Sorcerer: Betrayal: Power of Air (Book 4) (7 page)

BOOK: Sorcerer: Betrayal: Power of Air (Book 4)
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Chapter 11

Friday, June 10
, 2016, 10:02 AM

It was still so early in the day, and I was already considering
calling it quits and hanging out at the house.  I had no idea when I decided
not to simply leave the city that I’d be in the middle of so many
complications, or so bright a spotlight.  In retrospect it was stupid for me
not to expect it.  Alexios, Charis, and Ceara were the council over all
vampires for over a thousand years, of course the news would travel wide and
fast like a grassfire.  No doubt that’s what Zale had picked up on…

Although, to be fair, I couldn’t have expected the money, or
responsibility for Chicago.  Ceara had just dumped it on me, and I felt
obligated to accept.  Hopefully, there wouldn’t be too many problems, if the
vampires of the city were truly scared of me maybe they’d behave.  I wasn’t
worried so much about Tara and the pack, who comprised all the witches and
werewolves in the area I was aware of.  Then again, there was no shortage of
stupid in people, and in the end, vampires were simply people that had blood as
a staple in their diet, and quite often delusions of grandeur.

A man in a dark gray suit walked in my office, he looked
like a Fed to me.

“I’m Ben, can I help you?”

“Krantz, FBI.  Major crimes division.  I was hoping you
could help me.”

As I pulled the information, I realized as the head of
Chicago I should immediately beat myself up.  I’d had way too much good
exposure in the press lately, and even the police believed me as a whole and
leaked information to the press. 

I held in a sigh as agent Krantz pulled out a stack of
photos and started to lay them on my desk.

He gave me a challenging look, “You can find missing kids,
can you find these men?  They’ve all killed people while committing other
crimes, and are on our wanted list.  Real monsters.”

Damn.  It wasn’t that I didn’t want to help, but saving
children from either evil, or even themselves on occasion, was my exception to
the rules.  Even when I found out what I truly was and understood I shouldn’t
draw attention to myself, the investigations were something I didn’t, or
couldn’t, give up.  The last thing I needed to do was bring more scrutiny on my
life, human or supernatural.

I knew I was a terrible liar, so I put a little bit of
mesmerizing power behind it to convince him I spoke nothing but truth.

“I’m sorry agent, I’d like to help you, but my psychic
ability is tuned toward missing or kidnapped children.  It’s not something I
can control.”

I think I might have even blushed from the bald faced lie. 
But he just stared at me a few more moments and then gathered up the photos.  I
also felt a bit guilty, because I already knew where each and every one of
those men were.  But I was part of a different reality, and I couldn’t save the
whole world.  Maybe if I keep telling myself that it will actually sink in, I
think I had a hero complex.

Agent Krantz said, “I understand, have a good day Mr.

I nodded in acknowledgment as he turned to leave.  I just
hoped that the fact agent Tom Kilmer hated me, would prevent the FBI’s
kidnapping division from approaching me.  I knew I should probably back away
from it all, but I also knew that would never happen.

My phone went off and I took a look.  Caroline wanted to
meet for lunch, and the stabbing pain in my chest took me by surprise as I
remembered all the times Diana and I met for a midday meal.  When it passed, I
replied that I would, when, and where…


Caroline looked stunning in that same light blue dress from
this morning, but truthfully I hardly noticed.  I was young, and a guy, so I
did notice a bit, but I think it was a mixture of Diana’s death still affecting
me, and getting used to being around beautiful women all the time in general. 
The supernatural world was full of them, including all the other women in the
pack who were quickly becoming sisters to me.  I remembered as I sat that
Caroline had been changed simply because her dead vampire sire had wanted her
as soon as he laid eyes on her.  At least the sick bastard had good taste.

I also supposed having a beautiful mate might have something
to do with it as well.  I no longer worried about my awkwardness, and the fact
I hadn’t had any good long term relationships, not now that I’d finally found
the right one.  Sure, the awkwardness wasn’t completely gone, but enough of it
was that I could ignore it.

Caroline’s smile was a little unsure as I joined her, “Hi
Ben, I thought we should talk a bit, and if you have any questions about the
coven…” she trailed off.

I managed a real smile and replied, “Sounds good.  So, you
seem to be doing very well?”

I could have told her I could learn anything about the coven
I needed to know of course, but it seemed prudent not to advertise my abilities
all that much.  Plus, it would be good for our working relationship to interact
and for her to get to know me.  I realized a danger of my power would be to
simply take what I wanted information wise, and not care for others in my life.

