Stark Surrender (4 page)

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Oh, God, she'd missed his sexual domination, his absolute sureness that he knew what would bring both of them the ultimate pleasure in each encounter. Kiri lay back in the mounded cushions, pushed her panties down far enough to knee them off, and
parted her legs for him, letting him admire her. A whimper forced its way from her throat as her pussy spasmed with need and pleasure under his rapacious gaze.

"Beautiful," he approved gutturally. "Show me how wet you are for me."

Her fingertips slid
through the arousal slicking her labia. She stroked herself, teasing both of them as she moved her fingers up to the swollen bud of her clitoris, nestled in her carefully trimmed dark curls. Another whimper, this one of her own desperation, hung in the quiet room.

"Not yet." He climbed onto the bed with her, the air mattress dipping under his weight, then equalizing itself as he moved between her open thighs. "You don't come until I'm inside you."

Kiri shivered with anticipation at the knowledge of what was to come. When Logan took charge, he always made it good—always.  But he was no longer in charge of her sexuality, she was.

"I can't wait that long." And why should she? Logan Stark no longer commanded any part of her. Holding his gaze, she continued to stroke herself, her own daring sending her to the brink.

"Then I'll have to make you." Lifting her hand to his face, he inhaled, then sucked her wet fingers into his mouth, tasting her on them. His hot, silken mouth was a tease.

—" she moaned,
writhing with need.

He grasped her bare hip. "Don't fight me," he said, using the edge of his teeth on her fingers before letting them slip free. "Not now."

A thrill of nerves which was almost but not quite fear shivered through her. She left her hand on his cheek, her other rising to touch his chest as he came down between her open thighs.

He was so hot, his shoulders as tensile as a loaded spring under her hands. And when the broad, silken head of his cock nudged her labia, she
moaned at the welcome pressure.

When he flexed his lean hips and drove deep inside her, all the way to her womb, she did cry out, a wordless sound of shock and relief.

He grimaced, his lips drawing back to reveal his clenched teeth, and braced himself on outstretched arms as he drew back and thrust again, the hard, swift friction
too much, too soon.

“I can’t—wait,” he gritted. “Now.”

He couldn’t wait? Logan always maintained ruthless control of his own responses. It was one of the things that made him such a great lover.

But it had been so long since she’d had him, and the sight of him over her, lost in his passion, his cock filling her again and again, sent Kiri
up and over the top of a cliff of need, and flying out into ecstasy, her body clasping him in delicious spasms.

"Logan." His name ripped from her throat, rising over the sounds of their bodies slapping together.

Logan convulsed in her arms, a deep roar of completion bursting from his throat as his heat filled her. Then his head fell forward, and he relaxed onto her, a heavy weight of sweating male, his chest heaving against hers, his breath soughing in her hair.

Kiri lay under him, stunned with both his loss of control and the power of her own response. She hadn't come like that since the last time she'd been with him. Sex toys just weren't the same, and she had no interest in other men, although she'd
tried, dating a few times and even bringing one man home with her. But after several kisses, she’d finally accepted that he did nothing for her sexually, and sent him politely on his way.

She pressed her eyes shut against the hot pressure behind them, and let herself have one more moment to hold the only man she wanted. Gave in to the need to slide her arms up around his broad back and stroke his skin, like damp satin under her hands. And for that moment, sated and filled with him, she held the galaxy in her arms.

she let go of him and shoved at his shoulders. "Logan. Get off me. You need a showerdry. We both do."

He lifted his head, looking down at her with a look she recognized. One which still caused her pussy to clench around him where he was lodged inside her, even though he'd just made her come so hard she'd screamed his name. His eyes were only half-open, lazy with pleasure, his mouth soft.

"Yes, we do," he said. But the growl in his voice said he wasn't after cleanliness. He slid
out of her, rolled to his feet beside the bed, lifted her in his arms and carried her into her small lav. He set her on her feet by the showerdry and waited while she opened the hatch.

"It smells like you in here," he said. "I like it."

"You can go first," she offered, holding the door open for him.

moved closer, herding her into the small stall, his body sliding against hers as he pulled the door closed behind them. "We wash together. I want you as slippery and wet all over, as your tight little pussy is inside."

Oh, well, when he put it like that ... her knees sagged as his intentions filled her with renewed anticipation. She’d already given in to temptation—once more wouldn’t hurt. It wasn’t as if she could get pregnant or catch any STIs, with the vaccinations everyone took regularly. Although it was time for her to go in again … she was fairly certain. Better check her com in the morning.

As the hot water streamed over them, he took a handful of fragrant gelsoap from the dispenser and stroked it down over her breasts, pausing to pinch her nipples and roll them between his thumbs and forefingers. Then he washed her all over, kissing her wet mouth as his knowing hands slid between her thighs from the front and the rear, teasing her with slippery touches. And thoughts of anything other than the man standing over her wafted away with the steam curling upward.

Kiri managed to gather her own dollop of gelsoap and went to work on him, luxuriating in being able to caress his tall, muscled body everywhere as well. Her own fingers sliding into the crease of his taut ass-cheeks, she looked down as his cock bobbed against her belly.

"Teasing the Tyger," he warned, even though she was the one with Tygean blood, not him. He lifted her up against the curving wall, his hands under her ass, his cock rigid between them. "Can you take me again?" he asked

She tipped her head forward to kiss him. "Yes, Logan."

