Spark of Desire (The Dragon's Virgin Tribute) (2 page)

Read Spark of Desire (The Dragon's Virgin Tribute) Online

Authors: Madelene Martin

Tags: #monster sex, #dragon shifter, #shifter erotica, #monster breeding, #dragon erotica, #dragon, #beast breeding, #reluctant breeding, #shifter, #beast sex, #dragon breeding, #reluctant

BOOK: Spark of Desire (The Dragon's Virgin Tribute)
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Carefully, she squeezed it upwards, until the silver hilt appeared between her heaving breasts. Faith uttered a cry of triumph, then cringed and glanced up at the sky as though her sound might draw the dragon down on her. She took the sheath between her hands and brought it to her mouth where she snatched it in her teeth and managed to free the small knife.

Fingers trembling, her breath coming in short shaking bursts, Faith began to cut through the fabric that held her to the stake. Uncaring, she sawed through her dress and the bindings both, ragged strips of cloth drooping and pieces falling to the ground.

A far off sound made her jerk her head up, and she whimpered and bit her lip hard as she increased her efforts.
Only a bird
, she lied to herself.

It was almost dark when, sitting on the ground, she finally cut through the final ties - those that bound her feet together. Her hands were stiff and aching, and she almost dropped the blade several times. The sheath was gone somewhere in the grass and she had nowhere to put the knife, so she ran with it in her hand.

Somewhere above, she heard a screech and a thunderous roar.


ater, she sat in the hollowed bole of a huge tree, holding the knife between her teeth and struggling to saw through the layers silk that bound her hands.

She'd fled to the forest - her panicked mind reasoning that a dragon wouldn't see her from the air if she sheltered among trees. The full moon was shining now, but her hiding place was dark enough that no one would see her if they passed.

There were twigs in her hair. She'd lost her shoes and her silver circlet, and her feet were muddy. Her torn clothing didn't offer much in the way of warmth. Sobbing in desperation and shivering with the cold, Faith felt utterly miserable.

When she dropped the knife yet again, she left it where it fell into the folds of her skirt, put her head on her knees and cried.

The roars from the sky had stopped some time ago, but somehow that didn't make her feel any better. Now she didn't know what to expect.

What had she done?

Where could she hope to go from here?

Everyone would know her – the instant someone found her they would return her to her father. And there was that other matter – the one she didn't want to think about. The dragons hadn't had their sacrifice.

A snapping twig made her jerk her head up, and she prayed to all the gods as she scrabbled for her knife and held it between her numb hands.

There was the unmistakeable sound of footsteps. Someone was approaching, heedless of the noise they created - snapping branches and disturbing leaves with a heavy, unhurried step.

A shadow crouched before her hiding place, looking straight in. A man. She could only make out wild pale hair haloed by moonlight, and dark eyes against pale skin. Somehow, he had known she was there.

The man reached out a hand, in an almost courtly manner. After a lifetime of habit Faith almost took it. Then she noticed the long black claws.

It was like something out of her nightmares. She screamed and slashed at the hand with her knife, but her meager blow glanced off scales. The man growled like a beast, and she saw his eyes narrow and begin to glow with a dark red light.

Whip-fast he grabbed her.

“No!” She cried.

The stranger ignored her pleas, and her useless little knife fell to the ground as she was hauled unceremoniously out of her hiding place.

The man pulled her close against him and restrained her struggling form with ease. She could feel the strength in his arms and the solid muscle of his body.

Faith felt the telltale burning of a blush reddening her cheeks as she realized the man wore no clothes. His bare chest was pressed against her and he clasped her hands in one of his. She could feel the heat of him – his skin was unnaturally hot, as though he had a fever.

He pressed his face against the top of her head and inhaled deeply. It took her a moment to realize what he was doing – getting her scent.

you!” Faith shouted indignantly. She pushed uselessly against him. His chest was unyielding under her hands and her struggles didn't seem to concern him at all.

“Why do you run?” He asked, as though she wasn't trying with all her might to scratch his eyes out or kick his shins. He spoke with an odd inflection, as though speaking a foreign language. His deep voice was edged with a rumbling growl.

