Steel Justice (A Romantic Suspense) (21 page)

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Authors: Dez Burke

Tags: #bad boy romance

BOOK: Steel Justice (A Romantic Suspense)
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How did I ever get so lucky?

Trish is a vision with her long hair spread out all over my chest, her skin still flushed, those big beautiful eyes gazing at me. I could get lost in her eyes and never find my way out again. Not that I would ever want to.

The gorgeous woman curled against my chest loves me.

It’s hard for me to believe. I sure as hell don’t deserve her love.

Yet deep down inside, I want more.

Need more.

I wasn’t being truthful when I told her I would be happy with anything she could give me. At that moment, I would have said whatever it takes to keep her in my arms and prevent her from bolting out the door. So I didn’t push or ask for too much too soon.

I know she’s scared.

So am I.

I also know I won’t be satisfied until she’s completely mine in every way. The time we’ve spent apart has given me plenty of opportunity to think.

I want it all.

Wife, kids, the whole fucking package.

From now on, I’m running my life the way I ride.

Full throttle.

No hitting the brakes.

Leaning down, I grab her lips in a slow, tender kiss. How I wish she could absorb everything I’m feeling, to instinctively know the emotions I can’t express in words. From the way she grasps the back of my neck and kisses me back, I realize she understands.

“Marry me,” I say.

Her mouth drops open. She blinks at me in surprise. “You want a wife? Now?”

“Yes, I want a wife. And a family. Most of all, I want a life, Trish, with you. I love you and I don’t want to wait. Say yes.”

“What about the Steel Infidels?”

“The MC will always be a major part of my life. But they can’t
my life. You’re my life now.”

“Nothing would make me happier,” she says, her eyes shining with tears. “The answer is a great big yes.”



ix months later...

“What’s taking so damn long?” Sam asks. “Shouldn’t we have heard something by now?” He jumps up to pace the length of the maternity ward waiting room.

It has been over two hours since Flint last ran in to give us a quick update on Kendra’s labor. We’re all beginning to get a little worried. Kendra was adamant that she didn’t want a Caesarean delivery, but the longer the labor drags on, the more likely it seems.

“It takes a long time to birth a baby,” I patiently explain to Sam. “Don’t worry. She’ll be okay. Sit down before you wear holes in the floor.”

In the past few months, I’ve grown close to Sam. He’s like the brother that I always wanted and never had. Moving into the big house with both Jesse and Sam seemed a little awkward at first, but it didn’t take me long to feel right at home. Once Sam realized I knew how to cook, I became his new best friend.

So now, I have two men to spoil and I love every minute of it. Most evenings, the three of us all hang out together, either watching action movies or going for long rides through the countryside. Sometimes if they’re working late at the tattoo shop, I’ll pick up a pizza after my nursing classes and take it by to ‘my boys,’ as I like to call them now.

On weekends, the big house is filled with the rest of the Steel Infidels roaming in and out. Sometimes we’ll throw a barbeque or the crew will hang out in the front yard working on their bikes. A couple of the ‘old ladies’ in the club and Kendra have adopted me, taking me under their wing and showing me the ropes. 

For the first time in my life, I’m truly happy.

Life with Jesse is just about perfect. The only thing that will make it better is the pitter-patter of little feet someday. If my recent morning queasiness is any indication, it may be sooner than later. I haven’t told Jesse about my suspicions yet since I want to be absolutely sure first. 

Jesse removes his arm from around my shoulder and stands up to stretch. “Poor Flint,” he says. “I bet he’s going nuts in there seeing Kendra in pain and not being able to do anything about it.”

“Poor Flint?” I say. “You mean poor Kendra, don’t you? No matter how awful Flint feels, it can’t be as bad as what she’s experiencing.”

Jesse reaches down and squeezes my hand. “I know. I just can’t help thinking how I would feel if you were the one in there suffering. Not to be able to take the pain away would kill me. It must be the most helpless feeling in the world. I hope that when we have a baby, they’ll give you a shot to knock your ass out cold or something.”

I roll my eyes at him. “I’m pretty sure they don’t drug up pregnant women anymore. You need to be able to push.”

Sam stops pacing and looks back and forth between us. “Wait! Are you guys having a baby too?”

