Star Girl (4 page)

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Authors: Alan VanMeter

BOOK: Star Girl
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“F fifteen B, and a damn beautiful Eagle at that dad. Sweet!”

“Good, because I’d hate to make you take the bus home. Get your flight suit and G-suit on baby, then let’s go for a ride.”

There is a very small ground crew contingent there at the civilian airport; as the Air Force keeps basically a single hangar there for visiting staff dignitaries who don’t wish to drive down from Lowry Air Force base near Denver. So we climb the metal ladders hanging from the side of the Eagle, and hook ourselves up to all the systems. The ground crew starts the engines for us, and then dad tells me to ask any questions about the controls. I look them over thoroughly.

“I got this dad.” I sound hopeful.

“Then take her up baby.”

“Rodger that big daddy.” I still call him that when we fly.

“Tower this is Mike Tango fifteen, requesting permission to taxi, and for takeoff clearance.” I say keying the radio transmitter.

“Control, Mike Tango fifteen, proceed to taxi way three six zero, and wait for takeoff clearance.”

“Rodger control, Mike Tango fifteen taxiing to three six zero.”

I give a bit of throttle and close the single large bubble canopy, it seals tightly shut automatically. I get to the edge of the runway, and brake, setting the throttles to idle.

“So, this is a nice bird dad. The Cadillac of fighters.”

“Always has been one of my favorites baby.”

“I can’t wait to see how fast she is. Can I request a vertical takeoff?”

“Sure, no harm in asking Steph.”

          In a few moments a mid-sized twin turbo prop commuter plane lands in front of us, and wheels down the runway, as soon as it is off and taxiing, the tower calls.

“Control, Mike Tango fifteen, you are cleared for takeoff.”

“Rodger control, requesting permission for a vertical takeoff.”

There is a pause.

“Rodger Mike Tango fifteen, wait one.”

“I don’t think they will baby.” Dad sighs into the intercom.

“Control, Mike Tango fifteen, you are cleared for vertical takeoff on runway three six zero. Light it up for us please.”

“Ha!” I laugh into the intercom. Then I taxi out onto the strip, and get her straightened out. “I’ve wanted to do this for so long dad, thanks.”

“Punch it baby!” He cheers.

          I smoothly push the throttles all the way forward, and she instantly presses me deep into my seat. The roar is fierce as the afterburners touch off. We lift off with me not even pulling back on the stick I raise the gear, and as soon as the indicators show they are retracted fully, I pull back sharply on the stick until the nose is pointing straight up. We become a rocket it seems, even accelerating as we climb.

“I like it!” I voice into the intercom.

“Do an Immelman at forty thousand baby.” He directs.

“Rodger that big daddy. Due east on the roll out?”


I pull us over and roll to level off.
“Kill the after burners Steph.”

“Oh…” I pull the throttle back until the roar ceases and a gentle whine replaces it.

“You know the rules baby. No sonic booms.”

          We are over Omaha within forty five minutes, and dad tells me to get another hour or two of flight time outside the airspace of the city. I gladly oblige, twisting and turning this wonderful bird through the sky. It is so much more powerful, and maneuverable than the Phantom, a huge world of difference. Finally he lets me take her in too, and I nail a perfect three point landing.

“Nice flying baby.” He tells me.

“You taught me.”

“I’m still proud.”

          My furlough is great, spending time with family. Grandma and Grandpa Kilmer even come see me for a couple days. Dad’s family is mostly all gone, even before I was born, so I just know my mom’s side, but certainly not my biological mother herself. Mel is my mom, has been since the divorce. Grandpa Joe really gets happy when I tell him of my Eagle driving. He slaps dad on the back congratulating him yet again. They get along so well, and Grandma with both dad and Mel too. I honestly think they wish Melissa was their daughter instead. We haven’t told them that their own daughter is doing porn in LA, they don’t need to know that. You know, I feel sorry for her in a way. She has no discipline, and hence no real freedom.

