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Authors: Victoria Ashley

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

Slade (11 page)

BOOK: Slade
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      Slade puts his arm across Hemy’s chest and stops him from getting any closer. “You can go now,” he growls.

      Hemy gives me one last look, smirks and walks away.

      I look Slade in the eyes as he places his hand behind my neck and yanks me to him. His other hand slithers down the front of my body and stops on the inside of my thigh. “I’m not even touching your pussy and I can feel the wetness on your thighs.” He bites his bottom lip and leans into my ear. “Be ready for me to take care of this later.”

      Then he turns and walks away. He seriously just walked away.

      “Kayla,” I growl out as she smiles at me. “Don’t say a fucking word. I will strangle you right now.”

      Kayla throws her arms up and backs away from me as she watches Hemy from across the room. “You’re so fucking lucky,” she breathes. “That was so damn hot.”

Yeah, lucky fucking me.

      Both of the men have gone back to their screaming fans, giving us all a show. A dirty, erotic, breathtaking show.

Maybe coming here was a bad idea. Yeah. Definitely a bad idea.













Chapter Ten






The frustration is slowly building. It’s been four days since I’ve had sex and after watching Aspen give me heated looks from across the room, I decide it’s time to get her in on a little action; show her what I can do. I can’t take her shit anymore. This is a fucking record for me and I need to release this shit and fucking soon. She wants me and we both know it. I just need to prove that I know it.

       I walk over to her and place my hands on her hips, running my hands up her curves as her friend watches me with a huge grin. Even her friend can see what my touch does to her. She’s eyeing us up, giving Aspen the nod; the one that says she’s about to sit back and watch; her own private show.

      Backing her up, I nod my head to Hemy and he kicks the chair that’s sitting behind Aspen closer to us. He already knows what I plan to do. I’ll have to remember to thank him for looking out for me later.

      I can hear the surrounding women screaming and getting excited as I guide Aspen down to the chair and place both her hands on my stomach. The women fucking love this chair and so will she. I’ll fucking make sure of that.

      She gives me a nervous look as I stand between her thighs and start grinding my hips to the beat of the music while slowly undoing the top of my pants. We wouldn’t usually do this in such a big crowd, but I want her more than anything I’ve wanted in a long fucking time. Even if
that means fucking her right here, I will do it with no shame.

      I pull my pants down my hips just enough so the head of my cock is exposed to her. Her eyes widen as I push her hands down further and lean down into her ear. “Like I said, it’s against the rules.” I suck in her earlobe as I guide her hand over my bare skin and squeeze her hand over my head. “But I want you to touch it.”

      Her breathing picks up as her hand starts caressing my cock through my thin pants. Each time her hand touches the head, I close my eyes and moan and so does she. It feels so fucking good that I could bend her over this chair right now, slide that dress up and fuck her; no regrets; just pure erotic sex. I don’t mind giving a good show; displaying what I fucking do best.

      “That’s it. You like touching my cock with everyone watching? Does it turn you on to know you’re the one sitting in this chair, groping my hard cock? All these women would kill to be doing this.” I grab her hand and help her to smear my pre cum over the head of my dick. “See how bad I want you, Aspen?” I pull her hand away from my erection and bring it up to her lips. “I tasted you. Now it’s your turn.”

      She leans her head back and closes her eyes as I brush her fingers over her lips, giving her a taste of what she does to me. It’s so dark in here that I doubt anyone can see that the head of my dick is on display. She must feel the same way because she seems to be enjoying it as much as I am.

      She moans and licks my taste from her lips as she rubs her hand up my erection, pulling me closer. She loves my taste. I can tell by the way she licks her lips once more, savoring the taste before opening her eyes as if she’s just noticed the crazy crowd of women surrounding us. “Slade.” She pulls her hands away from my body and runs them over the side of her dress, embarrassed. “I’m not doing this. Especially, right now. I told you to stay away from me, dammit,” she says breathless. “I meant it.”

      Standing up, she pulls her dress down and pushes me out of the way. “Go fuck yourself,” she growls.

      She says one thing, but her eyes say another. I think I’ll listen to her eyes. They don’t lie as much as her fucking mouth.
      Biting my bottom lip, I bring my body against hers and pull one of her legs up to wrap around my waist. Then, I lean her back and slowly grind my hips against her aching pussy while tugging on her hair. I’ve been imagining this for fucking days. It would almost be too easy for me to just pull her panties aside right now and slip right inside her. The thought causes me to moan against her lips.

      I can feel her leg tighten around me as her body starts trembling beneath my touch. I know and she knows that she’s about to have an orgasm right here in front of everyone. It fucking pleases me, knowing it’s from my doing. I can get her anywhere and she knows it.

      Thrusting my hips, I move slowly to be sure she can feel the head of my cock rubbing against her clit through her thin panties. I want her to imagine just how much better it would be if it were inside of her; deep inside of her and filling her to max.

      I pull her neck up and grind my hips one last time right as her body starts shaking and her breathing comes out in short quick bursts. “I told you my cock feels good, baby. It’s going to feel even better inside you, claiming you.”

      Pulling out of my grasp, she gives me a heated but angry look before slapping me right across the face. The contact stings, making my dick even harder for her. I’ve done her in and she fucking knows it. She can barely even stand right now and it has me so turned on, I may not even make it through the rest of the night without having to release this tension. “I fucking hate you. You’re such an asshole, Slade.”