“Unhand me!” She spat, horrified.

When he allowed her to pull back a little she saw his face. This then, was one of the dragons.

Fascinated, she stared at him. Up close there was no mistaking him for human. She could see in the moonlight his long wide nose, the dark pupil-less eyes with their shifting, changing red, and the horns that jutted out of his thick silver hair.

He snarled, showing sharp white teeth. "Silly girl." He said. "It is pointless to run. I found your trail so easily. You smell of fear."

He began to drag the princess by her bound wrists, her unwilling feet scuffling in the cold grass and forest litter.

"Where are you taking me?" She gasped.

"Home." Was the gruff answer. "I must rectify your silly mistake. Before it is too late."

Cold, exhausted and terrified, Faith finally succumbed to tears. She felt them run in rivers down her face and fall on her chest. With a racking sob she lost the will to go on, her legs crumpling beneath her.

The dragon-man halted when he felt her fall, looking down at her. He made an irritated growl and hoisted her to her feet. Then he gathered her up and threw her over his shoulder as easily as if she were a bag of flour,

She sensed the absence of the canopy of trees when they reached the edge of the forest. It was there that he stopped and placed her down on the ground.

Faith curled up as though to protect herself, the man looming over her. She felt a sudden hot burst of wind and heard wings beating the air. Looking up in alarm, she peeked out over one shielding arm.

Into the huge glowing eyes of a dragon.

Up on its hind legs, its wings beat once more, creating another warm gust. Then it settled its massive form back to the ground.

Faith yelped and scrabbled back but the beast took a step toward her and reached out one giant, scaly front foot. It brought the paw down over the girl and pinned her to the ground. A billow of steam washed over her as it exhaled with a huff.

The breath went out of her and all she could do was stare up at the creature. For a moment, she was certain it was about to breathe fire, and devour her right here.
I deserve it
, she thought.

Why had she tried to escape? Why had she been so cowardly, after a lifetime of preparation for this moment? Not to mention stupid. Anyone with sense would have known you can't hide from a

A long tongue flicked over sharp teeth and Faith whimpered as its claws slowly closed, slipping underneath the girl and curling in a cage around her.

The black shapes of giant wings blotted out the moon and stars. The beating wings blew up leaves and dirt all around her. Then, they were aloft.

Held gently within the dragon's claws, as the ground fell away, Faith fainted.


he woke on a stone floor in a vast fire-lit cavern. Immediately, she could sense she was not alone.

The silver dragon -
dragon, she thought bitterly - was standing over her. She could see his belly above her, smooth and snakelike with its tiny interlaced scales. Sitting up as best she could, she peered past the fore-paw that blocked her view.

There were other dragons here. One was dark green, another a lithe cream colored dragon, and lastly a huge red beast. The moment she moved, all glowing red eyes focused on her. Long tongues licked out and stretched toward her, as though wanting to get her taste.

Some kind of communication was happening. The red dragon stepped forward and snarled, showing teeth the length of daggers. In answer, the silver dragon let out a mighty screech, his wings lifting and his scales bristling. Faith cringed at the deafening noise, trembling and wrapping her arms around herself.

The red advanced, and the silver lifted a foot as though ready to scratch. They were like dogs fighting over a scrap of meat. Faith shivered, and cowered behind her "protector". At least it seemed
didn't want to eat her.

The red dragon pressed his point for a while longer, his neck held low and his teeth bared. When the silver finally roared loud enough to make Faith clap her hands over her ears, the smaller dragons turned tail and fled, their wings unfurling as they took off and flew out through a large opening in the cavern wall.

Finally, the red dragon huffed a smoky cloud and whipped around, growling as he stalked off.

The silver dragon remained tense and poised until the red had taken off and flown away. Then he relaxed. A long low rumble emanated from his belly and he backed away from Faith, careful not to crush her with his mighty feet.

Freed, she pulled her legs under her and stood up, breathlessly backing against the wall.

She stared at the beast. His huge reptilian head was set with tiny delicate-looking scales swirling in complex patterns. The teeth were long and white, and sharp. Long black horns swept back from his skull, ending in graceful curves. Yet another formidable weapon.

