Sol: Luna Lodge #1 (14 page)

Read Sol: Luna Lodge #1 Online

Authors: Madison Stevens

Tags: #paranormal romance science fiction romance alpha male genetic engineering

BOOK: Sol: Luna Lodge #1
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Her eyes kept going back to the door in hopes that she would see Sol enter. As time passed she stared to wonder if he would show up. About an hour in, he came in with Apollo. She swallowed hard. He was wearing a suit like the first time she saw him and wore it well.

She wasn’t the only one to notice him. Several other women made their way near them, and she began to worry that he might not want her back. His eyes found hers, and all the negative thoughts went out the door. Even from clear across the room, they had chemistry.

“You better stop looking at him like that, or you’ll set the drapes on fire,” Rachel laughed in her ear.

Erica turned to Rachel. “What’s the point in saying that if you know he can hear you?” she whispered.

“Maybe that is the point,” Rachel said.

Erica turned back to see he was standing with Apollo while he chatted with some women. Maybe she should have felt jealous, but his eyes never left hers. Erica downed her soda and stood.

She could see his eyes widen and start to glow from across the room. A smile played on her lips, and she was glad Hannah lent her the dress. She made her way across the room, slowly, stopping to chat with people along the way. When she was just a few feet away from him, she stopped to get a glass of punch.

His growl of irritation made her heart kick up notch.

“Excuse me,” she heard him say and turned to watch as he stalked over to her.

“Are you planning to make me pay all night?” he growled once he was near her.

Erica shrugged. “Maybe.”

Sol sighed. “Does that mean you won’t dance with me?”

Erica smiled at him. “Why? Are you asking?”

Sol held out his hand for her, and she slipped her hand into his.

Touching him was like being home, and she leaned into the contact. Without a word, he led her to the dance floor and placed a hand at the small of her back. When he pulled her closer, she gasped in surprise. Her arms wound around his neck, and they started to move to the soft, sensual music.

She was surprised to find him as good as the others. After pulling his head down and standing on her tips of her toes, she whispered in his ear.

“How did you all learn to dance?”

His cheeks flushed for a moment, and she thought he might be mad until he smiled at her.

“YouTube. Apollo started it, and others just caught on.”

He turned her around and pressed her ass firmly to his growing dick.

“We’re pretty good, aren’t we?” he rumbled in her ear.

Erica felt her body go hot.

Sol kissed the tender skin around her ear and linked his hand with hers.

“Come with me,” he whispered to her. “I have something I want to show you.”

Erica grinned and rolled her eyes. “I’m sure you do,” she said but let him pull her away.

She followed him out of the main room and into a side stairwell. Laughing, she followed as he tugged her up the stairs. When they reached the top, he threw open the door and the biting wind from outside rushed through.

“Fuck.” She glared at him. “That’s cold.”

Sol smiled and took off his jacket. With the warmth of him surrounding her, she went onto the roof. It was actually the first time she had been on the roof of a building on the compound. In the corner was some sort of room.

She noticed that he had cleared a path in the snow, so she would be able to get through, and smiled. He had really put some thought into this. It wasn’t just about having sex in some stairwell.

They hurried across the roof to the small room. He opened the door and ushered them both in quickly. She sighed at the warmth and was grateful she didn’t have to cover her pretty dress the whole time. After all, she had worn it for his benefit.

Stepping around him, she noticed that it was some sort of lookout tower. A row of windows circled the room at eye level. She had a feeling that it wasn’t normally this decked out though. Strings of Christmas lights were hung around the tops of the windows, and two mugs of cocoa sat on a table. Next to the table stood a telescope aimed at the night sky. She smiled at the cozy room.

“I’m sorry,” he said when she looked at him. “I just got so mad seeing you in his arms.” Sol looked away. “I wanted to be the first to dance with you.”

“I really wouldn’t call what I was doing with Marius dancing. It was more like something I did at a school dance.”

Sol stepped closer to her. “And what about the dancing we did?”

Erica leaned over and whispered, “That’s the kind of dancing that leads to other things.”

She winked and turned to the hot cocoa. She picked up a mug and watched his reflection in the window.

