Stephan (6 page)

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Authors: Hazel Gower

Tags: #new age, #young love, #adult romance, #jk publishing, #new adult contemporary romance with sex, #new adult college, #new adult and college, #new adult and college romance, #new adult 17 plus, #new adult school college

BOOK: Stephan
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After a while they just nodded to my
disagreement. When we got ready Stacy and Cassie had gotten a
wicked gleam in their eyes and I felt uneasy. I should have
listened to my gut feeling because now I sat in the back seat of
the car in a black mini skirt and pink shiny top showing so much
cleavage I thought my boobs were about to fall out. My hair was
styled so it flowed in waves down my back and my face was covered
in make-up, and lastly was the deadly black strappy high heels.
Personally I thought I looked like a high-class hooker, but when I
looked at the other girls I noticed they wore similar outfits.

Shaking my head out of my daze, I heard
Cassie giggle. “I bet a twenty as soon as she gets in, he will
either put his shirt on her or throw her over his shoulder and take
her to his room, maybe even both.”

I told myself Cassie wasn’t talking about me,
she was my friend, but deep down I knew. I groaned when Scott

“No way, Cassie. I have known Stephan most of
his life and I’ve never seen him like this, and I’ve seen him with
a lot of women. I’ve heard him talk about them too. He’s never like
this. I bet she won’t even make it in the door without him doing
those things.”

I glared at Scott as he drove the car. I knew
he couldn’t see me, but I hoped he could feel my daggers searing
his back. They were all arseholes laughing at my expense. I hated
it. I tried to tell myself they were only playing, but it didn’t
help my feelings of humiliation. I bit my tongue to stop tears from
falling and hardened my heart.

Ignoring them, I stared out the window and my
eyes widened at what I saw. The car slowed and we came up to
massive gates, they were open and the guards looked in to the car
and waved at Scott. The fences around the gate were high and
security cameras were clear to see. Scott drove down a winding
driveway with beautiful lavish gardens on either side. He slowed
down even more when a sprawling mansion came into view. It was
three stories high with huge windows everywhere and balconies on
the upper two levels. Two huge marble columns with a patio led to
the four-door entry. Cars were parked everywhere around the
circular driveway.

“We’re late because you girls took so long to
get ready.” I rolled my eyes at Scott’s sulky voice. He’d taken
almost as long as us. “Now we’ll have to park down the

“Can’t you let us out here?” Renee asked.

“I could, but then I wouldn’t see Stephan
when he sees what you’ve done with Jade.” He drove down the

“I hate your brother, Cassie.” The bitch
laughed. I harrumphed and crossed my arms sulking. “I thought you
were my friend.”

Cassie turned and frowned. “I am. That’s why
this is so funny and going to be so much fun.”

Groaning, because I knew if the shoe was on
the other foot I’d probably be enjoying this.

Scott parked the car and everyone got out. I
gripped the seat not eager to move. Cassie got in and dragged me

“Don’t be like that. You look amazing. We are
just teasing you because we all know how hot you look. Stephan
won’t be able to resist you.”

“Um, that’s not what I wanted,” I

Renee linked her arm with mine. “Sure it

I dug my heels in and looked around for an
escape, but with Renee on one side and Cassie on the other, I knew
there was nowhere to run. Well not like I could run in the heels
anyway. I was surprised I could even walk in them.

Feeling like a sacrificial lamb, I walked in
awe to the mansion. I’d never seen anything like this up close. I
could hear the music pumping the closer we got. Entering the house
and I almost stumbled at the sight around me. A huge open entry
living area with stairs at each side, white tiles with cream walls,
huge paintings hung on the walls and expensive leather sofas and
other extravagant furniture decorated the home. There were people
everywhere and the house still looked almost empty.

Scott went and picked up some wine from the
waiters. He passed them to us. “I don’t drink. I’m not old

“I won’t tell if you don’t.” He winked.

Glancing around, I felt so out of place.
Holding the glass tighter I took a sip.

“Kitchen’s at the back along with the games
room. Come on.” Scott motioned for us to follow. “Most people will
be back there.”

