Solaria - S1 (36 page)

Read Solaria - S1 Online

Authors: Fran Heckrotte

Tags: #Lesbian, #Science Fiction

BOOK: Solaria - S1
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"Oh. Yeah, that makes sense, I guess. Okay, I'm canceling the first. I have new orders for you before you report back here. Afterward, you're to return here immediately."


"Am I to understand you no long wish me to guard the Hubot?"


"Guard? Ummm... do you know where it is?"


"Yes. It is standing next to me. Should I release it?"


"Good lord, no! I mean... not yet, after your next assignment," Lawton was beginning to feel out of his element. "Umm, are you able to restrain or control it?"


"It is experiencing a minor malfunction in one of the processors. I should have it repaired by tomorrow afternoon."


"Good," Lawton replied feeling relieved. "I'm sending you an email outlining your next job. Make sure you understand it clearly because it will self-destruct thirty seconds after it's opened. You're to make sure no one else knows about it. Do you understand?"


"I understand. I'll check my messages in fifteen minutes and thirty-one seconds."


The phone line went dead.


Looking at his watch, Lawton grimaced. It was already almost five-thirty and he didn't feel like staying late. It had been a strange day. Picking up the phone he made two more calls, one to Stalling's senior security officer and the other to the human resources department.


"If this doesn't make the boss happy, nothing will," Lawton murmured, feeling smug. After only one day in charge of security, he had not only completed his first assignment, but was about to complete his second, as well as retrieve the two Hubots. No matter who he chose, he had performed his duties well and provided the cover he would need if something went wrong. The day had turned out pretty well after all.


I'll call him tomorrow just in case something goes wrong.


Picking up his briefcase, he whistled softly. This job wasn't going to be as hard as he thought.





HE GUARD HOUSE to the entrance of Stalling's estate was situated about a quarter of a mile from the large brick home surrounded by landscaped gardens and fountains. A manmade waterfall cascaded down artificial boulders into a crystal clear pool. A small fountain sprang from the center, sending water into the air. Lights illuminated the grounds and exterior of the house enveloping it in an amber glow.


Cameras were positioned throughout the yard and along the exterior of the structure. They were manned twenty-four hours a day. Several guards patrolled the area. Every fifteen minutes they would log onto touchpads placed at strategic locations around the estate. The data was transferred to the main server which was manned by two more guards and a supervisor.


It was almost midnight when Stalling approached the electronic gate leading to his home. Pressing several buttons on the dash of his car, he waited for the recognition code to be confirmed by the guards inside their small outpost.


"Good evening, Mr. Stalling. You are free to enter."


The gender of the guard was indistinguishable behind the tinted window making it impossible for anyone to tell who was inside the unit. Stalling believed it provided a psychological advantage if visitors didn't know the gender of the guards.


"Thank you." The CEO was always polite to those that protected him and his property. It was good business not to alienate people who had access to his estate and carried weapons. "Anything I need to know about?"


"No sir. Everything is quiet. Do you have any special orders or requirements tonight?"


"Not tonight, Johnson," he replied, priding himself that he knew almost every man and woman in his estate's security force, not to mention their schedules.


"Oh, I'm sorry, sir, but Johnson is on emergency leave."


"Emergency leave? I don't recall authorizing that?"


"No sir. Chief Brooks did earlier today. He said to tell you he tried to call you several times."


"I see. Please have him call me tomorrow. I don't like surprises. Who are you?"


"Talbert, sir."


"Talbert? I don't recall that name on the payroll."


"I was just transferred in from Corporate four weeks ago, Mr. Stalling. Mr. Finton said it would help my chances of promotion by having this assignment on my records."


"You must be exceptional if he put you here. Report to my office tomorrow morning at eight. I don't like not knowing who's working for me."


"Yes, sir. Is there anything else sir?"


"No, have a good night," Stalling replied, tired of the conversation. Since Finton was dead, the CEO had no reason to believe the man had compromised the Company or Stalling's estate. From what Colton had said, the CSO wanted to cut and run, hoping to just disappear. Sabotage would insure Stalling would spare no expense to find and destroy him. Of course, the man was a fool to think he had any chance of escaping the Company's bloodhounds. Money bought the best resources available and Stalling had a lot of money at his disposal.


"Good night, Mr. Stalling."


After turning his car over to the servant waiting for him, Stalling went immediately to his library. Logs burned brightly in the fireplace. Removing his jacket and tie, Stalling threw it over a chair and walked to the bar. After pouring himself a brandy, he collapsed in his favorite chair and stared out the oversized window at the fountain and waterfall. Jewels of light sparkled as the water passed between the flood light and the darkness. Swirling his drink, he sipped it, leaned his head back against the headrest and closed his eyes. All-in-all it had been a good day. Things were starting to fall into place confirming his belief in both his god and himself. He was truly the Chosen One. Soon the world would know this and follow him unquestioningly; at least the smart ones would. The non-believers could be brought into the fold quickly with a little coaxing; and if not, then there was always Dr. Phillips to help. The only thing left was to recapture the Hubots and then he could implement the final stage of his plan.


