Spiritwalker (28 page)

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Authors: Siobhan Corcoran

BOOK: Spiritwalker
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Eva and everyone else in the room held their breath. Eva bit her hand so as not to make a sound and miss hearing a single word Anna says. She is bolt upright now on the edge of her seat. Everyone is totally alert.

“What has he done to her?” David asks. Anna continues, her face contorting as she relives the sight of the pitiful creature huddled in the bed. Her voice full of emotion.

“It’s ok Anna, just tell us where they are. Do you know the address?” David said getting his pad and pen at the ready.

“Yes, it’s called Smythe Manor and it’s not far from South-end. I don't know the exact address cause it’s in the countryside.”

Morley made as if to rise but David motioned for him to remain seated. He did.

“Anna” David said. “Is Jane still there?”

“No. I was just about to leave. I'd found her. I wanted scream, I was so happy. Then he said something that made me shudder. He said he was taking her away, they were going on a trip. I couldn't go. I had to stay with Jane. I had to find out where he was taking her to. I would have gone but I knew I could lose him again. It might take too long to get back to my body, so I stayed. Jane saw me, I'm sure of it. She looked directly at me and asked me if I was an angel, she begged me to help her. I promised I would but I don't know if she heard me.” Anna's face looked drawn and tired. She continued her narrative. “He left the room for a moment and when he came back he injected her with something and she passed out. She was still breathing I could see her chest rise and fall. He carried her to his truck and placed her in a space on the floor behind the driver’s seat. Then he locked it and placed some stuff over it. No one would ever guess she was in there. I couldn't see her anymore it was too dark. He got in and began driving. I wasn't paying too much attention, I was lost in my own thoughts just waiting for him to reach his destination so I could get Jane help.”

“Where did he take her?” David asked calmly

“Dover.” Was her answer. “Oh no, I can't cross the water. Oh god what should I do.” Anna was getting very distraught again.

“Anna, Anna, calm down. You’re okay, I promise.” David said firmly. “It’s only a memory. Why can't you cross the channel?”

Anna calmed somewhat but was still on edge. “I don't know. Water messes with my spirit. It makes me want to float away. I lose consciousness every time. I can't return to my body. I don't know what happens. I just drift.” David was amazed. This was something no one had ever said before. “What did you do Anna?”

“I stayed with Jane.” She said firmly. “I couldn't leave her. I forced myself to concentrate on grounding my spirit and on helping Jane. I couldn't fail her now. It was awful. I fought against being swept away. I was exhausted. Then he came back to the car. I was losing the battle to stay. I was just able to last long enough to see him put an address into his sat-nav. Then I drifted slowly up and away. The car was gone, the boat was gone. I saw only the stars.”

They were all bursting now, Eva, Morley and Cara, all waiting hoping that Anna could remember the address. David asked

“Can you remember that address?” His voice didn't betray his emotions. It was calm and steady even though he knew the answer to this question was vital.

“Yes. It was La rue de Saint Louis, Harfleur.” Everyone let out a breath, no one had realised that they were holding theirs in until she said the address. There was a lot of shifting of bottoms on seats. David knew his session was at an end. They had the information they needed. How much of it was true was anybody's guess. He seemed to be the only sceptic in the room and he too was fast becoming a believer.

“Anna, when I click my fingers I want you to open your eyes, you will wake up and you will remember everything.” He snapped his fingers and she opened her eyes. Total recollection flooded her features and she burst into tears. “I remember.” Was all she said, Eva gathered her into an embrace and kissed her cheek tenderly. “You did it. You found my sister… we must go and get her” Eva said releasing Anna and turning to Morley. “Now before he moves her again.”

