Read Stardust Online

Authors: Mandi Baker

Stardust (32 page)

BOOK: Stardust
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the turin said as the chill of metal hit his palm.

He wanted to shout with joy as he felt the familiar shape of a key within his hand.

Talena, you have done it,

he said.

I did not believe such a feat was possible.

Talena jumped from his shoulders, landing near Siara.

The guards are most ignorant of detec
tion. They left the key dangling on
the wall for many hours as they guarded this infernal darkness.

Darton unfastened his left wrist, sucking in a deep breath as his arm dropped to his side and the feeling began to return, replacing the debilitating numbness. With great effort he raised his free arm to release the other bond. Before he allowed himself to rest, he bent over and removed the steel collar from Siara

s throat.

The great cat immediately walked to the entrance door to stand guard.


s eyes met the turin

s as he freed his legs.

I owe you a debt of gratitude, my friend.

Talena raised her front paw and began to clean herself meticulously.

You owe me Argonian sea dwellers,

she said haughtily.

So I do. I will not forget.

Darton grinned broadly and reached out to rub the turin behind her ears.

Keep your filthy hands to yourself,

Talena screeched.

I have just bathed.

Darton laughed at Talena

s sharp words as he rose to his feet, wincing at the stinging pain. Moving quietly, he paced to and fro in the small enclosure, willing strength into his shaking limbs.

Tell me,

he ordered quietly,

what is happening above this filthy chamber?

Talena spared a quick glance toward the dimly lit hall.

Do not worry, we can speak freely,

Darton assured the nervous turin.

Siara will not let us be taken again.

Talena glanced at the big cat standing so still at the cell door.

I guess I will have to trust your words.

She spared Darton a speaking glance.

For now.

Darton resis
ted the urge to shake the small furry boddy
and instead concentrated on keeping his breathing slow and even.

Thank you,

he muttered.

That is very gracious of you.

Talena raised her head.

I will ignore your blatant sarcasm, ruffian, since I require your assistance to free my mistress from that slimy creature who plays lord and master of this great stone kingdom.


s hold on his precious control suddenly broke.

If you do not tell me what has happened to Aurora, you blasted rodent, I will feed you to Siara. She is very hungry.

The turin

s eyes darted furtively to the large cat and she swallowed hard as Siara pulled her lips back, baring sharp saber-like teeth.

Do not threaten me, you imbecilic moron. If you feed me to that stupid cat, I would simply make sure I choked her to death on the way down.


s look was one of smug satisfaction.

Striving for patience, Darton drew in a heavy breath.

Look, this inane arguing is getting us nowhere.

I agree. So why don

t you stop it?


s words echoed in the sharp silence.

Weasel, you
are sorely testing my control.”

s teet
h were clenched so tightly
his jaw
ached. He
advanced several paces, feeli
ng for once
the advantage was suddenly his.

If you do not obey my commands,
I will simply take Siara and leave this place. And maybe the snake creatures will decide you should be their next meal.

Now it was he who sounded smugly confident.

Talena eyed the irate warrior, her natural instinct to continue to fight battling with her desire to set her mistress free. Her love for her mistress won the silent battle.

Oh, alright.

Her assent was less than gracious. Tilting her head to one side, she studied the silent warrior.

I do not really know where to begin, except to say I fear for Aurora.

Darton stepped forward, quickly alert.

Is her life in danger?

Talena drew in a deep breath before replying,

Not the way you mean.

What in the name of Hadran
you mean?

Darton was truly baffled.

Talena was silent for several seconds. Keeping her expectant gaze on her tormentor

s face, she replied.

It would seem
our illustrious host has plans to join with Aurora this very day.


s expression was everything she had hoped for.

* * *

Bartok moved slowly along the narrow ledge trying to maintain his balance on the slippery rock. This waterfall, deeper withi
n the Mountain than the one which
flowed outside, w
as so cool, the air so dry
ice crystals formed over every rocky surface. The glow of light emanating from the humming life stone bounced off the ice crystals, creating a rainbow of colors. Rousing himself from the hypnotic fascination of the myriad of lights, Bartok continued the slow journey across the slick rock. Dropping his bag of tools he knelt beside a small crack in the surface. Withdrawing a sharpened chisel, he placed the tip into the tiny crack, shoving until it was firmly wedged within. Lifting the heavy hammer with both hands, he crashed it mightily against the steel chisel, smiling with malicious satisfaction as a tiny chip fell from the narrow crevice.

