SS Brotherhood of the Bell: The Nazis’ Incredible Secret Technology (63 page)

BOOK: SS Brotherhood of the Bell: The Nazis’ Incredible Secret Technology
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One can only wonder then, how far this work was pressed from this little tube’s appearance and use in Nazi Germany in 1940 to the “discovery” of the transistor in 1947. Something was seeded into American industry, something “alien,” but alien in the sense of “
” both scientifically, ethnically and politically.

And as for the miraculous silicon semiconductor chips, a picture suffices to dispense with Corso’s thesis on this point as well:

German SemiConductor Wafers Manufactured During the War for Use in Infrared Sights, from a Combined Intelligence Objectives Committee Report

In other words, the miraculous “E.T. technology” that Corso refers to already existed in its prototypical stages of development in Nazi Germany.

Thus, as far as the transistor goes, the historical
and verifiable
record points, not to “E.T.” as the origin of the Roswell debris and recovered technology, but to
Nazi Germany.

2. Lasers

But what of lasers themselves, which Corso also maintains was one of the many devices stemming from the recovered “ET” technology from the Roswell crash?

As my previous book
Reich of the Black Sun
and as chapter 5 of this book showed,
lasers too were one aspect of “quantum coherence” being researched by the Germans. Igor Witkowski is even more specific in his account of just what the Germans were after, for they were not, it seems, after an ordinary optical laser:

After all it is common knowledge that among other things work was also carried out on some kind of “X-ray laser” – a source of coherent X-ray or gamma radiation, which is well-known to be lethal to living organisms at high intensity. Thanks to searches carried out in German archives it has been possible to establish that in 1944 a special Luftwaffe research establishment received the task to develop such a weapon, situated at the town of Gross Ostheim. Materials relating to this work are currently located in a civilian establishment – the Karlsruhe research centre and were disclosed several years ago…. One can make out that three different lethal radiation emitters were worked on and that the construction of such a device, effective as an anti-aircraft weapon lay within the Third Reich’s range of possibilities and its military use was possible in a relatively short time – that is to say still before the end of the war. The third and most mature version of the weapon assumed the irradiation of a target 5 kilometers away at a rate of 7 rads a second for 30 seconds which, as affirmed in the report, was completely sufficient to totally paralyze the aircraft’s crew.

While the description of the weapon Witkowski describes does not sound like a genuine cohered X-ray was achieved (noting its limited operational range and relatively low dosage of radiation), it nonetheless is also possible that the idea of
of X-rays and gamma rays was the goal. Again, this means that the
of coherence predated Roswell as did the first experimental steps towards its realization. There is nothing necessarily extraterrestrial whatsoever about it.

3. Fiber Optics

Then what of fiber optics? Surely this, at least, was so exotic that no terrestrially-based prototypical technology existed in 1947? “Members of the retrieval team who foraged around inside the spacecraft on the morning of the discovery,” Corso states,

Told Colonel Blancard back at the 509
(Bomb group) that they were amazed they couldn’t find any conventional wiring. Where were the electrical connections? They didn’t understand the function of the printed circuit wafers they found, but, even more important, they were completely mystified by the single glass filaments that ran through the panels of the ship.

So once again off Colonel Corso went to consult with a German Paperclip scientist, Hans Kohler:

The technology was still very new, Hans Kohler told me during a private briefing in early 1962, but the promise of using light as a carrier of all kinds of signals through single-filament glass strands was holding great promise. He explained that the premise of optical fibers was to have a filament of glass so fine and free of any impurities that nothing would impede the light beam moving along the center of the shaft.

But unfortunately, at this point here there exists an indicator – a very
one – that some work along these lines was also underway in Nazi Germany.

There exists a list of special German research projects in radar, homing devices, and so on that describes a project headed a Professor Karolus, based in Leipzig, whose purpose was to investigate the modulation of mercury lighting for the purposes of “light telephony” that would have operated in the infrared band. Nothing more is known about it, but the connection of the project to
does raise questions, one that Igor Witkowski himself asks very bluntly: “Could this have referred to some kind of precursor to present day optical fibre telephony?”

What are we to conclude from all this?

As regards the M
-12 documents examined here, one has indications of a definite pattern of exotic though entirely
technology, and one that
be under independent or quasi-independent development. And during the period from the end of the war to the early 1960s, only one entity really would have an interest in doing so, a “Nazi International.”

As regards the Corso thesis of Roswell, it is clear that, in two out of the three cases mentioned here - the transistor and the laser – that he adduces were the results of ET seeded technology, there are wartime German antecedents in the technology tree. In the last case – fiber optics – there is a vague reference to “light telephony” that
represent a prototypical technology leading eventually to the modern fiber optic technology.