Oh, not my family, or the pack, but everyone else.  In a way
it would be easier.  But I still saw it as a trap, I didn’t want to use
Caroline, or anyone, simply as an information resource.  I knew if I did I’d
eventually grow secretive, and be cold to all those around me.  That was one of
the more obvious pitfalls of being a sorcerer of air.

She nodded and her smile got a little strained, “I am.  I
miss them of course, my old family, but the coven isn’t so bad, and Ceara has
been helping me.  Most of the others aren’t too bad.  I think I surprised her
when I volunteered for this.”

She smirked, “Most of the coven, they think I’m crazy.”

The conversation paused as the waiter came by and took our

“So things are quiet right now?”

She nodded, “Ceara kind of told me what to expect.  Right
now everyone is scared to move lest you stomp them like a bug.  But human
nature will reassert itself, that will wear off after it keeps not happening,
and they’ll start pushing the rules again.  Rogues from out of town won’t be
too big a worry, because the ones that hate the council will go wherever Ceara
ends up to start trouble there instead. 

“Internally, the coven is pretty stable.  Up until…” she
waved a hand, “You know, the council was here, so all the vampires in Chicago
are fairly stable individuals.  The idiots didn’t last very long.

“Right now the bigger worry will be other strong
supernaturals coming to challenge you.  Though, I don’t think there will be
that many.  Sorcerers aren’t thick on the ground, and there are a lot of cities
out there free for the taking.”

That was a nice thought, I wouldn’t mind it being
uncomplicated, at least for now.  I just wished I was half as confident as she
was that I could take any sorcerer wanting to move on Chicago.

I asked, “What do you need from me to do your job?”

Aitheria sent, “
I like this one.

I replied silently, “
Me too.  She has ambition but won’t
overreach herself, and believes absolutely that I’d never harm anyone without
cause.  She’ll ride my coattails as long as I’ll let her, and never betray me.

Caroline took a moment to think about it before answering, “Outside
of being available, I’m not sure yet.  Technically the coven still reports to
Ceara, except for keeping the secret.  In those cases, you’ll be judge and jury
so…  I also might have a question about the business once in a while, mostly it
will run itself.”

I smiled, “Don’t worry, I won’t leave you hanging out to
dry.  Maybe we could do this once a week so you can pass on the non-critical
stuff going on?”

She seemed relieved by that, and we paused again as the food
arrived at the table.  As for me, it never hurt to have more friends and
allies, holding Caroline at arm’s length wouldn’t do me any favors.  Plus, it
would be worth the effort…


My afternoon felt open, so I closed up the office and went
out of the city to somewhere I could be alone, and practiced fire and air,
while meditating.  Zale still hadn’t found us yet, but the more prepared I
could make myself the better off I’d be.  Mostly I stuck with invisibility
while wielding other power, such as real fire, and small twisters that were man

I also pushed myself, trying to reach further and expand my
spheres of fire and air access.  I was definitely getting better with
invisibility, but it was hardly second nature yet.  It wasn’t that I thought
I’d use that skill all that much, but it was very complicated and a good way to
train my mind to do many things at once.

It was as I was moving around, constantly modifying the
light to hide my presence, that an idea hit me, something that Jaben hadn’t
ever considered.  Though, now that I had it seemed kind of obvious.


I started by trying to modify the light nearby me in an
attempt to create the illusion of a small flame.  The first result was kind of
laughable, it was completely opaque which made it look wrong, and it didn’t
move like a flame would.  It looked more like a picture of a candle flame, than
a real candle flame.  It was also incredibly difficult, turning invisible
involved twisting light that was already there, bending it around me from every
possible angle so I remained unseen.

Creating an illusion on the other hand meant controlling
light and changing it into something that wasn’t already there.  It was more
than bending light, it was
light, modifying the frequency of
what was there and only for the shape I was looking for.  Then just to make it
more difficult, there were many different frequencies in even the smallest

The longer I tried and failed, the more I was determined to
make it work.  I was having so much trouble with the little flame, that my
desire to create intricate illusions of people and things seemed more and more
impossible.  But I was stubborn, and it was great practice to improve my
understanding, and channel my element of fire.

I called bull crap on myself, it had nothing to do with
practice anymore, I was obsessed.  Even if it took me centuries I wouldn’t stop
trying.  I wasn’t sure exactly why, maybe simply because I couldn’t do it yet. 
Most of the things I’ve tried with magic came pretty easy to me, but then I
hadn’t really done much beyond the basics had I?  And this was a challenge.