Repeating the movement until he could no longer lift his arms, Bartok slumped against the wall, breathing heavily. His earlier glee had faded. Even though he

d been working steadily for the past hour, the crack seemed to be no bigger than it had been originally.

How can that be?

Bartok muttered to himself.

I have seen with my own eyes how the chips have fallen with each blow I have struck.

Shivering from the dampness which
had invaded his clothing, Bartok packed his tools and climbed wearily to his feet. Placing one numb foot in front of the other, he began the arduous journey that would carry him back to the comfort of his makeshift camp.

The warmth enveloped him like a lover

s embrace as soon as he stepped inside.

Oh bliss,

he murmured, as he stripped away his wet garments. His skin was icy cold and he shivered as a light breeze stroked over his nakedness. Pulli
ng a thick cover from his mat
, he wrapped himself in its warmth. His gruff shout brought a servant girl scurrying quickly to his chamber.

Have hot water brought up for my bath. Then I will take my evening meal.

The young servant girl curtsied, her eyes downcast in respect to her master.

Yes, my lord, I will see to it immediately.

Bartok watched the provocative sway of her hips with male appreciation. Mayhaps he would warm his blood this night with the wench

s enticing charms. Within minutes two male servants entered the chamber, each carrying a huge container of steaming water which they poured into the makeshift bath. Bartok removed his robe and slid into the welcoming liquid. Stretching out his numbed limbs he closed his eyes, feeling the warmth return to his legs.

A small noise alerted him to another

s presence. The young servant girl stood by his bath, holding a washing cloth and scented cleanser.

I have brought you these things,

she whispered.

May I bathe you?

Bartok saw the trembling in the female

s arms and noted her refusal to gaze upon his nakedness. He felt a strange emotion traveling through him. Before, the female

s fear would have emboldened him with sexual power, forcing him to slack his passion within
her innocent body. But now...h
e dare not give voice to the thoughts he was having. It was as if the years had rolled away, leaving him the same young innocent who had first taken Selina to his bed.

Bartok nodded his head at her request and she bent to wet the cloth, lathering the cleansing bar between her hands until white foamy bubbles appeared. She bent forward, her small breasts touching his wet chest. Soon her tunic was soaked, her rigid nipples pressing against the rough fabric. Bartok felt his manhood stir at her gentle touch.


she gasped as she saw the reaction of his body, her cheeks flooding with bright red color. She busied herself rinsing the cloth. Next she washed his feet and legs, never allowing her eyes to dart to the hardened ridge between his legs.

Have you experienced the oneness?

Bartok asked, his voice husky with suppressed passion.

No, my lord,

she said, still keeping her head averted.


s blood rose at the thought of taking another innocent. He had enjoyed the girl Selina had secured for him from Yulon. But something was not right with his desires. He had felt very strange since awakening in the darkness of the storm during the last moon. He knew not what made him ask the next question.

Do you have a special male with which you wish to experience the oneness?

I have a special friend I wish to share myself with,

she said.

But it is your right, as ruler of Palermos, to take from me my maidenhood.

Timidly she touched him with the warm cloth.

Bartok allowed himself to enjoy the stroke of her hand, his mind picturing the coupling that could take place. Then another vivid image rose. The features of Aurora Dan
te, the black-headed wench who
had invaded his dreams for the past two cycles of
the moon. A female who still el
uded him. He sat up abruptly, dislodging the servant

s hand.


he commanded.

I require you not tonight.

He grabbed his robe and wrapped it around his wet body.

The woman bowed.

Have I displeased you?

she asked, her voice quivering and he knew she thought of the punishment she could receive at his hands.

No, my child,

Bartok answered softly, seeing her fear.

Send the males for the water.

She rose quickly, hurrying from the room.

Bartok walked to the small opening in the wall that led to the outside. The weather was calm, a feeling of a
lmost emptiness filling the air; a feeling at
odds with the emotions building inside him. Walking slowly to his sleeping mat, he dropped to its softness, forcing his thoughts to dwell on the calmness of the night surrounding him. He was soon lost in slumber.

But his sleep was to be as restless as his mind. He saw Aurora and her unknown warrior laughing at him as he lay helpless upon the ground. A dark, shadowy figure stood above him. He tossed and turned upon the wide expanse of the bed, but there was no one there to bring relief.

BOOK: Stardust
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