Stepbrother Forever: A Stepbrother Romance (9 page)

BOOK: Stepbrother Forever: A Stepbrother Romance
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Chapter 15


I wake up on the late
side Friday morning, which is good. I needed a goodnight’s sleep. I hear Ryan
in the shower when I amble out of the bedroom, so I pour a cup of coffee and
sit at the kitchen table. A couple of minutes later, Ryan comes barging out in
a towel. He’s startled when he sees me sitting there.


You scared me, Eve.”


Where are you rushing off to?” I ask.


They need me to come in again. I don’t know how they expect me to be ready to
leave on Monday if they keep asking me to do more stuff over there,” he mutters.


I can’t
help but stare at him in his towel. Not like I’ve never seen him like that
before, but something about today is different. It could be because I think I
love him that I’m looking at him in a new light. Ryan’s body is very toned and
he has nice, olive skin. His dark hair is all wet and hanging around his face,
instead of its usual style. My eyes wander downward to his chiseled abs and
then continue to his Adonis belt, and I get a sudden urge to rip off his towel.
I’ve never had this feeling about Ryan before, but I like it.


you okay?” he asks me when I don’t reply.


Yeah,” I say startled. “Just tired.”


too. We were up pretty late last night. Will you be home tonight? I gotta get


sure. I asked for the night off, but haven’t heard yet,” I reply trying not to
look at anything other than his face.


Well, maybe if you don’t, I’ll come by for a drink,” he offers.




walks into his room and closes the door to get dressed. I exhale without
realizing I had been holding my breath. Shit. After all these years, I have
never looked at Ryan the way I’ve been these last few days... I mean, ok, maybe
there were a couple of times when we first met, but we just hit it off so well
that I quickly made him off limits. Now I have to hide my sadness and
disappointment about him leaving on top of my possible love and sexual
attraction to him. I consider myself a strong woman, but that’s a lot to
handle, even if he will only be here for a couple more days.


I send
my manager a text to see if he got my message about taking the weekend off.
Ryan comes out of his room, looking gorgeous after only a few minutes of
preparation. He is dressed in dark jeans and a white t-shirt. He is buttoning
up a casual collared shirt over it as he enters the kitchen, and I find myself
staring again. At this point, I’m watching him partly because of how hot he
looks, and partly in disbelief that I’m seeing him this way.


phone buzzes and it’s my manager letting me know I have to work today, but can
have off tomorrow. I’m bummed, but there’s really nothing I can do it about it,
so I will have to suck it up.


wrong?” Ryan asks while he puts on his coat. He must notice the disappointed
look on my face.


“I have
to work tonight,” I tell him. “I was hoping I’d be able to hang out with you.”


sucks. No worries, though. Tomorrow night, it’s just me and you.”


Where’s everyone else gonna be?” I ask.


don’t know. I just figured a quiet night at home with you would be cool. I
figured you could help me pack and stuff, anyway.” He glances at the time. “I
have to get out of here. I’m going to be late. Maybe I’ll stop by for a drink
or something later.”


I reply, “Good luck.”


leaves for the studio and I am alone with my thoughts again. I’m touched that
Ryan wants some time to say goodbye, for whatever that’s worth, but if we are
going to be alone tomorrow night, I don’t know if I can handle that. I have to
help him pack. I will try to keep myself together, but I have a feeling I’m
going to be a mess. I think in that situation, though, it will be


I get
up from the table and decide to get ready for my day. I elect to work out,
which helps calm me down when I feel like this. I sense I’ll be exercising a lot
in the coming months, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing.


After I
finish, I shower and get ready for work. At least if I’m not spending time with
Ryan, I’ll be making some money. I’ll be happy if he stops in, but I won’t get
my hopes up.


bundle up and walk outside to find that it’s snowing out. Just some flurries,
but still. I love the city in the snow; it seems so peaceful and quiet.


I walk
to the bar and I’m greeted by the warm air. I notice Ken sitting at the bar
already. He must be starting Happy Hour early today. I put my belongings in the
back room and get settled in behind the bar.


Eve,” he says.


Ken. What brings you in so early today?”


decided to get my weekend started early. I don’t have a drink yet,” he hints at


“No one
helped you?” I ask.


just got here a few minutes ago,” he says, “and you’re the only one who knows
how I like my drink.”


“It’s a
beer, Ken. it’s pretty easy to make,” I tease him.


But you know how I like it,” he says with a smile.


