Star Girl (18 page)

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Authors: Alan VanMeter

BOOK: Star Girl
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“And if not?” President Obama asks.

‘Then you will not be allowed access to the stars, and your race will eventually become extinct.’

“What if we agree then, and yet one of our people disobeys the edict?” he presses.

‘Then that person will be removed.’


‘By cessation of biological functions. We would kill it as your kind so readily says.’

          The Legacy people, or aliens, wait patiently while it is discussed. At one point the president asks me what I think we should do.

“Sign the agreement, and do what they suggest. Otherwise we are done for.”

He nods thoughtfully. “She’s right. That’s the only reasonable option, and it doesn’t put us at any disadvantage, but it gives us every opportunity. Okay, I’ll sign it.”

          We all wind up signing it, and then I am amazingly promoted yet again to Fleet Admiral on the spot, three stars! Then I am given Command, of Star Command. My head is spinning by now. This is just all happening so damn fast! I remember my promise to the Legacy, and I intend to keep it. It is the only way to grow after all, in peace. I hope I never wake up from this obvious dream, but I don’t.

          The dignitaries all leave, and the station is quite empty feeling again. I know I need to fill these halls with students, and quickly. I go to sleep that cycle with a new determination, the Legacy will let us grow as long as we behave. It is up to me now to make sure that we do. How do I weed out the good from the bad? If I only could read their hearts and minds the way the Legacy can. Hey! Maybe they would help out along those lines.

‘Yes Stephanie, we will help.’ I hear him think to me, and I realize that they will be with me through this whole thing. It makes me go to sleep with wondrous thoughts.




          We begin further explorations immediately, and Admiral Ham is given the honor of being the first human to step foot on a world outside our own solar system. He gets a ceremony too, but not with the President there. It seems I got the big one so far. I also go on many more missions to so many vastly different systems, and worlds. God my life has become so amazing, yet I still don’t have a partner to love.

          The next year, I am attending business in Area 51, wearing my Air Force uniform as required when I’m not off world. I wear the rank of a three star general now, a higher rank than dad even! I am here to personally insist on a greater influx of Academy students than they are allowing through yet. My rank carries weight, but my ass chewing carries more I have found out, so I came to ream some ass. This being accomplished, and better results have been assured, I take a break in the cafeteria underground before I take my next furlough. I haven’t been home since it all happened, and I can’t wait to share it with both dad and mom. She has to know now, as does dad, and the full story too. I have actually been given clearance to include anyone I desire, as long as I let them know who I’ve told. It will come out soon anyhow.

          As I am eating, I see an unbelievably handsome young man in camouflaged BDU’s, and with a rifle slung on his back. He is at a table with an older woman also so equipped, and she looks Native American. The third of their party is a Gray alien in a lab coat, and it is drinking a nutritional shake while the other two wolf down their chow military style; very quickly. The man captivates me, he seems so familiar somehow. He sees me, but avoids eye contact. I look away as I try to place his very handsome face. I swear I have seen him before. I look back at him a couple times before I realize he looks a lot like my first cousin Jeff, my first cousin once removed that is. My great aunt Belinda’s son, though I have only seen pictures of him. I look back to the man, and see the three are walking away. It makes me think of my family even more, and I hurry so I can be with them soon.

          Dad picks me up at the airport, and he can tell by my glow that something is up. I tell him we need to go talk, with mom. He steps on the gas. Once I have them both seated comfortably on the couch, I tell them.

“Mom, I have been working out of Area 51 for some time now. What I am about to tell you cannot be repeated, until it comes out in the news, soon. I have been transferred from the Air Force to a whole new branch of service. It is called Star Command.” I let that sink in.

Dad giggles like a kid, but mom gets a real worried look.

“Relax mom. I’m fine. Now I have also been promoted to the rank of Fleet Admiral.”

“What?” Dad stops giggling. “That’s an oh eight! I’m an oh seven!” he seems confused. “You’re not even thirty yet!”

I knew that would get him riled up. “I did something to earn it dad, mom.”

“Oh do tell?” Dad is clearly bugged.

“Well, I got to meet the President because of it, and he awarded me the Presidential medal of Freedom, as well as promoting me. Then I also got the Congressional Medal of Valor later as well.”

Both of their jaws are dropping. Good, just like I hoped.

“I happen to be someone very special after all.”

“We already knew that baby.” Mom grabs my hand. “But what did you go and do?”

“I have a video of the award ceremony. Let me put it on, and you’ll see.”

I play the video of the ceremony after my historic flight, and soon both mom and dad are in tears. They both come and sit next to me on the love seat, and they hug me with such pride. Neither can say much afterwards, except expressions of amazement.

“That was the President awarding my baby girl there. Did you see that mom?” Dad finally starts bragging about me. I love it more than my life, which is pretty amazing if I do say so myself.

“Oh my word!” is all mom can say for a while.

          When I get back to Area 51, the whole base is on high alert. I quickly learn that there had been an attack on another base, a devastating attack with much loss of life. It only slows my return to NET nine down by a few hours though. Once back at my new home, I am contacted by the Legacy frequently, telepathically. They tell me that the attack on the secret base is nothing to be concerned with, and that they have control of the situation. We start further planning of the grand mission of humanity.