“Do you know any constellations?” Erica peered through the lens at the night sky. She chuckled when she found they hadn’t even focused it.

“I told him you would ask.” Sol cursed.

She turned around. “Apollo?”

Sol nodded.

“So this was his idea?” Part of her felt a little let down that he had someone else plan their getaway.

“We watched romance movies to get ideas. I like the Christmas ones,” he said and blushed. “The telescope was Apollo’s rule.”

“Oh?” Erica smiled at him. “What other rules were there?”

“No sex. It’s about romance. Kisses but not making out. And you take the lead,” he said and looked around the room, a little embarrassed.

Erica grinned. This was so much better. “And what did you want instead of the telescope?”

Sol’s eyes shot to hers. “A bed.”

She shivered at his words. She stepped forward and ran a hand down his nice button-up shirt. Every part of her wanted to rip the shirt open and kiss the skin under, but he needed something to wear out in the cold.

“And what did he say about touching?” She unbuttoned the first few, and let her fingers slip through and feel the skin below.

Sol shook his head. “You know,” she said. Her other hand pulled his head to hers, and she nibbled his earlobe. “I think I would have gone with the bed,” she whispered.

He groaned and wrapped his hands around her, groping her ass.

Erica stepped back and shook her finger. “Remember, I take the lead.”

Sol groaned and closed his eyes for a moment. He heard her move, and his eyes snapped open. She was staring at him, a chair just in front of her.

“Sit,” she said and watched as he listened.

She walked around him and thought of what she wanted to do. For the first time, she was the one taking charge. Erica could feel his eyes on her, and she knew it was hard for him to let her be in control. Everything about him said he needed to be in charge.

She stopped in front of him, hiked her dress up and straddled his lap. His hands hung to the side, but she could see the muscles tense when she pushed in closer so her heat was right over his hard length.

Erica leaned forward. “No making out?”

“Erica,” he groaned.

She feathered light kisses across his face. When she came to his lips, she lingered, nipping and licking them.

“Maybe some rule were made to be broken.” She pressed herself firmly against him and opened her mouth against his.

They moaned as they felt the other’s rising excitement. Erica broke away first as his hands roamed over her body. She grabbed his hands and put them back down.

“Not yet,” she said.

After sliding off his lap, she kneeled between his legs. Surprise sprang into his eyes as it struck him what she was about to do.

She slowly pulled down the zipper in his pants, and, much like every other time, he was without underwear. The easy access was to her advantage. She palmed his large length and stroked him from base to tip, running the palm of her hand over the head.

“You don’t have to,” he started to say, but stopped when she swiped her tongue across the slit at the top.

He groaned and fixed his eyes on her, the yellow blaze heating her as she ran her mouth all along the sides of him. When she placed the head in her mouth and twirled her tongue, he started a low growl. The sound only excited her more. Slowly bobbing up and down, she sucked him in further and further. When she reached the end of what she could take in, Erica gripped the base and worked her hand up and down in time with her mouth.

“Oh God, Erica you have to stop, or I’m going to come.” He growled and cursed as she continued to bob up and down, increasing her efforts.

Sol shouted as he released into the back of her throat. She swallowed and licked the side. When she pulled back, he came out with a pop.

“My turn,” he growled. Sol stood with her and pushed her forward over a control panel.

Wasting no time, he shoved her dress up her body and ripped the panties she was wearing. Erica gasped and felt herself dripping with anticipation for him. He might be a tad overbearing at times and cavemanish at others, but she would never tire of this. His demanding control in the bedroom was exciting, forceful and made her feel more wanted than she ever had.

His hot mouth arrived first, and she groaned as he speared into her, going stiff and wiggling inside. He had hardly touched her, and already she was on the brink of an orgasm.

“Sol,” she whimpered.

“No,” he growled and pulled away.

Erica glared behind her to let him have it, but found herself being pushed forward as he thrust inside. She gasped from the sudden fullness and was glad he stilled to let her body adjust. He leaned forward and kissed her ears.

“I love it when your hair is down,” he said. His hips moved slightly, and she moaned.

He shifted again, and she slammed back against him.

“Fuck me,” she whispered.