Feeling sleepy, he put the drink down and closed his eyes. A well deserved nap was in order.


Stalling wasn't sure what had awakened him. Opening his eyes, he scanned the room, searching for whatever had disturbed his sleep.


I'm more tired than I thought! Better get a shower and some rest.


Standing, he stretched and then again glanced around. Something didn't feel right. A movement outside his window startled him but he relaxed when he saw one of his guards strolling calmly by the pond on one of the routine patrols. Picking up the remainder of his brandy, he downed it and put the glass on the bar.
A shower would feel good
, he thought, walking toward the stairs leading to his bedroom suite.


When the doorbell rang, he frowned. The clock on the wall read 1:37 AM. Looking toward the window he noticed a security guard standing near the window, smoking a cigarette. There was nothing unusual about his actions to raise any alarms.


"Shit!" he cursed. "What now?" he demanded, flinging open the door.


Before him stood a female security officer with brown eyes.


"Is something wrong?" He snapped angrily.


Without answering, the guard stepped into the room forcing the CEO to take a step backward.


"This is unacceptable. You must be new."


The guard pushed her way further into the room. Before Stalling could say anything else, another guard entered behind her.


"Get her out of here!" Stalling ordered. "And I want to know her name."


"My name is Betta," the first guard answered, her voice cold and emotionless.


"Betta? Well, Betta, I don't know who trained you but obviously they didn't tell you the rules. No one enters my home without my permission. Now get out!"


"I can't do that, Mr. Stalling. I have my orders."


"Yes, I know about your orders and being here isn't part of them. Who is your supervisor?"


"Mr. Lawton."


"And who is his boss?" Stalling demanded, crossing his arms smugly.
Females are such idiots! Once I've taken my rightful place, I'll make sure they assume theirs.


"Mr. Billings," the guard answered.


"Bill... Billings! Don't be an ass! I'm in charge of the Company and that means you."


"You have been replaced. Mr. Billings has temporarily assumed the role of CEO."


Stalling stiffened, his arms falling to his side.


"What? That's impossible. He doesn't have the power to do that," Stalling screamed, spittle beginning to dribble from the corner of his mouth. "I'm ordering you to get out of here now," he continued, staring past her at the second guard. When the guard stared coldly back at him, her teal eyes devoid of any emotion, he raised his hand and pointed at her.


"It's... it's you! You're that... that


"No, Mr. Stalling. I am a Hubot. Your success, your failure. Nothing more."


"What do you want?"


"I don't want anything. That is a human characteristic."


"You're supposed to obey me. It's in your program. I ordered those idiots to make sure you obeyed me!"


"Dr. Branson eliminated that program."


"But... but... what are you going to do? What do you want? I mean... I can pay you. Name the amount."


"Money means nothing to us."


Stalling searched his mind frantically for something of value.


"Freedom!" he yelled, excitedly.
Yes, that was it! They wanted to be free,
he thought. He could hunt them down later.


"We have freedom."


Sweat poured down Stalling's cheeks, saturating his collar. Wiping his forehead with his right hand, he quickly dried it on his pants.


Think! They must want something!


"You must want or need something! Name it! It's yours!"


Betta stepped closer to him. Unlike the other Hubot, her eyes blazed with a deep, barely controllable anger.


"I know! Information! I bet you want to know if there are others like you. I can tell you where they are."


"You killed her!" Betta said, her voice low as she enunciated each word slowly.


"Who?" Stalling asked, confused.


"Joanie. You killed her!"


Solaria watched Betta as she picked the CEO up and shoved him against the wall. She had sensed the anger inside of the Hubot and was aware of the damage it was doing to her processors. As much as she wanted the information about others of their kind, she knew it was more important that Betta resolve her problem quickly. Failure to do so was unacceptable. The huge volume of adrenalin coursing through her body could possibly overwhelm the neuro-system causing her processors to overload from the electrical impulses assaulting them. She would self-destruct.


"Joanie? I don't know... you mean Sheik Kahbrahn's daughter, Reina? I didn't kill her."


"You ordered her father's assassination. She was killed by your man. You killed her."


"It was an accident. I instructed him to bring her back here. She wasn't any good to me dead. Please, I am His Chosen. What I do, I do in His name. You were created to serve Him."


Betta lowered him until his feet touched the floor. Stalling's legs felt wobbly but he managed to stand. Instinctively, he reached up to straighten his tie and then remembered he had removed it earlier.


"You won't regret this. I can do a lot for you."


I knew you wouldn't let this abomination harm me
, he thought, his heartbeat slowing slightly.
I am the Chosen. I really am the Chosen. This was final test! I have shown my worthiness!
Stalling felt exuberant.


Betta could feel her pulse slowing as she settled into a controlled rage. Her processors were beginning to cool. Logically, her desire to kill him should have subsided also. It hadn't.


When neither Hubot responded to his comment, Stalling's confidence grew. He now felt he could reason with these machines and was feeling generous.

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