Spiritwalker (9 page)

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Authors: Siobhan Corcoran

BOOK: Spiritwalker
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“Was that unusual for her to do?”

Oh god yeah.  Mum hated having to change her number.  Well it’s such a hassle isn't it, you have to give everyone your new number.”

“Had it ever happened before, the crank calls I mean.”

“No don't think so.  But it happened to a friend of mine last year, but that turned out to be an ex- boyfriend.  She changed her number and he stopped”

“Did the calls to your mother stop?”

“I think so.  At least I don't remember any problems after that.”

“Did your mother call the police/

“I don't know, maybe. Do you think it might have something to do with her being...Missing?”  Molly was mulling over the events in her head.  “Can I come to Aunt Eva's with you? I don't want to be here on my own.  Dad's in Germany organising some tour or other and Sam is in Scotland.  Besides I need to find Mum and make sure Sassy's okay” 

“I think that's a good idea.”  Anna said, she hadn't wanted to leave Molly on her own in case she had another attack.

“I'll just pack a bag and leave a note for the housekeeper.”  Molly said heading out the door. 

It didn't take Molly long to throw together an overnight bag and she arrived back to Anna suited and booted and ready to go.  Anna realised that this was a girl who did things on impulse, she had hoped to interview some of Jane's friends and neighbours but she didn't want to leave Molly to get the train on her own, so she said.  “Do you have the phone no. of your Mum's friend Sylvia?  I'd like to arrange to meet her, maybe she knows more about that guy that your mum brought home.  Or maybe she knows who Mary is.

“Sure, hang on I'll get it.  Mum keeps a list of her contacts in an address book somewhere.”

Molly searched the drawers of the writing desk and uncovered a large leather bound address book.

“This is it.” She said handing it to Anna.  “She started writing addresses and phone numbers down after she lost her phone one time.  I showed her how to store them electronically but she preferred to keep a hard copy, in case the computer ever went down.  Molly rolled her eyes in exasperation as though the thought of such a thing was unthinkable.

“Do you mind if I hold on to it?”  Anna enquired

“Nay, that's fine, I'm sure Mum won't mind.”  As soon as the words were spoken it began to register with her the reason she was giving someone her mother's address book.  Anna could see she was trying really hard to hold herself together.

“It’s okay Molly.  Tell you what, you phone your sister and dad and I'll ring Sylvia and make an appointment to see her.  Then we can travel down to Kent together.  What's Sylvia’s last name?”

“Cavendish, at least I think it’s still Cavendish.  She been married at least three times and divorced three times, that's her maiden name, sounds posh doesn't it.  I think she's the daughter of a lord or something.  The Honourable Sylvia Cavendish.”  Molly said imitating a footman announcing a new arrival at a posh party.

Anna smiled at her, glad that Molly seemed to be able to make jokes under the circumstances.

“Why don't you ring your family and I'll see if Sylvia can meet with me today.”  She said flicking through the pages of Jane's address book and locating Sylvia’s no she was glad to note that it was a London address.  Hopefully she will be at home Anna thought as she pulled out her mobile from her purse.

            At first Sylvia was reluctant to meet with Anna.  She seemed to be of the same opinion as most of Jane's family that she had just gone off and didn't want to be disturbed.  She told Anna that the police had already questioned her and that she didn't know where Jane was.  Anna insisted however and she reluctantly agreed, stating that she would only be at home for an hour as she had an important luncheon date with her agent.  Anna decided to bring Molly along for the interview, hoping that it would make Sylvia open up more if she was present, besides she felt obligated to make sure she was looked after until she found someone competent to keep an eye on her.

