Steel Justice (A Romantic Suspense) (14 page)

Read Steel Justice (A Romantic Suspense) Online

Authors: Dez Burke

Tags: #bad boy romance

BOOK: Steel Justice (A Romantic Suspense)
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The erotic gesture hits me like a taser straight to my cock. Damn! She’s so fucking sexy. I can’t remember ever needing any woman as bad as I want her.

“The question is, why are you still wearing pants?” she asks, grabbing my belt buckle and sliding it loose.

“Good question,” I say, whipping the belt loose from the loops and stepping out of my jeans. My long, hard cock springs free and bobs in front of her face.

She smiles up at me with a sensual gleam in her eyes. Leaning down, she cups my balls in one hand and encircles my hardened cock with the other. With her thumb, she rubs the slit then licks off the pre-cum on the bulbous tip.

“Oh Christ!” I mutter, summoning every bit of willpower I have not to grab her head with both hands and shove my cock deep down her throat. I swear to God she’s killing me. She has no idea how much effort it is taking me to stay in control.

“Do you want more?” she asks, opening her mouth wide and sliding the entire length of my cock between her lips.

She moves her hands to grip my ass, pulling me as far into her mouth as I can possibly go. Her nose touches my stomach and my cock hits the back of her throat. Black spots float in front of my eyes. I fight like hell to keep from loosing it completely. 

She doesn’t flinch or gag as she slides my cock all the way out to the tip and takes it again and again. The sight of her lips wrapped around my cock is the hottest thing I’ve ever seen in my life. I blink back the sweat dripping into my eyes. If I’m not careful, a couple more thrusts and I’ll be spurting wads of cum down her throat.

Fuck! I need to take a deep breath and slow this down before it’s over way too soon.

“As much as I love the feel of my cock in your sweet mouth, I want to be inside you even more,” I tell her, sliding out of her mouth and pushing her down on the bed. “Right now, I want you on top, riding my cock where I can see your beautiful tits and face.” I stretch out onto my back and drag her over my chest.

She straddles me with her hands on my chest for balance, her knees resting on either side of me. Reaching up, I pull her long hair forward and down over her breasts, loving how the strands barely brush her nipples. With my knuckles, I stroke the curve of her breasts and catch the nipples lightly between my fingers.

She arches her back and leans into my touch. “You don’t need to ask me twice,” she says, reaching behind her to stroke my cock.

I grip her waist tightly, fighting against the urge to lift her up with my bare hands and impale her on my bursting cock. She scoots back and rises up on her knees. With one hand, she guides the tip of my cock to her slippery pussy.

My eyes lock on the scene before me. Face to face, Trish on top, her body flushed with heat, poised above my waiting cock. Her nipples are swollen and rigid, begging for my hands.

Should I look or should I touch? I can’t decide.

Lifting her hips, she edges herself onto the tip then sinks down inch by inch until I’m halfway buried deep inside her.

I groan as I hear her swift intake of breath.

She slides the rest of the way down until her ass is bumping on my thighs and my entire cock has filled her to the balls. Moisture from her wet pussy drips down and coats my thighs.

My brain is about to explode.

Fuck taking it slow.

God help me, I can’t do it.

I meant to let her take the lead and control the speed, but now that I’m inside her, all I can think about is driving in harder and deeper. With my hands on either side of her waist, I lift her up and thrust back into her. She rides me hard and fast, being careful not to slide off the tip.

With a loud cry, she cums all around my cock, her pussy pulsating and clenching me tighter. Her breasts heave as her whole body shakes. I keep my eyes pinned on her face, not wanting to miss anything.

“That’s it, baby,” I say. “God! How I love watching you cum.”

I give up trying to hold back any longer. A man can only take so much and I’m way past my limit. I thrust one last time and explode deep inside her. She leans forward and clenches tightly around me, milking my cock for every last drop. Our eyes meet and I lose myself in her gaze.

When our breathing slows, I slide my hands down her arms to grip her wrists. Bringing her hands to my face, I kiss her palms then interlock my fingers with hers.

“Don’t move yet,” I say. “I want to hold onto this sight a little bit longer.” Leaning forward, I nuzzle the valley between her heavy breasts.

