Stealing the Mystic Lamb (49 page)

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Authors: Noah Charney

Tags: #Art, #History, #General, #Renaissance, #True Crime

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Goedertier, Adhémar “Dédé,”
Goedertier, Arsène
and Righteous Judges (panel), theft of, theories regarding
Goedertier, Valere
Golden Legend
Good faith
Goodgal, Dana
Göring, Hermann
and art theft
and Bunjes
Göring, Karin
Grafl, Josef
and Alt Aussee salt mine art-storage facility, account of
Great Depression (U.S.)
Grigg, Sir P. J.
Grünewald, Matthias
Gutenberg, Johannes
Hague Convention
Haider (tank staff sergeant)
Hammer, Karl
Harbison, Craig
Hegel, Georg Friedrich Wilhelm
Henry V
Himmler, Heinrich
and Righteous Judges (panel), theft of, theories regarding
Historical documents
Hitler, Adolf
and art theft
and artwork, destruction of
assassination attempt against
and “degenerate art,”
and Germany, destruction of
Ghent Altarpiece
and Linz museum
and Righteous Judges (panel), theft of, theories regarding
and Versailles, Treaty of
See also
Germany; Nazis; World War II
Högler, Otto
Hohenzollern Museum
Holland, Counts of
Holy Blood relic
Holy Hermits (panel) (photo)
Holy Pilgrims (panel)(photo)
Holy Spirit(photo)
Holy Trinity
Holy Women at the Sepulchre
House of German Art
Howe Jr., Thomas Carr
Hugh-Smyth, Craig
Hundred Years’ War
International Criminal Police Commission
Ildefonso Altarpiece
Ingres, Jean-Auguste-Dominique
Inscription, on
Ghent Altarpiece
Adam and Eve (panels)
”Adoration of the Mystic Lamb” (panel)
Angelic choir (panel)
Annunciation (panels)
Donor portrait (panel)
God the Father enthroned (panel)
Holy Hermits (panel)
Holy Pilgrims (panel)
Knights of Christ (panel)
recto panels
Righteous Judges (panel)
Institut de France
International Criminal Police Commission (ICPC)
“International Protection of Works of Art and Historic Monuments” (de Visscher)
Investment-group theory
Isabella (of Portugal)
Isabella (of Spain)
Isenheim Altarpiece
Jackson, Andrew
James, Saint
Jaujard, Jacques
Jeu de Paume Museum
Joan of Arc
John, Gospel of
John of Bavaria (count of Holland)
John of Bavaria-Straubing (“the Pitiless”; count of Holland and Zeeland)
John the Baptist, Saint
John the Baptist enthroned (panel) (photo)
John the Baptist (panel; grisaille) (photo)
restoration of
theft of
John the Evangelist (panel)
John the Fearless
Joos of Burgundy (son of Philip the Good)
Joseph II
Kaiser Friedrich Museum
and Merkers salt mine
Kaltenbrunner, Ernst
Kandinsky, Wassily
Kirstein, Lincoln
and Alt Aussee salt mine art-storage facility, account of
and Alt Aussee salt mine art-storage facility, Nazi order to destroy
and Alt Aussee salt mine art-storage facility, securing of
Knights of Christ (panel)
Knights of Saint John of Jerusalem
Knights Templar
Köhn, Heinrich
Königliche Gallerie
Konrad, Martin
Kümmel, Otto
Kümmel Report
La Chute
(“The Fall”; Camus)
La Decade Philosophique
Lagye, Victor
L’Aiguille Creuse
The Hollow Needle;
Last Judgment
Last Supper
Laval, Pierre
Lawrence, T. E.
Le Surre, Jacques-Joseph
Leap into Freedom
Sprung in die Freiheit;
LeBlanc, Maurice
Leckie, Bill
Leger, Citizen
Leisching, E.
Lennox, John
Leonardo da Vinci
Leopold III
Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim
Letters on the Fine Arts Written from Paris
Lievens, Oscar
Limbourg, Paul
Limbourg brothers
Linnell, John
Linz museum
Lippi, Filippo
Lives of the Artists
Lives of the Illustrious Netherlandish and German Painters
(Van Mander)
London National Gallery
Louis de Male (of Flanders)
Louis XIV
Louis XVI
Louis XVII
and art theft
and Denon
Ghent Altarpiece,
central panels
Mona Lisa
and Wicar
Lucca Madonna
(J. van Eyck)
Lupin, Arsène
Luysterborgh, Antoon
Macmillan, Lord Hugh Pattison
Macmillan Committee (British Committee on the Preservation and Restitution of Works of Art, Archives, and Other Material in Enemy Hands)
Madison, James
Madonna and Child
Madonna and Child
(van der Weyden)
Madonna with Canon van der Paele
( J. van Eyck)
Madonna with Chancellor Rolin
( J. van Eyck)
Malevich, Kasimir
Man in a Red Turban
( J. van Eyck)
Margaret of Dampierre
Maria Theresa
Marlowe, Christopher
Marriage at Cana
Marriage Contract.
Arnolfini Wedding Portrait
Martin I
Martini, Simone
Mary enthroned (panel)
Mary Magdalen, Saint
Mary of Burgundy
