Read Sol: Luna Lodge #1 Online

Authors: Madison Stevens

Tags: #paranormal romance science fiction romance alpha male genetic engineering

Sol: Luna Lodge #1 (19 page)

BOOK: Sol: Luna Lodge #1
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“You really did a fantastic job,” she whispered to Hannah.

The tears were already falling before she could stop them.

“Oh no,” Hannah cried. “What did I do?”

Rachel waved a hand. “Nothing. She’s just having a prego moment.”

Erica laughed through her tears. A few more than she would have liked, but there was nothing to be done. Hormones were what they were.

“May I have this dance?” Sol’s large hand came out in front of her, and she sighed.

Dabbing a few tears off, she sighed as she took his hand.

Gently, they swayed on the floor and she relaxed into him. She was surprised to find Titus and Kate had followed them to the floor. She nearly laughed as she watched him wrap a hand around Kate.

She loved her friend, but the whole thing with Mark had left her guarded, and, if she was honest, slightly broken. Erica had seen it in her eyes, and it worried her.

“He’s asking her to come live here and be our PR rep,” Sol said in her ear. Erica looked up at him and grinned.

When she looked back to Kate, she was grinning from ear to ear. Kate was moving her hands and started to say something when Titus leaned over and whispered in her ear. She nodded to Erica and smiled.

She snickered a little when she saw Kate try to pull away and Titus tightened his grip, staring intently down at her. Erica blushed and turned to look at Sol.

“Should I be jealous?” He smiled.

Erica’s face flamed at being caught watching. “Does he like her?”

Sol laughed. “Define like,” he said.

Erica frowned. She didn’t want some fly by night thinking he could just slip in while her friend was down.

Sol lifted her chin. “Yes,” he said. “Not that he’ll admit that to her.”

Erica heard a rumble from across the room and guessed Titus had heard them talking.

“Are you ready to make the announcement?” Sol asked.

She smiled and nodded.

Sol pulled her to the front of the room and had them cut the music.

“Thank you all for coming to share out happy day,” he said. His thumb rubbed the back of her shirt. “We have some additional happy news we’d like to share with you all.”

He nudged her forward, and she blushed. Erica wasn’t much of a public speaker.

“We just found out that we’re having twins,” she said quietly.

A hush fell over the room just before an explosion of cheers and applause.

Titus was working his way to the front, Kate close behind.

Kate wrapped her in a giant hug.

“Oh, Erica, that’s so wonderful,” Kate said.

She held her friend’s hand as Titus turned to the crowd.

“Today has been an amazing day,” he said. “We have seen the marriage of two who love each other and given the gift of children to our community. They give us all hope for a different sort of future than we ever dared dream for and the determination to see the world we want.”

She looked at Sol and smiled when he moved behind her and wrapped his arms around to rub her stomach.

“Today we leave behind the men who only relied on each other and move into a new future. A different sort of community. A different sort of life.” He looked out into the room, taking each person in. “One where we live in peace with those around us.” He slammed his fist onto the table in front of him. “But make no mistake. Those that mean to do us harm will face the fullest extent of out wrath, and our revenge will know no bounds.”

The room fell silent with his words as they sank in.

“Way to get the party going,” Kate mumbled.

He looked over at her and glared.

“What?” she asked. “It’s what you pay me to do.”

She turned back to the large crowd and smiled.

“So, who wants cake?”

Sol pulled Erica back as the crowd shuffled to the back of the room for cake.

He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her head.

“You know I’ll protect you, right?” He squeezed her to him. “All of you.”

She looked up at him and smiled.

“I know,” she whispered. “I love you.”

Sol smiled. “I love you too.”

Erica looked to the back of the room.

“So can I have some cake now?” She grinned at him.

Sol chuckled as he led her to the back. “This is going to be a fun pregnancy I see.”

Erica winked. “You bet your ass. Only time I can eat cake guilt-free.”

A Note from Madison


Thank you for reading
Luna Lodge: Sol
. If you enjoyed this book, please consider reviewing it. We authors live and die by reviews.


I hope you will read the sequel,
Luna Lodge: Titus,
which will be out in late December.


Author Bio

By day, Madison Stevens is a mom, wife, house cleaner, short-order cook and underpaid custodian. When night comes, she gets to hang up those jobs, enjoy the silence and become a sex goddess, or when she has a headache, cook and read. Her husband is also an accomplished author, and the two have great conversations about both writing and reading.

She can be contacted at [email protected]


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A nasty breakup isn’t going to stop Sarah from getting what she wants. And what she wants is her too hot boss with his bad-boy image and aloof attitude.

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Iris wants nothing more than a simple, quiet life until she meets ex-Navy SEAL Luc. The sexy motorcycle mechanic ignites a hidden passion in her, but his hot and cold attitude leaves her frustrated and confused. She needs a man who is willing to put it all out there.

Luc was burned in the past by his fiancée. Physically scarred and emotionally torn, Luc struggles to make his heart meet up with what is in his head. But Iris isn’t going to take no for an answer, even if that means she has to break out of her shell.

Both Iris and Luc can only begin to heal once they stop dwelling in the past and start holding on to each other.


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