Spark of Desire (The Dragon's Virgin Tribute) (4 page)

Read Spark of Desire (The Dragon's Virgin Tribute) Online

Authors: Madelene Martin

Tags: #monster sex, #dragon shifter, #shifter erotica, #monster breeding, #dragon erotica, #dragon, #beast breeding, #reluctant breeding, #shifter, #beast sex, #dragon breeding, #reluctant

BOOK: Spark of Desire (The Dragon's Virgin Tribute)
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But he didn't give her time to recover. As he slid his length from her, her inner walls tightened around him and she could feel every inch of his throbbing member.

He thrust into her again, with a heavy moan, grinding his hips against hers. And again, and again. Faster, and harder with each stroke.

Pain turned quickly to pleasure. Faith's eyes were closed, her mouth open, her breath wrenched out of her with each thrust. She felt him deep within her, hitting her innermost places.

She rocked against the stone floor as he pounded into her. She clutched at him, locked her legs around him. Helplessly she was swept along, her pleasure building until it was a rushing roar in her head.

Inaeth murmured something in another tongue, his breath burning her ear. His thrusts became erratic, his breathing heavy. His claws pricked her skin.

Somehow Faith sensed that he, too, was close - close to that peak she had reached before, under his tongue. His cock pumped deep into her - hot, throbbing, ready.

With a little shiver she turned her head toward him, her lips open, and let her own tongue wander over his skin. She wanted him - oh, she wanted that release! Wanted to feel him fill her completely, hear him -

Lifting his head, he moaned long and low, a primal sound that ended with a growl. He pounded into her again, holding her hip tightly against him, and she felt his cock throb - a strong pulse deep inside her.

Then he roared, and she felt the sudden jet of his seed, spurting inside her again and again. He kept fucking her, hard, growling with every thrust, releasing more and more of his essence, filling her.

His seed was hot, burning inside her. The throbbing and pulsing of his member and the sound of his growls of release sent Faith over the edge.

She cried out, a counterpoint to his heavy breath, as waves of bliss coursed through her. Her body tensed and shook under his, her hands holding onto him as her inner walls clenched on his cock, milking him of his last drops.

They both slowed and stopped moving as their pleasure ebbed. His breath slowed next to her ear, his member still twitching inside her.


aith felt bruised and scraped all over, aching inside and out. They bathed together in a steamy cavern pool, her new mate lifting her to carry her in, then insisting on washing her.

As she'd known it would, her shame resurfaced. This time, she wasn't sure what she should be ashamed of more. Her foolish escape attempt, or her complete surrender to Inaeth later on.

This is the way it was meant to be
, she reminded herself. If she hadn't run off to begin with, maybe he would not have been so forceful with her.

The memory sent a shiver through her, an echo of her earlier arousal.
Not that "forceful" had been so bad...
she reluctantly thought.

A small part of her had
it, and that was what made her feel the most wicked. No one had ever treated her with anything but deference. The way Inaeth had commanded her, made her kneel and please him - well, it stirred something in her.

Now, he was being gentle. He used soft cloths to sponge the dirt from her skin while Faith stood passively in the waist-deep water. He washed her hair with fragrant lotion. He combed it with an ancient-looking comb, untangling the long dark tresses.

He seemed to take delight in bathing her - letting his hands linger on her skin, watching the water run over her body.

He openly stared at her, stroking her breasts and running his scaly hand over the curves of her back. He cleaned between her legs, washed his own dried fluids from her thighs.

When he was done, he tilted her chin up so that she looked up at him. "Now you must bathe me." He told her.

Obediently, she used the cloths to sponge his skin with water and lotions. She looked at him as she worked, silently admiring his taut body. She washed his back, and he purred with pleasure when she scrubbed hard at his skin.

When she moved back to the front of him and began to wash below the waterline, she found him aroused again, already hard. She washed him there, keeping her expression neutral. Secretly, the feel of him - his huge throbbing cock beneath her hands - caused a shameful twinge of desire.

"Not now, pretty one," he said, as though reading her most unwelcome thoughts. "Perhaps later, if you like."

