Solaria - S1 (31 page)

Read Solaria - S1 Online

Authors: Fran Heckrotte

Tags: #Lesbian, #Science Fiction

BOOK: Solaria - S1
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"I understand the need to fit into society. Stalling expected a robot and he got one."


"You're learning," Solaria said, impressed at Betta's ability to adept so easily. She was progressing well. "Are you able to check on Joanie?"


"No. Any attempt on my part wouldn't be safe for her at this time. It will arouse suspicions."


"True. Can anyone track your position now?"


"No, a new GPS chip was never installed and I have neutralized their control software."


"When was that?"


"It was necessary to keep security from finding your location once we left the complex. Did you not think of that?"


"I guess it slipped my mind," Solaria said, uncomfortable that she hadn't remembered something so important.


"Have you done an analysis of your system lately?" Betta asked, cocking her head slightly as she examined her companion.




"Perhaps you have a malfunction? To achieve optimum efficiency, diagnostic tests must be run at regular intervals."


It was a valid observation and recommendation.


"I'll do one when I'm at rest. Do you rest?"


"Yes, it replenishes my energy."


"Good. I'll show you to your room."


Leading her to the spare bedroom, Solaria pointed toward the guest bathroom.


"If you like showers, you can use that bathroom. I have one in my room. The kitchen is down the hall. There's nourishment in the refrigerator and the cabinets."


Without saying anything else, Solaria left Betta alone, knowing further conversation was unnecessary. Making her way to her own room, she lay down on the bed and closed her eyes. For some reason, her body felt extremely tired. Powering down all of her processors except those essential to maintaining life functions, she lapsed into unconsciousness.





URROUNDED BY swirling clouds, she struggled blindly forward, searching for something recognizable. Occasionally her foot would strike an object lying in her path. At first, curious, she picked one up, examined it and then quickly tossed it aside. She had no use for a human leg. The second item was a hand, only this time it was metal from a robot.


Body parts! I don't need body parts,
she thought and then realized it wasn't a rational reaction...
or was it? Where am I? Yes, that's more rational. I must be having a malfunction.


Solaria tried to isolate her processors but couldn't find their alpha-numeric locations. Frustrated, she kicked at the next object she stumbled over.


"Is that any way to treat your brain?" a voice asked.


"Who are you?" Solaria demanded, reaching down to retrieve the object. In her hand was a head, its teal eyes staring at her unblinkingly.


"I'm you, silly. Who else would I be?"


Reaching up to feel for her own head, she was relieved to feel it solidly attached to her neck.


"Don't be ridiculous! My head is where it's supposed to be."


That head?
That's not you. That's something
gave you. I'm your real head. Surely you recognize me."


"They? They who?"


"There, you see? What kind of Hubot talks like that? Get rid of that imposter head and put me where I belong."


Before she could answer, a voice called to her from the distance.


"Solaria! Can you hear me?"


"Jain? What are you doing here?"


"She's come for your head!" the head in her hand screamed.


"Solaria! Wake up!"


Jain's voice sounded desperate.


"If you go to her, she will have your head," warned the head.


"I thought you said you were my head."


"I am your head."


"You're not making any sense."


Tossing the head aside, she heard a loud
as she walked toward Jain's voice.


"That must have hurt," she mumbled. "I'm coming, Jai..." she yelled.


Opening her eyes slowly, Solaria could barely make out the figure bending over her. The remnants of the dream still haunted her.


"Jain?" she whispered, her voice sounding strangely hoarse to her own ears.


Someone was supporting her shoulders and holding her in a semi-sitting position.


"Solaria, try to drink some of this," Jain offered, holding a glass of water to her lips. "You've been sick."




"Yes, I think you may have the flu or something. Even you aren't immune to human viruses. Now swallow."


Doing as she was told, she felt the cool liquid sliding soothingly down her throat although swallowing was difficult. The physical pain was interfering with her ability to concentrate. In fact, her entire body felt as if it were drained of energy leaving her weak and exhausted. As she was lowered back onto her bed, she felt her systems shutting down again and was no longer aware of her existence.


"Is she okay?" Jain asked Betta worriedly.


"Her processors can't handle all the data her body is trying to send them. She is being overwhelmed. Shutting down is the only way her system is able to protect itself against a burnout."


"How long will she be unconscious?"


"I don't know. If there's no damage, she should power up once her cells release enough interferon for them to produce the necessary proteins..."


"If there's no damage?" Jain asked, interrupting Betta's scientific explanation. "I thought you said her system shut down to protect her from that."


"There's always the possibility that something has been damaged. We won't know until she..."


"I know... powers up."