Jesse smiles down at me. “Not yet, but we’re working on it. Every day and every night.”

I playfully slap him on the arm. “Stop it! You’re embarrassing me. Sam doesn’t need to hear all this private stuff. The walls are thin in the house, you know.”

A nurse walks into the waiting room and we immediately stop talking. “The Mason family?” she asks.

We stand up together. “That’s us,” Jesse says.

“Come with me. You can all go in the room now, but only for a couple of minutes. Mama is very tired and needs her rest.”

“Are they both okay?” Jesse asks anxiously. “Mama and the baby?”

Jesse has been worried sick about the health of the baby ever since the shooting at the wedding. The gunshot grazed Kendra in the upper thigh and luckily didn’t hit anywhere near the baby. Even with the doctor’s continued reassurance, it’s been impossible to convince Jesse that the baby is okay. He won’t believe it until he sees it with his own eyes.

“Mama and the baby boy are both doing great,” she says with a big smile.

“A boy! Just what I wanted!” Sam reaches over to high five Jesse. “I can’t wait to teach him how to ride. I wonder if they make little motorcycles for toddlers.”

“I sure hope not,” I say with a frown.

When we reach the door to the room, I walk a couple more steps down the hallway. I suddenly feel like an intruder and don’t want to interrupt the family’s private time together. Jesse starts to go in and notices me hanging back.

“What’s wrong?” he asks. “You okay? I thought you would be all over this baby stuff. Jotting down notes and asking questions.”

“I’m fine. I just don’t want to intrude on this special time for all of you. The first baby in a family is a big deal.”

“It is a big deal,” he says. “That’s why I want you here with us.” He leans down and kisses my hair. “I love you, sweetheart. More than you’ll ever know. When are you going to accept this is your family too, Trish? You’re part of us now.” He takes my hand. “Come on now. Don’t be shy. Kendra will want to see you.” 

We walk into the birthing room where Kendra is lying in a hospital bed looking completely exhausted. Flint, in green hospital scrubs, doesn’t look much better. He gives us a tired smile and walks over carrying the baby.

“Meet your new nephew,” he says to Jesse and Sam. “Joshua Mason. Josh for short.”

Jesse takes one look at the big, healthy baby boy swaddled in a white blanket, and his blue eyes unexpectedly fill with tears. His strong emotion catches me by surprise, because in all this time, I’ve never seen him cry. It makes me tear up too. I know he is overwhelmed by relief since he hasn’t forgiven himself for what happened at the wedding.

“Here Jesse, why don’t you hold him for a minute?” Flint suggests, moving closer with the little bundle.

“Oh no,” Jesse says in a panic, holding up a hand to stop him. “I’m afraid I’ll drop him.”

“You’re not going to drop him,” Flint reassures him. “Here, put your arms up and keep his head supported.” He carefully transfers the baby over into Jesse’s tattooed arms.

“Hey Josh,” Jesse says softly. “I’m your uncle, Jesse, and this is your Aunt Trish. We’re going to spoil you rotten.”

Sam pulls out his cell phone and takes a quick photo. “The crew isn’t going to believe this,” he says. “Big, tough Jesse holding a baby.”

“Jesse needs all the practice he can get,” Kendra says weakly from the hospital bed. “Trish, I’m counting on you to babysit for us, too.”

“Anytime,” I say. “I would love to. Just say the word and I’m all yours.”

I reach over and gently touch little Joshua’s hand. He grasps my finger and holds on tight.

In a flash, I can see all of us together for years to come. On Christmas mornings and Easter egg hunts. Thanksgiving dinners and trick-or-treating with our kids.

Everything I ever wanted is in this room.

Jesse, and a family to love that will love me back.

I’m finally home.


The End

What’s coming up next? Sam, of course! Everyone’s favorite ladies’ man finally gets caught in “Thunderclap.” Coming soon! Sign up for my
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to be notified about new releases.

Don’t miss Flint and Kendra’s story in Safe House and Liberated included for free below. Turn the page to keep reading!

Safe House


Copyright 2014 Dez Burke


he elderly judge banged his gavel on the stand and stood up, signaling the end of the court session. Public defender Flint Mason smiled and leaned over to shake his client’s hand, a young Hispanic woman whom the jury had found “not guilty” of charges of child endangerment.