Chapter thirty seven

It was the third morning of her imprisonment in this new place. Jane paced the room, up and down she walked, planning her next move. Kingston hadn't chained her up since their move here, but he still locked her into her room at night. The shutters on the window had been removed but there was no chance of escape through it. It had metal bars on the outside as is common in a lot of properties in France, especially those that are used as holiday homes. And these were secured by a big padlock. No amount of shaking even budged them so much as an inch. Jane had given up any idea of escape that way. She knew the only way out for her was through the front door and she was biding her time. It would come, she knew that she just had to be patient and gain his trust. As usual he arrived up to her at eight am. He wore that stupid grin on his face all the time now. He was delighted to see her up and dressed and looking so well. She had improved immensely in the past two days.

“You look fabulous my dear.” He said when he saw her. Jane smiled brightly at him. She had shifted immediately into her new role. For two days now she hadn't let it slip she had a single -mindedness about her now that even a fundamental extremist would have been proud of. Gone were all thoughts of self-harm and any thoughts of dying. She wanted to live and she intended to. She had gone over every possible escape scenario in her head and she knew that if it came to it she wouldn't hesitate to kill him. She had seen what he was capable of and she tightened her resolve.

“Do you have to keep locking that door?” She pouted at him. Pretending it was all some game. “You have to start trusting me. I love it so much here. I wish we could stay here forever.” She gushed at him. You slimy bastard she thought to herself. And that thought cheered her and she smiled a genuine smile at him.

“I just have to be sure, you understand, don't you. I couldn't bear to lose you.” He replied looking seriously into her eyes.

“Of course darling, I'm just teasing.” Jane said staring back into his. “How about you take me shopping later, I don't have anything suitable to wear.” She said indicating to her tatty t-shirt and jeans.

“You look fabulous to me.” He said “But if it makes you happy I could go and get some things for you.”

“May I go with you? I've been cooped up in her for so long.”

“Not today!” he said firmly. “But make a list and I'll get whatever you want. Okay honey?”

“Please darling may I go too, pretty please.” She said smiling at him.

“No!” He shouted, his demeanour suddenly changing. She stepped away from him hastily a look of fear crossed her face.

“I'm sorry darling.” He said quickly regaining his composure. It’s just too soon. He had seen the look of fear on her face.

“It’s okay, really.” She reassured him trying desperately to regain her composure. Every day she pushed him to his limits and she got a bit further each time. He still frightened the wits out of her with his sudden mood swings but she wasn't about to give up.

“Let’s have breakfast outside this morning.” She said grabbing his hand and pulling him out the door and down the stairs. His anger quickly forgotten he trotted along happily behind her like a puppy on a lead.

The morning was lovely and warm, birds were singing sweetly from their lofty branches, every now and then Jane would throw a few crumbs on the ground and tiny birds would venture timidly to devour them. They got bolder and bolder each time. How she envied them their freedom to fly away. She was soaking up the warm sun when suddenly Richard jumped up from his seat and grabbed her arm and pulled her into the house and dragged her up the stairs and into her room and locked the door. She hadn't been paying attention, lost in her own thoughts, she was scared, what was wrong now? He had heard a car approach and sprang into action. Jane watched from her bedroom window as the battered old green car pulled up outside. Richard rushed quickly outside as an elderly grey haired man exited the car. He squinted up at Richard and said something to him. Jane couldn't quite make out what they were saying but it was obvious that Richard didn’t want him hanging around. He practically pushed him back into his car and watched as he drove off out of sight. A moment later he unlocked her door apologising for his rudeness.

“Who was that?” Jane asked curious. It was the first visitor they had, since they had arrived. Which wasn't surprising really they seemed to be quiet far from any other house.

“It was only the caretaker’s husband. I had requested that he was not to come but his wife is away and he just wanted to know if we needed anything.” Richard said calmly enough but she could see that he wasn't happy about being disturbed.

“You should have invited him in. Our first visitor.” Jane said enthusiastically, pretending not to understand why he hadn't

He looked at her as though she had proposed he invite in a gang of rapists for tea. She almost laughed out loud at the horror on his face.

“Perhaps next time. Besides it’s nice when it’s just the two of us.”

They spent until the afternoon sitting outside in the garden. Jane had found some English novels in the living room and proceeded to try and read one. She found it had to concentrate on reading and frequently found herself thinking of her daughters and her husband. She could feel the melancholy drift over her, and quickly shook it off forcing herself to concentrate on the book.