“Was it okay for you?” she whispers, looking unsure of my answer.

I smile at the ridiculous question and lick her nipple. “If it gets any better, you’ll have to call an ambulance to haul me off. Why would you ask something crazy like that?”

Her fingers trace the tattoos running down my right arm. “I’ve never been on top before,” she says. “I didn’t want you to be disappointed.”

Never been on top? How can that be?

“Disappointed in you? Not going to happen.”

Curiosity gets the best of me. I have to know.

“Trish, how many men have you been with?”

“You can’t ask me that,” she says with a horrified look. “It’s against the rules.”

“I never play by the rules. Answer me.”

“Only two,” she finally says, not meeting my eyes. “The first time was in the back seat of a car when I was a teenager. The second was my boss at a fast food joint. I thought he loved me. Turned out he was married with three little kids. So as you can see, my sexual experience is basically nonexistent. I’m sorry.”

“You’re sorry?” I say, wrapping my arms around her back and pressing her breasts against my chest. “I’m sure as hell not. The only thing you should be sorry for is telling me. Now my head is filled with filthy, dirty ideas. All the things I want to do to you and show you.”

She nibbles on my ear and my cock twitches inside her, already coming to life again.

“Make a list,” she says. “We’ll check them off as we go.”

“Honey, I’m way ahead of you. I’m already on number ten.”


eeling completely sated and satisfied, I plump up my pillow and slide an arm under Trish’s neck. She murmurs in approval then snuggles closer, throwing her arm over my chest. I pick up a lock of her long hair and drop the strands slowly from my fingertips. 

So this is what contentment feels like.


But I like it.

More than I ever thought possible.

Normally, five minutes after sex is over, I’m rolling out of bed and looking for a cigarette. Not because I need a smoke, but because I’m desperate for any excuse to put as much distance as possible between me and the girl I’ve just fucked.

Cuddling isn’t my thing.

I never saw the point.

Sex is the point.

Once that is over, my mind is already rolling on to the next item on my agenda: club business, new tires for my bike, raiding the refrigerator, and sometimes even another girl.

Wanting to spend a full night with a woman sprawled on top of me is uncharted territory for me. I don’t have time for a woman in my life. There’s no place for one. Not with me being President of the Steel Infidels.

I have too many responsibilities to bring a girl into the mix. Not only would it be too damn much trouble, it would also be dangerous. The club has to come first.

Somehow Flint makes it work with Kendra. I’m not my brother though. Not even close. Flint has a sensitive side, so he can give Kendra what she needs. It worries me at times because this also makes him vulnerable. By hurting her, someone can get to him. Nobody can hurt us as long as we don’t give a shit.

And now I give a shit too.

The thought pops into my head before I can stop it.


This is no good.

What the hell is happening here?

Trish’s hand slides down my chest and rests on my stomach.

“Jesse?” she whispers softly. “Are you still awake?”

“Sure, sweetheart,” I say, kissing the top of her head. Her hair smells good and I sink my nose into it. “One of the things you’ll discover about me is that I don’t sleep much. It’s a mental defect.”

“What do you mean?”

“My mind won’t turn off at night. There’s always something to worry about. I’ve learned it’s easier to stay up and keep moving than to lie in bed staring at the ceiling all night. Most of the time I’m too wired to sleep.”

“What do you worry about?” she asks.

I sigh. Where to even begin?

“My brothers, mostly. It may seem like they’ve got it all together, but it hasn’t always been this way. Our mom died of breast cancer several years ago and it tore the family upside down. Dad didn’t handle it well and started drinking too much. I was already with the Steel Infidels at the time and not around the house much. Flint took off and left town not too long after.”

“And Sam?”

“Sam didn’t fare as well. He was still in high school and too young to move out. So he was stuck with an alcoholic father who was abusive at times. Flint and I didn’t know how bad it was. Sam’s tough as nails and not a complainer. He just took it and survived the best he could.”

“That is so sad,” she says softly. “Parents can certainly screw kids up.”

