Somewhere to Hide (The Estate, Book 1) (27 page)

BOOK: Somewhere to Hide (The Estate, Book 1)
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As Becky glared at Jess for the first time since they’d met, Jess was the one who felt vulnerable.

‘I will do what I have to do to survive this shit life,’ said Becky, sounding sixty and not sixteen. ‘And if that means getting a pasting every now and then, that’s what I’ll put up with.’

Jess frowned. ‘Do what you want, but Becks?’ She waited for her to look up again. ‘I’m here if you want to talk, yeah?’

Becky checked her appearance one more time and grabbed her key.

‘Time to go,’ she said and pushed Jess out of her room. Austin would be waiting around the corner for her.


‘You smell gorgeous,’ Austin told her when she slid into the passenger seat of his car. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her with a passion that left her breathless.

Becky smiled. Who would have thought Austin had a kick in him like that?

‘Where are we off to?’ she asked, as he started the engine.

‘Let’s go somewhere quiet and then we’ll see. I fancy a good time. You up for it yet?’

‘Absolutely.’ Becky’s smile widened. This was her fourth time out with Austin and, despite what she’d said to Jess, they hadn’t gone all the way yet. On their first date, she’d pulled out his shirt and run a hand over his bare skin. But he’d stopped her when she tugged at his belt. ‘What’s the hurry?’ he’d said. The next time she tried it, he moved her hand away again. At the third attempt, she started to wonder if he was gay. I mean, what man refuses sex offered to him so willingly?

Then she began to wonder if it was her. Did he really fancy her or was he just playing about? So his mood now delighted her. She stretched out her long legs, crossed them at the ankles and rested her hand on his thigh.

In no time at all, they were turning around the back of the White Lion pub. 

Austin parked up. ‘Okay then, little girly,’ he teased. ‘Why don’t you do your best and blow me away.’

Becky’s smile dropped. Why were men only interested in themselves? Didn’t she deserve some good loving too?

Austin spotted her expression. ‘A favour for a favour?’ he licked his top lip suggestively.

She shrugged, having no idea what he meant. All Danny had ever wanted was his own good time. He hadn’t been bothered whether or not she had enjoyed herself, even though he always said he’d be the best she’d ever have.

She undid his belt and slid her hand around his erection. He gave a moan and pushed her head down towards it.

Becky hadn’t known how to give head until she’d met Danny. Over a bottle of vodka, she’d made her confession to Jess and she’d shown her what she did by using the bottle neck. She’d also shown her how to put on a condom sexily but Becky had rolled around with laughter. She had, however, tried it out numerous times on a banana until she was a dab hand at it.

Idly as she moved up and down on him, she wondered what Jess was up to tonight. Part of her felt really bad about taunting her earlier on. It was through her that she’d met Danny, then Austin, so maybe it wasn’t fair to exclude her. And now that they’d become friends, Jess’s threats didn’t bother her anymore. Maybe tomorrow she should find time to have a few girlie moments. Life didn’t have to be about men all of the time.

Austin cursed as he pushed his hips up out of the seat. Becky laughed inwardly. It gave her such a kick to see that. Finally, she’d realised that sex could be used to her own advantage. She could make any man go weak at his knees if she gave him a blow job. No more being taken advantage of.

No more…

Austin was inching his fingers up the side of her thigh. She sat upright and gave him a smile as his fingers moved up further. Becky gasped as he ran his nails gently up and down, up and down her thigh. Goosebumps erupted over her skin and everything began to pulse all at once.

‘Wet and horny,’ Austin whispered, not taking his eyes away from hers. The intensity made Becky gasp again. Touch me, she begged inwardly. Touch me now.

As if he read her mind, Austin pulled her over on to his lap. His hand dived between her legs, his fingers easily slipping into her wetness. She bit her lip to stop from gasping again. Austin kissed her then, his tongue matching the rhythm of his fingers.

