Spark of Desire (The Dragon's Virgin Tribute) (3 page)

Read Spark of Desire (The Dragon's Virgin Tribute) Online

Authors: Madelene Martin

Tags: #monster sex, #dragon shifter, #shifter erotica, #monster breeding, #dragon erotica, #dragon, #beast breeding, #reluctant breeding, #shifter, #beast sex, #dragon breeding, #reluctant

BOOK: Spark of Desire (The Dragon's Virgin Tribute)
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No one had ever touched her - not even Faith had explored her own body like this. No one had told her how good it would feel. She was suddenly wet between the legs, her sex swollen and sensitive. Her nipples were almost painfully hard atop her heaving breasts.

"Stop," she murmured weakly, angered mostly at her body's traitorous reaction. But it was a weak objection, and she knew it.

The dragon licked, flicked, and lapped at her - long, slow licks, then quick and teasing. She began breathing faster and faster, her reeling thoughts giving way to pure sensation - until she no longer had it in her to care. Everything was building, building - to what, she didn't know - only that her body strained, ached to reach it.

The tongue moved lower, and Faith cried out as it slipped inside her, probing her virgin entrance. She tensed a little, but barely the tip of the tongue explored inside, before it went back to circling and teasing her nub.

Her fingernails scraped on rock as she moaned.

The dragon alternated between licking her, and delving into her sex. He licked her inner thighs, and even the tight little pucker further between her legs.

His long tongue seemed everywhere at once, slipping over and into her secret places, until the pleasure was almost too much.

Faith writhed and moaned as the tongue thrust into her sex once more. Deeper and deeper, sliding easily in and out of her wetness. Incredible... It was all so -

A surge of bliss - and without warning she reached that unknown edge, and tumbled over. Her legs shook as the probing tongue mercilessly licked, the long, firm strokes  making her cry out in rapture over and over.

The pleasure began to recede, leaving her panting, her legs threatening to give way under her.

The dragon withdrew, and Faith collapsed back against the wall, sliding ungracefully down to sit on the ground. Out of breath, she drew her legs up and simply stared, weak and panting, as the great beast moved away.


he couldn't understand exactly what she was seeing, but one moment the dragon shimmered in front of her eyes and the next he was shifting; changing. In an instant he was a man again, and naked.

He got up from his crouch, looking straight at her, and for a moment she met his burning eyes. Then her gaze wandered downward of their own accord, taking in his broad shoulders, well defined torso and...

Faith gasped as she took in the sight of his manhood, and stared in fascination. Standing out from a patch of hair the same silver as that on his head, it was rigid and smooth, and huge.

Surely it was bigger than a regular human man's, though she had nothing to compare to. The thought of laying with a beast had been terrifying, but this was hardly better. How could something so big ever fit inside her?

Her face grew hot with embarrassment and shame, and she looked away to stare at the ground. The dragon-man came closer, until he was standing over her. She cringed as he reached out and laid a hand on her head.

He stroked her hair once, and she just had time to wonder what he was doing, before he wound his fingers in the dark tresses. Then he bent lower, and pulled her hair with a painful yank, so that she was forced to get up onto her knees. His hand still entwined, he positioned her head so that she had to look at him.

She let out a pained whimper, the fear taking hold again. Her heart thudded in her chest as she stared into his handsome face. The dragon's eyes were still fixed intently on hers, his expression mild.

Her lips fell open and she was about to speak - to plead, or curse - when he spoke.

"Now, rebellious one." He purred. "You see that I can give you pleasure, but I am quite willing to cause you pain, if I have to. You are mine. The sooner you learn that, the better it will be for you."

He seemed to wait then, staring at her patiently. He expected a response.

Faith swallowed hard, and nodded. A final tear squeezed from the corner of her eye and slid down her cheek, and she knew she could cry no more.

All hope had fled, leaving her feeling numb and empty. She just wished that having her acquiescence, he might leave her alone for a while.

A drastic change came over his face then. The glowing in his eyes faded, leaving them placid and dark. His brow smoothed, and his expression became almost tender. His hand loosened its hold on her hair, and suddenly he was caressing her again.

