Sol: Luna Lodge #1 (12 page)

Read Sol: Luna Lodge #1 Online

Authors: Madison Stevens

Tags: #paranormal romance science fiction romance alpha male genetic engineering

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The faster she went, the more she wanted. She groaned in frustration as she ground her hips into him.

“More,” she whispered. “Sol, more.”

A snarl came from him as he flipped her onto her back, his weight heavy on her as he pushed further in. She gripped his ass as he pushed in, encouraging the brutal pace he had set slamming into her.


With his head buried in her neck, Sol growled as he pushed further and faster, his cock hitting her deep inside until she shuddered around him, climaxing over and over.

Sol groaned as her insides began to milk him, her moans driving him to a frenzy. He lifted her hips and watched as he disappeared inside her. He rubbed her clit, determined to have her climax around him again.

She thrashed as he continued to rub and fuck her. Sweat rolled down his chest as he continued to work into her. His muscles burned, and he ached to release.

“Come for me, baby,” he growled. His finger pressed harder on the little nub, and she groaned loudly. Her back arched as her second orgasm hit.

Sol slammed in to her two more times before releasing deep inside. Her muscles worked around him and pulled him in even further. He shifted to press in and sighed when her legs wrapped around his waist.

Bone tired, he leaned forward and wrapped himself her, still buried deep inside.


* * *


Erica’s eyes snapped open sometime in the middle of the night, and she looked around confused. When she shifted, something moved inside her making her groan.

Sol lifted his head, and she stared into his eyes. He leaned forward and kissed her, their mouths mingling at an easy unhurried pace.

She shifted as he worked in and out of her. Her hands found his face, and she explored the contours. She trailed down from his head to his shoulders and marveled at the strength there.

A phone rang downstairs, and he stilled his movements.

She clamped her legs around him. “Don’t even think about it,” she hissed.

Sol grinned and shifted his position, so he could go in deeper.

“Better?” he whispered.

Erica moaned as he thrust deep again. Her muscled quivered from her pending release.

“So close,” she moaned.

Sol kicked up his pace. “Fuck,” he ground out.

Shoving her legs over his shoulder, Sol gripped her hips and slapped his body against hers.

“Now,” he shouted as they climaxed in each other’s arms.

Sol leaned forward and kissed her again on the mouth.

The phone rang again, and he looked to her.

“It’s fine.” She grinned. “You did your work.”

She watched as he jumped out of bed, his firm ass illuminated in the light of the moon.


Sol sauntered down to the living room and grabbed the phone from the table.

Three missed calls from Titus.

“Shit,” he whispered.

He quickly punched return call.

“Where the fuck have you been?” Titus growled on the other end.

“I was with Erica,” he said.

Silence met him.

“Get some clothes on. We’ve got trouble at the gate.”

Sol could hear the shouting on the other end. Something was not right.

“What the fuck is going on?” He raced upstairs to get his pants and shirt.

Erica was snuggled under a pile of blankets but looked up at him sleepily. Her dopy simile made his stomach flap.

“Some of the protesters lit a fire at the gate. Luckily the damage isn’t severe, but it’s weak at points, and we’ve heard several talk about ramming the damn thing.” Anger and irritation were evident as he spoke. “Why the hell they are even up here during a snow storm is just beyond me.”

“I’m on my way now,” Sol said and hung up the phone.

Erica sat on the edge of the bed, covers pulled around the front of her. Worry ate at her.

“What’s wrong?” she asked, her eyes searching his.

“Trouble at the gate,” he said. “I’m senior security. I have to go.”

“Of course,” she said. He waited to see if she would be angry, but she mostly seemed concerned.

Sol walked to the door.

“Be careful,” she whispered.

He stopped and turned around. Within seconds his hands were around her, his mouth searing her with a brutal kiss.

“Go to sleep,” he said. “I’ll be home soon.”

Erica nodded.

He gave her one last peck and raced out the door.


* * *


When Sol drove up, he was surprised to see so many men running around, both Carter’s and their own. Titus stood in the middle of the fray shouting orders, ready for more action.