Suddenly Becky broke away. She felt her back arch. Ohmigod, what was happening to her? With his spare hand, Austin pulled her top down and licked her nipple. Round and round with his tongue. She felt waves building up inside her, threatening to take her into unknown territories. Why had she wasted her time with stupid Danny Bradley when she could have been doing this with Austin? Her breathing quickened and she let out an involuntary groan. Embarrassed, she looked down at Austin, his eyes still locked on hers. She noticed that her chest had coloured, the nipple being worked on right now as erect as he’d been minutes earlier. Another groan escaped. God, what was he doing to her?

As something peculiar started to happen in her stomach, Austin stopped. Everything.

‘Get out of the car.’


‘Relax. I’m not going to drive off without you. I’m getting out too. It’ll be more comfortable for you.’

Once they were outside, Austin pushed her onto the bonnet.

‘Hitch up your skirt and rest your feet on the bumper.’

She quickly did as he said.

Austin shook his head. ‘Take your knickers off first.’

Becky took them off. She didn’t have time to do anything with them before Austin had his face between her legs. Becky’s eyes closed as he moved his tongue over the edge of all her senses.

‘Oh my God,’ she whispered. She held on to the side of the bonnet as feelings inside her erupted like never before. Faster and faster, dizzier and dizzier.

‘Oh my God,’ she said again and a wave of pleasure finally washed over her. Her toes scrunching up inside her shoes, it took all of her strength to stay on the car. ‘Oh my God,’ she moaned. ‘Oh my God. Oh my fucking God!’

Austin stood up and pushed himself into her and she wound her legs around his waist, holding onto him for dear life. The pleasure was turning to irritation now as every nerve exploded in her body. No, please, it’s too unbearable. But just as quickly, the enjoyment was back and she began to ride him, begging for the waves again.

As she arched her back for the second time, Becky suddenly realised that she had just relinquished her power.



‘I can’t believe you’ve thrashed me,’ Matt said as they zigzagged through the milling crowds in the foyer of Super Bowl and then out into the night.

‘I promise I wasn’t fibbing when I said I was useless at it.’ Cathy grinned, failing to hide her delight: she had beaten Matt four games to two, including five strikes.

Matt folded his hand around hers. ‘You’d better not relay any of this to Josie. She’d beat me up for lesser things.’

Cathy tutted. ‘You mean our friend who set us up?’

There had been talk about a crowd of them going bowling. Josie said she’d invited Andy Baxter and his wife and Suzie Rushton from the community house. Liz had said she’d try to get a babysitter and Jess and Becky had said they’d come along too. But during the day, one by one they’d cried off until there was only Josie meeting them at the Festival Park. When Cathy had arrived ten minutes early, she’d spotted Matt in the foyer. Josie hadn’t answered her mobile when Matt tried to contact her. They’d then waited a further half an hour before realising that she wasn’t going to show. Embarrassment turned to laughter and they’d decided to go it alone. And it had been great, once the awkwardness had gone. Cathy hadn’t enjoyed herself so much in a good while.

They fell into a steady pace along the path which led to the car park. Matt stopped as they drew near a burger van.

‘Fancy a hot dog?’

‘Why not?’

They joined the small queue and within minutes had put in their order.

‘How long have you known Josie?’ Matt asked as they waited for it to be prepared.

‘Since she started working on the Mitchell Estate.’

‘So were you a naughty girl then? Josie only deals with unruly tenants –’

Cathy thumped him playfully on his arm.

‘Or so I heard.’

‘My husband had a flat and once we were married, she helped us to get a bigger place. We didn’t have any children so we were bottom of the list for a house. Josie persuaded one of the old girls to do a swap with us. We had a downstairs flat with hardly any garden to maintain so it was perfect for her.’ She smiled with affection. ‘I’ve always admired Josie for the work she does.’

‘She is remarkable,’ Matt agreed. ‘I suppose she’s always been so passionate?’

Cathy nodded. ‘Not many things get her down, although I thought we’d lost her last year when the community house opened. But luckily for us, she splits her time between there and the office.’

