Skaia (68 page)

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Authors: Ayden Sadari

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Skaia
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The atmosphere now tense, Skaia waited several seconds before he whispered softly. “I should help clear the table, Master Glaucus.”

By all means, perform your duties, Skaia. I see you’ve become much like Nicea.” The words were spit out, like an insult.

Skaia struggled not to react as he stood, picked up plates, and backed away. His mind was in turmoil. This was not what he had hoped for from Glaucus. Not even what he had expected. But it was what he had feared. That Thaddeus was right, after all, and that his son had truly become a Roman on his trip.

And had lost any fondness he might once have held for his slave.

In the kitchen, Nicea was still sitting at the table. He glanced up briefly as Skaia entered, bringing in the plates and platters, but he dropped his gaze again quickly.

Not sure what to do, most definitely not wanting to deal with Nicea after his unpleasant experience in the dining room, Skaia nonetheless took some of the leftovers from the plates before they were scraped clean, and sat beside Nicea. “Did Phaelas show you around?” he asked.

No, sir.” Nicea did not look up when he spoke. “Master Phaelas did not have time for me.”

Skaia looked at him more closely, realizing the day had been unsettling for Nicea as well.
He had been abandoned.
“You just sat here all afternoon and evening?”

Yes, sir,” Nicea replied quietly. “Except for when the others came to eat. Then I seemed to be in the way, and moved to stand by the side door.”

Have you eaten?” Skaia asked kindly, finding it more and more difficult to hate this boy.

No, sir.”

I’m not a sir,” Skaia corrected him, holding out the plate of food. “Will you share this with me?”

But it is the masters’ food,” Nicea objected, finally looking in Skaia’s direction.

Skaia smiled. “It’s for the dogs, if you and I don’t eat it first.”

Still uncertain, Nicea looked at Skaia. “The masters really won’t be angry? They let you eat their food?”

What did Glaucus feed you?
Skaia wondered. “In this household,” he answered softly, “we usually get the scraps from the masters’ meals. No one will be angry. Please, eat. You have to be hungry. And there will be nothing else until morning.”

Still cautious, Nicea took a small piece of fish. “Thank you.”

He has no idea what to do,
Skaia realized.
About eating, or anything else.
This time, he did not fight the surge of sympathy he felt. “Where are Castor and Phaelas?”

Castor was not feeling well, and left to go to bed as soon as dinner was served to the family. Phaelas… I don’t know. He left earlier.”

Probably to bed also. Phaelas always sleeps early,” Skaia explained as he looked at Nicea again. “You look tired as well. Do you know why you weren’t sent to the sleeping quarters?”

Nicea’s face did not change as he relayed what he had been told. “Phaelas said one of the masters might want me for the night, and I should wait.”

Which one
?”  But it had to be Thaddeus
, Skaia realized. Glaucus had been very clear that he did not want Nicea, and had only brought him home at Thaddeus’ request. Skaia’s heart started to race again.

Shaking his head, Nicea looked at the table top as he spoke. “I don’t know. I… I thought Master Glaucus would take you. He… he spoke of you at times.” Nicea remembered some of Bessus’ and Trestus’ taunting remarks. About Glaucus being far too fond of his slave. He knew not to speak of it. “Master Glaucus told me that I was for his father.”

Skaia swallowed heavily, and forced himself to speak. “Yes, Glaucus said that at dinner. I… I’m sorry, Nicea. This must be hard for you, to be shuffled from one master to another.”
Thaddeus will replace me,
Skaia almost moaned aloud.
With this lovely young Greek boy.

No. Not really,” Nicea said, taking a piece of bread. “I… I’m used to it.” He looked at Skaia again. “But, can you tell me, please—is Master Thaddeus difficult to please?”
Will he hurt me?

Skaia could almost hear the unspoken words, and realized the new boy was afraid of Thaddeus. “No,” he answered quickly. “Master Thaddeus requires instant obedience. But he can be very kind.”
At least, I think he will be to you.

Nicea nodded. “I will give him whatever he wants. I… I just don’t understand why he would want me.”

In that instant, Skaia realized how beautiful the boy’s eyes were.
Sad and frightened and beautiful. No doubt, Thaddeus would find him very appealing. He tried to laugh. “I assume Glaucus told him how lovely you are.”

Nicea shook his head and looked down again. “I am not lovely. Not like you. I am just…” Nicea stopped. He was about to say he was a
. But maybe this place would be different; maybe Thaddeus would be too. “I am not fit for a fine gentleman like your master.”