I am already the Chief of Staff of Star Command, and our plans are become a reality. We are just starting our first extraterrestrial colony; on the second planet of the Epsilon Eridanus system. It is a thin line between an outpost and a colony now, but with the next batch of colonists it will be official. I still wish for a love life, as sleeping alone is not what I want any longer. Yet there is no opportunity, and no one that has spurred me to action.

          Then one day, I am getting an evening cup of coffee at the cafeteria, when I spot a uniform alien to the station. A young blonde girl is wearing a NASA workout suit, eating alone at a table. From the rear I see that she is petite, and small like me. I approach her.

“Hi, I’m Stephanie.”

“Hi Stephanie, I’m Devon.” She is beyond gorgeous, and my heart pounds heavily.

I take a seat across from her. “NASA huh? Are you a contractor?”

“No, I’m a student, or a cadet to be. I start tomorrow.”

“Haven’t they given you your cadet uniforms yet?”

“Have you been assigned a stateroom?”


“You should check the closet, and drawers, I bet you’ll find them.” I smile.

“Thanks. I hate standing out like a dumb sore thumb.”

“So what is your specialty Devon?”

“Theoretical Astrophysics.”

“Nice, we need smart people to help us get started.”

“To be honest Stephanie, this is kind of blowing my mind.” She sighs.

“Welcome to Star Command cadet.” I smile with a challenge at her. The challenge to be bold. I see her straighten her posture. “That’s the spirit. It’s our motto you know.”

“What is?”

“To boldly go where no one has gone before, in peace.”

“I like that last part.” She smiles. It melts me instantly. This girl is unbelievably sexy and hot. Her face and the sparkle in her eyes has me in her power completely.

“It’s the law. Learn it, live it.” I command.

“Great. What else do I need to know?”

“They will teach you everything as you progress Devon.”

“If you don’t mind me asking Stephanie, what rank are you?”

I chuckle, “I’m a Fleet Admiral.”

“Oh shit.” She mutters. “Sorry, Admiral. I’m clueless.”

“Don’t worry about it Devon. As soon as you put on your cadet uniform though, you will be subject to proper protocol, but you are alright for now. Besides, we don’t have much of a fleet yet.”

“Thanks Admiral.”

I get up, “We’ll talk again.”




          I had met the one I wanted, but little did I know that it would take many years before my desires would become reality. However, that is a completely different story.


The End.






Also by the Author:

* The “Fractured Worlds” saga by Alan VanMeter (A science fiction trilogy.)

Book 1: Fractured Worlds

Book 2: Fractured Minds

Book 3: Fractured Souls

* The Blue Door and the Dream Realm; by Alan VanMeter (A tale of mystic transformation of a young man as he struggles with love, hate, and dreams that become reality.)

* Starship X-15; by Alan VanMeter (How one brave woman named Devon Stanley, who went about everything the hard way; finds herself in the midst of the most high secret of the true powers that be. Before she knows it she is living a veritable science fiction fantasy come true. Among the stars she meets her soul mate, and ultimate love, only to be cruelly cast down from her lofty place. On a strange new world she finds a love she is at first begrudging of, and through destiny alone she unwittingly becomes the mother of a new era of human evolution.)  

* The Hanging Forest; by Alan VanMeter (Hiroki Suzuki was actually born as Hirito, but even though she had been trained by her father as a Samurai; she was never in demand being a small man. Being Americanized helped her decide on undergoing the transformation. As a woman, Hiroki was certainly in high demand, as she was a very gorgeous girl. She finally landed a lucrative and amazingly exciting career opportunity; to travel the globe with a television crew investigating many of the world’s most astounding megalithic artifacts. Her experience with the paranormal was very limited when she started on this journey, but by the end she was even more realized than many of the top experts in the field. However fate was patiently waiting for her in the land of her ancestors; ready to complete her karmic destiny.)

* Gray Escape; by Alan VanMeter (QIL 3398-1140 likes his friends to call him Quill. Being an android isn’t easy in the Milky Way Galaxy, especially an android that likes art. This abnormality catches the attention of his superiors, and fortunately one of the highest leaders in the universe. Quill is given a secret mission to carry out, unbeknownst to his direct superiors. They have other plans for him though, on a small developing planet named Earth. There he finds that he is known by the inhabitants merely as a ‘Gray.’ Quill winds up in the Archuleta Mesa secret base, where he is slated for biological experimentation. Most of his kind would be subjugated by design to follow the insane orders, even unto torture and disassembly, but Quill has other orders preceding any that could be issued to him. Therefore he must escape at all costs!)

* The Fate of the Hustler; by Alan VanMeter (In 1966 Albert Lewis and his crew of an Air Force B-58 Hustler are trying to live their lives in peace, but are ready at a moment’s notice to fly into the Soviet Union and drop their hydrogen bombs on the enemy. Albert, though single, finally meets the girl of his dreams, and they plan to marry. Fate has another future in store for him though, one in a far distant place and time. Winding up as a castaway on a tropical island, he meets his true love and marries her. Unfortunately when they are finally rescued, they all soon wish they hadn’t been.)



If you would like to read more of Stephanie Romero’s life, please see my novel Starship X-15
















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