‘She still does support calls?’

‘Yes. She wanted to keep in with the women on the estate. She’s a born helper. Anyway, less about Josie. What about you? What really brought you here? Marriage break up?’

Matt looked on in astonishment. ‘How did you know?’

‘It was a lucky guess.’ Cathy grinned. ‘Do you have any children?’

‘No, we never got around to it.’ Matt sniggered harshly. ‘We were always too busy arguing to think of the better things in life. And I’m not sure that I want children now. I’m forty-five.’

‘That’s not old.’

‘It’s old enough to be set in my ways.’

Cathy frowned. He seemed so sure about it that it was almost too sad to hear.

‘And you don’t have any regrets about moving?’ she asked, deciding to change the subject. ‘Now that you’ve been here for a while, I’m sure you must be as mad as the rest of us?’

Matt laughed. ‘I still don’t think the Mitchell Estate is that bad.’

‘It bloody is.’

‘It was strange at first, I must admit, but now I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.’

‘You’re definitely as mad as the rest of us then,’ Cathy teased.

‘I must be. But the best thing about moving here so far is that it’s given me a chance to get to know you.’ Matt moved towards her and lightly kissed the corner of her mouth.

He moved back, staring intently at her.

Cathy pulled him close again.


‘How did the date of the century go?’ Becky asked as soon as Cathy got home. She and Jess were huddled together on the bottom step of the stairs.

‘I’ll kill that Josie Mellor when I get my hands on her,’ Cathy told them. ‘She set us up!’

The girls only had to glance at each other before bursting into laughter.

Cathy turned her head sharply. ‘Did everyone know?’ she asked, feeling the start of a smile.

‘Yeah.’ They spoke in unison.

‘I will definitely kill her when I see her.’ Cathy grinned as they stared at her, waiting for more details she presumed. ‘But it was worth showing up. I had a great time.’

‘And did you have a snog?’ Jess followed her through to the kitchen. Becky was right behind her.

‘Never mind, young lady.’ Cathy busied herself making coffee.

‘Didn’t he try to feel you up?’

‘Jess!’ said Becky. ‘People as old as Cathy don’t get felt up.’

‘What do you mean, people as old as me?’ Cathy came to her own defence. ‘I’ll have you know I haven’t reached forty yet.’

Becky grinned. ‘You know what she meant. Sex for us teenagers is a boy seeing how far a girl will let her go.’

‘You should know that one,’ whispered Jess.

Becky glared at her but relaxed when she saw her grinning too. Now that they were getting on much better, the snide remarks had stopped. But every now and then, Becky couldn’t fathom out what was intended and what wasn’t. This time she saw it was meant as a joke.

‘Did you go bowling eventually?’ Becky asked.


‘And did you get a strike?’ Jess taunted.

‘Yep.’ Cathy bit her lower lip to stop from smiling at the double meaning of the sentence. But then she decided to back it up. ‘Five times actually.’

Becky and Jess looked on wide-eyed. Cathy smiled: two could play their silly games.

‘I had a hot dog as well,’ she also volunteered.

Jess and Becky smirked at each other.

what you called it in your day?’ Jess teased. ‘We’d call it –’

‘I had a hot dog of the
variety, you cheeky mare. In
day, we never did anything untoward on a first date. Yes…’

Cathy paused. The night had been fun, even though it had felt really strange to kiss another man after so long. All at once, it had made her realise how lonely she was. So when Matt had suggested they meet up again, she’d agreed without hesitation.

‘Yes, I do admit to going on a date with Matt,’ she said sweetly. ‘And what’s more, I’m going out with him again.’


Even though Cathy had enjoyed herself immensely that evening, she ended up having a fidgety night. Images of Rich and Matt flashed up intermittently and she tossed and turned in her bed. First she’d be kissing Rich and then pushing him away. Then she would do the same with Matt. Then she would wake up breathless, wrestling with the duvet, pummelling the pillow to stop from screaming out.

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