Betta gave her a strange look but didn't say anything.


"I'm sorry, Betta. It was rude of me to cut you off like that. How are you feeling? If she caught a bug, you're probably susceptible too."


"I'm functioning at full capacity but I am running a diagnostic on my bio-system to see if I can locate the virus. At this time there is no indication of any assault on my immune system."


"Good. If you start to feel strange, let me know immediately. I know a few home recipes that will help minimize the affects of the flu."


When Betta didn't respond, Jain gave her a stern look.


"Don't think you're some superwoman, Betta. Solaria is just like you and look at her. If you don't want to end up that way, you'll do like I say."


Betta reluctantly acquiesced.


"Wise choice. Now, go lie down. Even if you're at one hundred percent, which I'm sure you're not, your body needs rest. I'll look after Solaria and call you if I need help."


Betta looked down at the unconscious Hubot and then left without saying a word.


*  *  *


Jain spent two days taking care of Solaria. Even though she couldn't awaken her to take fluids or sustenance, she was able to keep her cool with sponge baths and change the sheets on a regular basis, with Betta's help. Fortunately, Betta's system didn't appear susceptible to the virus that was ravaging Solaria's system. With no signs of improvement, Jain considered calling a doctor but was reluctant to bring in anyone not knowing who could be trusted. It didn't help knowing Betta had threatened her with bodily harm if another human went near Solaria.


"She'll activate her processors when the virus is gone."


"And just how is she going to do that if her processors are shut down?"


"At least one of them has to be functioning in order to keep her biological system working. If all of them were disabled, a doctor would be useless anyway so it makes no sense to bring one in now."


"You mean she'd be brain dead."


"Yes, she would be the equivalent of brain dead."


Jain felt her stomach churn uneasily and a faint sense of nausea. The thought of Solaria dying was unthinkable.


"I hope you're right," she whispered, her eyes filling with tears.


"Why do you cry?"


"I don't want her to die."


"We are only talking possibilities. I don't understand why you are getting emotional over an event that may not occur."


"It's hard to explain, but you're right. Crying isn't going to solve anything. Please get me more water. It's critical we keep her temperature down. If she'd just wake up so I can get some broth down her, it would help a lot."


"Would you like me to insert a tube in her abdomen so you can inject the fluid directly into her stomach?"


"Good grief no!" Jain exclaimed, appalled at the thought. "Just get the water for now."


Betta left without comment, although Jain swore she heard her grumbling.


Exhausted, Jain dozed uncomfortably in a chair next to Solaria's bed. Betta stood next to the door as if guarding the room from an unknown assailant. She was the first to notice the slight flickering of the eyelids of the unconscious woman. Walking to the bed, she waited patiently for Solaria to awaken. Within seconds teal eyes stared unblinkingly into her own brown eyes.


"You are functional?" Betta asked, her voice low so as not to disturb the sleeping human.


"Yes," Solaria replied, her voice husky. Her throat felt dry and achy. "How long have I been incapacitated?"


"Three days, seven hours, thirty three minutes and seven seconds."


"That long?"


"Yes. Have you run the diagnostics on your system? Are you operating at full capacity?"


"Yes, I have and no I'm not. My body feels extremely weak."


"You need broth," Betta replied, remembering Jain's words. "I will get it for you."


Within minutes she returned with a bowl of steaming chicken noodle soup.


"Jain has been saving this for you. It will restore your energy."


Taking the soup, Solaria drank it directly from the bowl and then handed it back to Betta.


"Thank you. How long has Jain been here?"


"Three days, two hours, six minutes and five seconds."


"I wasn't expecting her since she's under surveillance. She wouldn't just show up."


"I contacted her when you malfunctioned. She would know how to cure your human body. I made sure she wasn't followed."


"Don't talk about me while I'm sleeping," Jain grumbled, opening her eyes tiredly. "It's about time you woke up. I was worried to death about you."


"Didn't Betta explain what had happened?"


"Oh yeah! She said you might be brain dead."


"I never said that. You said she was brain dead."


"Well, you said she might be the equivalent of brain dead. It's the same thing," Jain argued.


"I don't think you're going to win this one, Betta," Solaria interjected, tiredly.


"She can always dream." Jain piped in, giving the Hubot an evil grin.


Betta stared at Jain for a few seconds and then turned her back on her to address Solaria.


"I agree. Humans can be very illogical, especially this one. I'm going to my room now."


Jain gave Solaria a surprised look.


"Did I say something to upset her?"


Solaria smiled.


"I think she's frustrated. Apparently, you two have been having differences of opinions."


"Yeah... and if she weren't so damn intimidating, I'd have given her a piece of my mind."

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