SS Brotherhood of the Bell: The Nazis’ Incredible Secret Technology (64 page)

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This is not the place to comment on such problems, which I hope to do in a future book.

See my
Reich of the Black Sun,
pp. 293-303.

This spelling occurs in the original document.

For the Rosin affidavit see
Reich of the Black Sun,
pp. 318-319.

The site is

OSRD: Office of Scientific Research and Development.

See my
Reich of the Black Sun,
pp. 302-306.

It is to be noted that the German artist Dellschau, who was intimately connected to the 1890s airship mystery, constantly maintained this continued independent development was in fact the case. In support of this contention these memos should be read in the context of the AMC memos cited earlier, since the Roswell recovery does not evidence a technological basis sufficient to indicate extraterrestrial origin for the vehicle.

(q.v. 1948-1959.php)

Col. Philip J. Corso (US Army, ret),
The Day After Roswell,
p. 4.

The Day After Roswell,
p. 4 emphasis added.

Ibid., p. 3, emphasis added.

The Day After Roswell,
p. 110, emphasis added.

John J. O’Neill,
Prodigal Genius: The Llife of Nikola Tesla
(Las Vegas: Brotherhood of Life, 1994), p. 250, emphasis added.

The Day After Roswell,
p. 73.

See Corso, op. cit., p. 133.

The Day After Roswel
., p. 169.

Ibid., p. 168, emphasis added.

Reich of the Black Sun,
pp. 104-105, and chapter 5 here, specifically the remarks of Horst Korsching, pp. 186-187.

Igor Witkowski,
The Truth About the Wunderwaffe,
p. 92.

The Day After Roswell,
p. 209.

And inevitably, the question occurs, is this the
Hans Kohler, or Coler, that invented the Coler coil?

Corso, op. cit., p. 210.

Igor Witkowski,
The Truth About the Wunderwaffe,
pp. 157, 158.

Gregory Bishop, ed.,
Wake Up Down There! The Excluded Middle
(Kempton, Illinois: Adventures Unlimited Press, 2000), Issue # 8 – Summer 1998, “Philip Corso’s Background, Motivations Questioned,” pp. 219-220, emphasis added.


“Mae Brussellsprouts:”
Nazi Survival and JFK

“The old war lords are going to come back. (South America) is full of these Nazis!....They will know that is only one kind of people that would do such a thing… that would have to be the Nazis and that is
who is in power.

Jack Ruby

“In this connection it is interesting to note that in May, 1924, when the 700
anniversary of the University of Naples, a University founded by Emperor Frederick II, was celebrated, a crown was found near the sarcophagus of the Emperor in the Cathedral of Palermo with the following inscription:

‘Seinem Kaiser und Helden

Das geheime Deutschland.’

(‘To Their Emperor and Hero, from Secret Germany’)”

Paul Winkler

After World War Two had ended, the Nazis seemed to have developed a considerable skill and talent for appearing in some very unlikely places doing very unlikely things with some very unlikely people.

Consider, for example, the statement made by famous UFO abductee Barney Hill under hypnosis to his psychiatrist Benjamin Simon:


(He takes care to be extremely precise.)

There was a row of windows. A huge row of windows. Only divided by struts – or structures that prevented it from being one solid window. Or then – it would have been one solid window. And the evil face on the – (He starts to say “leader.”)

He looks like a German Nazi. He’s a Nazi…”

(There is a questioning tone in his voice.)


“He’s a Nazi. Did he have a uniform?”




“What kind of uniform?”


“He had a black scarf around his neck, dangling over his left shoulder.”

Then there was Jack Ruby’s odd statement on who was behind the Kennedy assassination, also allegedly made under hypnosis:

The old war lords are going to come back. (South America) is full of these Nazis!...They will know that is only one kind of people that would do such a thing… that would have to be the Nazis and that is who
is in power

Strangely enough, Ruby, by fingering both South America and Nazis, had his finger on an aspect of the Kennedy assassination that few suspected: surviving Nazi communities in South America and their ongoing quasi-independent existence.

A. J.F.K’s Policies

Regardless of whether one agreed or disagreed with his politics, President John F. Kennedy managed during his short term in office to outline policies that clearly threatened a number of well-entrenched and very powerful interests, interests that many believe to comprise elements of America’s “Establishment” or “secret government”. Kennedy had, for example, circulated a national security memorandum after the Bay of Pigs fiasco that effectively turned all paramilitary and covert operations over to the Pentagon, wresting it from the CIA. He had vowed to “smash the CIA into a thousand pieces.” For those people like Allen Dulles or General Charles Peare Cabell – whose appearance in the MAJIC-12 documents we noted in the previous chapter – Kennedy was taking a direct aim at the fiefdoms of bureaucratic power that they had nurtured since the end of World War Two. And with the memorandum, he had scored a direct hit.

And, after one of the America’s most closely contested elections, Kennedy had won by a narrow margin over Republican incumbent Vice President Richard Nixon. Many maintain that Kennedy won because key counties across the country, like Chicago’s notoriously corrupt Cook county in Illinois, were “delivered” to the Kennedy column by then Mayor Richard Daly and various Mafia contacts. It was a story that was claimed for other hotly contested counties. After assuming office, President Kennedy appointed his brother Robert to be Attorney General, and the Kennedy Administration began to go after organized crime. And with brother Robert heading the Justice Department, yet another powerful enemy was gained besides the intelligence community and organized crime. That enemy was J. Edgar Hoover, Director of the FBI, a man who in the quiet circles of party-going power in Washington, D.C., made no secret of his hatred of the Kennedy administration.

