Skaia (69 page)

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Authors: Ayden Sadari

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Skaia
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Skaia wiped his eyes and hesitated before knocking on Glaucus’ door. He stepped in when he heard Glaucus give him permission to enter.

Glaucus stared broodingly at the slave when he came into the front sitting area, slowly sweeping his eyes up and down Skaia’s body. “You’ve lost weight. Did father not feed you?”

The words were spoken like a slur, and Skaia almost flinched at the tone. “He fed me, sir. I think I just got a little taller.”

Perhaps. Come here.” Glaucus stood and felt Skaia’s arm when he was closer. “And more muscles,” he observed.

From… from gardening, sir. I helped Master Paulinus at the farm.”

So, father took you there. When he would never let you come with me.”

Is that my fault, too?
Skaia wondered. “I… I wish I could have gone with you, sir,” he said, looking up earnestly into Glaucus’ face.

Glaucus laughed. “I really don’t recall you being that upset to be left behind.”

Would you have had me argue with your father, after you gave up?”

Ah,” Glaucus commented softly. “So, you’re not as much like Nicea as I feared.”

Skaia said nothing, and his head bowed again as he wondered what Glaucus really wanted.

Come, sit.” Glaucus moved to his table and poured two cups of water before he sat. Skaia joined him, accepted the cup that was offered, and watched as his young master seemed to settle comfortably into his chair. “Tell me, Skaia, did you miss me while I was away?”

Lifting his head, Skaia smiled, in spite of all that had been said before. “Oh, yes, sir. I thought of you so often.”
Wanted to be with you. Wanted to see all the places we’d studied…
“Master Thaddeus let me read of your trip to the cave paintings. Were they as impressive as we had imagined?”

Glaucus ignored the question and looked at Skaia coldly. “So, you enjoyed your time with my father?”

Skaia looked down quickly, hurt at the snub, but not daring to let Glaucus know. “Master Thaddeus was hard on me at first, sir. I did not enjoy that time at all.”

What about your time on the farm?” Glaucus pressed. “Father’s letters indicate you were quite comfortable with him by then.”

Turning his face away, Skaia nodded his head in agreement. “Master Thaddeus had become much kinder by then, sir.”

I was sure he had,” Glaucus said derisively. “I thought of his kindness, when he wrote that he was sleeping with you.”

Skaia met Glaucus’ stare.
Would you rather I had died?
But he would not deny the pleasure he had taken with Thaddeus. “I’m sorry, sir,” he whispered.

I also heard that you gave yourself freely to his friends,” Glaucus added angrily. “Did you enjoy that, too?”

No, Master,” Skaia protested quickly. “I never… did that with his friends.”

Just with the Senator?” Glaucus asked mockingly. “You only gave yourself freely to Scipio?”

Skaia shut his eyes when he felt the tears. And forced them away before he would look at Glaucus again. “I did not
that. It was nothing enjoyable. He just fucked me in the garden.” He tried to force the image of that night out of his mind. Along with the anger he felt now for Glaucus.

If Glaucus noticed, he gave no sign. “I suppose I shouldn’t complain. No doubt you’ve become quite talented under my father’s tutelage.”

Struggling to keep the hurt from his voice, Skaia’s words still came out raspy. “I doubt I’m as good as Nicea, sir.”

This time, Glaucus threw back his head and laughed harshly. “That would be difficult, indeed. Nicea is very good.”

Skaia looked down for just a moment, and when he met Glaucus’ eyes again he did not try to hide his hurt—or his anger. “You are being cruel, Glaucus. I only followed your father’s orders. I was trying to help you.”

Glaucus slapped his face. “I am
, to you. Or have you forgotten?” His voice grew even harder. “I grew up, Skaia. I’m not a fool who is drawn to pretty slaves any longer. Or lets them influence my actions.”

Yes, sir.” Skaia was fighting tears again. “Master Thaddeus said you would grow up on your trip.”

My father has a horrible habit of being right,” Glaucus said as he watched the red mark appearing on Skaia’s face. He was tempted—oh, so tempted—to apologize. But he didn’t, and felt his anger grow instead. “Strip. I want to see your body.”

Skaia stood quickly and pulled his tunic over his head, then untied the breechcloth. He clenched his muscles so as not to tremble as Glaucus’ eyes raked his body.

Your cock has grown. And your balls. You have more hair. Turn and let me see your ass.”

Turning, Skaia waited for the reaction to all the scars his back now carried. It came quickly. “Damn, Skaia. Did you disobey my father constantly?”

