SS Brotherhood of the Bell: The Nazis’ Incredible Secret Technology (60 page)

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5. It also appears from the analysis of documents in the previous section that MJ-12 was involved, and may form the ultimate motivation behind, the murders of JFK and Secretary James Forrestal. The subsequent spin-off and privatization and internationalization of the group – as alleged by Cooper’s Source 1 – would seem to indicate that some internal influence, with such international and financial connections, within the MJ-12 group was successful in gaining control of the group and wresting it from the control of the US government. Only two such groups are alluded to in the documents examined thus far: (a) the Masons, in the form of “the 33 investors” of Document 5 (implying the participation and involvement of fraternal groups in the financing and research of these Black projects); and (b) the Paperclip scientists, implying a connection to, and the continued existence of, postwar international Nazi organizations such as O.D.E.S.S.A. and others.

6. In such documents as have been examined, no specific technological or performance characteristic of the recovered craft is of sufficient performance characteristics to indicate an interstellar origin much less and interplanetary one, since the stated speeds for the vehicles are far below what they would need to be to make such travel possible. Moreover, it is apparent that the performance characteristics in most respects is consonant more with very high altitude high performance craft flying within the terrestrial atmosphere. Other than the allusions to atomic and magnetic drives, which would be consonant with exo-atmospheric flight, the speeds are still far too slow for practical interplanetary travel within our own solar system.

7. This in turn suggests that at the highest levels of MJ-12 a “deep cover” disinformation operation is being waged, to make people think in terms of (friendly) extraterrestrial visitation as an explanation, while it is apparent from the examined documents that there is an even deeper level of concern
that the craft are indeed hostile and have “globalcidal” intentions.
Such an ideology is consonant with deeply held Nazi beliefs and is thus another subtle indicator of the nature of the US government’s concern and the reason for the high security operation that is MJ-12.

8. In respect to point 7, it is to be noted that Robert and Ryan Wood seem unable to concentrate on internal technical details of any MJ-12 document without obfuscating them in favor of the ET Hypothesis.

9. A possible means of explaining MJ-12 motivations behind the murder or sanction of the murder of JFK should be noted. If, as one of the documents suggested, JFK planned a joint expedition with the USSR to militarize the moon as a means of defense against the threat posed by UFOs, then this would seem, in light of the pattern emerging of US-USSR cooperation regarding Antarctica, that Kennedy posed a threat to MJ-12 and thereby to the secret Paperclip influence over MJ-12 and over the monopoly on the research and technology and weapons developed under its aegis.

10. The year 1969 is the year MJ-12 is privatized and internationalized. Thus, this might represent, on one point of view, a step in the reassembly of the broken and scattered parts of Nazi secret weapons black projects. If so, then corroboration is rather easy to find: it should be a relatively easy thing to look for details of corporate actions, mergers, and maneuvers and technological developments from that time forward to see if a pattern – if any – emerges that would corroborate or deny this hypothesis. Alternatively, one might look for strange corporate actions immediately prior to and during the period of the JFK assassination that have a German connection or flavor.

With these thoughts in hand, it is time to turn to the most sensational M
-12 document in the Cooper-Cantwheel collection on the Woods’ website. This is

10. Document 12: The MJ-12 “Bowen Encyclopedia on Flying
The Kammlerstab and Nazi Saucers

The Bowen “Encyclopedia on Flying Saucers”, dated by Robert and Ryan Wood on their website to sometime in 1959, is the most crucial piece of MJ-12 documentary evidence that one can adduce in support of the above scenario and the thesis advanced in
Reich of the Black Sun
that what crashes in Roswell was a Nazi “saucer.” In their website dedicated to the Cooper-Cantwheel and other MJ-12 documents, a website dedicated also to defending the ET Hypothesis as the primary explanation for 1940s UFO observations and crash retrievals and whose header motto is “Evidence That We Are Not Alone”,
the following introductory summary is given to the Bowen “Encyclopedia of UFOs”:

Perhaps the most stunning physical evidence for the existence of the TOP SECRET/M
program is this original 339 page manuscript about flying saucers. Written by Vernon Bowen, the original is on watermarked paper with red TOP SECRET/M
stampings on some of the chapters. Most of the rest of the document is marked CONFIDENTIAL. Original handwritten marginalia shows linkages to Project White Hot, Twining, Vannevar Bush, Moon Dust, and Donald Menzel. A well written snapshot of the public history of flying saucers from 1947 to 1954. Bowen was personally well-connected to many top people.

A perusal of the document itself, which includes a brief biography of Bowen apparently written by himself which I include just as the document appears on the Woods’ website, indicates that the entire 339 page manuscript was his own private assembly of UFO reports, with his own stunning conclusions. This report must have apparently caused quite a flap of its own in MJ-12 corridors, since it was immediately classified “TOP SECRET/M
” and foreign distribution was prohibited. A glance at its contents will show why. (See the bold italicized portions of the document which have been added for emphasis):

Vernon Bowen

51 Knofferam Road 1947—1955

Old Grennwich, Conn

12o Woodside Drive

Milbrook 1955-1959

Greenwich, Conn

25 Shoreacre Drive 1950-
Old Greenwich, Conn. Present





Other writings
by Vernon Bowen

Children’s Books



(All published by David McKay Co.)



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Vernon Bowen is an advertising copywriter and supervisor. At present writing, he is copy supervisor on Frigidaire, Division of General Motors, for Dancer-Fitzgerald Sample, 547 Madison Avenue, New York City.