Renee and Cassie pulled me along. I gazed
around in wonder. I was way out of my element. When we reached the
kitchen I detangled myself from the girls and went into the huge
space, it was like a dream. I loved cooking and this kitchen was
amazing Black marble bench tops with dark mahogany wooden doors on
all the cabinets. All the appliances were top of the line stainless
steel. I put down my empty glass and grabbed another two glasses of
wine as a waiter came by. I gingerly touched the cabinets and bench
tops. Cups, glasses, and plates marked all the surfaces but it
didn’t take away the beauty.

I gazed around and noticed I couldn’t see my
friends, and my two glasses of wine were finished. Crap. Where had
they gone? I’d left them to see the kitchen. All of a sudden there
seemed to be a lot more people around than before. I reached for
another two wines as a waitress went by. I debated if I should go
and look for Cassie, or see if I could find one of the other girls
I knew.

“Hello. I haven’t seen you before.”

I stared up into a face vaguely familiar. The
man and I was sure he was a man, and not a boy or close to, had
blond hair and ocean blue eyes. He was tall and built like most of
the spoiled rich guys around here. He was handsome, with a five
o’clock shadow like he forgot to shave for a day or two and high
masculine cheekbones.

“That’s because I haven’t been here.” I
leaned against the kitchen island and placed one empty wine glass

“I thought so. I would have noticed a beauty
like you.” He smiled showing perfect white teeth and his left cheek
had a dimple. Before I’d seen Stephan’s I probably would have
sighed, but he’d ruined me.

I snorted, because really. I raised my
eyebrow and took a sip. “That line usually work for you?”

He chuckled and held out his hand, I put down
my now empty wine and took his hand in mine hesitantly. His hand
engulfed mine and held it captive. “Obviously not. I’m Richard,
Richard Silverman.

I snatched my hand out of his like it was on
fire. “Shit. You guys are everywhere.” My eyes darted around the
room like I was waiting for more Silverman men to pop out.

He laughed and it was a laugh I’m sure if I
wasn’t on edge would cause me to sigh and bat my eyelashes at him.
A waiter came past and I snatched a wine off his tray. “I see
you’ve met either my brothers or cousins.”

“Holy shit, how many of you are there?” I
backed away from Richard and I swear the arse was about to fall
over with laughter.

“I like you.” He came to me and his arm came
around my waist.

I wiggled to get out of his embrace. “Gosh,
what is with you Silverman men and touching without permission?” I
was feeling really good. I seemed to have found some

Richard was as handsie as Stephan. Richard’s
arms came around my waist and he guided me out of the kitchen. I
stumbled and giggled when Richard helped me. I felt great. I hadn’t
felt so light in well, I couldn’t remember.

I went to take another sip of wine but
Richard took it from me. “Hey. I was enjoying that.”

“I can see, but you might have enjoyed it a
bit too much. You’re only an itty bitty thing.”

“Argh, what is it with you all thinking I’m
tiny. I’m so not.”

Richard laughed. “You are.”

I stumbled again when he guided me toward a
large room with game tables and packed with people. I gazed around
the room and shook my head. “Wow, they really are spoiled rich

“Ah, I gather you’ve meet my cousins, Derick
and Stephan?”

I turned to face him and the room spun. He
steadied me and I fell against his chest. “Stupid heels,” I mumbled
into his chest. Richard’s chest was just as hard as Stephan’s,
maybe more so. I stepped back and touched his abs, subconsciously
of course. I giggled at my own thoughts.

A finger tilted my head up and Richard was
grinning at me. “Who did you come with? I think it’s best if we
find th—”

Richard’s hand was yanked from my chin. I
gazed over to see what had happened. “Wanker. You’ve found me.”

“What the fuck are you wearing?”

“Er…clothes, idiot.” Richard and a couple of
other men laughed.

“I think you look nice,” Richard said.

I smiled over at Richard, but when Stephan
snarled like an animal, I giggled and apparently Stephan didn’t
like it. He shot me a nasty glare. “Oh, I better be quiet.” I
zipped my mouth with an imaginary zipper, locked it, and stuffed
the imaginary lock in my bra.

“For fuck’s sakes, Richard, how much alcohol
did you bloody give her?” Stephan growled.

Richard placed his hands up in surrender. “I
didn’t give her any. I actually took her last one off her.”

I nodded.

Stephan scrubbed his hand over his face.
“What are you doing touching my woman?”