I laugh.
“You’re crazy. Maybe you aught to introduce a little variety into your life,” I
reply, filling a chilled glass from the tap.


Not my thing,” he replies. “Still waiting for one special lady to notice me.”


I hope she does. You’re sweet, and you deserve a good woman.” I know he’s
talking about me, but there is no way I’m getting into that conversation with
him—or that situation. Fraternizing with customers is a big no-no. Not that I
would. He might be a nice guy, but Ken isn’t my type.


I continue
to help the other patrons, and as early evening approaches, the crowd thickens
and the music gets louder. I talk to Ken intermittently while he eats dinner at
the bar and I serve some others. I notice Ryan’s face by the entrance and I
light up. I didn't think he would be coming in, and I’m so happy he’s here.
He’s flanked by Adam and another guy who I don’t think I’ve ever met. They walk
over to the bar and push their way to the counter.


barkeep,” Ryan yells with a smile.


I reply, walking over. It’s busy, and as much as I’d like to, I don’t have much
time to chat.


wanted your attention.” Ryan smiles, and for a moment, I melt.


got it. Now, what can I do you for?”


three beers, please,” he replies.


I answer, reaching into the cooler.


only staying for one drink. We’re going to a bar on the east side that we used
to hang at, but I wanted to stop in before we went out.”


I smile
at him. “Well, isn’t that sweet.” I notice a couple looking at me to refill
their drinks.


busy. I’ll see you later,” Ryan says, taking the beers and walking back to his


I help
the customers that are giving me the evil eye and then the constant rush of
others trying to celebrate the beginning of the weekend. I glance at Ryan and
see him and his friends just talking together near a bar table. I’m happy there
are no girls around them—not yet, anyway. I’m sure Ryan will want one last
fling before he leaves.


looks like he’s finished his dinner and is draining what’s left of his beer, so
I walk over to check in.


was your dinner?” I ask.


“It was
all right. I see your movie star friend is still here,” he says with a hint of


Celebrating the last of his days in New York as a ‘nobody,’_” I reply, sneaking
a glance at Ryan. He is still just with the boys, and it looks like they are
finishing their drinks.


bad,” Ken says, wistfully. “I’m sure he will be missed.”


I’m sure he will.” I’ve never seen this side of Ken.


I’m going home. It’s been a pleasure as always, Miss Eve,” Ken says with a


Enjoy your weekend.”


walks towards the door and Ryan and his friends approach the bar.


lady, we’re out,” Ryan announces.


I smile
and nod. “Have fun. Thanks for stopping in.”


will. Sorry you were so busy, but I guess that’s a good thing,” he says. I nod
again and wave to his friends. They say goodnight and leave the bar.


Ryan stop in just to see me for a short time uplifts my mood and the rest of my
night flies by. I happily help the customers I have until last call, and then
clean up. When I go outside to walk home, I notice the snow has stopped and
there is just a light dusting on the ground that I’m sure will be gone by


I walk
into my warm building and up the many flights of stairs to my apartment. I
don’t hear any noise on the other side of the door, so I assume Ryan’s friends
didn’t come back here, and I’m relieved. I’m beat, and wouldn’t mind climbing
into bed.


I close
the door behind me, and I’m bothered when I see Ryan’s door is open and the
apartment is empty. I know there are places that will stay open after hours,
but I also don’t think that’s necessarily where they are. I’m disheartened
thinking that Ryan found a girl to go home with for the night and hope that’s
just my inner jealousy talking. He’s not really that kind of guy, but it
wouldn’t be completely out of the question, either.


I get
ready for bed, and even as the sun comes up, Ryan still isn’t home.


Chapter 16


I wake up to the sound
of the front door opening and Ryan coming in. I look at the clock and it’s
after eleven already, so I slowly sit up and stretch. Apparently, I slept like
a baby all night. I must have needed that. I get out of bed, put on a sweatshirt,
and walk into the living room as Ryan flings himself onto the couch.


night?” I ask.


could say that,” Ryan answers. “There were a lot of beers involved. I think
I’ve consumed more alcohol in the last week than I have in the last year.”


like fun,” I reply drily. “Did you sleep somewhere last night, or were you out
this whole time?” I’m a little afraid that he might tell me he was with a
woman. I don't know if I’ll be able to hide my disappointment. I’m silently
hoping he was out all night, or at one of his friend’s, sleeping.


went to some afterhours club, and it was already morning when we went back
outside, so we decided to have breakfast,” Ryan explains.


what now? Are you going to sleep?”


