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Authors: Lizzy Roberts

Steeling My Haart (29 page)

BOOK: Steeling My Haart
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also started to formulate a plan. It was going to take him a few months and a
lot of help to see it through, but he knew what was left for him to do to
secure Emma in his life forever. He enlisted the help of a few trusted friends
and her family, along with bringing his mom in on the surprise, too. She had
been over the moon when he had called to fill her in on his reconciliation with
Emma and was even more overjoyed when he told her what he was planning. All he
needed to do was figure out the perfect time and place for it to happen.

It was early April by
the time he had managed to arrange everything, and on that Friday morning as
Charlie woke he knew it was early. There wasn’t a sound coming from either of
the two precious kids that had propelled their way into his heart in such a
short time.
He slowly opened his
eyes, as if he could barely believe that his greatest wish had come true.
There she was, his Emma, snuggled
perfectly in his arms sound asleep and looking so much more beautiful than he
ever remembered.
The presence of Adie
and Leo just seemed to actually make his life more complete.
She came to him with a ready-made family
that they could now build on and cherish. His heart broke to hear she had lost
their baby. He felt like had failed her a second time by leaving her, but now
he had a chance to do things right for them all.

heart was literally bursting with love right at that moment and slowly he leaned
in and buried his nose in her hair.
As he inhaled her familiar scent it caused him to sigh so deeply with
contentment. He had plans for her for this weekend. Although he would have
loved to savor this moment longer, he had things to do to make her surprise
They had three hours to get
the two kids ready and to Emma’s parents place and then to the airport. He had
managed to pack her a case of clothes and sort out the stuff the kids needed
for the weekend already but there was still a lot to do to get all of them
ready and out of the house in time.

began to slowly press tiny kisses all over Emma’s face and neck and whispered
quietly in to her ear, “Hey, Sleeping Beauty, it’s time to wake up.” She
murmured something intelligible but rolled over and as she slowly opened her
eyes and focused, she took him in and her face spread into a beaming smile.

“Morning Blaze, I love you. This is the
best way to wake up but can’t I just have five more minutes, please?”
she grumbled as she scrunched her nose
in such a cute way that he couldn’t resist planting a kiss right on the

“I’m sorry, sweetheart, but we have to
get moving. It’s going to be a busy day, and I need to get up and get the kids
ready. So now is your only chance to grab a shower.”

it’s not even light out there, yet. Please, just five more minutes?” she
whispered as she turned over and ground her naked buttocks right into his

“Em, we really don’t have time to start
this now and after the wait I have had to get you back, you aren’t making this
easy for me,” he groaned as he kissed her head then reluctantly pulled himself
away, adjusting his boxers over his now raging erection.
“I’ve let you asleep as long as I can,
but we really do need to get going.”

you going to tell me where you’re taking us this weekend yet?”

a chance, sweetheart, and all will be revealed soon enough. Although, it’s just
going to be you and me.
Your mom is
taking the kids this weekend.”

immediately sat bolt upright and launched herself at him, “Seriously, Charlie?
Oh my God! Much as I love being mom to those two beautiful kids, I am so
excited you’ve done this! It will be amazing to have you to myself for a couple
of days.
I’ve missed you, but I’ve
missed ‘us’ more.
Please tell me
where we’re going. I can’t wait.
Have I told you how much I love you, Charlie Haart?”

not in the last five minutes at least.” He chuckled bashfully. “And you know I
adore you.
You stole my heart way
back in high school. I just never want this feeling to end, Em. I’m never going
to let you go again. I promise you that.” He moved over the bed and kissed her
deeply, taking her into his arms and sitting her on his lap at the side of the
bed. He kissed her deeply and savoured her lips on his. Then, effortlessly he
picked her up and cradled her in his arms, taking a long look at her flushed
face. He grabbed the baby monitor from his bedside cabinet and rested it
between his and Emma’s chests, almost a symbolic gesture of how they were both
so devoted and loving the precious two children it was protecting.
Much as he was aroused and painfully
hard, he set her down on the vanity unit and turned on the shower.
Waiting for the water to warm up, the
slowly stripped her naked and then peeled his own boxer shorts from his body.
With any luck the kids would sleep for at least another hour before their usual
wake up time and he secured the monitor on the vanity with the volume up to
maximum, safe in the knowledge that it would alert them to any significant
movement from Adie, long before they were disturbed.

With this in mind, he moved his naked
body between her legs. Cupping her face he kissed her deeply, then peppered
small kisses all the way down her jaw and her chest until he reached her pert
nipples, and he licked and kissed them both in turn, making Emma shiver.
He continued his gentle teasing all the
way down her torso and to the apex of her legs.
He then switched to gently kissing the
inside of both of her thighs before sweeping his finger between her folds and
teasing the sensitive bud inside.
As Emma started writhing under his careful touch, she moaned loudly,
making Charlie’s already painful erection even harder.