She looked up at him, her face burning hotly. "I wasn't -" she started.

He smiled, a strange smile that curved one side of his lips. Was he mocking her?

Faith clenched her jaw and broke away, sloshing the water of the pool as she made to get out. But he caught her wrist and drew her back. She was helpless against his strength as he pulled her into the circle of his arms.

He bent his head, forcing her chin up with one claw, so he could meet her lips. He kissed her unresisting mouth until she relaxed her lips, gradually opening them and welcoming his tongue. Then, he broke away.

"You are everything I hoped you would be," he said.

She stared up at him, breathless and unsure how to answer.

The half-smile rose to his lips again. "You will love me," he said, "you will see."

Faith found her tongue. "Is that so?" She had intended a bitter tone, but it came out as more of a squeak.

He nodded, and released her chin. "Tell me what you want," he said. "How I can make you happy, as you have made me."

The princess furrowed her brow, and for a moment her indignation was forgotten. Then a million things came to mind. "I must have clothing," she said, her foremost wish being something to cover herself. "I am hungry."

Abruptly, he let out a little laugh. "Yes, of course." He said. "I have the queen's chambers already made up for you. There is wine and food suitable for a human. But tell me..." he looked doubtful, for just a moment.

It was the only time Faith had seen him look less than self-assured. Somehow, it made him seem more human, and she was surprised to feel a twinge of sympathy.

He sighed, and took up one of her hands, holding it tightly. "Tell me how to make you happy."

Faith blinked, nonplussed. "You can't." She blurted. When his expression started to fall, she corrected herself hurriedly. "I mean - you can't just give me trinkets and gowns and expect me to be in love with you."

He cocked his head at her curiously, an expression so odd she almost laughed. "I mean you can't
things." She explained.

"Hmm." He said, and shrugged.

Without further explanation, he led her from the pool, holding her hand and assisting her up the stone steps. He dried her with soft towels, and shook the water from his own hair. He was still dripping a little when he took Faith to her new chambers.

The rooms were surprisingly homey - with thick carpeting on the floors, a huge canopied bed and finely carved wooden furniture. When she looked in the closets she found they were full of rich clothing. There was a tiny library with shelves full of books, and a little sewing room with comfortable chairs.

"Wh- where do you sleep?" She asked, eyeing the bed.

"I will sleep here with you many nights." He answered. "But not always. Sometimes I like to fly far, and will be gone many nights."

She turned and caught his eye. "Will you take me flying?"

He blinked at her in obvious surprise. "I didn't think you liked it -"

She interrupted him, indignant. "That was different. I was afraid."

"You're not afraid now?"

She looked at him for a long moment. After a moment, her face began to heat again. Why did looking at him always make her blush? "No." She answered, realizing she was telling the truth.

Inaeth wasn't a monster. He was just someone looking to get by, seeking happiness. That wasn't even so inhuman, really. Whether she could give it to him - well, she didn't know. For that matter, could
be happy here... with him?

Her answer seemed to please him. He held his head high, his dark eyes shining. "Then let us go right now."


aving dressed and eaten, Faith felt a lot more like herself. Inaeth waited in the cavern, returning to his dragon form, and as she met him he led her to the landing ledge.

The wind fluttered her damp hair, the sunlight of early morning shining in her eyes. Mountainous terrain spread out below the entry to the dragon's lair. She looked sideways at Inaeth, wondering how she would do this.

"Just hold on." He had told her. "I won't let you fall."

So she mounted his back, gripping tightly with her thighs.

He wriggled a bit, shifting her into the right position on his back. Her legs were just under his wings, and she bent low to wrap her arms around the base of his neck.

Faith took a deep breath. It came out shaky, as she fought with nerves. She wasn't afraid of heights, but this was a bit different to climbing the castle's highest towers.

Inaeth didn't seem the slightest bit concerned. He took two steps toward the edge, then curved his neck back, one eye rolling back to look at her. Then he spread his enormous wings and dropped off the ledge, taking flight.