Formerly, for ten years, he was with the Geyer Agency, now Geyer, Morey, Hansen and Ballard. While there, he wrote and supervised copy on Kelvinator, Division of American Motors Corporation. And while there, he originated and wrote the Rambler cartoon campaign which has been credited, in part, with taking Rambler from a poor fourth into a strong position of contender with the “Big Three” -and in helping to raise American Motors stock from a low of 5 ¾ to a high of 99 ½.

In his spare time, Vernon Bowen has also written freelance material. All of his published writings are in books or phonograph records for children.

One of his children’s books was a Junior Literary Guild selection. Three of them are now used to some extent for remedial reading in certain public schools.

His last book,
the story of what happened to the famous Lipiszaners of the Spanish Riding School, Vienna, was double-checked by those who participated in the saving of the horses: Colonel Alois Podhejsky, Director, the Spanish Riding School, Hoffburg, Vienna; Mr.

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Charles R. Codman, Col. Ret., (deceased), who was the aide of the late General George S. Patton, Jr., U.S. Army, and who was present at the special performance given for General Patton and his spearhead armored division at Rostau
; Mr. R. F. Perry, Col., ret., Alexandria, Va., who visited with members of the Spanish Riding School in Czechoslovakia; and
Mr. Charles H. Reed, Col., ret., Richmond Virginian, who really spearheaded the saving of the Spanish Riding School and its horses
while on his mission of persuading the head of German Intelligence to turn over to the U.S. the many truckloads of documents buried on the Czech-Austrian border – documents which are still secret today.

Vernon Bowen is about as American as the Ohio dirt he came from. One of his ancesstresses, by family tradition, was Pocahontas. Another ancestor, of this same strain, was John Perrot, later Parrot, who rode into Harrodsburg with Daniel Boone to colonize Kentucky. His paternal grandfather served with Fremont in Missouri.

Bowen when to the public schools in his native village of Newtown, Ohio, to Eastern High School in Cincinnati, Ohio, and Marietta College, Marietta, Ohio. He was graduated from Marietta in 1927, Cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa. He is a member of Alpha Sigma Phi college fraternity, as is his son, who is in Marietta now. He is also a member of his fraternity’s honorary fraternity, Delta Beta Zi, the original name of the fraternity when it was founded at Yale.

At present, Vernon Bowen is a deacon in First Congregational Church of Greenwich, Old Greenwich, Connecticut, Chairman of the church’s Public Relations Committee, originator of the church’s monthly illustrated news letter, writer of the church’s special book on fund-raising, and writer of Marietta College’s bluebook for fund-raising, which has been credited with the raising of a substantial number of dollars over the years.

Long interested in education, in Boy Scouting, and in modern methods of teaching, Vernon Bowen lives with his wife in a house that looks out over Greenwich Cove and the striper grounds where he hopes to be out this summer, fishing.

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other oddities reported here. I wasn’t present at any of them. I do not know whether they happened or not. I can only report on what public record stated that people
they saw.


Now, what evidence is there to show that, incredible though it may be, that saucers are actually none of these things – but new, secret, and utterly fantastic guided or piloted missiles or craft that are made right here on earth?

There is considerable evidence to support this belief.

And perhaps this is really the one and the only secret explanation of flying saucers. Perhaps Henry J. Taylor, Billy Ross, and some other commentators were right when they said, quite early in the game, that flying saucers are secret weapons. The only trouble was, they said they were U. S. weapons. Such may not have been the case at all. But certainly, the Taylor “expose” was the one thing that drew instant, emphatic and universal denial by every branch of the armed services, with even a spokesman for the President considering it important enough to issue a White House denial. There has been no such overwhelming denial of the extraterrestrial theory – there has even been semi-encouragement of this theory all along by the Air Force – although on one occasion a press conference was held following Major Keyhoe’s article in TRUE that claimed saucers were from outer space, and there was another denial when President Eisenhower said, in late 1954, that he had been told that saucers were not from outer space.

But, when it was said that saucers were U. S. secret warcraft, there was instant, overwhelming denial.

Yet there is evidence that saucers may be a new and different type of earth craft.

This evidence is not secret. It has been published to millions of people in newspapers and magazines. This writer has had no access to classified information of any kind. There is absolutely nothing here that

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does not come from publications. The {Major thing?} here that the Intelligence Headquarters of Russia, England, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Yugoslavia and every other country of any consequence of the face of the globe does not know – or could easily acquire by the most amateurish of efforts.

There are no secrets here in this phase of the questioning of the nature of saucers. If there were secrets, they have long since been revealed and given away.

But no writer, to this author’s knowledge, has ever brought together the bits of this part of the jig-saw puzzle. Yet they are very significant bits and merit the consideration of anyone trying to understand the mystery of the saucers.

Let’s try to put some of the bits together:

Practically all writers on the subject of saucers have discounted the possibility that the saucers have their home basis right here on earth for three or four reasons – and, at first sight, these are very good reasons indeed. Among them are:

1. The extremely high speed.

2. The seemingly impossible maneuvering and the matter of G-pull – the pull of the earth’s gravity – on any occupant or occupants.

3. The lack of sound in objects flying faster than sound. The motors of conventional planes roar, or their jets sound like giant blowtorches in the sky. And when a plan of conventional design passes through the sound barrier, it causes a noise like a clap of thunder. Many saucers observed were not [unreadable] a stationary position or a slow speed into speeds that would take them through the sound barrier.

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