Hey, I wasn’t his woman. I’d told him but he
didn’t listen. I got the key and unzipped my mouth. “He was being a
Silverman because apparently you guys don’t know how to get
permission to touch someone.” I must have said something really
funny because the group around us laughed their arses off.

“I really like her, Stephan,” one of the guys

“Go get your own woman to like, Zeck,”
Stephan snarled and moved, gathering me against him. I sighed, my
traitorous body melted against his chest.

“Mmm, my Stephan definitely has the better

Everyone was howling with laughter around

Stephan’s arms held me tighter around my
waist. “Thanks, little bit.”

I groaned realizing I’d just spoken out loud.
“I don’t think I should have any more wine,” I whispered or at
least I thought I did. I seemed to be very funny.

Stephan’s breath tickled my ear. “I think
you’re right. I do like your attitude when you’re drunk though.” I
shivered as his breath so close to me made my skin burn. “Come on,
I think you need to sit down.”

Stephan helped me walk over to chairs he had
against the wall. He pulled one out and sat down, then placed me
across his lap.

“Again with the touching.” I rolled my eyes.
“I can sit on a seat by myself just fine thanks.”

His arms came around me and I couldn’t help
but snuggled into him. It was the alcohol I’m sure. “I know, Jade,
but I like you here. Can you please stay?”

“Well since you asked so nicely, I will just
for a little bit.”




Jade was asleep on me. I had no idea how she
fell asleep with all the noise. I stroked her hair and she sighed
snuggling deeper into me.

“You’re lucky. You know that right?”

I gazed up at Richard. He was staring at Jade
with sheer jealousy.

“I knew from the moment I spotted her she was
special. Now I know she’s your Jade, the girl who went through what
she has in her short lifetime and turned out like that.” He nodded
to her. “She is perfect. Look how she seeks to be as close as
possible to you even in her sleep.”

I caressed her cheek, loving being so close
to her. “I know, Richard. But this right now and what you saw is
not what she’s been like with me.”

“I’d expect that. Give her the time she
needs. Show her how much she means to you. Be patient with her. I’m
surprised with everything she’s been through she’s even letting you
hold her like that,” Richard said, as he ran his fingers through
his hair. “I know you didn’t want this and think it’s a curse, but
we don’t all feel like you. Some of us are eager to have what
you’ve been given.”

Guilt assaulted me and I felt selfish.
Richard was twenty-eight and he hadn’t found his one. I had other
cousins in their thirties and forties who were still looking. I
nodded. I looked down at Jade. I gripped her tighter to me as I
slowly stood. “Can you find Derick and tell him I have Jade and I’m
taking her to bed so she can sleep more comfortably? He needs to
tell her friends she’s with me and fine. ”

“Sure. You go and take care of Jade. I’ll
sort out things with Derick and make sure everyone leaves when it’s

“Thanks. I appreciate it.”

I walked to my section of the house, going up
the stairs and to my room. I punched the code to unlock my
quarters, opened the door, going in, and kicking it shut. I walked
passed my game room, entered to my bedroom, and gently placed Jade
on the bed. She was still clothed, if you could call the items she
was wearing clothes since they barely covered her. I went to the
end of the bed and undid her shoes placing them on the floor.
Standing, I stared at her. Did I wake her and get her out of her
clothes or let her sleep in them?

Going back to the top of the bed I stroked
her cheek, needing to touch her again before I went back to the
party to help get rid of everyone.

“Don’t go,” she moaned. “I was so warm. I’ve
never felt like this before. I’m always so cold, but your body
radiates warmth I can feel all the way to my bones.”

Groaning, I went back to her. I needed to get
her under the covers. “Jade, little bit. Get under the covers. Then
you’ll be warm again. Do you want me to get you a shirt to get
changed into?”

Jade sat up, her eyes barely opening. “Yep.”
She proceeded to take all of her clothes off. I should turn around
or at least stop staring, but my eyes remained glued to her as she
flung the black bra onto the floor. Money and a phone fell onto the
bed and she didn’t seem to notice but continued taking the skirt
off and then wiggled out of the matching G-string, throwing it with
her other clothes. She shivered dramatically and my eyes honed in
on her breasts as they bounced.

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