Read Slade Online

Authors: Victoria Ashley

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

Slade (12 page)

BOOK: Slade
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      “Did you enjoy that?” Her voice comes out soft, but with a hint of anger. I’m not surprised. After what I did to her in front of everyone, I’m sure she wishes it were me she elbowed in the face. “You just can’t resist fucking with me and pushing my buttons, can you? I don’t get it.”

      I take another drag, close my eyes and exhale. I need another moment before I even attempt to speak. Right now, I feel like a fucking animal released from its cage and about to pounce on its prey. The intensity of me wanting her is eating at me.

      “You didn’t have to save me from that idiot. Besides, it looked like you were pretty
over there trying to juggle the slut squad. I have a feeling you’re a damn pro at it by now.”

Okay. One more drag and I’m good to go.

      I take one more hit, toss the cigarette down beside me and pin her against the side of my truck. She looks up at me with a shocked expression, but doesn’t say a word. Her eyes just keep jumping back and forth as I stare into them. “I did enjoy it.” I lean into her ear and rub my bottom lip up her neck. “Just admit it, you did too. You think you can hide it, but I can smell it all over you.” I slowly run my hand up the inside of her thigh, stopping below her panty line. “And feel it.”

      I am not a patient man and I've been waiting too many days for this. She better be ready. I'm about to pour all my frustration into her body because she's the reason I'm about to explode.

     “You can’t fucking hide it anymore and we both know it,” I growl. “You want to kick my ass and fuck me at the same time. Well guess what,” I whisper. “I’m fucking waiting.”

       I hear her breathing pick up before she places her hands to my chest and pushes as hard as she can. It only makes her angrier when her shove has no effect on me. She leans her head against my truck and exhales. “How do you know it’s for you, huh?” I move my hand higher and cup her mound in my hand, causing her to close her eyes and moan out. “It could . . .” She moans again as I start rubbing her through the thin fabric. It’s getting hard for her to find her words now. I like that. “Be for someone else. How do you know,” she growls questioningly.

      Sliding my finger under the fabric of her panties, I shove it into her very wet pussy and grab the back of her neck. “This is how I know,” I assure her. “The way your breathing picks up and your body trembles under my touch.” I shove my finger deeper, causing her to raise her hips and thrust against my hand. “Do you feel that, Aspen? Your body is ready to be fucked. It n
eeds to be fucked by me. No. One. Else.”

      I grab both her hands and hold them above her head while pushing my thigh between her slightly parted legs. It
feels so good between her thighs. So warm and . . . wet. “You want me to fuck you, baby?” I gently place my hand on her throat as I lean in and pull her bottom lip into my mouth and suck it, hard. She lets out a soft moan and nods her head as her lip slips from my grip. “Tell me you want me to fuck you. I want to fucking hear it.”

       Looking at me, she doesn’t say a word, but the look in her eyes says it all. She lowers her hand down the front of my body, down my abs and grabs my erection in her hand. It feels so huge under her touch and I can tell by her little gasp that she feels the same way. I close my eyes and moan as she starts stroking it through the fabric as if she fucking owns it. Fuck, that’s such a turn on.
It’s all hers if she wants it.

      Her hands start working on the button of my pants as she leans in and bites my nipple. She’s breathing hard as she looks up at me. I’m so fucking turned on right now that I can barely fucking contain myself. I feel like a fucking virgin about to get pussy for the first time.

What. The. Fuck.

      I press my body against hers and grab her legs one by one to wrap them around my waist. We both just stand
there silent, looking into each other’s eyes before I slam my lips against hers and claim them. I can’t take it anymore. I need a fucking taste. I suck and tug, before slipping my tongue between her parted lips and sucking her tongue into my mouth. I never thought kissing could be such a fucking turn on, but damn her lips feel so good against mine. I have to admit that I’ve wanted to kiss her since that day in the bathroom.