She caught her breath as he slid home again, stretching her channel. She was going to need gesics afterward, but she couldn't bear to miss another chance to have him.

He kissed her, deep and wild as he filled her with his hard, satin length. Holding her up in both hands, he bent his knees and drove into her until the stall creaked around them, and the hot water turned to jets of warm air.

Kiri wrapped her legs and arms around him, squirming until his cock raked against that perfect place inside her pussy.

"Logan," she gasped into his mouth. "Logan. Stay with me. Stay."

In answer, he thrust harder, his face turned against hers until they both shattered, ecstasy pulsing where they were joined.

Afterward, he leaned into her, holding them both up against the wall, his legs trembling with effort.

"You'd better put me down," she murmured, her voice languid and sleepy.

He let her down
slowly, then held her until her legs worked again.

"Come lie with me," he said.

"All right." Just a little more time with him, that's all she wanted. Oh, God, had she
begged him to stay with her a moment ago? She cringed inwardly, hoping he hadn't heard her.

Logan lay back on the bed, and Kiri curled against his side as she had when they were together. And just for now, lying with his heart beating under her ear, she let herself believe it could work.

She stroked the ridges of muscle of his warm, hard abdomen, sliding her fingers up to tangle in the sparse curls on his broad chest.
"Do you want to talk about what's wrong?"

He tensed, his arm tightening around her. "No. I ... nothing is wrong."

He was shutting her out, but then what had she expected? He always played his games in solitude, only letting others see as much as he chose.

Taking a breath, she blinked back threatening tears. "Well, then, thank you for bringing Kai back to me." She lifted her head and pushed away from him.

He held onto her, his eyes opening on a scowl. "Where are you going?"

"It seems we're done here," she answered, proud that her voice was
steady. "You can go on your journey into the wilds ... or wherever you're going."

"Not yet," he said. He touched her face. "Please. Just ... lie with me a little longer."

Torture herself with the joy of being held close to his heat and strength, when he wasn't
hers to keep? Oh, why the hells not? Kai had gone out, and she wasn't about to suffocate him by waiting up for him, asking where he'd been and if he was all right.

And besides, Logan had said he needed this. She needed it too, almost more than the air she breathed.

When they’d met, he’d swept her away in his luxe cruiser for a gourmet dinner, then back to his scraper top penthouse for a night of the hottest sex she’d ever experienced.

He’d talked her into staying the night, then more, and by turns he’d had her full of admiration at his business acumen and wide travels, purring with contentment after his brand of dominant sex, grateful at his open-handed generosity, laughing at his dry wit, and furious at his autocratic assumption that he should be in charge not only of his own life, but hers as well.

But oh, how she’d missed him these last months.

She yawned deeply, stretched and then curled against Logan's long, lean frame,
drunk with the pleasure of holding him again. His arm heavy on her waist, he turned his face into her hair and held her. She was sleepy, but she was also greedy for this chance to hold him, breathe him in.

“Kiri,” he said, his voice low and rough in the darkness. “Come with me.”

Kiri froze. “Come with you?” she echoed. “Where? And for how long, Logan?”

He took so long to answer she would’ve thought him asleep, except that his heart beat swiftly under her palm. She lay wide awake, wondering more than ever what was going on with him.

“Just … traveling,” he said, his tone so vague she knew instantly he was evading her again.

“Right,” she said. “I’ll just give up my business and my reunion with my brother, whom I haven’t seen for more years than I care to remember, and go travelling with you, Logan. Even though you won’t tell me where you’re going, of for how long. And I happen to hate space travel.”

Anger pounding through her veins, she shoved at him. “Time for you to go, Logan. God, you’ll never change.”

So swiftly she only had time to gasp in shock, he rolled, flipping her onto her back with his hard, hot body pinning her into the airbed, her wrists pinned in his.

“No, I won’t change,” he agreed, his voice a rasp of what almost sounded like pain. “But I want you—and you want me. Come with me, Kiri. I need you. When I’m with you, it—it all goes away.” The last phrase was so raw it seemed to have been ripped from his throat, but she was too furious to feel compassion for him any longer.

“I needed you too,” she told him, her voice shaking. “I needed you to commit yourself to me—to be the partner I know you could be, if you only wanted to. But real commitment to a woman means nothing to you. And I refuse to live that way for even one more day. Do you hear me, Logan Stark? I’m worth more than that.”

Now he was angry too, his grip tightening on her wrists, his breath harsh. “I’m not that man, Kiri. I can never be. But I’m still the man for you.”

“If you’re the man for me, why can’t you give me what I need?”

His grip tightened on her wrists, his body shaking with some dark emotion. “Because of the rest of who I am.”

And with this cryptic utterance, Logan kissed her, hard, his tongue tangling with hers, his lips sealing hers. And just that swiftly, their anger morphed into lust. Furious and aroused beyond bearing, she struggled under him, fighting him—but not to get away, to take charge of the kiss, and to hold him the way he was her.

Her hands trapped, she wrapped her legs around him, digging her heels into his taut ass and writhing under him, demanding a response.

She got it. With one lithe move, he rolled onto his back, and thrust into her. The girth and hardness of his cock burned overly-sensitized flesh, but she ignored this, moaning into his mouth as he began to pound into her, swift and rough. Somehow she needed the pain to cauterize the wound that would never heal, the one he’d slashed across her heart.

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