no kids in the house. She and Eli were alone! She could make as much noise as she wanted. The freedom was exhilarating.

And then Eli slid two fingers inside her, curling them, rubbing the supersensitive skin that sat so deep inside her. She gasped, grabbing at the sheet and squeezing tight.

He laughed, a low sexy sound. “You like that, baby?”

“Yes, sir,” she breathed out, unable to mumble anything more, wanting to demand he put that tongue back where it was.

And of course he did, sucking her clit back into his mouth, making little circles around it with his tongue. Mmm. So. Damn. Good. And the fingers were still working their magic. He must have gotten some new moves from somewhere or someone. And she’d have to thank that person when this was all over with. She didn’t know if she’d been eaten out better than this in her life.

The sensations built, every cell of her body buzzing with anticipation. She was so close. Any second she’d explode, euphoria surging through her body. She gripped his muscled shoulders, ready for the pleasure she’d be experiencing any second.

“You taste so good.”

“Don’t stop,” she said, the words tumbling out against her will.

He just laughed and dove back in. And all it took was his tongue connecting with her once more. Yes! Yes! Yes! Bryn let herself moan out, loud, as her hands uncontrollably pressed his head to her pelvis.

Chest heaving, Bryn lay there recovering from intense pleasure as Eli crawled up to her. He nuzzled her neck and kissed her.

After catching her breath, she spoke. “I’m sorry I kinda humped your face there for a minute.”

“It’s okay. I loved how hard you came. Means I finally figured out how to do this right.”

“Holy shit, you sure did.” They kissed for a minute, sensual pecks and playful nips, but Bryn was anxious to put her lips somewhere else. She pulled away. “Now it’s your turn.”

the entire morning in bed, two orgasms each, and a very steamy shower, Bryn and Eli got dressed and drove to her parents’ house to pick up the kids. They held hands as they walked up the front steps toward the screen door. She just wanted to hold him and touch him, never spending a moment without him again.

“Well, don’t you two look chipper?”

Bryn’s mother was on the porch. She hadn’t even noticed. And she was damn chipper herself. It had been a long time since her mother had sounded that way in her presence.

“How was the show?”

Bryn looked at Eli. They had such a connection that he knew what she was thinking in just those two seconds. No one needed to know what had happened the night before. “It was good. How were the kids?”

“Good, as always.” She closed the magazine on her lap and looked back up at her. “Do you mind sitting for a minute? Both of you.”

Oh no. Was she going to lecture Bryn—again—about how inappropriate she’d been behaving, how awful a person she is for dating? If it weren’t for the pleasant smile on her mother’s face, Bryn would have snatched the kids and left.

“Yeah. Sure.”

“Well, I guess I should start out by telling you I was wrong.”

Bryn stared at her mother in disbelief.

“I was very hard on you. I felt I had to be. I didn’t want you to make a mistake that was going to harm the kids, or you. I know it didn’t seem like I cared about you, but I really did. I don’t think you understand how difficult it is to watch your child go through something so horrific and not be able to help or make it better. There was no magic bandage to fix any of what happened. You may be a grown woman, but you will always be my child.”

If there was anything she could agree on, it was that. Bryn would always treat her children as such.

She continued. “I should have trusted you and trusted you were doing what was best for you and the children. But I finally saw it Friday night. Eli is what’s best for you.”

“What do you mean?” Bryn asked, Eli squeezing her hand.

Her mother looked at him. “They way you acted . . . it showed me just how much you care for Bryn and the kids. You came with her in the middle of the night. You stood by her side when Cammie was hysterical.”

Bryn tried to keep her eyes dry, but it just wasn’t going to happen. Her mom turned her attention back to her. “For so long I watched you comfort those children when they needed it. It was so nice to see you have some support. You don’t have to do it all alone anymore.”

“No, ma’am, she doesn’t,” Eli said. “I love Bryn, and I love the kids.”

“I can tell you do. That’s very important to me. I want to see you all happy.”

Was this seriously happening? Had her mother really just accepted Eli and his place in her life?

“I want that, too.” He squeezed Bryn’s hand again.

“Thank you,” Bryn said, and let go of Eli to hug her mother. Her tears streamed down, no care about controlling them.

“Mommy! Eli!” Cammie ran out onto the porch letting the screen door slam. She jumped onto Eli’s lap and hugged him, then bounced into Bryn’s arms. “Are we gonna spend the day with Eli and Austin and Amelia?”

Bryn pulled her little girl close, looking over her shoulder at the man she loved, a love she never thought she’d find again. So many nights she’d wondered if she’d spend the rest of them alone and cold with no one to hold her. No one to help her and support her through life and parenthood. At one point her life had been mapped out and perfect, but as she’d quickly learned, the cruel part about life was that it could change in the blink of an eye and destroy every plan she’d had.

But slowly, Bryn learned to breathe again, to live again. Eventually love again. And yes, she was making plans again, too. She saw her life with Eli and all their kids, one crazy Brady Bunch of a life. And she was so ready for all of it.