      “You still haven’t fucking said it, Aspen,” I groan against her lips while rubbing her hand over my hard cock. “You feel how big it is for you?” Her legs shake around me as her hand caresses my erection. “Just say the word and I will drive us back to my house and fuck you so damn thoroughly that this cock . . .” I force her to squeeze my dick as I thrust and bite her bottom lip. “Will be the only thing your body craves.”

      “Fuck,” she hisses while pulling her hand away from my dick in a panic. “It’s happening again. Put me down.” She pushes at my chest and forces me to drop her to her feet. I have to catch her when she almost twists an ankle because of her high heels. “Just fucking take me back to the house. In case you forgot.” She jumps into the truck as fast as she can and slams the door closed behind her. “I’m pissed at you. Shit!”

      “Nothing new there,” I point out.

      I smirk to myself while walking over to my side of the truck and jumping in. I’m no fool. She can play hard to get if she wants, but in the end she and I both know that as soon as we get back to the house and walk in that door, I will have her riding my cock as if her life depends on it. Her body is getting desperate and so is she. Right now she hates me and is fighting against wanting me. Well, she’ll hate me even more after she sees what my body can fucking do to her.

      We ride in silence, but I notice her press her legs together every few minutes while glaring over at me. She can’t seem to sit still and she looks as if she’s about to scream. Sexual frustration is one of those bittersweet things. It claws at you until you release it and there is only one way to do so; to fuck and fuck hard. I can tell she’s trying hard to keep her eyes away, but they keep scanning over my body, imagining it being on top of hers. This seems to piss her off even more.

      Reaching over, I force her legs apart and slide my hand up her thigh. I slowly inch it further up her smooth skin until I feel the wetness between her legs. Then I stop. I want to see what her reaction is. I want to see how badly she needs me to release her.

      She gives me a dirty look, but spreads her legs wider for me as if waiting for me to go further. I could pretend to be surprised, but I’m not. In the end, the throbbing between their legs wins out over the voice of reason in their heads. When I don’t make an attempt to move, she grabs my hand and pushes it away. “You’re an ass. Do you know that?” She presses her legs closed and looks out the window. “Stop fucking with me just because you think you’re God’s gift to women. You’re gorgeous and you have a rockin’ body, so
what. Stop using that against my weakness. You’re the only person that can piss me off this way.”

      She turns to look me in the eyes and her frustration is so fucking sexy, it hurts. Yanking her legs apart, I pull her closer to me and rub my thumb over her swollen clit. I really need to get her off because by the time we get back to the house, I won’t have the patience. I’m going to want to fuck her as soon as we step through the door. Her pussy has been the only thing on my mind since I tasted it for myself.

      She moans as I start rubbing small circles against her body, teasing her. I start out slowly at first before moving at a faster rhythm. She starts rocking against my hand, getting more desperate the faster I go.

      “oohhh . . . keep going.” She rocks faster. “It feels so good. Why do you have to be so good at this?” She moans out in pleasure while pulling at her hair.

      “It’s a fucking blessing. Trust me,” I groan while trying to keep my eyes on the road. “You ready to come yet?”

      She nods her head and grips onto the headrest behind her. “Yes. I’m ready. I’m so ready,” she breathes.

      “Ask me to make you come then.”

      She runs her tongue over her teeth in anger before digging her nails in
to my arm. “Will you make me come? I want you to make me come. It feels so good when you do it.”

      I slip one of my fingers inside while still rubbing her clit with my thumb. She moans and digs deeper into my arm, trying not to scream. “That feels good, doesn’t it? You like my finger filling you, huh? Just wait until I ram my hard cock in there.” I shove another finger inside her and start moving them in and out.

      “Oh fuck, you’re so tight, baby and so wet. Damn, it’s running down my fingers.” I shove my fingers deeper, while moving my thumb faster. “So fucking tight. Oh shit. Scream for me, baby. Show me what I do to you.”

      I feel her body start to shake before she clamps down around my fingers. She lets go of my arm and grips the seat while screaming. She arches her back as I shove my fingers
in one last time. “Stop! I can’t take it,” she breathes. “Don’t move. Just . . . don’t. Move.”