Mary of Hungary
Mary (panel)(photo)
See also
Master of Flemalle.
Campin, Robert
Maximilian of Austria
Mayerhoffer, Eberhard
Mechanical transfer
Medieval paintings
Mehmet II
Memling, Hans
Memoirs of Painting
Merkers salt mine
Merode Altarpiece
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Meulapas, Henri
MFAA (Monuments, Fine Arts, and Archives Division; aka Monuments Men).
See also
Art protection; Monument protection; Monuments Men
Michel, Hermann
and Alt Aussee salt mine art-storage facility, account of
Milton, Henry
Minne, Julienne
Modena, duke of
Mona Lisa
Monge, Citizen
Monte Cassino, Battle of
Monte Cassino Monastery
Monument protection.
See also
Art protection; MFAA; Roberts Commission
Monuments, Fine Arts, and Archives Division.
Monuments Men
and Alt Aussee salt mine art-storage facility, account of
See also
Howe, Thomas Carr, Jr.; Kirstein, Lincoln; MFAA; Posey, Robert Kelley; Stout, George
Mortier, Karel
Moser, Hans
Munch, Edvard
Munich Central Collection Point
Munich Pinakothek
Münzer, Hieronymous
Murez, Jos
Musée des Beaux-Arts
Musées Nationaux de la Recuperation
Museum Boijmans van Beuningen
Muséum Français
Museum Island
Museum of Natural History (Vienna)
Mussolini, Benito
Mystery of the Incarnation
Mystery paintings
Napoleon Bonaparte
and art theft
and Barbier
and Denon
exile of
and Louis XVIII
Napoleon on the Imperial Throne
Napoleonic era, art theft during
National Gallery (Berlin)
National Gallery (Ireland)
National Gallery (Washington, D.C.)
National Museum (Paris)
Nazi Art Protection unit
and art and monuments, destruction of
and art protection
and art theft (
see also
Rosenberg Report)
and art-storage facilities (
Alt Aussee salt mine art-storage facility; Art-storage facilities)
and artwork, burning of
and artwork, sales of
and artwork, threat to destroy
Ghent Altarpiece
See also
Goebbels, Josef; Göring, Hermann; Himmler, Heinrich; Hitler, Adolf; Rosenberg, Alfred
Nero Decree
Neuschwanstein Castle
New Jerusalem
New Orleans, Battle of
Nieuwenhuys, C. J.
Nieuwenhuys, Lambert-Jean
and Coxcie’s copy of
Ghent Altarpiece
Nolde, Emil
Norfolk, Duke of
Norfolk Triptych
Nuremberg Trials
Observational realism
Office of Strategic Services (OSS)
Oil painting and paints
Operation Ebensburg.
See also
Alt Aussee salt mine art-storage facility; Gaiswinkler, Albrecht; MFAA
Order of Leopold
Order of Saint George
Order of Saint Sebastian
Order of the Golden Fleece
Orleans, Duke of
Orsanmichele Church
Office of Strategic Services
Ossolinski Museum
Pagan imagery
Panel paintings
Panofsky, Erwin
Paris National Convention
Parthenon Marbles
Patent of Tolerance
Patijn (chief of police)
Patron saints (panels)
Patton, George
and concentration camps
and Merkers salt mine
Pearson, Ralph
Philip, Lotte Brand
Philip II (the Bold)
Philip III (the Good)
and commission of
Ghent Altarpiece
as employer and friend of J. van Eyck
as godfather to van Eyck, P.
and Righteous Judges panel, portrait in
Philip of Alsace
Picasso, Pablo
Pichegru, Charles
Pius VI
Plantexel (Société de Plantation et d’Exploitation de l’Elaeis au Kasai)
Plieseis, Sepp
Pöchmüller, Emmerich
and Alt Aussee salt mine art-storage facility, account of
Polish Rider
Polychrome sculpture
Ponte Santa Trinita
Ponte Vecchio
Porter, Arthur Kingsley
Portrait Drawing of Niccoló Albergati
(J. van Eyck)
Portrait of a Man in a Red Turban
( J. van Eyck)
Portrait of Dr. Gachet
(van Gogh)
Portrait of Margeurite
( J. van Eyck)
Posey, Robert Kelley
and Alt Aussee salt mine art-storage facility, Nazi order to destroy
and Alt Aussee salt mine art-storage facility, securing of
and Merkers salt mine
and Order of Leopold
Presbyter, Theophilus.
Roger of Helmarshausen
Pressl, Mark Danner
Priem, Polydor
Protection of Monuments: A Proposal
for Consideration During War and Rehabilitation
“Protection of Monuments and Art During War” (Clemens)
Prussian National Gallery
Rahn, Otto
Raudaschl, Alois
Ray, Jean (pseud. John Flanders)
Red turban
Red-White-Red Book: Justice for Austria!
Reign of Terror
Religious paintings
Renaissance paintings
Renders, Emile
Reparations Committee
Repatriation, of cultural heritage
See also under
Ghent Altarpiece
Revelation of Saint John the Evangelist
Reynolds, Sir Joshua
Righteous Judges (panel) (photo)

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