They soared over the mountains, over forest and lakes. At first, Faith lay low against his back and clutched at him white-knuckled, watching the terrain whirr past. But eventually, she found herself sitting up, her head thrown back and the wind whipping in her hair. She began to laugh - then to shout exultantly.

When she threw her arms up in the air, closing her eyes and laughing wildly, Inaeth snorted and let out a bellow of black smoke. He shifted her on his back again, and she held onto him and obediently moved.

They circled around and around, climbing higher. Faith could feel the shifting of the great beast's muscles underneath her. With every beat of his wings his skin rippled and moved.

Faith bent lower, pressing her face against his neck. The dragon huffed smoke again, and flapped his wings rapidly. The thin layers of her skirts offered little separation between them. She could feel his heat, his scales, and every ripple and flex so keenly...

She suddenly realized she was moving along with him, writhing her hips and grinding down against the scaly back.

"Oh..." she said - the word torn away by the rushing wind. She was wet between the legs, aching again - but with arousal, not pain.

The pleasure quickly mounted as she let the dragon's movements bring her to the brink. Did he realize what was going on on his back? She was sure he did. He would turn and look at her with one eye from time to time as they climbed and wheeled, beating his wings furiously.

Her legs gripped his body harder and harder, and she rocked her hips in time with the dragon's movements. When a rushing climax overtook her, Faith didn't bother keeping quiet. She screamed into the wind, letting the sky swallow her cries of ecstasy.

Inaeth roared, his body rumbling beneath her, drawing out her orgasm as she rode the waves of ecstasy.

As the pleasure slowly subsided, Faith held herself tightly against his body. She watched the land pass by far below, as the dragon took them home.


tterly exhausted by the time they arrived back at the cave, Faith barely remembered anything between stepping down from the dragon's back and falling into the big soft bed. She was asleep almost as soon as her head touched the pillow.

She woke hours later and immediately became conscious of Inaeth's arms wrapped possessively around her. Her head was resting on his chest, and she could hear the thud of his heart. It was slow and strong, many seconds passing between each beat. She lay listening to it for a while.

This closeness and intimacy was, of course, wholly unfamiliar. It felt nice - warm and soothing, and comfortable.

She shifted to look curiously at her new mate. He lay half-turned toward her, sleeping with his face half on her pillow, horns supporting his head on the bare mattress.

His closed eyes moved slightly as he slept, causing the lids to make little twitching movements. His silvery hair was in disarray. His chest rose and fell along with his deep steady breathing.

When she moved again, he woke. He looked at her with half-lidded eyes, then a lazy smile curved his lips. He was handsome, Faith thought - but when he smiled he was beautiful.

"My love." He murmured.

Why do you call me that?" Faith bristled. "You don't even know me."

He looked surprised, and pondered for a moment. "Do you humans need to know someone well to love them?"

"I..." she paused. "I think so," she finished lamely, belatedly realizing she was no expert on the matter.

He laughed softly, then reached out and took a lock of her hair between his claws. "Dragons are different."

Unbidden memories came to her: of his hands in her hair, tightening and twisting as he directed her to pleasure him. She felt the telltale heat of a blush rise to her face. What was happening to her? All of a sudden she was like a wanton creature, only able to think of one thing.

He gave her a knowing smile and let her hair go, suddenly capturing her wrist where it still rested on his chest.

She gasped as he pulled her roughly down toward him. His other hand came around to trap her, curling around her neck. He drew her in and kissed her hard.

His lips teased hers until she opened them with a soft sigh. She never seemed able to resist that hungry kiss. It left her feeling weak and shaky, sent a thrill right down to her belly.

Inaeth invaded her with his tongue, urgently seeking until she finally caressed it with her own. His hands roamed over her back, holding her closer, stroking over the thin cloth of the nightgown she had chosen.

With a humming sound of pleasure he broke the kiss, allowing Faith a moment to catch her breath. As she watched he threw back the blankets, revealing his naked body. His cock stood straight up, hard and ready.

He placed her hand there, trapped in his. He curled her fingers, wrapping them around his huge phallus, showing her what to do.

It twitched under her hand, as though eager for her touch. When he let her go, she stroked him, curiously at first.

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