Solaria - S1 (33 page)

Read Solaria - S1 Online

Authors: Fran Heckrotte

Tags: #Lesbian, #Science Fiction

BOOK: Solaria - S1
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Not a lot of choices
, she thought.
And all bad!


Grabbing her handbag, she decided to drive into the mountains. The trip would give her time to consider her options.


Finton watched his secretary leave and hoped he hadn't made a mistake confiding in her. Normally, not sentimental, he wondered why he was taking such a chance. Hopefully, this one lapse in judgment wasn't going to cost him his life.







T HAD BEEN OVER a week since Jain had returned home from Solaria's place. She knew she couldn't take a chance on going back. The library and her condo were under constant surveillance. She was being followed everywhere, which was getting pretty annoying.


When Betta had called her about Solaria's illness, she knew the Hubot was out of her element. No matter how much knowledge she had stored in her memory banks, only firsthand experience could prepare her for the reality of a failed biological system.


Damn! I'm beginning to sound like them,
she thought, remembering the day the phone rang at the library.


"Public Library, this is Ms. Plaine."


"Ms. Plaine, this is Ms. Dayes' personal assistant. She will be late returning her books due to a serious illness."


Jain recognized Betta's monotone voice and knew the Hubot wouldn't have called if the situation wasn't serious.


"I see. Is she able to come to the phone? Perhaps I can make arrangements to pick them up."


"She isn't able to get out of bed, but I've promised to arrange for them to be returned to the library's drop box. Unfortunately, it won't be until after you've closed. I hope that is satisfactory."


"That's fine. The books aren't on anyone's waiting list. Please give her my regards and tell her not to worry."


The click of the phone told Jain that Betta had hung up.


I need to talk to her about phone etiquette.


At 6:15, Jain locked the library door, wondering how she was going to get to Solaria's without being followed. Glancing up and down the street, she noticed the visible absence of the black SOLR-V and frowned.


They're getting better at hiding. This isn't good!


Unlocking her car, she opened the door and noticed a note on the seat and read it.


Come now!


That's it? Come now? She's not much for words,
Jain thought, folding the note carefully. Obviously, Betta had done something to distract the agents. She couldn't wait to find out what.


Twenty-five minutes later, Jain was at Solaria's home examining the unconscious woman. Betta stood helplessly by, not sure what to do. Her programming had never prepared her for this type of situation.


"It looks like the flu or something. How long has she been unconscious?"


"Seven hours, forty-one minutes and thirty-three seconds that I'm aware."


Giving Betta an exasperated look, Jain sighed.


"Couldn't you have called me five minutes and ten seconds after you discovered her this way?"


"Sarcasm," Betta replied stoically. "It seems to be a common practice amongst humans."


"Only as a last resort," Jain countered and then chuckled. "We need to cool her down. She's running a temperature."


"Would you like me to get ice?"


"No... Yes, I mean, but put only a small amount in a bowl of water and bring a wash cloth. I'll show you how to do it. Then I'll cook some broth. She needs nourishment, too."


For the next two days, they alternated between giving Solaria sponge baths and trying to get her to drink some broth. Jain had called Amy to say she wasn't coming in to work for a few days.


When Solaria finally woke up, she was ecstatic but exhausted. After spending another day monitoring her temperature and making sure she was able to eat, Jain was anxious to return home. It was relief turning everything back over to Betta so that she could get a good night's rest.







T WAS RARE that anyone called on his private phone, let alone so late at night. Bleary eyed, he grabbed at it, knocking it off the cradle.


"Fuck!" he grumbled, grabbing it angrily. "Stalling, and this had better be important," he growled.


After listening to the caller, he straightened up in bed.


"Are you sure about this?...Did he say anything else?...I see... No, you did the right thing. I appreciate loyalty. You'll be aptly rewarded... No, just go about you business like you normally do... Yes, we'll talk again later today. Thank you for calling, Ms. Colton."


Slamming the phone on the receiver, Stalling threw the sheets aside and got up.


"Well, well, well," he murmured, pacing back and forth. "It makes you wonder if you can trust anyone anymore."


*  *  *


Lawton fidgeted nervously. Receiving a call from Winston Stalling at three in the morning didn't bode well, especially considering he had already screwed up by letting the beta and her charge slip past him at the hotel.


I'm fucked!
he thought, glancing at his watch. It was ten minutes after six. Stalling had
his presence at 6:00 a.m.


At least the asshole could be on time if he's going to fire me!


At that moment the CEO's office door opened and Stalling motioned him in.


"Thank you for coming so early, Mr. Lawton."


