Read Stardust Online

Authors: Mandi Baker

Stardust (27 page)

BOOK: Stardust
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Selina wanted to hide her eyes in Darvek

s chest, ashamed at the memories that flooded her, but instead she met the queen

s gaze.


she whispered.

He became violent. Most unkind.

Drawing in deep, steadying breaths, she told her other dark secret.

It was then
Saatan ordered me to his mat.

Darvek cursed loudly and rose jerkily to his feet.

Damn him and his kind,

he shouted as he strode away, anger written in his very long-legged stride.

King Jalon quickly followed, hoping to offer some small comfort to his friend.

Immediately Selina began to cry. She had thought Darvek

s touch and words were sincere, but now she knew he could not desire her.

Queen Lalona placed her arms around the sobbing woman.

Do not fret. Darvek is not angry with you.

When her words had no effect, she urged Selina to her feet and into the shelter of the dwelling. She knew it was useless to try and console the woman; only the warmth of Darvek

s arms could do that. Her usual serene expression hardened as she led the weeping woman inside.

Saatan had much to answer for. Much indeed.

Selina continued to weep and did not hear the woman leave or another take her place.

Do not carry on so, you will make yourself ill.


s heart had broken at the words his loved one had spoken. He could only imagine the l
oneliness of her childhood
had made her think the way of pleasure was the only way to secure life

s necessities.

At once he realized this woman was little older than his niece Aurora. Sparing a quick thought to the gods, he hoped his last request of the golden warrior had been taken to heart. He could only pray h
remaining relative was some place safe and secure.


Selina gasped, trying to control her weeping.

I have been so worried about you. The storm is growing fierce.

She could not bring herself to go to him, fearing his rejection of her touch.

Darvek allowed his eyes to travel past the beautiful woman to the landscape beyond the small window. The sky had darkened and the clouds had finally released their hold, soaking the ground. The rai
n fell so fast and furious
the soil was unable to absorb the moisture. Great rivers of water ran through the countryside. Darvek was concerned as to the reason why the great dome had not been put in place, protecting the city.

The forces of the world seem to be converging upon the Mountain of Life. Winoka has received word of many such events from all reaches of the planet.

Darvek walked toward Selina, his eyes holding her captive. When he stood within touching distance he stopped, unsure how to convince her his hasty departure of earlier was of anger and not rejection. After he had calmed down, Jalon had scolded him for his behavior. And Darvek was indeed grateful for the older man

s advice, never having been privy to a woman

s thoughts and feelings.


s eyes clouded.

I have something to tell Jalon concerning the sacred mountain. Before Bartok sent me away I believe I learned part of its great secrets.

She turned away unable to withstand the look of unknowing pity in his eyes.

Do not turn away from me,

Darvek commanded gently, grasping her by the shoulders.

Nothing you have done shames me.

He pulled her closer, gathering her fully in his arms.

You are the very breath of my life, the very reason for my existence.

Selina pounded her fists against this broad chest, cursing the gods for sending her this man so late in her life, much too late to receive his love.

Do not pity me,

she demanded weakly.

Blasted woman,

Darvek shouted as he shook her.

I do not pity you! I love you!

Selina wrenched herself from his arms, dashing the tears away.

I have shared myself with not one but two men. Earlier you turned away rather than hear my words.

Clasping her hand to her heart she cried,

How can you love such a being as I?

Darvek ran his fingers through his hair in frustration.

Do you not understand, stubborn woman,

he cursed.

I was angered at the souls of two evil men. Not you. Never you, my love. It does not matter what your life path was before. Would you love me less for the lives I have extinguished serving my king?

Selina rushed to his side.


she whispered fiercely.

You have done nothing wrong. You had to fight.

And you have done nothing wrong,

Darvek whispered, bending his head toward her face. With tender lips he kissed away the rest of her tears.

I truly do not deserve you,

Selina said, cradling his beard-roughened jaw within the palm of her hand.

For endless minutes they stared at each other, at last secure in the joining of their souls throughout the passing of all time.

Winoka entered noisily, deliberately dragging her feet against the stone floor.

King Jalon requires your presence, Master Darvek.

She smiled gently at the loving couple. The pleasure of their union shone in her bright blue eyes.

Darvek reluctantly drew away from Selina

s warm body.

I will return shortly. We still have much to discuss.


Selina said.