Several protestors carried signs that talked about how the hybrids were abominations and the general evil they brought with them. Sol snorted. He wasn’t thrilled with their lot in life, but he never thought of anyone but the Horatius Group as being evil. Guess they had different ideas of what evil was.

As Sol strode up to Titus, he could see where the flames had damaged the hinges. The hinges shook as people pressed against the gate.

“Any get through yet?” he shouted over the noise.

“Go back to where you came from, freaks!” one man yelled above the rest, his grizzled face contorted in rage.

Titus shook his head. “Few close calls but nothing so far. We need to secure the grounds and defuse the men. Remember what we talked about before. One incident, and we could have issues in the community.”

Sol nodded. That was the last thing they needed at this time. They should be showing the public that they were as average as the rest of them, despite their backgrounds.

Titus leaned closer. “You know they are going to smell her on you.”

He looked to his leader and nodded. There was nothing to be done about it now. Sol pulled away and went in search of his team. It didn’t take long. They were standing around where the fire had taken place.

The wood there had warped and turned to ash. Parts of it were so far gone that there were planks missing. Protesters on the other side reached through, trying to pull out more pieces of wood.

His hot breath created clouds of white air before him, and he wondered how they had the energy to keep this up when it was so cold. The fresh snow from earlier only made things worse. The ground below him had turned to a slushy mess.

“Enough,” he roared. Several hands snapped back.

“I heard that if they bite you, you become one of them,” a woman whispered on the other side.

He growled low in his chest.

“That’s right,” he said. “So you better stay the fuck back.”

Several people gasped on the other side.

Sol was done with this crap. Thinking quickly, he hopped into a jeep and drove it to the fence, parking it right on the other side of the burn. The vehicle would be just enough support to help until the local police arrived. He hoped they would arrive at least. There were too many PR issues for the hybrids to try and handle this all internally, even if the protesters were technically trying to enter their land.

Apollo walked by and Sol stopped him. “Gather the men. The jeep should hold them off until the police get here.”

He nodded and gave a shout for the others by the gate to come over.

They were covered in wet mud and soot from head to foot. If they had been normal men, the hybrids would have been shivering from the harsh winter air.

“What started the fire?” Sol asked.

Lucius stormed forward. “They tried to light it with a makeshift torch, but all the snow made it hard. One of those fuckers threw a Molotov cocktail on the wood and lit it that way.”

Sol sighed. Tensions were high, and he needed to defuse the situation as fast as he could before one of his men took matters into their own hands.

“Take some men, and walk the perimeter. I don’t want someone thinking that this is a good time to sneak in elsewhere,” he said to Lucius. Better to separate them and send them away.

Lucius started to walk away but stopped and smelled the air. His dark eyes pinned him, and it was clear he smelled Erica on him. Lucius glared at him before walking away.

“I need eyes on this from up high. Send Varius. He’s got the best sight.” Apollo nodded and sent off the orders via headset. When he was finished, he came back to Sol.

“We need to contain this shit,” Sol mumbled. He looked back over to the jeep. It seemed to be holding things, but the last thing he wanted was for a bunch of local cops to think they weren’t ready for this sort of thing.

He started to pace, the cold air chilling him. He looked back to the hole.

“Blankets,” he said.

“What?” Apollo looked confused and stared at the hole.

“We give them blankets,” he said a little more confident in his thinking this time.

“I don’t think I understand.” Apollo frowned.

“Look, they are all spun up and looking for us to do something back. They won’t expect this. Most of them don’t even view us as human.” He grinned. “So maybe we show them we are.”

Apollo started to smile and nodded. “It just might work.”

“It will,” Sol said with confidence. “But make sure it’s only hybrids handing out the blankets. I don’t want to leave them with any thought that it might not be us.”

He nodded and started to walk away but stopped. When he turned to Sol, he winked and grinned. It had been happening to him since he showed up. He was either met with open hostility or a smirk. One thing was certain. Being with Erica was compromising his leadership role. He really didn’t want to go challenge someone to maintain his position, but it looked like his night with her had left him with little choice.