          Dad takes me back to Colorado, letting me get several more hours’ flight time in the wonderful Eagle. Once back in my new dorm with new roommates I settle in for the next school year. Debbie and Kelly are on the same floor as me, the penthouse as we all call it, so I look them up first thing, especially Debbie!

“I saw the coolest thing Steph, as I was waiting for my plane to Denver, when we went on furlough. An F fifteen did a pure vertical takeoff from the airport. It was rattling the windows of the terminal something fierce girl, damn that was bad ass! You would have loved seeing that.”

“I did love it Debbie. That was me girl! My dad surprised me with that gorgeous sexy Eagle. Damn it’s unreal!”

“That was you? Oh my god Steph, you are really something else.” She looks at me with her eyes twinkling with light.

“Dad let me get a few hours in on it too. Now I have almost four hours on the Eagle.”

“I am so freaking jealous of you, but I like it.” She laughs.

“You will be there so soon too, it will make your head spin Debbie.”

“God I hope so.” Her eyes wander down over my body, I watch her, and it makes me take a deep breath. I want her so badly, but I am not going to screw up.

          Soon we are all so damn busy every single waking moment that all amorous thoughts are dissipated completely. I am not chosen for a cadet leadership position yet again, and I realize that mostly cadets with ROTC experience are chosen for these positions. I skipped ROTC knowing that daddy would get me into the Academy, I guess I should have listened to him. This means that I often pull menial duty like cleaning the latrines, and showers. I don’t mind so much though, it’s part of the job.

          Just after our Christmas furlough of five days, I am heading up to my dorm after study hall in the library. It is soon to be lights out, though at our current level of study we can keep our own dorm lights on to study after lights out. Just as I am walking up the inside stairs past the second floor, a man calls to me from a doorway.

“Hey, aren’t you that cadet who supposedly is already flying military jets?”

“I do.” I nod.

“Hey, my buddy doesn’t believe it. Tell him that would ya, I told him it was true from what I heard.”

“Call him over.”

“Oh, he’s just right in here. Come on for a second.” He holds the door for me.

“I can’t go into the men’s dorms, you know that.”

“Here, just lean in and yell at him then, okay?”

I nod, and lean in the door. “Hey, I do fly…”

A fist is slammed into my face by the man holding the door. My knees buckle as I hear jet engine whine, but it’s higher pitched than that. The next thing I know, my sight comes back to me and the bastard who hit me is raping the hell out of me while another guy holds me down, and is covering my mouth. It hurts, and I feel I am bleeding.

“The whore’s a virgin dude.” The man raping me says. It sure doesn’t make any sense.

He finishes roughly, and they switch places. The second guy is even more rabid than the first, and bigger.

He punches me in the face as he finishes.

“Say anything about this whore, and you’ll be washed out for sure.” The both laugh, and drag me back to the stair landing. Leaving me in a bloody heap with my uniform torn up.

          In a minute I can finally get to my feet, and I stumble up to my dorm, to quickly take a scalding hot shower. Thankfully they didn’t deposit their seed in me, as I saw condoms on them. They are right about one thing though, if I report this, I will certainly be washed out as damaged goods. I will keep it to myself, and tell everyone that the bruises, which will surely come, and cuts on my face are from me stupidly running into a door. I’ll deal with these assholes later, myself.

          Of course my roommates have to report my injuries right away as per orders, and the sergeant has me taken to the infirmary for treatment. I can tell the duty nurse doesn’t believe my story, as she keeps trying to get me to tell her what really happened. I stick to my guns though, and insist it was a stupid accident.

          I am treated with kid gloves by everyone after this, as my face is certainly a mess. Even the drill sergeant is nice to me, and that is sure weird. The day after, the Commanding officer summons me even, and tells me that I would face no retribution of any kind if I were to bring charges. I tell him that I will not bring charges against the door I ran into. He shakes his head, and I can tell that he’s worried. If I told daddy what happened, he would fly out and shoot the damn bastards, I have no doubt. No, I won’t let him do that, and ruin his life. I will take care of the problem myself, my way.