      It takes her a few seconds to catch her breath. I don’t blame her. That was one intense orgasm. I’ll be surprised if she’ll be able to walk after that shit. I slowly pull my fingers out and suck them into my mouth, tasting her as she watches me with hooded eyes. She likes it when I taste her.

Fuck me.

      As soon as the house comes into view, I pull off to the side of the road and slam the truck into park. “Fuck this!” Pulling the keys out of the ignition, I hop out of the truck, slam the door behind me and rush over to her side. I can’t fucking wait any longer. I need to be inside her before I fucking explode. I won’t nut until I get a feel inside her.

      I yank her door open and reach inside to pull her out. Before her feet can hit the ground, I have her wrapped around my waist and I’m heading for the door. I practically bust the door down while slamming my lips against hers, both of us breathing heavily while fighting for air.

      I don’t even bother shutting the door behind us as I walk us over to the stairs. I set her down on the staircase and spread her legs before ripping her thin panties from her body. My eyes slowly trail from her breasts, down to her pussy as I bite my bottom lip and moan. “It’s so fucking beautiful.”

      I force my body between her legs and press my lips against hers again. She’s kissing me with such anger and frustration that it only makes me want her more. “I want to slap you so bad right now,” she breathes. “I hate the way you make me want you.”

      “Well, I fucking love it.” I grab the top of her dress and rip it open, exposing her breasts to me. I knew she wasn’t wearing a bra. I could see her hard nipples even in the dim lighting of the bar earlier. She gets ready to say something; to yell at me about her dress until I suck her left nipple into my mouth, causing her to moan out instead. “You want me inside you, don’t you? Just fucking admit it.”

      Moaning, she grabs me by the hair and yanks my head back. “I hate you so much for making me want you. Me wanting you is the last thing I need.”

“Well you don’t hate me enough. ‘Cause if you did, then you would fuck me; punish me. I want you to slap me, scratch me, bite me and pull my fucking hair. If you hate me, then punish me. I want to feel your fucking hate; drown myself in it. Then I want lick the hate right off your fucking body and taste it.”

      She yanks me up by my hair so that our faces are almost touching. Then she looks me in the eyes before slamming her lips against mine and digging her nails into my back. A burn remains in their wake, but I love the pain.

      I can’t fucking take it anymore. This shit is happening. I rip her dress the rest of the way off so she’s lying fully naked beneath me. She looks embarrassed at first, but then relaxes as she watches me undo my pants, pull them off and reach for my cock. I stroke it for a second to see how much she likes it. Her eyes look heated as she watches me.

      I stroke it a few more times before pulling a condom out of my pocket, ripping the wrapper open with my teeth and rolling it over my erection.

       Not wanting to wait another second, I grip the back of her neck while sliding inside of her. We both moan as I slowly push it in all the way and stop to give her body time to adjust to my thickness.

      “Fuck, you are so wet for me.”

      We’re both panting now as I press my lips to hers and fuck her while backing her up the stairs. We get higher with each thrust until we’re at the top of the stairs.

      Pushing into her, I pick her up and she grabs onto the top of the door frame while I roll my hips in and out, fucking her as hard as I can.

      Her grip tightens on the door frame as I grab her hair and yank back while pushing deep. “Fuck, you feel so damn good.” I thrust into her hard and long, causing her to pull on the door frame, almost ripping it off. “You’re so tight. Damn, my cock can hardly fit inside you.”

      The only sound around us is the sound of our heavy breathing and our sweaty bodies slapping together as I pleasure her. It feels so fucking good, but I want to get her in my bed.

      “Let go of the door frame,” I breathe in command. “Grab onto my hair, baby.”

      Squeezing her legs around me, she lets go of the door frame and grips onto my hair. Her hands rub the back of my head as if she enjoys touching me and wants more. It almost makes me want more. “Slade,” she moans. “I’m going to hate myself after this.”

BOOK: Slade
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