Southern Seduction (133 page)

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Authors: N.A. Alcorn,Jacquelyn Ayres,Kelly Collins,Laurel Ulen Curtis,Ella Fox,Elle Jefferson,Aly Martinez,Stacey Mosteller,Rochelle Paige,Tessa Teevan,K. Webster

Tags: #Boxset

BOOK: Southern Seduction
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He was swaying a bit while give me the stare down, making me shift uncomfortably.

Before I knew what was happening, he was on me, sucking my neck hard and pinching my nipple through my uniform. My back was pressed against the knobs of the stove. His erection pushed into me, indicating his desire. It was the same song and dance with him. Lifting my dress up, he reached under and yanked my panties down my thighs. Markwayne was never one for foreplay, so our sex life sucked.

Spinning me around, he pushed me over the stove and entered me from behind. My pussy was dry like usual, and it stung when he entered me. I clutched the grates of the stove to hold myself steady while he had his way with me.

Markwayne hadn’t always been an asshole. Back in high school, he’d wooed me hard. I’d fallen for him pretty quickly and we’d ended up married when I turned eighteen. Our marriage had hit the seven-year itch, and I was itching to leave him. Maybe I would bring that up to him tonight. He hadn’t seemed any happier than I had the last few years.

He pulled out of me and snatched the hand towel from the counter to clean himself up. When he finished, he tossed it to me. Wiping quickly, I snatched my panties back up my legs and started to head toward the bedroom to take a quick shower. He disgusted me these days, and I just wanted to wash away him and the greasy smell away.

“Where do ya think yer goin’?” he demanded, roughly grabbing my upper arm. He squeezed until I yelped in pain. Markwayne liked getting rough every now and again, but he’d yet to hit me.

“Markwayne, I’m goin’ to shower. Let me go,” I seethed. My disgust towards him must have shown loud and clear. The back of his hand connected across my cheekbone before I even knew what hit me. Gasping, I held my hand to my stinging face.

“Ju Ju, I’m sick and fuckin’ tired of you sassin’ me all the time. Now cook me some damn dinner or I’ll do it again.” His threats didn’t scare me like they should have.

Shoving him away from me, I bolted for the bathroom to take my damn shower. The thunderous pounding of his footsteps coming after me echoed through our dilapidated trailer, making my heart quicken. He’d never hit me before today, but now I wasn’t so sure if it wouldn’t happen again.

Darting around the bathroom door, I slammed it shut behind me and engaged the lock. His giant body banged against it, nearly knocking it off its hinges. A cold shiver crept up my spine as I wondered if I’d pushed him too far today. My question was answered when he smashed against the bathroom door again, this time splintering the wood. I shrank away from his massive fists that were punching through the wood. Yanking the plunger up from beside the toilet, I held it out in front of me in a defensive position.

“Get the fuck away from me, Markwayne!” I screeched as he forced himself all the way through the door. My attempts to stab him with the wooden end of the plunger were thwarted as he swatted it easily to the floor. One of his hands found my throat and squeezed, instantly making me see stars.

Thankfully, he released my neck but grabbed my hair instead and yanked me back through the destroyed bathroom door toward our bedroom. Tears were streaming down my face as he dragged me down the hallway and shoved me to the floor once we were inside our room.

Free of his grasp, I scrambled to my feet and searched wildly for something to defend myself with. Markwayne had never taken it this far, and I wanted nothing more than to get away from his violent behavior. Eyeing the lamp and its metal base on the bedside table, I lunged for it. Before I could reach it, he rammed me into it, causing both me and the lamp to crash to the floor. Shards of glass from the light bulb sliced my palms as I tried to stand up.

A hard kick to my ribs sent me sailing into the wall and an instant fiery burn tore through my side. I gasped, attempting to suck in air between the sharp pains. He pounced on me again, jerking me up to my feet by my hair and spinning me to face him.

“You will fuckin’ learn, woman, that I’m tired of your sassin’!” The last thing I remembered before being knocked completely out was his massive fist connecting with my face.


Our last show was amazing—the best show yet. It was great to end our tour in our hometown. Even though I loved my music, I was ready for a break. We didn’t have to pick back up until the summer.

“Want to pick up some groupies and get shitfaced?” Donnie asked, taking a drag of his cigarette. Chaz and Manny had already left us to go back to their respective homes. I wasn’t due to see Mom until tomorrow.

“What the hell,” I agreed and picked up my guitar case. The crew took care of packing up our equipment, but nobody touched my Gibson Les Paul Black Beauty.

We made our way out of the dressing room and into a throng of scantily dressed females ripe for the picking. Donnie, being the douche that he was, grabbed two busty, barely legal girls and headed toward our limo. I scanned what was left and winked at the platinum blonde with cleavage spilling out of her tube top. She squealed and ran over to me, hooking her arm through my free one.

“I’m going to show you a great time tonight, Acey,” she purred her promise. The fans knew me as Acey—a play off my last name—not Bobby.

I just nodded at her, not even giving her the satisfaction of my words. These chicks were eager and willing. It didn’t matter if we were complete assholes. They all still wanted our dicks. Rock star life had its perks.