          Debbie asks me alone if it is what everyone says it is, that I was raped.

“It will happen to one out of every three of us girls here, Deb. That’s just the plain truth. That’s one girl in every dorm room. God I hope you are spared.” I start to cry.

She holds me, and comforts me. I can tell she is scared. I am too, they might do it again.

“Be ready to jab the bastards in their eyes Deb, and then run. I just wasn’t ready…”

She cries with me until lights out, and I go back to my own room.

          It takes me a little while until I get my groove back, especially in the face of seeing my attackers daily, and seeing their leers of dominance. I will find a way to deal with them, a painful way. I remember that the next school year as a junior cadet, we will be allowed one weekend furlough per month. They will go somewhere off campus, and I will follow them, and get sweet revenge then, yes.





Chapter 3


At my next thirty day furlough, dad again meets me with that wonderful Eagle. I forget my hurt for a while as I soar through the skies with ultimate freedom. My time home is wonderful, but Mel senses something is wrong, and she confronts me alone.

“Something happened to you baby. I can see the small scaring, your father may not have noticed, but I do. What happened?”

“I ran into a door Mel. I was in a stupid hurry.”

“Bullshit. I know now girl.” He eyes tear up.

I simply hold my finger to my lip with a very stern look.

She nods crying, and she holds me tight. God I love Mel, she is a real mom in every way. She understands that dad can never know, and why. The moments that we embrace, I can finally let the hurt inside go, and I am so relieved. It has kept me tense since it happened.

          When I am back at the Academy starting my third school year, though it has only been twenty months since I started, I begin to plan my revenge in detail. My first weekend furlough I follow my attackers at a distance as they head into town. On the way to a popular hangout for the cadets that they head to, I see a biker bar with a number of hogs parked outside. I go back to the biker bar after seeing the bastards go into the popular bar.

          I enter the dark establishment and see three guys in denim vests that advertise ‘Hell’s Angels’ on the back. So they are who I need to help me out, and I only have one thing to offer them. I walk up to the biggest meanest looking of the three, which is almost a toss-up.

“Excuse me handsome, I was wondering if I might be able to get you and your friends to do me a big favor.”

“What you got in mind little lady?”

“I need the living crap beat out of a couple fellows, and if you would do this for me, I’ll be glad to give all three of you hot, hard hunks a blow job.”

He looks to his buddies who heard my offer too. The both give a single nod.

“Sure, but the BJ’s are first. Then we take care of business.”

“Okay, where?”

“Right out back if you don’t mind you sweet little thing, you. Come on, let’s get the fun going on baby.”

He leads me by my hand out back into the alley, and in an instant he has his crank whipped out. It doesn’t turn me on in the slightest, but I pretend it sure does, and I get on my knees and start giving him pleasure with my mouth. I’ve never done this before, but I have watched enough porn to know what to do. He doesn’t warn me, instead just blasts away in my mouth. I spit it out, and am ready for number two.

         After I’ve pleasured all three very big men, they ask me who the bunnies are, and where they are. Then how badly they needed to be beaten.

“They raped me, and beat the crap out of me, so pretty bad I would say.”

“Hands, elbows, knees and feet then boys.” The leader tells them, and they nod with mean grins. “They get wheeled out on gurneys.” He chuckles with evil.

They take me to the popular bar on the back of the leader’s bike. I peek inside with the leader, and whisper where the bastards are, and what they are wearing, then I leave as they go inside. I sure hope they get the right ones, but I was very specific, so they should.

          I hurry back to the Academy via a taxi, and sure enough, the next day my rapists are not at formation, oh that’s a shame. I hear all about it later from Debbie as she tells me that the two cadets had been so broken up by bikers that they were medically discharged. The might never walk again. I smile widely on the inside. I sure hated giving those ugly bikers the BJ’s, but the net result was well worth it. Maybe the other rapist cadets will get the message. I sure hope so, I would be so damned pissed if Debbie is raped like I was.

