Skaia (32 page)

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Authors: Ayden Sadari

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Skaia
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Skaia woke as soon as he heard the house slaves outside the door. He hadn’t slept well, dreaming repeatedly of Thaddeus
. Of Menion and Gotus and whippings.
Hoping to get the wretched images out of his mind, he dressed quickly and checked to make sure Thaddeus still slept. Assured that he did, Skaia picked up the chamber pot and left for the kitchen.

Castor was there and stood immediately to follow him into the slave’s wash room. “Why are you here so early? Thaddeus has asked to sleep late today. He’s going off to look at horses with his friends. He won’t need hot water yet.”

He didn’t tell me, sir,” Skaia said softly, wondering if Thaddeus would take him. “I still need to clean his pot.” Castor nodded briefly before returning to the kitchen.

Skaia removed the cover from the sewer opening, emptied the pot and was just replacing the cover when the outside door opened. Gotus. Skaia was immensely glad to see him, apparently whole and unhurt. That part of his dreams was wrong.
And Menion is free,
he reminded himself.

Gotus knelt beside him, a decidedly worried look on his face. “You’re up even earlier than usual. Did Thaddeus hurt you?”

No, Gotus,” Skaia replied quickly. “You’re being overly protective,” he said, forcing a smile. “Thaddeus is being… decent to me. Please don’t worry—and please don’t get yourself in trouble over me.”

Gotus studied Skaia’s face, hoping the words were true. Finally, he grinned and pushed Skaia over on the grass, starting a mock wrestling match. Gotus was soon the victor and held him down triumphantly. “Who told you I got in trouble over you?”

Skaia shook his head—and then giggled almost hysterically when Gotus tickled him unmercifully. When he could catch his breath, he smiled up at Gotus. “It’s a secret. You know I can’t tell you my secrets.”

Gotus smiled and let him go. “I know, I know. No one ever tells me anything,” he whined. He looked up to see the first rays of sunshine over the high wall, and then looked at Skaia more seriously. “You’d tell me, wouldn’t you, if the bastard was hurting you?”

They both knew the answer—Skaia would never say a word. But he scrunched up his face and laughed. “Of course, I’d tell you, Gotus. Every detail.”

Gotus laughed again, shaking his head all the while, as he stood up. “Well, this conversation has been a big help.” He opened the door to go back inside and looked back one more time. “Be careful, Skaia.”

Skaia nodded and went back to work scrubbing the pot. He was cheered by speaking with Gotus, but worried as well.
You be careful too, Gotus. Please.

When Skaia went back inside, he was surprised to see a bucket of steaming water sitting beside the cold one. He wished it was for him, was tempted to use it, but didn’t dare. Until Castor looked in. “The hot water is for you,” he smiled. “Apparently, Thaddeus doesn’t like how you smell in the mornings.”

Skaia was speechless. First wondering if he
smelled, and then amazed to think Thaddeus would do this for him. Without even being aware of it, he smiled as he washed. Castor noticed however and his own smile grew larger. “I’ll have your breakfast ready when you’re done. Come sit with me.”

Castor was at the table with Gotus and two other slaves when Skaia arrived. They left as he slipped onto the bench and Skaia watched them go. “Sometimes I feel as if I must be poison, Castor,” he said softly, “to drive people away with just my presence.”

In a way you are poison, Skaia. Everyone is afraid of Thaddeus now.” Castor said, pushing a plate towards him.

Skaia nodded, knowing the feeling quite well, and took a small bit of softening peach. “Will he ever stop this, sir?” he asked after he swallowed. “Forbidding me to have friendships, I mean.”

Of course he will. Just last night, he told me to give you hot water. I’m sure it’s only the beginning.” Castor ate a few small pieces of cheese from the plate. “You know, Thaddeus was always very fair to all of us. It’s only since Glaucus left that he’s been so stern.”

Skaia lowered his head in embarrassment at the uncomfortable reminder and Castor noticed the dark circles under his eyes. “What?” he asked sternly. “Have you been whipped again? Do I need to treat your back?”

Skaia looked up in surprise at the questions. “No, sir. Master Thaddeus didn’t whip me last night. He… he was kind.”
really was,
Skaia realized.
I should have been whipped.

Thank the gods for that much,” Castor sighed as he got up. He looked down at Skaia. “Don’t let Gotus be so obvious or stay so long next time. You mustn’t be apparent when you’re breaking rules.”

Skaia colored at the comment but when Castor was gone, he hurriedly ate the cheese and olives. As he returned to Thaddeus’ rooms with the freshly filled clean pot, he wondered how much Castor knew. In the past, what he’d done with Gotus would not matter to anyone, but now…
Thaddeus might sell Gotus. Or both of them.

He hurried as fast as he could without spilling the water fearing what would happen if he was not there when the master awoke. But he was already too late. Thaddeus was sitting at his desk, dressed in his robe, and several of the oil lamps had been lit. He looked at Skaia as he stood motionless after setting the pot in place. “I’d like to wash now. And get out a plain tunic for me. One of the brown ones.”

I’m sorry, Master,” Skaia said quickly. “I only changed the chamber pot. I… I didn’t bring hot water, sir. Castor said you would sleep late, sir.”

