Stephan (9 page)

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Authors: Hazel Gower

Tags: #new age, #young love, #adult romance, #jk publishing, #new adult contemporary romance with sex, #new adult college, #new adult and college, #new adult and college romance, #new adult 17 plus, #new adult school college

BOOK: Stephan
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“Call if you need anything. David is with

I hung up, already able to see Jade. Catching
up to her, I grabbed her arm. “Slow down.”

She turned startled eyes on me and all my
anger and worry came flooding back.

“You run off and don’t even know where you’re
going. You have no money and no phone. How did you expect to get
home if you lost me? What would have happened if someone took you?
I know you’re angry with me but that’s no excuse for putting
yourself in danger.” I tugged her against me needing to hold her. I
needed to know she was safe. Stroking her hair and taking deep
breaths of her lavender scent, I calmed my raging heartbeat.

Jade was stiff in my arms but she softened
when I stroked her hair and held her tighter. Holy shit, how the
hell did my father and family put up with the curse? I’d be
certifiably crazy if I kept acting like this? Pulling away, I
gripped her shoulders. “Don’t ever do something like that again.
We’re in the city for Christ’s sake.”

“I’ve lived about twenty minutes from here
all my life. The city isn’t bad. I’m safe here.”

Taking my hands from her, I stepped back
before I shook her. Jade didn’t know half the shit that went down
around here. I was tempted to tell her some of the things I knew
but I didn’t want to ruin what she considered her safe place.
“Let’s go, I’ll take you home.” I turned and walked back toward the
shops and my car.

I was surprised when Jade yanked on my arm
and came up beside me.

“You’re angry with me. I should be the angry
one, not you.” She poked my chest. “You barge into my life less
than forty-eight hours ago and expect me to fall at your feet and
then get angry and pissy when I don’t. Well guess what, buster, I
don’t need you and I didn’t ask you to be in my life.” She stomped
ahead of me and I followed, smiling as she walked to my car.

“I’m only going with you because I don’t have
money to get home otherwise.”

Opening the car, she got in and I laughed.
Jade was perfect.

Chapter Six




The car ride home sucked. I ignored Stephan
as best as anyone could ignore a gorgeous, demanding, bossy, and
arrogant guy. It was late afternoon by the time we got home and I
hoped Grandpa wouldn’t be angry. I was back before dark, but I knew
Sunday night was one of his busiest nights.

Stephan pulled around the back even after I
asked him to drop me out front. “No way, little bit. Did you see
all those bikes and cars? Anything could happen while you were
getting back here.”

Rolling my eyes, I got out of the car and
grabbed my bag. Stephan followed. Oh no. I didn’t want him
following me. There was no way I wanted him to see how I lived. I’d
seen his house, well mansion. The whole apartment was almost this
size of his bathroom. “Stay here. I’m fine from here.” But of
course he didn’t listen as usual and followed me up the steps. No
way was I opening the door. “I’m here now. You can go.”

“I want to come in and say hi to your
grandfather. I also want to help you set up the phone.” There was
no way he was seeing or talking to my grandfather, and I had
forgotten about the stupid phone.

“Grandpa is downstairs. It’s busy tonight.” I
snatched the phone out of his hand. I knew he wouldn’t leave unless
I took it. “I can set this up myself.”

Stephan gave me a stern stare, the one he
used to make me cave, but not this time. I was too embarrassed
about how I lived, no way was I showing him and I hated feeling
like that. He must have known I wasn’t going to fold because he ran
his fingers through his hair and sighed.

“Fine, you win this time. But you better have
the phone tomorrow. I’ll call you in the morning and if you don’t
answer, I’ll be around. Okay?”

I nodded because right now I’d agree to
anything as long as he left. I opened the door, slipped in, and
shut it in his face. Leaning against the door, I closed my eyes and
sighed in relief. Opening my eyes once I knew he was gone, I
clutched my bags and went to my room to play with my new phone.


The ringing woke me and I shot up out of bed
searching for the mobile before it woke Grandpa. Grabbing it off
the charger, I slid my finger across the green phone icon.

“Hi, little bit.”

I got back into bed groaning until I saw I’d
slept in and my alarm hadn’t gone off “What do you want?”

“That’s not a nice way to talk to me,
especially since I’m ringing to tell you I’ll be there to pick you
up in in half an hour—so be ready.”

It took a minute for my still groggy mind to
register what he’d said, and then it hit me. “What. No. You can’t
pick me up. I can get to school on my own.” I was too late though,
he’d hung up.

Getting back out of bed, I emptied my school
bag of clothes and put my school things back in. Gathering my
school clothes I rummaged in my garbage bags for clean underwear
then headed for the shower, grabbing a towel from the closet on the
way. I needed to be ready and out front before Stephan got any
ideas of coming up the apartment.




Jade met me out the front of the pub for the
next four days. I made sure she had her phone with her every time
she left. My goal was to get her into the habit of taking it with
her wherever she went.