At this point, it is worth pausing to note that of these three potential enemies,
of them would exercise extraordinary influence over the post-assassination Warren Commission, for Allen Dulles, former head of the CIA and dismissed by Kennedy after the Bay of Pigs, would of course become a prominent member of the Commission, doubtless thereby insuring that any CIA connections were buried or at the very minimum, obfuscated in a word-spin of confusion. The other enemy that figured prominently in the outcome of the Commission was, of course, J. Edgar Hoover’s FBI, which exercised inordinate influence over the flow of information and data to the Commission.

As was seen in the previous chapter, however, there are MAJIC-12 documents which – if one accepts their genuineness for the sake of argument – also indicate that Kennedy wanted to internationalize space jointly with the Soviet Union. If one assumes the existence of some covert aspect to either or both of the two countries’ space programs, then this too, would have threatened a good many hidden agendas and entrenched power interests. And in this connection, long before any of the MAJIC-12 documents – whether genuine or not – ever surfaced to see the light of day, the Torbitt document drew its own conclusions about to the space program and a network of highly placed Nazis within NASA. For the Torbitt document, Von Braun’s control of the Defense Industrial Security Command (D.I.S.C.) becomes a symbol of this network of Paperclip scientists, connected in turn to other World War Two Fascists such as Ference Nagy, representing the émigré community that had collaborated with the Nazis, and that subsequently fled Eastern Europe and Communist reprisal after the war, and, via the Gehlen Organization, that set up a network of front organizations in Western Europe and the United States. These two groups – the Paperclip scientists and the Fascist émigré fronts – in turn were connected to a veritable “Murder Incorporated,” the so-called “Permindex” corporation, a company with many of these prominent Fascists, as well as Clay Shaw, on its board of directors. The Torbitt document – long before the Cooper-Cantwheel MAJIC-12 documents were ever released to, or planted in, the UFOlogy community – makes very clear a connection to the Kennedy assassination quickly brushed aside by most assassination researchers: The Nazis.

But there is a final potential Kennedy enemy to consider. In June of 1963, the same year as his assassination, Kennedy took aim at one of the most powerful of the “entrenched interests” of the Establishment: international mercantile banking. President Kennedy authorized the printing of approximately four billion dollars of United States Notes and their release for circulation, thereby entirely bypassing the privately-owned Federal Reserve Bank, established by subterfuge and calculated political manipulation after the notorious secret Jekyll Island meeting. Kennedy’s move clearly portended an end to the bankers’ monopolistic hold over the nation’s money supply and a return to “constitutional money,” money entirely free of interest to private banks. This aspect of the assassination conspiracy is even less well-known than the Nazi connection, and remains so.

Careful consideration of the disparate groups connected with the assassination – the military-industrial complex, the “national security ‘community’” represented by the CIA, FBI and other agencies, the space program, the Mafia, the military, right-wing émigré groups represented by various anti-Castro Cuban fronts as well as the Eastern Europeans, and international corporate finance and banking - will indicate many connections between all these elements, as many assassination researchers have pointed out. But there is one group with connections to all of these organized interests, and that, of course, is the Nazis.

B. Mae Brussell on Nazis and JFK

1. Her Thesis

The late Mae Brussell, well-known conspiriologist and radio talk-show host, was never one to leave a stone unturned. Once having learned of the Torbitt document and its contents, Brussell did what she normally did when confronted by the allegation of deep conspiracy: she began putting the pieces together and carefully documenting her sources.

Her statement of Nazi involvement in the assassination at some high level takes account of these “other players” in the overall scheme:

This is a story of how key Nazis, even as the Wehrmacht was still on the offensive, anticipated military disaster and laid plans to transplant Nazism, intact but disguised, in havens in the West. It is the story of how honorable men, and some not so honorable, were so blinded by the Red menace that they fell into lockstep with Nazi designs. It is the story of the Odd Couple Plus One: the mob, the CIA, and fanatical exiles, each with its own reason for gunning for Kennedy. It is a story that climaxes in Dallas on November 22, 1963, when John Kennedy was struck down. And it is a story with an aftermath – America’s slide to the brink of fascism.

Kennedy was gunned down, in other words, by the well-known “coalescence of interests,” which, on Brussell’s view, included the Nazis as very secretive players. But Brussell’s statement hints at something more: a
coup d’etat
with an increasingly fascist face. This “fascist face” will become more and more visible as one considers the details of Brussell’s research, which in turn, exposes a possible motivation for Nazi involvement in a conspiracy of “coalescing interests.”

2. Germans and Atsugi AFB, Japan: An Oswald Nazi Link

Lee Harvey Oswald.

Say the name and most people think immediately of the assassin, or at least, of the fallguy, in the Kennedy murder.

Fewer people will think of an apparently ordinary American man, with an ordinary background, who became a Marine, and then began to exhibit bizarre if not extraordinary political beliefs for a soldier, much less a Marine.

Even fewer people still will think of those bizarre behaviors and political beliefs in connection with Oswald’s known connections to the FBI, and conclude (in my opinion correctly) that Oswald’s bizarre display of pro-Marxist political beliefs while a Marine at the secret Atsugi Air Force Base in Japan were part of a pattern of sheep-dipping him. Oswald, in spite of these openly professed beliefs, had certain security clearances at the secret radar base at the airfield, and was learning Russian as well.

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