          I am not bothered again the rest of the third school term, and again I get to fly the Eagle home to Omaha. Dad assures me that he and Mel will be there when I graduate after the next term, and I tell him I will expect them. I am so close to seeing my dream come true that I am giddy. Mel makes sure to ask me if I have had any more problems at school, and I tell her exactly how I took care of the last problem, alone of course.

“Oh god baby. You had to do the hard thing there… damn.” She cries.

“Hey Mel, three blow jobs for justice to be served; that was easy compared…”

“Oh my god my love. I wish I could help you.”

“You always have Mel, mom, just by listening like you do.”

“You deserve the very best things in the world my sweet daughter, not what they allowed to happen.”

I know she means the Military in general, but I still have my faith in our Military, just not all of the people in it.

“I will rise above everything that is thrown at me mom, I promise you I will.”

“You always have baby. I know you will.” I can tell she is very proud of me, she can’t hide it.




          My last school term at the Academy we senior cadets certainly have more privileges, including furlough every weekend that we don’t have duty. Our second free weekend I ask Debbie if she would like to go grab a drink with me at the same establishment that I had my rapists beaten in. She agrees and we go to have a night on the town together. This is the most fun I have had since being here. Debbie is such a live wire, and always ready to engage other people, and have enjoyment with them. Several of the male cadets that we know from the Academy are there, and they join us. We all are laughing at silly shit very soon.

“So did you hear about the guy with a bright orange dick?” Debbie starts the next stupid joke.

“No.” We all shake our heads, waiting for it.

“He went to the doctor who did all sorts of tests on him, and finally was drawing a blank. So he asks the orange dick guy what he ate, and about his sexual habits. The guy says, ‘My sex life pretty much consists of just masturbating to porn doc.’ The doctor shakes his head saying he couldn’t catch anything that way. ‘What about your diet then?’ the doctor asks. ‘Well I eat pretty healthy, except when I’m watching porn, then I have a Cheetos fetish.’ She starts laughing before any of us do, but it is sick and funny, and infectious. We are all cracking up.

“Is that where the term cheese dick came from?” I wonder aloud, and it causes even more laughter.

“No, that means a guy is soft like cheese. A no go if you will.” Debbie giggles with raunchy infection.

“Nobody ever called me that.” One of the guys informs us for our discernment.

“Cheese dick! Well I just did.” I laugh at him, and he also laughs, just not as hard as me.

Debbie though, gets a severe case of unstoppable giggles from this, even to the point where she grabs my hand and pulls me with her to the bathroom. Once there she hugs me tightly.

“That was the funniest thing I ever heard baby. Thank you Stephanie. Oh god… thank you.” She kisses my cheek, and I am so damn turned on by her body rubbing mine that I kiss her lips, no tongue, just a happy kiss. Then suddenly her tongue is in my mouth, and her hands are grabbing my ass. I respond with lust and need. Grabbing her ass, and with my other hand her small breasts, pulling her very erect nipples through her thin top.

“Shit Steph, let’s not waste another second girl, okay. Let’s go get a damn room baby.” She whispers in my ear as she runs her hand over my crotch. I am wet instantly, and I nod.

“Make me squeal Debbie, oh god please.” I gasp.

          Just as she closes the motel room door behind us, she pushes me away from her gently.

“Stephanie, we have to be real cool about this. We can’t fall in love, and we sure can’t express our desires or affection in any way around any Air Force personnel. You understand this right?”

“I know. Our first love is flying baby, and nothing gets in the way of that, period.”

“Damn straight.” She pulls me back to her lips, and our tongues intertwine with happy, horny dances.

          By the second day in the motel, we are fully and completely spent, but god I loved every minute of that.

“You are my first you know, Debbie.”

“Your first girl?”

“My first lover ever, not counting rapists.”

“No way Stephanie. You’re what, twenty two or twenty three? Come on.”

“I’m only nineteen.”

She blinks.

“I had just turned seventeen when I entered the Academy.”

“Damn… you are something else…”

“It was way better though.” I giggle.

“Way better than what?”

“Than I ever could have imagined… thank you Debbie.”