Then the dragon smiled, his full lips tilting up at the edges. The smile transformed his face. He was really incredibly handsome. No... handsome was not the right word. He was beautiful.

Though her heart still beat hard, something in her shifted then. A queer thrill that started in her belly and settled lower, in her sex. Faith had to look away, angry at herself.

"What is your name?" He asked her.

"Faith." She murmured.

He made a pleased sound; stroking her hair, lifting an end and inspecting it. "I am Inaeth. I will be your mate for life... if you please me."

"And... if I don't please you?" She dared, her voice little more than a whisper.

He laughed softly, a sound like crackling flames. "Then I will let the others have you, once I have what I need."

She knew what he referred to. Once he had his heir, he could cast her aside. She shuddered, an image imposing itself on her thoughts. She pictured herself chained up and violated by countless dragons. Used like a brood mare, giving birth to their eggs one after another until she was spent.

Or the alternative - being eaten, which might be more merciful.

"I don't want to do that," Inaeth continued. "I am the strongest. I fought for the right to rule; for the right to claim the tribute. My offspring will rule our race.
offspring," he corrected. "And if you serve me well, I will take care of you, and protect you."

He looped her hair around his fist again, not hurting but firmly pulling. A warning. "Do you understand?"

Faith tilted her chin higher and forced herself to meet his eyes. "Yes."

He made his satisfied rumbling sound. "Good."

He stood up straight, still holding onto the length of her hair. His erect member was right in front of her. She could see it throb slightly in time with his rushing pulse.

He enjoys my suffering
, Faith thought. Then a further realization:
It arouses him.

"Now," Inaeth said, laying his free hand on her shoulder. She could feel the heat of his skin; the dragon blood rushing through his veins. "

She looked up at his face, uncomprehending.

As if in answer, he slowly pushed her head forward, until his erect cock was almost touching her lips. "Lick." was all he said.

Trembling, Faith put one hand on the ground for balance. She closed her eyes and opened her mouth. Her tongue quickly found his skin. It was hot and tasted slightly of smoke. As she trailed her tongue over the swollen head, she found a droplet of moisture, and this was salty.

When he purred in approval, she glanced up at him, and saw that he had his eyes closed and his head relaxed back, as though savoring her touch.

It was not so bad, touching him... not threatening in the least, really. She wondered how it felt for him - how sensitive he was.

Experimentally she raised a hand, wrapped her fingers around his member. Her hand looked small, her fingers barely able to close around it. She could feel its throbbing under her hand.

Slowly, she angled his shaft so she could lick the underside, watching Inaeth's reaction. When he smiled and let out a deep satisfied breath, she repeated the action.

As she explored with her tongue, she curiously watched him, quickly learning what seemed to feel good. When she took him into her mouth, closing her lips wetly around his shaft and using her tongue to circle around the head, he moaned.

Another thrill went through her body, and Faith suddenly realized how wet she was between the legs.

Her sex throbbed as if in answer to her thoughts. She squeezed her thighs together and closed her eyes briefly, taking Inaeth's cock further into her mouth.
I must serve him
. She concentrated on doing so, in order to avoid further thinking.

She had to open her mouth wide, stretching her lips to accommodate his girth. And she couldn't manage his full length, only taking a few inches into her mouth. So she used her hand on his shaft - firmly pumping it in her fist while she sucked up and down, pleased when he let out a deep moan.

Never in her life had Faith imagined such a thing, She knew how sex worked - the technicality of it at least - but no one ever mentioned doing it for
. She thought of the way Inaeth's dragon tongue had felt, licking her, exploring her. Did it feel as good for him, when she did it?

He was breathing heavily. His hand rested on the back of her head, guiding her in her rhythm. Every time she varied her movements - faster, slower - from licking to sucking, he made sounds of pleasure that sent thrills of arousal through her.

As she relaxed, Faith's hand wandered, exploring his fine patch of silvery hair, and down to the heavy sack beneath. Gently, she stroked the underside, feeling the soft skin. When Inaeth shifted and moaned, she closed her hand over it and gently cupped it.