After lunch she suggested that they go and explore the property. To her surprise Richard agreed and he diligently followed as she walked the boundaries of the property. She made mental notes of the best escape routes should the opportunity arise. She had decided that she would go on foot but she knew that the Land Rover would be a better bet. Only problem was he kept the keys with him at all times. She wasn’t sure if she could get them without him noticing. She didn’t know how far she was from civilisation, she guessed that it couldn’t be too far. They walked down the tiny lane that led up to the property. It was at least a half mile long she estimated as they strolled along. They reached a bigger road and when Richard heard a car approach he quickly pulled her into the side and ordered her to lay low until it had passed. That was the end of their little excursion. He was still totally paranoid of every little sound and they walked quickly back the way they had come. Nothing else happened that day but Jane watched him like a hawk, all she needed was one opportunity and she wasn’t prepared to let it slip by. He always kept his mobile phone in a little holder on his belt. She wondered if there was a chance she could get it and phone the police. He didn't go shopping that day he was still spooked after the unexpected arrival of the caretaker’s husband and wasn't ready yet to leave Jane on her own, even if she was locked in her room. He was equally unwilling to bring her into town shopping just yet. She went to bed again that night a bit disappointed but not totally depressed. She knew he was beginning to trust her even if it was at a snail’s pace.

Day four dawned, it was dull and drizzly outside. Jane was depressed looking out into the misty garden. Richard again appeared at eight o'clock on the dot. He was full of the joys of life, smiling and chatting as though he hadn't a care in the world. Jane switched to her enthusiastic self, she was beginning to wonder how much longer she could keep up this pleasant charade. The sight of him made her feel sick and her skin crawled. As though sensing depression was once again descending on her, he suggested that they go for a drive later on. Jane immediately cheered up, any opportunity to leave the confines of the house was agreeable. She told him she would get ready at once.

“Do you think I could have a proper bath today?” Jane asked timidly. Up until now he had only allowed her to shower. She had seen the massive bath in the main bathroom, it had a Jacuzzi in it and she longed for a bit of pampering. Anything that would make her feel normal again.

“Of course, my darling.” He had said looking pleased. He followed her up the stairs and stood outside the bathroom door while she ran the hot water.

“Do you mind if I close the door?” Then seeing his expression quickly said. “It’s just a habit, the girls used to love coming in and talking to me when I was in the bath. All I wanted was a bit of privacy. Some time to myself. You understand?” She smiled sweetly at him.

“How stupid of me, of course you should have some privacy. I'll be right downstairs if you need anything.”

She locked the bathroom door, surprised at the feeling of power it gave her. It was the first time since she had been kidnapped that she felt good about being locked in. It was because it was her decision. Soaking away in the bath with the Jacuzzi turned on and the bubbles building up like mounds of soft snow, she turned her thoughts to escape. Perhaps today would be the day. She might get an opportunity while they were out driving. A knock on the bathroom door jerked her back to reality.

“Are you okay in there darling. You've been over an hour. I was hoping to go soon.” Richard said

Christ has it been that long she muttered to herself. “Just coming. I'm getting dressed now.” She hurriedly got out of the bath and dried herself and put on some fresh clothes. She didn't want him to change his mind like he had yesterday. She rummaged through the medicine cupboard for some dental floss and froze when her hand picked up a little plastic container of pills. She read the label, Diazepam. Sleeping tablets, the same brand she had been prescribed by her own doctor a while back when she had been having trouble sleeping. An idea hit her like a lightning bolt. If I can get him to take some of these without him realising it, I can get away....I'll be free.

“Jane” he called “Are you ready?”

She quickly pocketed some of the contents of the bottle into her jean pocket and replaced it back into the cabinet. Her heart was beating fast, her face was flushed. This was the best chance of escape she had. Now all she had to do was appear normal and slip them into his food or drink next chance she got.

“Everything alright?” He asked. He had been sitting on the top stair waiting for her.

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