"It's not a problem, sir," Lawton replied, wanting to loosen his collar but afraid to do so.
I can't let him know I'm nervous.


"That's what I like to hear. I expect my people to be available 24/7 when necessary."


"Of course, sir. I can understand why."


God, I'm such a suckass!


Stalling nodded, liking his employee's response. "Good! I'm sure you're wondering why I called you in so early."


"Yes sir. Normally Mr. Finton is the one who calls."


"Yes, well, circumstances have changed recently. I've been reviewing your personnel file."


Shit! Here it comes!


"With the exception of that little fiasco at the hotel, you have an exemplary record. I can see you're a very loyal and dedicated company man."


"Yes, sir. I'm sorry about the hotel thing. I swear those two didn't slip away on my watch."


"I believe you, Mr. Lawton. I'm confident you'll find out what happened and put an end to the mystery... but that's not why I've called you here."


"Thank you for your confidence, Mr. Stalling. It means a lot," Lawton began to relax. It was obvious he hadn't been summoned to be fired.


Stalling nodded and continued on, ignoring Lawton's comment.


"I've decided I need a new chief security officer and I'm considering you."


Lawton was stunned.


"Me, sir!"


"Yes, but before I make up my mind, I need to know a few things."


"Certainly! Has something happened to Mr. Finton?"


"We'll discuss him in a few minutes. Right now I want to discuss you. I see you've been with us for eighteen years. Are you satisfied with your work?"


"Satisfied? If you're asking if I like my job, yes, I do."


"As my CSO, you realize you'll be involved in all aspects of the Company's security. Sometimes there are things that need done that are... well, let's just say, not very pleasant. How do you feel about that?"


"Over the years, I've done a few things that I didn't like, but Mr. Finton assured me it was necessary for the Company's benefit. I've never questioned his judgment. There's no reason to question yours, sir."


"So, if
you were instructed to
the Company of a problem, you would do it without question?"


"It's not my job to question orders."


"That's what I want to hear. I think you may be perfect for the position. That brings me to Mr.Finton. He's become a liability."


"I see. You want me to remove this liability."


"That's exactly what I want."


"Is there any particular way or time frame this has to be done?"


"As soon as possible."


"I'll take care of him. Is there anything else you want?"


"One more thing. Kari Colton is also a problem."


"I'll take care of her too."


"I like your attitude, Mr. Lawton. I'm sure we're going to get along quite well. You do understand that I won't be able to make this official until you've completed your business. No use raising red flags in Personnel, if you know what I mean."


"Certainly! It only makes sense. Is that all?"


"For now. I expect to hear from you in the next two days... oh, and make sure Finton is first if possible. He'll be suspicious if something happens to his secretary."


Lawton nodded his understanding and stood.


"I'll let you know as soon as it's done."


Once he was gone, Stalling rocked back in his chair and smiled smugly.


You thought you could just leave without me finding out? he gloated. After all this time and everything I have achieved, you should have known better. I am His Chosen! He would never let you leave me without my permission.


Stalling's thoughts shifted to Kari Colton.


Such a pity, but you know too much! I can't take the chance that you'll regret calling me and report everything to the authorities. Now just one more thing and I can put an end to this entire fiasco and get on with things.


Picking up the phone, he quickly dialed a number and impatiently drummed his fingers while he waited for someone to answer. Finally a gruff voice appeared on the line.




"Marhaban, Majiib. Kayf hluk?"


"Ah, Mr. Stalling, na bi-khayr. For an infidel you speak my language very good. What is it you want?"


"I need for you to take care of a small problem for me."


"I am at your service... for right price, of course."


"Of course! It seems that my people lost a valuable package and I believe it's back in your country."


"So I hear. Perhaps you need my people to handle your packages."


"Perhaps, but not yet. What I need is for you to recover the package and take care of its owner."


"That is very expensive request, Mr. Stalling. How quickly you want the package returned?"


"Today isn't soon enough."


"It will be costly."


"I don't care how much. Name the figure and it'll be in your accounts in ten minutes, encrypted, of course. I wouldn't want to explain to the Board that I paid for a service that wasn't completed."


"Naturally! I expect my account balance grow by twenty mil in ten minutes. You have your package within the week.
il l-liq'


Hanging up the phone, Stalling smiled. Twenty million dollars to have the Sheik eliminated and his daughter back under the Company's control was nothing compared to fulfilling his





ARI ARRIVED AT her office thirty minutes earlier than normal. Knowing her penchant for punctuality, one of the security guards had razzed her about getting a life.

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