Thaddeus said nothing initially, just went to the bed, dropped his robe on the floor and sat down. “Come here. I’ll let you do the initial cleaning. Your mouth is much more pleasurable than hot water.”

Skaia obeyed him, though he found himself dreading what he had to do—and no longer the least bit jealous of the girl who had received Thaddeus’ attentions last night. He took off his own clothing and climbed on the bed, and Thaddeus shifted his legs, and pulled him down.

When Thaddeus was satisfied, he settled back in bed and tugged Skaia up beside him. “Are you sure you’d never done this before?” he asked as he lightly stroked the boy’s belly. “Your mouth has become quite proficient.”

His master’s touches were not unpleasant, but they were very distracting and Skaia suddenly struggled to think. “No, sir,” he answered first, then realized it wasn’t what he meant. “I mean… yes, sir,” he amended quickly. “I… I’d never done it before coming to you.”

Thaddeus laughed at the confusion. “Whatever. You’re very good.” His hand drifted lower and he found Skaia’s own erection. He was surprised the boy was aroused.
Just from servicing me?
More likely just because it was morning. He was tempted to ignore it until he remembered his father’s words. With very little effort on his part, just a few subtle touches, Skaia climaxed, spilling his warm cream. Thaddeus lifted his hand to stare at it and then watched as the boy’s breathing slowed and his body gradually relaxed.

He was hardly prepared for what happened next. Skaia turned to him and wrapped his soft arms around his neck. “Thank you, Master,” Thaddeus heard whispered in his ear and without thought, he slipped his own arm around the slave and held him close. They lay that way on the bed until there was a light knock, the door opened, and Castor entered. Skaia moved quickly to cover Thaddeus’ body with the blanket.

When he looked up, Castor was smiling at him, although his gaze quickly shifted to Thaddeus. “The sun is up, Master, and your horse is here. I’ve brought hot water, sir.”

Not bothering to reply, Thaddeus just waved his hand to dismiss Castor. When he heard the door shut, he touched the ugly bruise he had made on Skaia’s thigh. “I suppose I must get up,” he said softly, “if I am to shop for horses today.”

Skaia was reluctant to let the moment go, but such things were never up to him. He got up and brought a cloth to clean Thaddeus’ hand. Watched as Thaddeus put on his robe and went to the desk. When he was not acknowledged again, he cleaned himself and pulled on his clothing before he approached. “Can I do anything to help you, sir?”

Thaddeus did not look up. “Just prepare my water for washing.” He signed some sort of document, then rolled and sealed it before he finally went to the washstand, where he washed himself and only looked at the boy again when he was ready to leave. “Skaia, you can work with my father today.” He noticed, of course, the delighted look on the slave’s face and left his home with a smile on his own.

At some point on their outward journey, Thaddeus mentioned Skaia’s concern for Glaucus and the other young men, with the ongoing conflict between Caesar and Pompey.

Absurd,” Antius remarked immediately. “Trestus and the boys are headed first to Macedon. Pompey and Caesar are on the coast across from Egypt. They’re nowhere near each other.”

Flavius agreed, but shifted in the saddle to see Thaddeus better. “How in Hades does a slave even know about such things?”

Thaddeus shrugged. “I have no idea. But over the years I’ve discovered that slaves are hardly as ignorant as we’d like to think.” He changed the subject quickly, most definitely not wanting to discuss Skaia again. “What about Anthony? Do you really think he will remain neutral?”

The conversation remained on the combatants until they arrived at the horse dealer’s site, where each man checked the stock he was interested in. Thaddeus was the first to find what he wanted. He selected two heavy-set, well-muscled geldings for work on his farm. Antius and Flavius were both more interested in breeding stock and they took longer to make their selections. In the end, they each selected a proven mare. Deposits were made, and the stock was marked for pick up later by their agents.

On the way back to the city, the topic turned to lighter conversation, as Antius began to speak of Puella. “My wife was very unhappy after last night. She accepted the girl willingly enough in the beginning, but now she worries the slave may turn my head.”

After you had her suck common merchants?” Flavius asked incredulously. “Ridiculous.”

Ahh, but I only allowed you and Thaddeus to fuck her. And only Thaddeus accepted. That was my mistake,” he grinned. “And it may have been your last opportunity. Rosella has set her to cleaning the chamber pot sponges and I despair Puella will ever lose the stench.”

Thaddeus and Flavius roared in laughter and the easy mood continued all the way to the outskirts of the city. The horses were left at the public stables and the three friends made their way to a small inn close by for a late lunch. The boy who waited on them was attractive, and the owner of the establishment made it abundantly clear to all of his customers that the slave was available for their use, if they cared to rent him for an hour or more before returning home.

After they had satisfied their hunger, Flavius began to consider the boy, though it was Thaddeus who first commanded him to bend over the table and expose his naked ass. All three men probed at his body and explored his opening. Flavius was the first to remark on the boy being a eunuch, but it made little difference to them as they continued their examination. The boy’s hole was stretched from frequent use, but clean and prepared with sweet smelling oils. Of one mind, they quickly agreed to rent one of the rooms at the inn, and take the boy for an hour.

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