“They sure can. I blame myself for what happened. I was too busy with my own life to pay attention to what was going on at home. I knew Sam was furious with Flint for leaving town. I didn’t realize at the time that it was because Flint left him to deal with Dad all alone. When one of Dad’s punches landed Sam in the emergency room and the truth came out, I brought him into the Steel Infidels with me.”

“Wasn’t he too young for a motorcycle club?”

“Definitely. The club bent the rules for him because I asked them to. Looking back, there wasn’t much of a choice. I needed him close by so I could keep an eye on him.”

“Was he in some kind of trouble?”

“Trouble is Sam’s middle name. You’ve met him. He has a wild streak you wouldn’t believe. Nothing is too outrageous or crazy for him to try at least once. The club gives him some stability. And responsibility, too. Without the club, we would have lost him already to something...drugs, drunk driving, bar brawls. In my gut, I know Sam wouldn’t be here today without the Steel Infidels taking him under their wing.”

“You love your brothers.” She says it as a statement instead of a question.

“That I do. My brothers and the club are everything to me. I would cut off my right arm to protect them. Flint is getting married soon, believe it or not. To a veterinarian.”

“Really?” She rises up on her elbows to look at me. “I didn’t think bikers were the settling down type.”

“We’re usually not,” I say honestly. “Flint makes up his own rules as he goes along. His fiancée, Kendra, is a good person. You would like her.”

“It sounds like an odd combination...biker lawyer and veterinarian.”

I chuckle, thinking about Kendra and Flint. “You should see them together. They’re both book smart and clever as hell. Kendra doesn’t put up with shit from any of us. I couldn’t have picked a more perfect gal for Flint.”

“And what about you? What kind of girl would be perfect for you?”

You are.

I don’t dare say it. Can’t say it.

Instead I throw things back at her.

“Enough talk about me. Tell me about Trish.”

If she notices that I abruptly changed the conversation, she doesn’t mention it. She puts her head back on my chest and pulls the sheet up over our hips.

“Well for starters, my family sucks,” she says.

“I gathered that much.”

“When I said that my mother was sick, I wasn’t telling you the whole truth. She’s an addict and has been for a long time. I took care of her until I couldn’t take it anymore. I felt like I was going down with a sinking ship and that nothing I did made any difference. She loves the drugs more than she loves me or herself.”

My arms tighten around her. The heartbreaking hurt is coming off of her like waves.

“You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to. It’s okay. I didn’t mean to make you sad.”

“No, you should know why I’m so screwed up,” she says in a resigned voice. “Between Mom and Ty, my family life hasn’t been what I would call a positive influence in my life.”

“And your father?”

“He left us years ago and I haven’t seen him since.”

“I’m sorry.”

I can’t stand hearing the pain in her voice. So much hurt inside the sweetest soul. Suddenly I want nothing more than to take her pain away if only for a little while, in the only way I know how.

Physical comfort might be inadequate and certainly not a permanent fix, but it’s the only thing I can offer. For the first time in my life, I wish I knew how to give a woman emotionally what they really need from a man. What I have to give her won’t be nearly enough.

Taking her hand, I place it over my strong, beating heart.

“Feel that? It means I’m here now and I’m not going anywhere.”

Leaning up, I claim her lips in a kiss.

“Don’t be sad. Don’t think, just feel,” I coax. “Feel me and nothing else.”



leave a note for Trish and slip out to meet up with the rest of the crew in Sam’s room. Since the plan to lure Trish’s brother didn’t pan out, I decide to go ahead with Flint’s bachelor party tonight.

We’ve already spent too much of our time in Panama City worrying about the Liberators. I don’t want those assholes to spoil Flint’s bachelor party, too.

“Where’s Flint?” Sam asks when I step into his room packed with the rest of the crew.

“I sent him out for donuts so we can finalize plans for his party. Someone should watch for him out the window.”

“Do you really think it’s a good idea to still throw the party?” Rocco asks. “We can do that any old time. We’ve got more important things to deal with right now.”

I’m not surprised he is the one questioning my judgment. Rocco and his brother, Danny, have never been big fans of Flint. They never truly forgave him for leaving the MC and going off to law school. The only reason they voted to let him back in was because I asked them to as a personal favor to me. The brothers tolerate Flint, but that’s about the extent of it.

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