Before Skaia could say anything else, Glaucus appeared at the entrance to the kitchen. “I should have known I’d find you two together.” His voice was cold, with an edge of anger. Skaia stood and looked at him. Nicea stood also, but did not lift his head. “Skaia, show Nicea where to wash. Then take him to my father. Come to my rooms when you’re done.”

Yes, Master.” But Glaucus had already left, not waiting for a reply.

Lighting a small lamp, Skaia led the way to the washroom. One of the kitchen women brought in a bucket of fresh hot water and winked at Nicea. “Your first bath water should be hot. And I’ll bring you a fresh tunic.” She looked him up and down. “Taller than Skaia,” she mused. “I’ll get something from Gotus.”

After watching her leave the small room, Nicea turned to Skaia. “Why did she wink at me?”

She likes you,” Skaia grinned. “She thinks you’re handsome.” He remembered the brief attraction he and Thera had once felt. Squelched first by Thaddeus’ harsh rules that had prevented him from socializing with anyone. And later, by Castor and Paulinus. Skaia wondered if Thera had been behind that. Or if she had even cared. He reined in his thoughts, and moved to help Nicea undress. He was shocked when he first saw Nicea’s groin. He had no hair. None at all. “Nicea, why… What happened?”

Nicea smiled slightly at the reaction. “My first master had me pluck out my hairs so I would seem younger to his clients. The young Romans liked it as well, so I continued.”

Skaia said nothing, but he thought plucking hair must be very painful. Although, at the baths, he had seen some men who would request the service, along with shaves.

He started to wash Nicea’s back, and heard him speak softly. “Are the slaves in this household allowed to have relationships with each other?”

A woman?
Had Nicea been with a woman?
Skaia was curious, and suddenly envious again. “I don’t know,” he replied. “I think, maybe, some of the household slaves may. But not the personal slaves of the family.”
Not me. Would Thaddeus allow this new boy to fornicate with the females?

Nicea remained silent as he washed the front of his body. When he turned to Skaia, he kept his eyes to the floor. “I think I’m done, sir.”

Skaia tried to refocus on what they were doing. He looked at Nicea, and touched his hair. It was soft, silky, and didn’t feel dirty. “Make sure your groin is clean,” he advised, not willing to examine Nicea.

It is, sir,” Nicea answered, looking up and offering his enigmatic smile. “I know I must always be clean there.”

Showing him the communal stack of loincloths, Skaia watched him put one on. “You don’t look so different when you’re covered.”

Nicea lifted his arm, exposing his empty armpit. “This is the worst to do. Even after all this time.” He lowered his arm, wondering why he was being so open to this stranger. “Fortunately, not so much grows anymore.”

Skaia took the new tunic when it was brought and helped Nicea dress. “Maybe you can have a real bath tomorrow,” he suggested. “We have a tub for slaves.”
Or maybe you’ll get to bathe with Thaddeus.
“But this is the best we can do for tonight. Are you ready?”

Yes, sir.”

I’m not ready,
Skaia thought. But there was no help for it now. And as he led the way, he spoke to relieve his own anxiety. “I’m really not a sir, Nicea. Try not to be nervous. Thaddeus is kind. He won’t hurt you.”

Nicea looked up and met Skaia’s eyes. “Do you want to leave Master Thaddeus?” he asked impulsively. “Do you want me to be with him?”

Skaia would not speak of his jealousy. Or of his conflicted feelings. “Those are not our choices to make, Nicea,” he stated evenly. “We have to do what we’re told.”

Lowering his head, Nicea wondered again why he would speak so freely with this man.
This boy.
“Yes, sir. I know that.”

Arriving at Thaddeus’ chambers, Skaia knocked on the door, and strange as it seemed, waited until he heard the command to enter. He went in first, closely followed by Nicea. “Master Thaddeus, this is Nicea,” he said as he bowed and pulled the other slave forward. “Master Glaucus said I should bring him to you, sir.”

Thaddeus looked at Skaia, wondering what he felt, wanting to know if he was happy that Glaucus had called for him. But he certainly wouldn’t ask. “You may leave us now.”

Skaia hesitated, watching as Thaddeus’ eyes turned to Nicea. The new slave was standing straight, his shoulders back, his head bowed and his eyes fixed on the floor. Skaia thought he must be nervous, though he showed no sign.

Thaddeus looked at Skaia again. “My son is waiting for you, Skaia. It is what you wanted.” He lowered his voice. “I have given you what you asked for. Please leave me now.”

Tears filled Skaia’s eyes before he turned away quickly. “Yes, Master.”

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