He planted a series of kisses all around
her folds, taking in her unique musky scent as he caressed her up and down with
his tongue. He found her sensitive nub and nibbled on it before taking it
between his lips and sucking it hard.
The moans and whimpering that were escaping Emma’s mouth were turning
him on immensely. With one further steady flick of his tongue, she came loudly
and wildly above him, crying out his name in a hoarse whisper as she climaxed.

she began to come down from her orgasm, he slowly lifted her down from the
vanity unit and into his arms before carrying her quivering body her into the
cubicle with him, steam swirling all around them as he began washing her

had never cherished anyone as he had in that shower. He could feel her desire
for him was slowly burning its way to the top again as he caressed every inch
of her hot body. He washed her in a smooth, circular motion, cleansing every
inch of her creamy soft skin. He paid particular attention to her nipples and
breasts, slowly rubbing them as he went. He washed down her torso then hugging
her close to his chest, then paid equally as much attention to her neck, then
down her back, and round her firm buttocks. Pulling her tight to him under the
hot stream he took a moment to savor the skin on skin contact that his position
gave him.

then turned his attention to the lower part of her body, lathering soap on his
hands and slowly washing each leg in turn, sweeping his hands from her ankles
right up to the apex of her thighs in long smooth strokes. His gentle touch
heated her skin and she was becoming increasingly aroused with every stroke.
He needed to be inside her, to feel her
intimately and he needed him now.

She reached down and
took hold of his hands, bringing him up from kneeling on the tile floor.
As the soapsuds washed away from her
body in the flow of water, she kissed him, and within seconds, the desire
between them ignited. He knew as she kissed him it was with everything she had,
pouring every ounce of the emotions she felt right into the embrace. Something
between them shifted and as she began digging her hands right into his dirty
blonde locks, he lifted her so that she was the right height to wrap her legs
around his waist. Stepping over to the shower wall, he leaned her back against
the cool tiles and then lowered her slowly onto his erection.
Kissing her like it was the last thing
he was ever going to do, he thrust into her rhythmically yet with such
tenderness it almost brought tears to her eyes.

As he began driving
slowly in and out of her she arched her back and opened her eyes. He was
watching her, his heart full of love for the beautiful woman beneath him. He
rocked into her back and forth, sliding her back up and down the wet tiles with
the motion. With every thrust, he could feel her second orgasm building. From
the angle he was entering her, every jolt caused him to rub against her sensitive
core, making them both inhale with pleasure. As he neared his own climax, he
held her with one arm and reached down using the other arm and worked her with
his fingers until she was shuddering on the brink of her own release.

“I love you, Emma,”
Charlie groaned as he thrust into her a couple of times. He saw her face
twisting in pleasure as she fell over the edge and tightened around him.
Charlie couldn’t hold himself and came hard inside her.
He could feel every tremor from inside
her as he rode out his climax.
face crumpled into a look of pure unadulterated adoration as he continued
rocking into her.
After they had
both caught their breaths, he reluctantly let her down as his legs began to
give way.
They both stood there in
the stream of the still hot shower, clutching each other in an attempt to stop
from collapsing on the floor. Gazing deep into each other’s eyes as the
droplets of water relentlessly showered them clean.

“Wow,” was all Emma managed to
Charlie merely smiled and
turned off the water.
Heading out
of the cubicle he grabbed two soft towels from the heated rail and wrapped Emma
snugly in one before drying himself off.

“You could say that, sweetheart.” He
chuckled as he took her hand and headed into the bedroom. “So you have ten
minutes or we are really going to be late!
And good morning to you, too, baby.”

thirty minutes, Emma and Charlie were dressed and had the kids packed up and
ready to head to Nicky and Mike’s.
As Emma secured the two of them into the back of the new SUV she had
bought, Charlie took their minimal luggage and placed it in the trunk. It was
then Charlie noticed a familiar car parked at the end of their block. It was
one he had seen several times before but it had driven away whenever either of
them had made any movement towards it.
It appeared to be empty this morning. Although from the distance it was
hard to tell. It unsettled him again although he didn’t quite know what to do
about it. The cops had confirmed it was nothing to do with them and their
continued investigation into the deaths of Lily and Gary, but nothing had come
back when they had checked the tags on the vehicle. The cops didn’t seem to be
overly concerned and had promised to keep patrolling their neighborhood on a
more regular basis.

It took about fifteen minutes with the
light, early morning traffic to safely deposit the still sleeping kids with
Nicky, whilst Mike took over the driving.
Within an hour and a half of waking, Emma and Charlie arrived at the
airport, much to Emma’s surprise. Mike dropped them at domestic departures and
as Emma hugged her father goodbye she turned excitedly to Charlie as he
excitedly announced,

“So, sweetheart, the next part of your
surprise is a trip to New York.
have an important meeting that I need to attend about M’s Place and thought you
might enjoy coming along with me for the trip.”

Emma looked a little put out, but
replied, “Oh. And here’s me thinking you might have been taking me for a child-free
romantic weekend away, but dressing up a business meeting as a trip wasn’t
quite what I had in mind. Still a couple of nights alone with you will be worth
it, I guess.” She huffed as Charlie smiled and congratulated himself at his
He hadn’t lied to her
exactly, just not given her the full story behind the ‘business meeting’ they
would be attending.

headed swiftly through the airport security and were on the flight heading to
New York in no time.
The short
flight was uneventful and Emma managed to get a couple of hours of extra sleep,
curled up on her seat with Charlie’s arm wrapped protectively around her.

BOOK: Steeling My Haart
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