I must tell Jalon what I discovered in Bartok

s chambers.

Darvek squeezed her hand reassuringly.

It is not important. You need not reveal your standing further. King Jalon does understand.

Now who is being stubborn, Darvek? This has nothing to do with me, but everything concerning the people of Palermos. I will have an audience with the king.

Selina gathered her skirts round her and marched from the room. She burst into the small living chamber and curtsied at her abrupt entrance.

Forgive me, your great one, but I have not yet finished my tale of the royal palace.

King Jalon showed no surprise at the reappearance.

Of course. Please have a seat.

Selina pressed her hands tightly together, trying to control
their trembling. For all her bra
very, she was still frightened. Even given his advanced years, Seli
na knew better than anyone
Saatan still possessed power beyond comprehension and had many allies. She drew in a shaky breath, praying to all the gods she was not placing the life of herself, or her new found love in grave danger.

I know the thing which Bartok seeks from the great Mountain of Life.

Stunned silence met her words. Glancing from the corner of her eye, she saw the frown upon Darvek

s face, but she could not concern herself with that now. If she were correct, more than just the lives of herself or the people in this small dwelling were at stake.

Queen Lalona leaned forward.

Tell us how you acquired such information, my dear. We will hold no harm against you.

I searched the quarters of my master while he was away on a hunting trip.

And what did you discover?

King Jalon asked, his manner noticeably calm.

There was map, written upon the sacred skin of the Craton. It held the way to the many passages within the Mountain of Life. On the corner of the drawing were strange words and symbols. When Bartok returned from his trip he journeyed to the great mountain, taking the skin with him.

I do not mean to insult you, child,

King said.

But how do you know of the Craton?

The elderly man seemed more concerned with this piece of information than with Selina

s other words.

Selina raised her head proudly.

When Bartok was young, he would read the words to me. Later, after the change, I continued to gaze upon the letterings and taught myself the sounds of each.

Jalon nodded his head in approval.

You have chosen wisely, Darvek.

Darvek came forward and placed his hand upon Selina

s silver curls, grinning proudly.

It would seem so.

The king and queen rose as one.

We will hear more of this over the evening meal. And later, a sojourn to the palace may be in order.

* * *

Aurora paced back and forth across the narrow space between the sleeping mat and the dressing room in her assigned chambers. She felt as though the solid rock walls were closing in on her. Never mind that the rooms she had been given were larger than the entire first floor of her uncle

s home on Palermos. Her heart dropped in sorrow. What used to be her home. Right now she despaired of ever again seeing even one of the four moons of her home planet.

Oh, I am s-ooo sick.

Talena lay on her back panting heavily.

I have never seen such a revolting sight in all my life. And they call me an animal!

The turin flopped over onto her stomach, covering her eyes with her front paws.

Aurora laughed at her pet

s antics, glad as it took her mind from her less than happy thoughts.

You must learn to live with the differences of others,

she gently reminded her friend, although she too had suffered greatly at the meal. She rubbed her stomach, a slight nauseous feeling beginning to rise. Taking a deep breath she sat down on her sleeping mat, holding a hand tightly to her heaving stomach.

I think I am going to be sick.

Talena lifted her head and stared haughtily at her mistress.

Well, get in line because I know I

m going –

Both master and pet made a simultaneous run for the chamber pot.

Long moments later Aurora lay on the cool floor, rubbing her sore stomach.

Oh, Talena, whatever are we going to do?

The turin opened one eye and watched her mistress unobtrusively. She heard something in Aurora

s voice that she had never heard before. The sound of hopelessness. It frightened the turin. Forced to abandon Darvek

s royal home, they had lived in many low and disgusting environments, moving from one place to another as they evaded the guards Bartok sent. On a regular basis, sweeps of the planet were made to gather females for his servants. Aurora and Talena had not been the only ones on the run, but even Talena had sensed a difference in their search for her mistress. Bartok wanted Aurora at all costs, before Aurora had reluctantly decided leaving Palermos was the best course of action. But at no time during the time of their hiding had she ever lost hope. Receiving the news of her uncle

s death had been a devastating blow, but still Aurora had persisted, planning her escape night after night.

Moving closer, Talena curled up next to her master, silently accepting the stroking hand.

We will get out of this. You will see. Perhaps your warrior will come for us.

BOOK: Stardust
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