He made a strangled sound, and tightened his hand in her hair. For a moment she thought she'd displeased him, but he only began to push her head harder and faster. He began to thrust in time with her movements, and she had to relax her mouth and throat to accommodate him.

She looked up, watching his face. His brow was furrowed as if in intense concentration, his mouth open and eyes closed. His breathing was quick and ragged.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes and looked down at her. His expression took her breath away. It was such a look of pure desire and need. As though he were hungry - starving - and wanted to devour her.

He pulled her head back, taking her mouth off him, and she gasped with surprise. His cock twitched before her, glistening and swollen. She felt its absence on her lips, and became all the more conscious of her own aching need.

Then, he smiled wickedly, and with a growl he fell on her, pressing his body against hers.

She couldn't breathe - couldn't even react, before his hot skin was on hers, creating delicious friction. He pressed his lips to hers, kissing her hard, invading her mouth with his tongue as he settled her back on the floor, pillowed on the remnants of her torn clothing.

She was frozen for a moment, but then she closed her eyes and her body melted and surrendered. It felt good. She could no longer deny it.

She had never been kissed, though she had often daydreamed of it. And this... this more than measured up to her expectations.

Timidly, she touched her tongue to his, caressing it and mimicking its movements. Inaeth made a deep growl against her mouth, biting her lip just enough to hurt, thrilling her to her core.

Flesh slid against flesh, and his hands moved on her. One caressed and cradled the back of her neck, holding her as though she were a lover, not a captive. With the other, he traced down her side, following the curve of her waist.

His fingers slid over her hip, and she felt the sharp drag of his claws - not enough to cut, but enough to cause a tiny focused sting that made her shiver. She drew her leg up, and he fondled her thigh too, and held it against his body as he pressed his hips against her.

She felt his arousal - his rigid cock against her belly, and she gasped, breaking away from the kiss.

Undeterred, he bent to her neck instead and began kissing and licking her there. Faith heard a moan, and a moment later realized it had come from her.

Inaeth sucked on the skin of her neck, grinding his hips up against her. His shaft rubbed against the length of her sex, sliding against her wet slit and sending shivers of pleasure through her body.

All thoughts, all shame had fled - she was lost in the sensations. His hot mouth on her, his arms holding her tightly, his cock teasingly, languorously sliding against her. She had given herself up to him, despite everything.

Without realizing it, Faith clutched at him. Her hands gripped his shoulders, her nails digging into his skin. She could smell his hair, his smoky scent, next to her face. He licked her ear, almost tenderly, and she shivered.

She could feel the muscles of his broad shoulders tensing and moving. Running her hands over his back, she reveled in the feel of his hard body.

He pulled back; looked at her, and she saw the desire in his eyes. With a growl he bent to posses her mouth once more, his steaming breath mingling with her own. His hips rocked, and she felt his cock press against her, poised at her virgin entrance.

Her breath caught and she had a moment of panic, but the hand cradling her head tightened in her hair, and he kissed her harder, stalling any words of protest.

The hand on her leg forced it further open and he entered her, his massive organ stretching her wide. With only the tip of him in, her tender flesh burned as though she was about to tear in two.

He pulled out then pushed in again, a bit further, and sliding more easily. His kisses stopped, his mouth poised an inch from hers. His breathing was stilted and shaking as though he were fighting hard to keep control.

Faith closed her eyes, denying him the intimacy of the close gaze. She bit her lip, her fingers digging harder into his shoulders, as he slid in and out of her, a little more each time. The discomfort had faded, replaced by a wicked friction that built a slow, steady pleasure with each stroke.

His movements now seemed teasing, and Faith wrapped her legs around him, moving her own hips in time with his. She writhed under him, drawing him in, trying to pull him close.

With a growl he bent to her neck again, and she gasped as his teeth fastened on her skin, sucking and biting. Without warning he thrust hard, hilting himself in her.

There was a fiery, tearing pain. She let out a shocked yelp, and struggled for a moment, but he held her. Licked her neck. Trailed kisses up behind her ear.

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