However, when Corso’s thesis is viewed in conjunction with the M
-12 documents reviewed here, and in conjunction with what is known of wartime German research achievements, his thesis shows itself to be rather weak. Indeed,
more documentary substantiation exists for a terrestrial and German origin for some of the technology he cites in support of his thesis, than there exists evidence for its extraterrestrial origin, for which Corso adduces not a shred of evidence other than his stories.
Indeed, in these anecdotal stories Corso every now and then includes statements to the effect that our military saw the “German resemblance” in the “ET” technology recovered at Roswell! Unless one is to believe the Nazis’ own Thule Society-inspired belief that the white Aryan race is ultimately of extraterrestrial origin, the indicators seem preponderantly to point to terrestrial, and most probably German origins for the technology.

Finally, the M
-12 documents examined in this chapter either allude indirectly to, or openly assert, the involvement of the shadowy UFO group in the assassination of President Kennedy.

But before leaving the subjects of M
-12, Nazi Paperclip personnel, Roswell, and Colonel Corso, a final word shows how weirdly, and how intimately, they are all connected:

Col. Philip Corso, info source for last year’s book
The Day After Roswell,
and temporary darling of Ufology, has brought attention to himself with the revelation of a history in spin control and association with right wing extremist elements in the military as well as his former ties to a semi-secret society called the “Shickshinny Knights of Malta”

The Day After Roswell
was a gleam in the eye of someone at Simon and Schuster, Peter Dale Scott wrote about Corso in
Deep Politics and the Death of JFK.
In the light of the fact that he is working on another book with Roswell co-author William Birnes (to be entitled
The Day After Dallas
it is worth noting that Corso was an investigator involved with the Warren Commission
who according to Scott, “built on … anti CIA paranoia by telling his friend and fellow Senate staffer [for segregationist Strom Thurmond] Julien Sourwine, who made sure it was relayed to the FBI, that Oswald was tied to a communist ring inside the CIA, and was doubling as an informant for the FBI.”

….The Shickshinny Knights of Malta was apparently founded by old-guard White Russians who emigrated to the US after the revolution, eventually settling in Shickshinny, Pennsylvania. By the end of the Second World War, the organization had evolved into a haven for mothballed right wing military intelligence personnel.
When Corso became involved with the Knights, (circa 1963-64) the organization seemed to operate as an underground think tank and spin factory…. Corso disavows any association with the group.

Perhaps this has little to do with Corso’s present activities, however a few people in the UFO community have expressed the feeling that his claims in Roswell may be the result of a few verifyable (sic) facts diluted with much more mis-or disinformation. If this is true, Corso himself may not be aware of it. In light of the man’s history, this may not be far off the mark, and there is reason to suspect that he may have been called out of retirement to play the role of publicist one last time.

That Corso was an investigator for the Warren Commission is a direct connection to the JFK assassination, but more important are the allegations of associations with a “White Russian émigré community” that after the war became a “haven for mothballed right wing military intelligence personnel.”

Just whose “mothballed right wing military intelligence personnel” we already know: General Reinhard Gehlen’s
Fremde Heere Ost
with its myriad of “émigré” front organizations. Just what all this has to do with the assassination of President Kennedy was already briefly touched upon in chapter three, “From Russia with Love,” but now, it is time to go into the detailed connections of German military intelligence, Nazi technology, German money, and the tragic events in Dallas in November of 1963.


Col. Philip J. Corso (US Army, Ret.), with William J. Birnes,
The Day
After Roswell
, p. 4.


Frank Edwards,
Flying Saucers, Serious Business
(London: Mayflower-Dell, 1967), pp. 136-137.

Frank Edwards,
Flying Saucers, Serious Business,
p. 137.

Col. Philip J. Corso (US Army, ret),
The Day After Roswell,
p. 4.

See my
Reich of the Black Sun,
pp. 303-308.

Ibid., pp. 287-302.

Recall the examples of the
or Professor Lippisch’s P-13 ramjet fighter from chapter one.

Renato Vesco and David Hatcher Childress,
ManMade UFO’s: Fifty
Years of Suppression
(Kempton, Illinois: Adventures Unlimited Press), pp. 177-205.

More will be said on the fact that the figure of 1,200 mph repeatedly appears in UFO articles of the period.

See the statements of Tom Agoston referenced in my
Reich of the Black Sun,
p. 105. Additionally, since the Bell incorporated radioactive material in a device clearly intended in part to research exotic propulsion, it may loosely be described as a form of nuclear propulsion.

Reich of the Black Sun,
pp. 274-330.

CI: Counterintelligence.

“STF”: most likely well-known UFOlogist Stanton T. Friedman.

SIOP was the US Air Force’s targeting timetable for the nuclear and thermonuclear destruction of strategic targets in the Soviet Union.

See Corso,
The Day After Roswell,
pp. 276-332, which reproduces the Top Secret military study of a Lunar base called “Project Horizon.” It is to be noted that no program of cooperation with the Soviet Union is entertained in the document. Also interesting is the name of the rocket booster in the document that will be designed to reach and help construct the lunar military base: the Saturn II.

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