A snarl ripped from him as he thrust rapidly into her. His fingers bit into the flesh at her hips.

“I’m not going to last long,” he groaned.

“Wait for me,” she whispered.

Sol leaned over her and pushed her bra up to cup her breasts in his hands. His fingers teased the hard peaks and rolled them in his fingers.

“So close,” she whispered.

Sol leaned back, starting to hammer her again. Their skin slapped together, and the sound only added to her excitement. He slammed into her hard, and they both came, shouting their releases.

When he pulled out, she felt the cool air stir against her legs. Seconds later, he was wiping her off with a box of tissues. He pulled her upright and kissed her hard.

“Stay,” he whispered against her mouth. “Stay with me.”

Erica pulled back to look at him. “Here?”

Sol shook his head, his face pained with worry. “Take the job and stay. Stay here with me.”

Her head spun at his revelation. Up to this point they hadn’t spent much time talking about what would happen after. It wasn’t something she really wanted to think about. She loved being with him, but she just wasn’t sure she belonged in his world. Things were so structured and strange at Luna Lodge.

“I haven’t really…” she started but was cut off by his crushing kiss and melted into him.


Sol put everything he felt into the kiss. She just had to understand how much he needed her. He had never felt this kind of warmth in his life, and she was the only thing that gave it to him. His arms wrapped around her, he kissed her until they were breathless and weak kneed.

“Just stay with me, Erica,” he growled, his raw emotion almost too much for even him to handle. “I need you.”

She kissed him softly, and he could already feel her pulling away.

“Just let me think on it,” she sighed. “It’s a big decision.”

“Me or the job?” He could feel his anger rising and tried to control it. That wouldn’t help him here.

“Both,” she whispered. Tears pooled in her eyes. “I think I’d like to go home now,” she sniffed.

Sol nodded. It wouldn’t do any good getting her upset.

She followed quietly behind him, as they made their way to the car. He opened the door for her and noticed the path of tears on her face. Silently, he cursed himself and climbed into the driver’s seat.

“I’d like to stay at the women’s housing for a bit,” she said quietly.

His fingers tightened on the wheel. Pain lanced though him, and he knew he was losing her.

“Fine,” he bit out and immediately regretted it. His pride too wounded to take it back, they drove in silence.

Chapter Sixteen



Erica wept quietly as they drove to the dorms. This wasn’t what she wanted, but there really wasn’t much choice. He had her back to the wall, and she just couldn’t make that decision at this moment. So what if he made her feel alive. So what if it was the best sex she’d ever known. So what if she felt like he was home. Those things didn’t make a stable relationship, and so far, Sol was proving to be one of the least stable boyfriends she ever had.

Tears leaked out no matter how hard she tried to stop them. They came to a stop, and she quickly opened the door. He made no move to walk her to the house.

“Goodnight,” she sniffed and shut the door.

Nothing. This was exactly what she was talking about. He would shut her out. Sometimes it was just better to beat them to the punch line.

After pulling out the door card, she was surprised to find the door had been left unlocked. It didn’t seem like them to have it unlocked, but maybe Rachel had come home early. She tossed her purse on the couch and sat down to cry. Great sobs racked her body as she tried to regain some sort of composure.

“Tell me you aren’t crying over that mutt,” said a deep voice from a dark corner.

She jumped up and moved to the other side of the couch.

“Please.” Mark stepped into the light from the window. “We both you wouldn’t be able to outrun me.”

She gasped. “Mark,” she whispered.

“So, Erica, are we into animals now?” He chuckled at his own joke. “Or maybe you’ve just forgotten what it’s like to be with a real man.”

Before she could even get out a sound, he had her knocked to the ground. The wind knocked out of her lungs, she gasped for air. He clamped his hand firmly over her face and pressed himself between her legs. Bile rose into her throat, and she tried not to concentrate on him rubbing against her.

“You should just join me,” he whispered in her ear. “I’ve got more money than you could ever dream of, and it would be all ours. Sailing around on a yacht in some tropical climate. Of course, you’d have to lose fifteen, twenty pounds, but it would be easy. We’d sail and fuck and live our days in peace.”

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