His front paws looked long and dextrous, the forelegs longer than his muscular hind legs, and tipped with wicked black claws.

But his wings were the most impressive thing about him, she thought. Unfurled, they were almost three times the width of his body.

Faith's entire life had built toward this moment. She had of course never seen a dragon outside of picture books and paintings, but there had scarcely been a day she hadn't thought about them, been reminded of her ultimate destiny.

The pictures hadn't prepared her for the reality. Not at all. This was a magnificent beast. Even in her terror, Faith couldn't help admiring his beauty and power.

Attempting to steady herself, she took several deep, slow breaths. She looked around, trying to appear casual. She could see no exit, other than the ledge the dragons had used. Nothing but the night sky was visible out there. They must be high on a mountain.

The dragon was approaching her. Faith's attention snapped back and her breath caught in her throat.

The beast's head came close, sniffing and scenting her.
He's not going to eat me
. She told herself again.
That's not why I'm here.
The thought was hardly comforting. But she had seen him angry, and he didn't look angry now. His glowing, shifting eyes were half-lidded, his hot breath slow and steady.

His long tongue flicked out, and touched her wrist. Faith winced and pulled away. Relentless, the dragon continued to taste her, the tongue finding her hand and snaking its way up her arm. It felt hot and very slightly wet.

She shivered as the tongue traced her torn dress. It flicked over her chest, exploring the curves of her cleavage, and up over her neck.

The dragon shifted, slowly lifting one front paw, and hooked a claw into her bodice at the neckline. Faith gasped as it cut through the fabric as easily as butter, straight down the middle so that the tattered bodice and corset both fell open.

She tried to clutch at it, holding it against her to protect her modesty, but the dragon nosed against her, taking the fabric delicately between its teeth and tugging it away. Her breasts fell free and she hugged herself, trying to shield them. She stood only in her skirts.

Faith had stopped shivering. Her fear was slowly turning to anger. If he must undress her, why wouldn't he just get it over with?

And was she expected to... to lay with him, in this beastly form? She remembered his human shape, his proud features and silvery hair, illuminated by moonlight. He was tall and very strong, and handsome in an otherworldly kind of way.

He had spoken to Faith in her own tongue, and hadn't been unkind, considering her escape attempt.
Perhaps I could stand to get to know that man
, she reluctantly admitted to herself. But the man was the dragon, and the dragon was the man.

The beast's paw brushed her hands away, so that she was fully exposed. Her nipples immediately hardened, exposed to the cool air that alternated with the hot steamy breaths of the dragon.

She took a deep shuddering breath. The tongue, hot and wet, brushed one nipple - then flicked against the other. She whimpered softly.

As the tongue trailed where no one had ever touched, down between her round breasts and over her belly, her skin prickled and quivered slightly in its wake. It flicked briefly against her navel. Then the beast used his claws again, shearing her skirts open so that they fell to the ground in a pool at her feet.

She was utterly exposed; humiliated. Hot tears stung her eyes and her face burned with an angry blush. Why must he draw out her torture so?

But the dragon continued its leisurely exploration. He lowered his head and the tongue wound up one leg, moistening a trail over her knee and up her inner thigh.

With a cry of shock she moved a hand, trying to shield her sex. But the beast huffed warningly and pushed her arm aside.

Faith squeezed her eyes tightly shut as the forked tongue explored her mound with its small patch of fine downy hair. She pressed her legs tightly together as the hot breath washed over her, but the tongue forced its way between them, dipping just inside her folds as though sampling her taste.

Then, it moved up to her hard little button - and she gasped at the shock of sensation as the tongue flicked and then lapped at it.

It was a sharp, jolting pleasure - purely physical - that she had never felt before. Her hands fell away and she pressed them back against the stone wall, bracing herself. "Gods...!" She breathed.

The dragon's eyes rolled up to look at her, his tongue teasing circles around her sensitive nub. Faith averted her eyes; closed them again to avoid his gaze. Her body quivered under the dragon's assault - every wave of pleasure sending involuntary tremors right through her, even down to the soles of her feet.

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