I also worked with air, trying to generate sounds, from a
whispered voice, to a shockwave that would splinter a tree.  Ironically, the
latter was very simple, while the subtlety of a whispered voice took a lot of
effort.  Vibrating the air to create sound waves was easy, duplicating the
intricacy of a voice, and language, was something else entirely.

Destruction, blowing things up, destroying enemies, that was
the easy thing.  Like a toddler hitting things with a hammer.  Perhaps a
toddler of the most powerful supernatural race, and a hammer most could not
survive, but a baby nonetheless.  To advance, I needed to practice, and learn
the hard stuff, the subtle things.  I imagined one day being able to create an
illusion of a person, and using air magic to make the sounds of ruffled fabric,
speech, the sound of the boots falling on the ground as they walked and talked.

But I also wondered if my mind was even capable of so much
intricacy, controlling millions of points of light at once, in concert.  Just
the idea of it was staggering.

It was getting late in the afternoon, and I knew Sierra
would be home soon.  I hadn’t made much progress, but I knew it would take
time.  In a way I was counting on it, it took the practice that I needed to do
anyway, and made it a lot more interesting.  I wrapped myself in the power of
air and ordered it to take me home.


Chapter 12

Friday, June 10
, 2016, 5:46 PM

For the second day in a row I had a story to tell the pack. 
This time of course, about being in charge of Chicago, though in charge was
certainly an exaggeration.  Responsible for, might be a better term.  We were
sitting around the table out in the backyard, werewolves just didn’t like being
inside much.  It was Derik, Selene, Carrie, Gerald, Clint, and Sierra was in my
lap.  It seemed to be her favorite place to sit, and I had no objections at

They took the news well, and were supportive.  Of course, it
was Gerald that pointed out the obvious.

“You might want to keep a close eye on your human family. 
Most supernaturals won’t want to fight you for the city, but an especially
sneaky one might come at you sideways.  Demand you step down in their favor, or
harm your family.”

It was a good thought, and I was surprised I hadn’t
considered it, especially when I had considered that it was the primary reason
and worry that made me take out the council, instead of simply leaving the city
in the first place.  It was certainly possible, but it would be hard for anyone
to pull off.  Not when I could easily locate and rescue them.  Of course, if a
friend or member of my family were dead already, that might be horrifically bad
for who did it, but in the end they’d still be dead.

“What can I really do though to prevent that from happening,
besides deal with it quickly if it does happen I mean.”

Selene asked, “Can you link to them?  The way you did with
Katie when the rogue pack was attacking I mean.  I understand you did the same

She let her voice trail off, obviously not wanting to say
Diana’s name.  I had linked with her when Jaben and the rogue were hunting the
council, and she’d been pissed about it.  It’s beyond ironic the council and
her had died by my hand less than week later, when I’d gone to such lengths and
risked my life to save them just last week.  All dead besides Ceara that is.  I
shook my head trying to shake off the dark thoughts before I started to wallow
in depression.

I frowned, unsure of the idea, “I could, but the idea makes
me feel uneasy.  In Katie’s case I had permission and she’d had full
disclosure, and we all did it with the knowledge it was very temporary.  It’s
rather an invasive thing, it would be a violation of the privacy of their minds
and lives.  Plus, for it to really do any good it would have to be for the rest
of their lives.  I’m not sure it’s the best thing.”

Carrie tilted her head, “We could create a protection amulet
of sorts, especially if Tara helped us.  One that could alert us if they were
in danger by another supernatural, or even around one of us.  But how could we convince
them to never remove it without explaining why?”

That was actually a good idea and I smiled.  I’d hoped my
power would alert me if they were in trouble, but I knew I really couldn’t
depend on it, not unless I was constantly watching with will behind it, which I
knew would be impossible.  My power was erratic when it came to those close to
me, and I believed the reason for that was Air was the power of cool
intellect.  The emotions I held for those close to me didn’t entirely disrupt
my power, but it did have an effect.

Before I could answer her, Derik came up with the same
answer I had, and he said, “Compel them.  It’s perhaps a little invasive, but
you’d only be forcing them to wear something.  Not exactly the same as having
access to their minds all the time.”

Sierra added thoughtfully, “You should do the same for Mike,
Jenna, and Aiya.”

“So maybe two necklaces, or would earrings be better?  Bracelets? 
I was thinking for Mike and Jenna, and my aunt and uncle we could just… borrow
their wedding rings for an hour or two.  Would that work?”