I displeased him often in the beginning,” Skaia whispered, even more hurt that Glaucus assumed he had been disobedient.

I’m glad he whipped some sense into you,” Glaucus snapped. “A shame it messed you up so badly.” Skaia shivered as he felt Glaucus’ hands on him, tracing the marks, and then cupping his buttocks. “At least your ass isn’t marked.”

Skaia kept silent, and still, trying not to react.

Glaucus sighed and stepped away. “Damn, I’m tired. I need to sleep. Make sure I have hot water in the morning so I can wash.”

I could get it now, sir, if you wish,” Skaia volunteered very softly.

Glaucus just scowled at him before walking to his bed.

Remaining quiet, Skaia followed and helped him undress. As he knelt to unlace Glaucus’ boots, he finally spoke again. “Do you like your new rooms, Master?” he asked cautiously.

Glaucus took a deep breath. “Yes, I like my rooms.” He looked down at Skaia and deliberately ran his fingers through the red curls. “Did you help with them?”

Yes, sir. Master Thaddeus asked me what furniture and colors you would like.” Skaia looked up from removing the boots. “Did I choose well, sir?”

Yes, you remembered my tastes very well.” Glaucus almost touched Skaia’s abused cheek—but refrained at the last moment. “So, you were not unhappy with my father?” he asked for the second time.

Sitting back on his heels, Skaia wasn’t sure what he should say. “I thought I would die, sir, when you first left. Your father was very strict with me. But… but he always wanted the best for you.”

So he told me,” Glaucus commented calmly as he lay back on the bed and let Skaia cover him. As Skaia’s hands were smoothing the blanket, Glaucus suddenly noticed the ring he was wearing. He gripped Skaia’s wrist, and looked at it more closely. “From my father?” he asked, all his anger resurfacing.

Skaia trembled at the tone of his voice. “Yes, Master.”

Take it off. Return it to him.”

But, Master… ”

Silence. I said you are to return it. You no longer belong to him. Question me again, and I will add to your scars.”

Yes, Master,” Skaia whispered, stepping away from Glaucus’ bed when he was released, and removing the ring.
I should have known,
he told himself. “I will do whatever you want, sir.”

Glaucus rolled to his side, turning his back on Skaia. “There is a pallet for you in the antechamber,” he said coldly. “Go there to sleep.”

Yes, Master.” Skaia was determined not to cry. He turned away, picked up the discarded clothing, and put out all but one of the lamps. With the dirty clothes put outside the door he finally curled up on the pallet, still clutching tightly to the ring.

I didn’t want him to ask for me to stay,
Skaia thought of the dismissal.
But I would have obeyed him.
Tears threatened again and he felt very stupid for expecting the year’s separation to make no difference. His life had changed. Glaucus’ life had changed. Things could never be what they had been before.
he prayed,
please don’t let Glaucus hate me. Please…

He wished he had a blanket, rather than just the thin sheet he had been given. The nights were cooler now, and he was used to Thaddeus’ warmth. But perhaps it was just as well—better to think of cold feet than of Glaucus’ anger. Far better than thinking of Thaddeus with Nicea…

In his own bed, Glaucus twisted restlessly. He was sure Skaia liked the ring. But he was determined his slave would not wear an ornament from another man—even if that man was his father.
Maybe I’ll rip out that damn earring too.

But he wouldn’t… He couldn’t physicall
hurt Skaia.
It’s not his fault. Slaves must always be obedient.
Still, he was angry, and knew it would take time to let this grievance go—especially since he could not confront his father.

Just briefly, he wondered if his father was satisfied with Nicea. But then he shifted in the bed, finding a more comfortable position and, letting his weariness overtake him, he slipped into sleep.

Thaddeus looked at the new boy. He was attractive enough, even striking in his own way. But he kept his head down, only staring at the floor. “Nicea, look at me.” The boy obeyed, and Thaddeus was immediately taken with his eyes. They were a very pale blue, almost silver, but the lashes were dark and long, making it appear he was painted. Like a brothel whore
“Take off your clothes.”

Nicea did not hesitate. His body was tan where it had been exposed to the sun, but otherwise pale. He was very slim, almost too thin. And hairless.
How can that be?
Thaddeus wondered. He was as old as Skaia, if not older. And his balls were larger. His foreskin had been removed. Like Abrahm. But Glaucus had said he was Greek, not Jewish.

Where were you born?”

In Athens, Master.”

Aren’t most Greeks darker? Both hair and skin?”

Yes, Master.” Nicea offered no explanation, and Thaddeus found he didn’t really care.

My son says you were a sex slave. Is that true?”

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