“Thank you Steph. You made me see god, again and again, and again…oh yeah!” She groans with deep memories of spent orgasms.

“Hey, just because we can’t even wink at each other on campus, doesn’t mean that we can’t do this again on some lucky weekend.” I suggest hopefully.

“Furlough is my new best friend baby.” She kisses me wetly yet again, and I know I have a hot date lined up.

          So Debbie and I spend just about every weekend furlough with each other entwined in sexual embrace. I know we weren’t supposed to fall in love, but it just happened. I sure am anyway, but I still have my first, and truest love that even Debbie can’t block me from, as if she would even try.




          The time goes by so quickly between insanely difficult courses, and the severely regimented Academy life. Before I know it we are graduating, and I am with honors. There was no way I was going to let daddy’s good name have anything less associated with it. Of course dad, and mom come out for my graduation ceremony. He is in his full dress uniform, and draws quite a number of salutes from the officers of the Academy, considering he out ranks all of them. After the ceremony, where we are all sworn in as officers of the United States Air Force with the rank of second Lieutenant; I take pictures with mom and dad. Of course I give my father the first real salute from me, though there have been thousands before, this one was as an officer to a superior officer. He loved it, I could tell.

          We all have fifteen days furlough before our flight school begins, and since Debbie’s parents came to the ceremony as well, we told each other that we would meet up at Lowry. Not even a kiss good bye, but we are secret lovers, and that’s how secret lovers have to be sometimes. Dad brought the staff Lear jet to pick me up, and it has a pilot and co-pilot already, so we just ride, and enjoy the company.

          Grandma and Grandpa Kilmer come to see me several days after we get home, and Grandpa Joe gives me a graduation present. I eagerly open the nicely wrapped box, I love presents. What I find inside makes my eyes bug out, and then swell with tears. It is his leather bomber jacket from his old squadron. I’ve seen it several times before, and it would always fill me with awe. The back has a huge colorful embroidered patch showing a B-58 Hustler coming at a high angle off, with flames shooting from the four engines looking like a rocket. Above this it reads; ‘Three Hundred and sixty sixth bombardment squadron.’

“Grandpa! Are you kidding me? Your squadron jacket?”

“You have more use for it than I do any more, Stephanie.” He grins with seeming pride. “Wear it out with some friends sometime, it’s a conversation starter for sure.”

I put it on right away, and as I’m reeling in the luxury, I see it has several metal pins on the front. One is Grandpa’s wings, and the other is his old SAC pin.

I go hug him tightly right away, and give him a big kiss on the cheek. “I love you Grandpa Joe, thank you.” I whisper. He pats my back.

“Likewise my darling.” He wipes a tear from him.

          Despite one minor incident, or two I guess; my life is really very fortunate. I’m more than just lucky, I guess some people call it blessed, though neither I, nor any in my family have ever subscribed to a cult, I would agree with blessed by fortune. The time home is gone before I know it. Didn’t get a hold of Carly, as she has moved to San Francisco to attend Berkley. I did get her number out there, but I had to just leave a message as she wasn’t home.

          Dad lets me fly the Eagle to Lowry Air Force base in Aurora Colorado. He takes me to meet the base commander, and again I am in like Flynn. I’m very pleased to see Debbie just down the hall from me in the dormitory, and we quickly catch up with each other. I still have to attend ground school the Commander told me, but after that I’ll be tested up right away on the jets.

          We have every weekend off, unless we pull duty, and the first two weeks either Debbie or I has duty, so we have to wait. Finally on the third weekend we hook up. Both of us have quite a bit of pent up sexual energy, and fluids, so we commence to draining these off each other.

          That night we are both hungry, so we go out for a bite, but play the part of casual friends in public, as always; secrets. I wear my grandpa’s bomber jacket, and Debbie loves it. So I tell her some of the stories Grandpa Joe has told me.

“You are a serious Air Force brat, aren’t you?”

“The most serious.” I raise my brows calmly. It gets her laughing as I had intended.

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