            Sylvia Cavendish was an unusual woman to say the least.  She was of medium height, thin with bleached blond hair, bleached to within an inch of its life.  She had that permanent startled expression that one can only get from one too many face lifts and too much Botox.  Anna’s father always said that people who had face lifts looked unnatural and scary, they should only be allowed out at Halloween, that young children shouldn't have the wits scared out of them any other day unless they were expecting it.  Anna had to agree with that sentiment, how anyone could think that the end result of so much surgery was attractive was beyond her.  The woman before her looked as if she had just about every part of her lifted and tucked. When she greeted them she smiled but the flesh on her face only moved a fraction and there wasn't a wrinkle or crease in sight.  Sylvia Cavendish was a flamboyant woman, her make-up was caked on with what could very easily have been a trowel, she wore bright blue eye-shadow and a dark pencil line was drawn on under her eyes, her lips were bright red, all in all it gave her a decidedly clownish appearance.  She was wearing a baby-pink trouser suit and pink sling-back high heels.  She threw her arms around Molly, calling her darling and gushing some other endearments.  Molly looked slightly uncomfortable but returned the embrace.  She ushered them into her study and after offering them refreshments which they both refused, Anna began her interview by saying.  “Ms Cavendish, have you heard anything from Jane since she disappeared?”  She glanced at Molly to make sure that the girl was comfortable with the question.

“Jane hasn't disappeared she's in Scotland.  I don't know why her sister had to hire a private detective to hunt her down, she just wants some time away from London.”

“Sylvia” this was Molly speaking. “Some things have happened that make us think she might not be in Scotland like she said.”

“What kind of things, what's happened?”

Anna gently nudged Molly to prevent her from saying anything about Sassy.  Molly took the hint and instead said.  “Do you remember the first party that Mum went to after her break-up with Dad?”

“We think...” Anna interrupted” that she may have been escorted home by a man she met there.  Do you know if she left with anyone that night?”

“I don't remember, that must have been early last summer, she met a lot of people, she was very popular you know.”  Sylvia said a little jealously. 

“Do you happen to remember if she mentioned anyone harassing her maybe calling or texting, someone she didn't want to go out with?”

 Sylvia thought for a moment.  Anna noticed a subtle change in Sylvia's face as though something had just occurred to her.  Anna was sure that at last she was going to get some useful information but instead Sylvia said.

“I'm sorry, but I really don't remember anyone in particular that took a shine to Jane.  It’s so long ago” she said apologetically.

“Do you know who Mary is, the woman she supposedly went to Scotland with?”  Anna knew she was hiding something, she could sense that the woman knew or suspected more than she was letting on.  She was reluctant to push her too far in front of Molly.

“I can't imagine who it could be off hand.  The police already checked the names of people I gave them.  Miss Cotter, Molly.  I really don't know where she is but I promise I'll ask around.  I do know a few Marys, I'll check them out.”  Rising and turning to Molly she said. “Maybe she has met someone nice and gone off and not told anyone.  I'm sure she's fine, Jane's a tough cookie, she'll be fine.  Don't worry.”  She hugged Molly and turning to Anna said. “I have an appointment in fifteen minutes so you'll have to excuse me or I'll be late.”

Anna rose, knowing that she wasn't going to get more information out of Sylvia.  “Thank you for your time.  Please let us know if you think of anything or find out where she is.” She handed Sylvia her business card with all her contact details on it.  “I'm staying with Eva Westhall you can contact her if it’s easier.”

Sylvia thanked them and after she had closed the door on them she retrieved her phone and rang her agent cancelling her appointment.  I know who you're with you sly hussy she said to herself and I think I know where you are.  She grabbed her car keys and slammed the door behind her.



Chapter thirteen


            Sylvia unlocked her pride and joy, a bright red Porsche 911 Cabriolet 3.4 litre, she adored this car and loved driving it.  She had been awarded it in her last divorce settlement from her mega rich financier of a husband.  It was the perfect car for driving around London if one wanted to be noticed, and Sylvia was someone who loved attention. The only drawback was parking it on the street.  It had been keyed twice since she had got it, she swore never to park it anywhere unattended again.  Now she only parked it in her own underground parking space or in a valet only car-park.  She sat into it loving the feel of the plush leather seat, and set the Sat Nav for the address where she thought Jane was hiding out.  Once she had directions for South-End-On-Sea locked in she drove out of the underground car park and followed the directions given.  She was mad as hell with Jane, she was convinced that she had gone off with him, who else could it be?  She had told Jane a number of times to keep her hands off him, she hadn't believed for a moment when Jane had told her that it was all one-sided.  How could she not fancy him, he was gorgeous rich and incredibly sexy.  Women were falling all over each other to get a date with him.   No wonder she didn't want anyone to know where she was.... gone to Scotland indeed.