Once inside the limo, Donnie was having his way with both of the “baby” girls, a hand on each one’s thigh as he took turns kissing them. Blondie straddled me and licked my neck all the way to my earlobe, where she gently bit down. My cock sprang to life from underneath her, earning me a devilish grin from her. These girls were all the same—freaks beneath the sheets.

Sliding off me and into the floor, she hastily unfastened my jeans and jerked them down so she could access my cock. Most guys would be embarrassed if their buddy saw their cock, but Donnie just winked at me. I nodded my head at him and closed my eyes as Blondie sucked my dick deep into her throat. Reaching over, I grabbed the bottle of Jameson Irish Whiskey, unscrewed the lid, and took a long pull on it, enjoying the slow burn down my throat.

Blondie kept up her rhythm and I finally came. Like a good girl, she swallowed it all down. She put me back into my pants and situated herself beside me. Soft moans could be heard in Donnie’s direction, and I stifled a laugh when I found him spanking it while watching the girls make out. He was such a horny bastard.

The next few hours at the hotel flew by in an alcohol-and-drug-induced haze. Blondie, whose name I’d yet to ask or cared to know, fucked me six ways to Sunday. I kept tossing condoms at her and she kept coming back for more. Finally, I was tired as hell and wanted to hit the sack. Alone.

“It’s been a blast, but I’m wiped. Do you want me to call you a cab?” I asked, dragging the pillow over my face as I got comfortable. Her hands slid up my chest as she snuggled herself to me. Fuck that. I didn’t snuggle. “Blondie, time to go.” Annoyed, I tossed the pillow to the floor and sat up.

She sat up as well and frowned at me. “Baby, I thought we were having a good time.”

“As in past tense, doll. Now I’m ready to pass out, so it’s time for you to leave.”

“But could I just go in the mor—” she began, but I cut her off with a wave of my hand towards the door.

“Fucking go before I call security,” I growled, completely over this sudden needy behavior. Clearly she needed to recheck the definition of groupie. Nowhere in that definition did it say anything about cuddling.

Chin quivering, she slid off the bed to hunt for her clothes.

Pulling a hundred-dollar bill from my wallet, I tossed it over at her. “Cab fare,” I grumbled.

She snatched it up and practically ran from the room. Once I heard the front door slam, I collapsed back into bed and was instantly asleep.


The sounds of snoring woke me up and I instantly felt pain everywhere. Remembering that Markwayne had just beaten the crap out of me, I shakily tried to assess the damages. My ribs hurt the worst and I could barely turn my body. Easing myself from the floor, I fought a wave of dizziness once I was fully on my feet.

Markwayne was completely passed out. Limping to my dresser, I began pulling out some clothes. After locating a duffel bag in the closet and stuffing my clothes into it, I made my way back toward the destroyed bathroom. I quickly found my necessities and tossed them in the bag. Sneaking into the kitchen, I quietly lifted my keys from the counter. On the way out, I picked up my purse and hobbled to my truck.

While driving over to Momma’s, I thought about how I was finally going to be free from our loveless marriage. This was the final straw with him, and I was slightly relieved it had come to this so that I had a legitimate reason to leave him. Thankfully we never had any children together.

When I pulled up, the lights were still on so I didn’t feel too bad about dropping in on her.

“Momma,” I called out as I walked in the front door.

“Honey, I’m so glad ya came to se—oh my gosh! What happened to ya?”

“Markwayne roughed me up. I’m leavin’ him for good. I don’t love him anymore and haven’t for some time. Please let me stay here until I can get on my feet.”

She made her way to me so she could inspect my injuries. Deciding that I didn’t need to have it looked at by a doctor, she guided me into the kitchen, gently pushing me into the chair.

“Ju Ju, I want ya to stay here as long as it takes. It ain’t in our blood to take no abuse from a man. We’re a strong breed.” Locating a washcloth, she ran it under hot water and then washed away the blood around my sore nose.

After a long chat and a late supper, I headed to my old room. Momma had never gotten rid of anything from when I lived here, and suddenly I was overwhelmed with emotion. My room was exactly like it always had been, as if waiting for my inevitable return.

Picking up a framed picture on my dresser, I looked at the photo taken at graduation of Markwayne and I. We were both smiling but deep down, I’d never fully loved Markwayne. He’d just been the best option. The love in my heart had only ever belonged to one boy.

Walking over to my desk, I picked up an old album, flipping to the page I wanted. Bobby’s brown eyes and toothy grin looked back up at me. He’d been my best friend who had unceremoniously been yanked out of my life with barely a goodbye. I hadn’t seen him since that day, but I always thought about him and where he was.

Walking into the bathroom, I reluctantly lifted my eyes to the mirror. I gasped in shock at my appearance. My normally sexy, wavy blond hair was disheveled. Empty green eyes stared back at me. In the past, my eyes had always twinkled, but in the last several years, they’d certainly lost their luster.

It was clear that I would have two black eyes tomorrow. My nose was swollen and red with dried blood still remaining around the nostrils. Tomorrow was going to suck having to work at the diner and deal with the nosy questions of the people in this town.

Sighing, I grabbed a towel and started the hot shower, hoping that tomorrow would be better than today. This town sucked and I was seriously considering moving to a place where I could start new and be somebody more exciting and passionate.

Until then, I’d keep on trucking along.

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