I need to get a nap. I have to get some packing done when I get up. Will you be
here? Are we still hanging later sis?” Ryan asks, getting cozy on couch.


course. I wouldn’t miss it,” I say with a smile.


I make
myself some coffee and get dressed so I can leave and let Ryan sleep. He’s
already out like a light, so it’s not like I have to be quiet, but there’s not
too much to do here. At least I can go pick up some food for myself, or
something. I can also get some munchies for later when we are home packing. I
put on my coat and leave the apartment to make myself busy for a while.


freezing out again, and they are predicting snow again later. We may even have
some accumulation. I don’t have any place to go later, or tomorrow, for that
matter, so a little snow on the ground would be nice.


I go
into the supermarket to grab some food and decide I should cook dinner, since I
don’t have much else to do today. I’m not a good cook, but I can make something
simple, and I’m sure Ryan will appreciate it. I choose some items and check
out. It doesn't take terribly long, but I don’t have much else to do, so I
bring the groceries home.


Ryan is
still snoozing, so I put everything away and get prepped as quietly as I can.
I’m making a simple chicken and pasta dish, but the apartment already smells
amazing. It hasn’t had the aroma of a fresh-cooked meal since my mom was here.


I put
the chicken on the stove to braise and prepare some garlic bread. I put a pot
of water on the stove that I will turn on when Ryan is awake. I remember the
bottle of champagne I had bought in anticipation of Ryan getting this part. It
will be perfect for tonight. I won’t have any need for it after he leaves,


I take
a shower and watch some television. I see it’s starting to snow outside and I’m
getting restless. I decide to make some noise to “accidentally” wake Ryan, so I
go back into the kitchen and bang a few things around. Ryan begins to stir on
the couch, and then slowly sits up.


that smell?” he asks.


good morning to you, too,” I reply.


What time is it?”


after four,” I tell him. “And that
is dinner.”


He rubs
his eyes. “Damn, it’s late already. Where did you order from?”


I puff
out my chest proudly. “I didn’t order, I made it.”


it?” Ryan asks incredulously. “I feel honored.”


should. Are you hungry yet, or do you need some time to wake up?”


pretty hungry. I could use a shower, though. Can you wait a few?”


course. I still have to make a couple of things, anyway, so take your time.”


walks to the bathroom and I turn the burner on for the water to boil. I spread
some butter and mashed garlic on a nice loaf of Italian bread I bought at the
market and put it in the oven. I look at the table and think it would be a nice
touch to set it and make it look pretty.


I take
out two real plates and salad bowls instead of the regular paper products and
take out tins we’re used to. I want Ryan to have a nice memory of me and our
time here—I think this will be perfect. I look down at myself and suddenly wish
I was wearing something nicer than leggings and a flannel, but it would feel
strange to dress any different for dinner at home.


bathroom door opens and Ryan walks out in a towel. This is the second time in
two days he’s done this. Maybe he knows it’s making me feel awkward and getting
a kick out of it. More likely, though, he just has no clue and doesn’t care
anymore since he knows he’s leaving.


smiles at me and walks into his bedroom to dress. I’m thankful for the
champagne. I don’t know if Ryan is going to want to drink again, but I sure
need some help relaxing.


what’s on the menu?” Ryan asks, entering the kitchen.


pan roasted chicken with rosemary, pasta, and garlic bread.”


you set the table? Damn, girl. You really know how to make a guy feel special.
Who knew?”


“I have
many hidden talents,” I reply, taking a bow.


may be the first time I’ve seen you cook. I hope it tastes as good as it


too,” I laugh. “But first, a toast.” I open the fridge and take the bottle of
champagne from the back. I expertly pop the cork and fill the two glasses I had
taken out earlier. “Cheers.”


Ryan replies, clinking my glass. “Thank you for doing all of this. If I didn’t
know better, I would think you were trying to seduce me—or poison me, but I’m
pretty sure you’re not trying to kill me. If you haven’t by now, I think I’m


I didn’t mean…”


please, Eve. I’m only messing with you,” Ryan laughs. “I know you’re not
looking to get in my pants, and I
you’re not trying to kill me.”


relieved. I’ve been so caught up in my new feelings for Ryan that I think he
might be on to me. He’s kind of intuitive for a man, so he must have some idea,
but I don’t want him to think I’ve planned a night of romance for the two of


I don’t want you to think anything like that. I just wanted to give you
something to remember me by,” I explain nervously. “I wanted to buy you
something, but I couldn’t find anything that I liked. Nothing felt right.”


don’t need anything, Eve. Not even this dinner, although I’m really happy you
went through all this trouble for me. It means a lot.” Ryan smiles at me.
“We’ve made so many memories together already. That’s all I need.”


awkward silence lingers between us and we each take a sip of champagne. Mine is
more like a giant gulp and I finish off the glass and pour another.


how about we eat so we can get to packing?” I suggest, breaking the silence.


good. Let’s eat,” Ryan says.