I didn’t get along with my uncle very well, but that didn’t
mean I wouldn’t watch out for him too.  I’d have to go shopping tomorrow for my
cousin and Aiya.  For once I didn’t mind that I’d had trouble getting close to
people, at least the list was small.  I wasn’t worried about the pack, they
could already send me emotions through the ally bond, to call me and the others
if necessary.

Selene nodded, “Sounds like a plan.  Earrings might be
better.  Necklaces and bracelets generally accessorize clothes, being forced to
wear one necklace for the rest of a woman’s life sounds like a nightmare. 
Diamond earrings go with anything.”

I decided she would know since I was hardly an expert in, or
even acquainted with, women’s fashion.  It wasn’t like I couldn’t afford it now,
so I’d go with that.  My conscience squirmed, and it took me a minute to figure
out why.

“Including Mike, Jenna, and Aiya is a great idea, but since
they know about our world, I’m less inclined to mesmerize them and just tell
them the truth.”

Clint nodded, “Have we missed anything, or anyone?  What
about Tara and this new vampire, Caroline?  Most of our world knows you’re allies
with both.  Granted, they’re both capable supernaturals themselves, they might
even be offended that they’d need you to rush in and save them, but…”

Sierra laughed, “I’m not sure about Caroline, but I’m pretty
sure Tara would object, or tell Ben he needs to wear jewelry himself, so she
can rescue

I felt the humor and chuckled lightly, but of course she was
right, and that sobered me quickly.  The women in my life were not weak.  Not
even the human ones.  I was kind of afraid of giving Aiya a choice, she might
say no.  I knew feeling guilty for putting targets on their back was stupid, it
would be the people that came after me for either power or some other reason
that were at fault.  But I felt it just the same.  I couldn’t protect the
world, or even be responsible for everyone I knew, but my heart wasn’t feeling
that message.

Derik chimed in again, “There are also other complications
for Caroline.  A coven is hardly united like a pack, there are factions within
it, and politics.  If we used the proposed spell of having antagonistic
supernaturals around them on her jewelry, it will be going off constantly even
if she’s not in true danger.”

Carrie waved that away, “That’s not an issue, if Tara and
Caroline get involved they both have magic.  We can figure out a way for them
to deliberately trip it if they need help unlike the humans.  It would even be
a much simpler spell.”

“It seems like a plan, let me check and see who is onboard.”

For my three family members who lived in ignorance I
wouldn’t give a choice.  I did call Mike and Jenna who agreed after a long
explanation, they would surrender their wedding bands when I came by tomorrow
for a short time.  When I called Aiya she gave me crap for interrupting her
date, and then told me she didn’t wear jewelry.  I was totally clueless.  I’d
never even noticed.  In my defense… guy.  She finally relented though and
agreed to wear an ankle bracelet.

That was all the humans.

Tara laughed in my face, or she would have if we weren’t on
the phone, because she had already created one, using one of my hairs.  She
could contact me at any time through her magic already.  She also said she’d be
happy to work with Selene and Carrie on creating some similar enchantments for
everyone else.

Witches are scary.

Caroline also agreed when I spoke to her, but she was a bit
shocked at the offer.

So I had to pick up a pair of diamond earrings for Caroline
and my sister, and Aiya was coming with me to pick out her ankle bracelet,
since I’d be incapable of picking something tasteful.  Apparently.

The conversation broke up after that and went back to just
normal every day talk and banter that any family would share, as we waited for
dinner to be ready.  Of course, I started checking on everyone once in a while,
getting it done tomorrow was pretty quick, but my mind stubbornly worried about
what could happen tonight.  It was apparent that I’d messed up enough, been in
the spotlight enough, that it was just a matter of time before my enemies found

I sent, “
What’s the plan when Zale finds us?  He has to
be in the city by now, right?

Aitheria didn’t even hesitate, “
I’ll destroy him before
he can take word back to his lord.  It isn’t perfect, because they’ll know
something happened.  But they won’t know exactly what, if they found their
target or if their scout ran into something else.  At best, it will buy us a
little time.  Most likely they’ll send more elemental scouts and their mortal

Supernatural allies, like the ones that killed my mother,
and tried to murder me as a child.

It also brought up the same old questions.  I had elemental
and supernatural enemies.  But why?  I knew it had something to do with the
essence of an elemental, the elemental soul that lived in the core of my body,
but that didn’t really tell me anything.  I dropped my train of thought as
Sierra stood and helped me up from the chair, it was time for dinner…


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