When Apollo returned, they went to the top of the gate.

“We’ve brought blankets,” Sol said. Several stared with open hate, but a few others, shaking from the cold, seemed grateful.

They tossed a few blankets down to the people who seemed to want it the most. He smiled.

The moment faded quickly when a rock grazed his cheek just below his eye. He could feel his temper start to rise and took a few deep breaths.

“We don’t want your filthy fucking blankets,” the man who threw the stone said.

“Hey, speak for yourself man,” another man yelled out. “I’m fucking freezing my balls off out here.”

Sol ignored the pain on his cheek and tossed a blanket to the second man. The more blankets they tossed, the less angry the protestors seemed to be. As the last blanket got handed out, he looked up. Several media crews were focused on their good deed, and he wondered if it would play well with the general public. All he could do was cross his fingers and hope for the best.


Chapter Thirteen



By the time Sol returned home, it was nearly morning. The house was still quiet when he came in and pulled off his boots. He stunk of sweat and soot but was far too exhausted to take a shower.

The jeep held the fence like they hoped until the police arrived. Most seemed more than a little pissed to be there but did their jobs just the same. By the time everyone reported back in, things were pretty much back to normal.

Titus planned to have the construction crew take a look at the fence and maybe even look at something a little more permanent, something that wouldn’t burn.

Sol sighed.

Despite every intention of sleeping on the couch, he found himself standing at the door to his room. Not stopping, he stripped off the dirty clothes and crawled into bed next Erica. She rolled into his embrace and sighed when his arms came up around her.

“Is everything okay?” she asked.

“It is now,” he sighed and snuggled further into her embrace.

Her eyes winked open, and he nearly fell off the bed when she shot up.

“What happened?” Her gentle fingers prodded at the gash on his cheek.

He’d nearly forgotten about that.

“The protesters were getting out of control, so I went to try and talk with them. A few threw rocks, and one cut me,” he said. “It’s superficial.”

Erica narrowed her eyes on him and climbed out of bed. “Superficial wouldn’t bleed like that.”

He watched as she went to his closet and pulled out a t-shirt. Then, she disappeared into his bathroom. When she came back out, she was holding some medical supplies.

She climbed onto the bed and made her way up to his cut. He lay there as she worked on him and wondered what all he had missed in life. Aside from his time at the doctor’s office, he had never really had anyone take care of him. It was a nice feeling.

Erica hissed when she swiped the peroxide across the wound. “Sorry,” she said. “Did that hurt?”

He smiled at her concern. “No.”

She narrowed her eyes at him. “You’re lucky this wasn’t worse.”

Sol took her hand in his and kissed it. “Thank you,” he said.

He put the medical supplies on the bedside table and stripped off her t-shirt again.

“That’s better,” he hummed.

“You don’t like that t-shirt?” she asked innocently. The sly grin on her face gave her away.

“I like it better on my floor,” he rumbled.

Erica shrieked when he yanked her down next to him. Her soft body just the comfort he was seeking.

She gasped when other parts of him started to rise to the occasion.

“Now, how about we have a proper good morning?” he rumbled in her ear.


Erica giggled as she slipped away from him and hopped off the bed. His roaming eyes followed her naked form, and she shivered at the predatory way he watched her. She grinned at him from the foot of the bed and raced to the bathroom.

She had just made it to the door when he caught up with her. A large arm snaked around her middle and pulled her against his solid form.

Erica sighed into his embrace.

“Shower with me,” she said and turned in his arms.

His sleepy eyes looked at her in full force, and she shuddered at the intense way he stared.

She pulled away and started the water. Within a few minutes, the air was thick with steam. She looked back at him and climbed in. After a moment, he followed.

Slick and warm from the water, Erica enjoyed the way their skin rubbed against one another. She grabbed some gel from the rack and squeezed it on her hands. When they were lathered up, she spread the bubbles around his chest, loving the feel of hard and soft.

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