We sit
down to one of the most formal meals we’ve eaten here, and it actually tastes
good. The snow falling outside our small window is a nice touch. We make some conversation
and talk about what he and his crazy friends did last night. He lets me know
his plans and what AGR did to set him up when he gets to California. It sounds
like he’s getting the star treatment already, and I’m so happy for him.


and I finish our meal and together clean the table and wash all the dishes. I
pour us each another glass of champagne. We’re not drunk, but it’s definitely
helping to keep the edge off my nerves.


are you ready to get to packing?” I ask.


don’t have much to bring, but I guess I should get whatever I’m taking
together,” Ryan replies without any enthusiasm.


wrong? Aren’t you excited?”


course I am.” He sighs. “It’s just so crazy, and everything is happening so
fast. We barely just moved in here, and now I’m moving out. And I’m going to be
across the country without you, without anybody.” He trails off and averts his


definitely know a few people out there,” I assure him. “Plus you’re going to be
so busy filming you won’t have time to think about it.”


guess. It’s just like what they say, ‘be careful what you wish for.’ It’s so
amazing but scary at the same time,” he confesses.


sure you will be fine after a few days. You’re going to be in Hollywood.
Ryan. This is a dream come true.”


It is,” Ryan agrees. He smiles, but I can see there is some sadness behind it.
“Well, then, let’s do this.”


We go
into Ryan’s room. He has some boxes and two suitcases ready to be packed. He is
going to leave the little bit of furniture here with me. He doesn’t need it
anyway— they are setting him up with a furnished place for one year. Ryan may
or may not be there that long, but it’s part of his contract.


should we start?” I ask. I don’t mind helping, of course, but I also don’t want
to rifle through his things.


don’t I empty the drawers and you put things in the boxes or suitcases?” he


I nod.
“Sounds like a plan.”


I sit
on his bed with a box and Ryan begins to go through his small closet. We fill
one box with its contents and some of a suitcase. He moves next to his dresser
and do the same. We are in a good rhythm and music is playing, keeping us
upbeat and moving. We’re also enjoying the last of the champagne from dinner.
The dresser is done quickly and we move to the contents on top and around the
room. There are some things that need to be wrapped, which we do and place
those in the next box.


goes to his nightstand and pulls open one drawer. He puts most of the items in
a box. He shows me a couple of his keepsakes that he has in there—photo albums
and some trinkets in an old cigar box. He opens the other drawer and does the
same. He smiles and stands up next to me as he pulls out a picture frame.


“Do you
remember this?” he asks, showing me the photo.


A broad
smile crosses my face as I lean in to look. “Of course I do. It’s from the
summer after we met.”


photo is of me with Ryan’s arm around my shoulder, sitting at a table on a
rooftop restaurant overlooking the city. We were with several of our friends
and cast mates celebrating a successful run of a small, little known production
we performed in. It was terrible, and not many people came to see it, but we
were so proud.


can’t believe you kept this,” I say, still staring at it.


“I’ve always
kept it in my drawer. I would have left it on top, but I thought you might
think I was a creep if you saw it. It was one of the best nights I ever had,”
Ryan confesses.


It was a fun time—the whole show was. What made it the best?” I ask.


the night I fell in love with you,” Ryan says plainly, his glassy blue eyes
looking into mine.


I laugh
nervously. “Shut up.” Not the best reaction, but what is he talking about?


“I love
you, Eve. I always have.”


“Like a
sister…” I say quietly, trying to finish his sentence.


Not like that,” he replies, looking me dead in the eye. “I know you never felt
the same. I know there’s the whole stepbrother stepsister thing… But… I can’t
help it.” He jolts off the bed a moment later, running a hand through his hair.


don’t know what to say,” I whisper.


hoped that one day you would come around, but I don’t think you’ll ever see me
as anything more than a stepbrother. Now that I’m leaving, I may never get the
chance again to tell you how I feel so… fuck it.”


I am
dumbfounded. I had no idea. None. Everyone around us knew, he knew—I just
didn’t see it.

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