      The women start screaming and throwing money as she walks away and dips into the bathroom. They all want their turn, but all I want is to finish what I started. She’s mad, but it’s not at me. It’s at herself for wanting me. It’s written all over her face; enough for everyone to see.




                         *       *       *




      I’m standing
there wiping my sweat off when Hemy leans in next to me and whistles while looking across the room. “Hot dayum. She is one fine piece of ass. I think we need to tag team that shit later. You can bend her over and fuck her while she sucks my cock. I saw how worked up you got her while you were dancing for her. She needs a good fuck.”

      I bring my eyes up to see Aspen leaning over the bar, tugging on the back of her tight little dress. Damn, those legs are enough to hypnotize a man and almost make him forget where the fuck he’s at and why he’s there in the first place. Just one look at her and I can’t deny that I want that all to myself.

      “That, mother fucker is all mine. I’ve already gotten a taste and I’m not sharing.” I reach for the nearest shot glass and slam it back, closing my eyes as the slight burning sensation slides down my throat, giving me a temporary feeling of relief. It’s nothing strong enough though. Not even enough to give me a buzz.

      “Well, good luck with that shit, bro. It seems that asshole at the bar thinks otherwise.” He pauses for a second as I open my eyes and look up. He points and grips my shoulder. “She doesn’t seem too happy. You better take care of that shit before I do.”

      I growl as some drunken asshole grabs her by the hips and attempts to pull her into his lap. I can see, even from back here that she isn’t into it. “I’ll be right fucking back. Start without me.” I slam the shot glass down and take off towards the bar. I am so heated right now, I could break this mother fucker’s jaw.

      I can slightly make out what they’re saying as I get closer and I am right. This asshole is definitely drunk. Not a good move on his part.

      “I said no, asshole.” Aspen reaches for his hand and tries prying it away from her waist while looking out in the crowd as if searching for someone. Neither one of them seem to take notice of me approaching. That’s cool with me. I’m still going to fuck him up.

      “Come on, baby.” The guy ignores her and tightens his grip on her, pulling her down to his lap. This only pushes me further. “Look at that fine ass. I want it in my lap. We could go somewhere more private if you want.”

      Swinging her arm back, she elbows him in the face and stomps on his foot. “I said, let go!”

      The guy stands up, pushes her and grabs his nose that is now dispersing blood. “You fucking bitch. I will-”

      Anger boiling up inside me, I reach for the back of the guy’s head and slam it down onto the bar beside him as hard as I can. The guy groans out in pain, obviously not expecting it as he reaches for his hair to try to release it from my tight grip.

Yeah, well suck on that, mother fucker.

      “Fucking touch her again and I will break both your fucking arms and make your small fucking dick unusable. Got it?” I lean in next to his ear and slam his head down onto the bar again to get my point across. Then I whisper, “Never touch what is mine again.”

      I look up with the guy’s hair still wrapped in my hand and am not surprised to see all eyes on me as I stand there breathing heavily. It’s not often fights happen in here since the majority of population is women. My bad, but he fucking asked for it.

    Aspen is looking a
t me with a heated look as if by hurting this prick turned her on.
Well, fuck me.
It turned me on too. I didn’t know she had it in her. I like seeing her hurt someone. It’s hot; especially, while she’s wearing that sexy little dress.

      Licking my lips, I push the asshole’s head down, release his hair and walk toward Aspen. Placing one hand on her hip, I look behind her right as her friend is approaching. “Aspen won’t be needing a ride.” I look up at Cale as he gives me a concerned look, just now realizing what happened. “Give me the fucking keys,” I growl out.

      Digging in his pocket, he looks to Aspen. She doesn’t take notice because she’s too busy still looking at me with a very confused look on her face. She doesn’t know whether to slap me or jump on me and ride me. I’ll take either one. “What the fuck, man. You’re not even going to finish your shift?” He tosses me the keys, already knowing my answer, and I quickly reach out and catch them.

      “Nope. I have better shit to do. Take care of this asshole. Get him out of here.” Grabbing Aspen’s hand, I drag her past the curious crowd and out of the bar. Once outside I swing my truck door open, pick her up and set her inside.

      She still hasn’t said a word and I know why. She knows she’s finally lost the war within herself. I’m about to fuck her and even she can’t deny the sexual tension between us. It needs to be dealt with and there is only one way; to fuck and to fuck hard.

      The look that she’s giving me is enough to push me over the edge. I’m trying to be respectful, but I may just say fuck it and take
her here and now before we can even make it back to the house.

      Fuck me.



























Chapter Eleven







Leaning against the side of the truck, I pull out a cigarette, light it and take a long drag. That mother fucker is lucky I don’t go right back inside and shove my fist down his fucking throat. I never want to see that shit again. I can’t. I just fucking can’t.

      I hear the sound of Aspen’s heels hit the pavement beside me, but right now I’m too pissed to even look up. I’m standing there staring at my fucking shoes, trying to keep my cool. If she opens her mouth right now, there’s a huge chance I will bend her over and fuck her right now. I have way too much shit going on in my head; not to mention that asshole inside has just pushed me over the edge.

BOOK: Slade
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