            She tried ringing him from her car phone but her calls were ringing out.  Too busy riding the ass off her to talk to me she muttered as she hung up.  She reached South-end, traffic was reasonably quiet leaving London, and she had made good time.  It was almost lunch -time and she was starving but decided to keep going and head straight out to his estate, it was only another fifteen minute drive away and she badly wanted to surprise them.  She pulled up at the gates to his estate and pressed the button on the intercom... No reply.  She keyed in the code, she had been a frequent visitor here at one time and hoped that the code hadn't been changed.  It hadn't and the gates opened smoothly to grant her access.  She drove up the avenue to the house, it was almost a kilometre from the main road.  He loved his privacy, she couldn't blame him the Pap’s were always hot on his heels.  She knew that he often wore a disguise when he went out and he drove an old banger of a car when he wanted to go unnoticed.  She parked in front of the house and walked up and rang the doorbell.  No answer.  Never mind she thought I can wait.  She went all around the large building searching for an open window, she knew that he didn't have live in staff.  He really was paranoid about his privacy.  The only staff that he employed was a deaf old cleaning lady from the nearby village and her elderly husband and son who managed the gardens, both of whom were deaf also.  She never understood why he hired such people, she had asked him once, and his reply was that since they were deaf they couldn't eavesdrop on him and go shooting their mouths off to the press.  It had made sense to her at the time even if it had seemed a bit extreme. 

            Finding no trace of life anywhere, she decided to search for the key and try and let herself in.  She went down to the potting shed and found what she was looking for.  A box that looked like a rock was tucked away on the top of one of the shelves, when she slid the top off it revealed its contents.  One back door key.  She returned to the house and inserted the key into the lock and turned.  The door opened, she heard the familiar shrill chirp of the alarm and dashed over to the control and tried to remember the code.  Damn she thought what was it, she tried a number and hit enter...Wrong no.   Then she remembered he had told her once that he had changed it to the first four digits of her mobile no.  She keyed them in.   No luck.  Then she had an idea, maybe he changed it to Jane's no.  She pulled out her phone and looked up the number, keyed it in and hey presto it worked the alarm was silenced.   Doesn't look like anybody's home she thought as she wandered in and out of the downstairs rooms in search of some clue to Jane's presence.  It had been a long time since she had been here and not much had changed.  She wandered into his office, looked at the few photographs on the shelf, turned around and there it was... An eight by ten colour photo of Jane and himself, she with her arm around his waist and he was looking adoringly down at her.  She picked up the photo frame and turned it over, Richard and Jane, love at first sight and the date were written on the back. That was the date of the party Jenny had introduced them. She remembered because it was also her birthday and she had been disgusted to find him so attentive to Jane instead of herself. Wow she thought as she replaced the photo back on the desk.  This must be serious.  Feelings of jealousy welled up inside her, she knew she had only been a fling, much as she had hoped to make him husband number four, she knew deep down that it was never going to happen.  But for her best friend to stab her in the back and go off with him when she knew how crazy she was about him... that was wrong.  “I'd never do that to you” she mouthed crossly at the photo.  She sat at his desk and absently switched on the television, she picked up the remote from the desk and pressed the on button.  She was surprised by the image that appeared. 

            There lying on a bed was Jane.  No sign of Richard anywhere.  She looked at her watch, what's she doing in bed at this time of day the dirty bitch, she thought to herself… I know I'll surprise them.  She hoped Richard wouldn't be too cross with her little excursion to his house.  She didn't think he would, he had always been the perfect gentleman.... at least out of the bedroom he had.  She found out early in their short relationship that Richard liked sex a little kinky… to put it mildly.  He loved bondage and he had often tied her up and done some weird things to her...Some of them quiet painful if she were truthful, she herself was no stranger to experimenting in the bedroom, but even she had thought that he had gone too far at times.  A few times she had to beg him to stop, he was hurting her too much.  He was big into strangulation, which was fine but he was inclined to press too hard and often she had had bruises on her neck which she had to hide with a scarf for days after.  Still she thought one doesn't get to meet someone as perfect as Richard, without having to pay the piper in some way or other.  Anyway all of her husbands had been a little adventurous when it came to sex, it was normal as far as she was concerned.  It's just as well his staff were deaf she mused as she went to look for Jane.

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