She pulled back and looked at Cammie. “Yes, honey. We are. We’ll be spending a whole lot of time with them.”


ran ahead of Bryn and Eli, weaving in and out of the water as it crashed at the shore. Their laughter drifted on the breeze and she smiled as Austin let Cammie hop on his back and give her a piggyback ride across the wet sand. They already acted like brothers and sisters. Eli squeezed Bryn’s hand and she looked to him, feeling more peaceful than she had in years.

Mid-August in Florida was pretty hot, but the cool wind off the Gulf made it bearable. The trip had been exactly what she needed—what they all needed—and she couldn’t think of a better way to end this amazing summer. The last few weeks had been pretty hectic, with Eli moving in and the kids adjusting to being one big blended family. But even when they were arguing over who got to pick which video game to play next, they were loving every minute.

“My parents mentioned something about taking the kids out to dinner tonight and maybe to the park,” Eli said, his smile wide, an eyebrow cocked. “We’ll have the house to ourselves.”

That sounded heavenly. Vacation sex was always the best. As if their sex life could even get any better. After all the insecurity and inexperience, Eli had turned out to be dynamite in bed, never failing to keep up with Bryn’s libido. The short cock with bad oral technique had sure come a long way.

And she’d even tossed her toy collection. Well, most of them. She kept one of the mini vibrators for couples play.

“Sounds fabulous to me,” Bryn said, thinking of the lingerie she’d brought for just this kind of opportunity.

They continued their walk down to the beach, happening upon a bride and groom and their wedding party, posing for photos.

“Mommy,” Cammie said, and dropped from Austin’s back, running over. “Look at that flower girl. Her dress is sooo pretty! Will I ever get to be a flower girl?”

Bryn met Eli’s gaze, neither of them able to hide their giddy smiles.

“Yes, honey. You will.”

Penny, a lingerie shop marketing director, is ready to get back in the dating game after divorcing her cheating ex-husband. Will she finally find her one and only this time around?

Keep reading for a sneak peek at the third installment in the Classy ‘n’ Sassy series from Stephanie Haefner

One Size Fits All

Coming Summer 2016 from Pocket Star!


enelope Woodley
flipped through the stack of bills sitting on her new little kitchen table in her new little apartment in downtown Newford. It was the first time in her life she’d had to actually pay her own bills, and it was a bigger pain in the ass than she expected.

“Looks like we’re going to have to cut back on the doggie jerky,” she said to Scarlett, her miniature pinscher, who jumped up at her leg with a barking argument. Jack had never let her bring her furbaby to their house, so the eight-pound canine spent the last five years in plush accommodations at Penny’s parents’ house.

Adding up the balance of her utility bills, then comparing it to the balance in her checking account, made Penny wonder if the vibrator shopping spree she’d gone on had been a good idea. But as a newly single girl whose emotions flipped from furious and homicidal to depressed and weepy on an hourly basis, she needed a way to blow off steam and relax. And since she had no dating prospects, she had to find an orgasm somehow.

Jack, her soon-to-be ex and the pile of shit who’d cheated on her and got his new “soul mate” pregnant, had always been in charge of the money and bills. When they’d gotten married, she’d gone from the safety and care of her parents’ home to his, never learning how to be on her own. And until two months ago, she never thought she’d have to be on her own. But here she was, twenty-eight and living in her own apartment for the first time in her life.

But damn it, she was going to do this! She didn’t need that asshole for anything. She’d find a way to thrive, even if it meant eating cup-o-noodles for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. She never again wanted to be in a position where she had to rely on a man to take care of her. It was too easy for them to walk away and leave her with nothing but bitterness and a tear-streaked face.

She couldn’t wait to be Penny Wilshire again, and it would happen as soon as she could legally get rid of the jerk’s last name. Another thing to add to her list of grown-up tasks to do. But first was figuring out this whole online banking thing. She was a whiz on social media, blogs, and all other forms of advertising and marketing, but the money stuff was not her strong suit.

Penny clicked the link for her bank’s Web site and set up her online account. Easy so far. She filled in the necessary info, transferring her new checking account number from the bank paperwork, and chose a password. Uppercase letter, lowercase letter, special character . . . They may as well ask for her firstborn in the process. Penny snorted at the thought. She’d have to actually be able to
a firstborn for that to happen.

But she wouldn’t focus on that now. Not when she needed all her energy to figure out how to set up online bill pay.

She took a deep breath and let her head flop back, then noticed the clock. Almost time to meet the girls at the bar for Girls Night Out slash brainstorming meeting.

Mia and Bryn were the owners of Classy ’n’ Sassy Lingerie and Love Shop, and Penny’s closest friends and bosses. She started working there a few years ago when she needed something to occupy her days while Jack built his career. It had been too soon to have a baby back then. It didn’t fit into his “plan.” And when it finally did, well . . . It didn’t go so well. But Classy ’n’ Sassy had needed a marketing guru and Penny was eager to use the degree she’d worked so hard for. Win-win.

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