Like most of his clients, her verdict was based on how well the jury understood her desperate situation. Faced with the difficult choice of making her three small children walk two miles with her to the nearest grocery store or leaving them alone for an hour, she’d chosen what she thought was the least dangerous option.

Unfortunately, her neighbor had called the police and now here she was, left to the mercy of a jury who was most definitely not made up of her peers. The young woman seemed slightly confused and Flint realized she didn’t understand she was free to go.

“It’s okay,” he said, taking her arm to usher her out of the courtroom. “You can go home now.”

Relief broke across her tired face as his words finally sank in. “Gracias!” she cried, squeezing him in a quick hug before hurrying out the front door of the courthouse.

Flint rubbed the back of his neck and headed to the closest drink machine. Thankfully, Maria Lopez’s case was the last one on his docket for the day. He’d defended five clients in court since early that morning. Two were found guilty and got sent back to the county jail while the other three were free to go. He figured that was pretty good odds, considering the fact that he barely had time to read their files before representing them as their court-appointed attorney.

The truth was, most of the time his cases fell into a gray area of guilt anyway. After two years of working for the Public Defender’s office, he really didn’t want to know if his clients were innocent or guilty. He’d learned things were much easier that way. Always assume the client was innocent, make sure they didn’t tell him otherwise, and do his job without asking too many questions.

Some days Flint couldn’t remember the reason why he’d chosen to be a public defender. Years ago, he’d been young and idealistic; he thought he could change things and make a difference. Now he wasn’t so sure. The system was broken and he was just another spoke in its wheel.

He grabbed a soft drink out of the machine and checked his cell phone. The screen blinked with three missed calls and several voice messages. Flint swore softly. He never gave out his cell phone number to clients, and only a handful of people knew it. He quickly checked his voicemail and listened to the first message.

“Hey Flint, it’s Jesse,” the deep-voiced caller said, as if he wouldn’t recognize his own brother’s voice. “Call me. It’s urgent.”

The next message said the same thing. Flint checked the three missed calls...all from Jesse as well. With a growing dread, he played the last message. “Flint, it’s Jesse again. Listen’s about Tommy. I hate like hell telling you this over the phone but since you aren’t returning your damn phone calls, I don’t have a choice.” Jesse’s voice cracked. “They got him, Flint. Those son of a bitch Liberators finally got him.” There was a long pause and Flint wondered if Jesse had hung up before he continued. “His mom set the funeral up for Sunday. You need to come home, Flint. Tommy would want you there. We all do.”

Flint clicked his phone off. He leaned his forehead against the cold cement wall of the hallway for a moment before rushing into the restroom and splashing water on his face.

Breathing deeply, he struggled to get his emotions under control and failed. “Goddammit!” he yelled at his reflection. “Motherfuckers!”

He leaned over the sink and drew in several deep breaths.

Why did it have to be Tommy?

Of all the members of the Steel Infidels motorcycle club, Tommy was the one Flint was the closest to. They’d grown up together as childhood best friends and then had ridden together side by side for years before Flint had left town.

He wondered if Tommy had ever forgiven him for leaving the motorcycle club. Now he’d never know. And now he would never have a chance to patch things up with one of the few people in the world he’d ever truly cared about. 

Once again, the Liberators had destroyed something dear to him. Anger rushed over Flint, filling him to the brim with an overwhelming desire for revenge. There was no way in hell he was going to let them get away with this.

Thirty minutes later he arrived at his tiny apartment. Rushing inside, he quickly threw a few clothes together into a duffel bag. He searched through his closet until he found what he was looking for: an old pair of faded jeans, white t-shirt, leather boots, and a black leather jacket that he hadn’t touched in years.

Closing his eyes and inhaling deeply, he held the jacket to his nose. The smell of the leather brought back memories, so sharp and vivid he could almost touch them. Memories of home, family and friends, memories of good times and bad.

He stripped off his dark suit, blue tie, and long-sleeved starched white shirt. Carefully concealed underneath the business attire was the hidden link to his past; a large black ink tattoo covering his back and upper shoulders.

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