I’d finally started to crack her hard shell.
I picked her up and drove her to school. On Monday she’d retreated
as soon as we arrived, but every day since then it got a little

“Thanks for the lift.” Jade smiled at me and
jumped out of my car almost running to the school. I let her run
and hide. I’d find her later in the day.

At recess on Monday she’d hid. Her friends
thought it was hilarious and wouldn’t tell me where to find her. At
lunch I didn’t let her hide. I may not be in any of her classes,
but my brother was in a few. When he wasn’t able to be there, one
of my friends were with her. Brad had been in her class before
lunch and I’d asked him to bring her to where we sat. If she kicked
up too much of a stink Brad would follow her and call me.

Brad called me. “She doesn’t like to be told
what to do and she has some mouth on her—some of the things she
called me…” Brad chuckled. “She’s in the library. I’ll wait for you

I’d gone to the library and found her in a
back corner reading.

Brad whacked me on the back. “Good luck. I
don’t even think me Mum’s death stares are as vicious as hers.”

She knew the instant I came in because she
put the book down and gave me her best glare. I don’t think she
realize how hot it made her look. I ignored her glare, kissing and
hugging her until the librarian, Mrs. Vren, interrupted.

“Mr. Silverman, take it outside.”

I’d picked up Jade’s bag, wrapped my arm
around her, and guided her out of the library.

We walked through the school and down toward
the oval where I sat.

“Let me go. I can walk by myself.”

I pulled her closer, almost carrying her.

“Stop it. Everyone is looking,” she

I knew why they were watching. I’d never
dated or shown any interest in any of the girls at school. Not that
it stopped them from throwing themselves at me or propositioning
me. “Of course they’re watching. They’re wondering how I scored
such a pretty girl.”

Jade snorted. “You’re such a liar.”

I stopped in the middle of the lunch
courtyard and turned Jade to face me. I tilted her head up, leaned
down, and kissed her in front of everyone. I knew all their eyes
were on us, but I didn’t give a fuck. I coaxed her to open her
mouth and tangled my tongue with hers. Kissing her deep while I
showed everyone she was mine. I ended the kiss and stepped away
from her, grinning.

“That was just mean. You knew I couldn’t stop
you with everyone watching.”

Of course I knew she wouldn’t deny me a kiss,
she didn’t want to cause an even bigger scene. She may fight me at
every turn but I knew she liked me, especially my kisses. “I knew
you liked me enough to show everyone. I also wanted everyone to
know you’re mine.” I shrugged. “I will do it every day if you don’t
meet me at recess and lunch.”

“Fine.” Jade straightened and walked down to
the seats where we always sat.

The next couple of days she joined me for
recesses and lunch. Her friends came down and sat with us too.

Afternoons had been another fight. Jade and
Cassie had become fast friends so she’d been spending most
afternoons with her and their friends. I let her spend Monday with
Cassie, but Tuesday when I had rugby practice and I wanted her

“I thought rugby practice was on Friday?”
She’d sulked because she’d wanted to go with Cassie like she had
the day before. I had been waiting for her at the entry to the car

“It is. Tuesday and Friday.”

We’d gone back to my house and she’d tried
sitting in the car.

“Little bit, if you don’t get out of the car
now I won’t go to practice. I’ll stay here with you.” I laughed
when she jumped out of the car and ran inside. She refused to come
up to my room while I changed for practice, but I’d let her have
that boon. I was supposed to be taking it slow, and I knew last
time she was in my room it spooked her.

On Wednesday I’d waited for her at the car
park entrance. We’d gone back to my house, but I’d invited our
friends over and we all hung out

Today I didn’t wait in the car park entrance,
I waited out by her last class. I had a free period on Thursdays
afternoons. I’d spent the first thirty-five minutes in the library
studying. The HSC exams (Higher School Certificate) wasn’t too far
away and I needed good marks to get into my course.

My parents messaged me to tell me they’d
arrived home and were looking forward to seeing my brother and me.
I was going to make sure I got to spend some time with Jade, even
if it was just driving her home.

The bell rang and Jade was the last out of
the class. Her eyes widened when she saw me. “What are you doing
waiting here?”

Grabbing her hand, I brought it up to my lips
and kissed it. “Just coming to get my girl. Thursday afternoons I
have a free period.”

“You didn’t have to wait for me. I could have
gotten the bus if I couldn’t find one of my friends.”

“There’s no reason for you to get the bus. I
like making sure you get home,”

Jade smiled at me. I knew I was slowing
changing her mind about being with me. “Thanks, but I can look
after myself. I’ve been doing it now for nearly eighteen

“You have me now.”

She rolled her eyes. “I can’t rely on you
always. What happens when you’re done with me or we go to separate

I stopped. “What are you talking about? I
will never be done with you. You’re mine. We will be going to the
same university.” I wanted to shake her until my words sank in. How
could she think I would leave her?

Jade nibbled on her lip and I honed in on the
action and as always it made me rock hard.

“Stephan, I know your reputation. I don’t
want you to make promises,” she said, turning away from my stare
and continuing on to the car.

Frustration and unease seeped into me as I
opened my car. Jade got in and I followed getting into the driver’s
side. “I can make you as many promises as I like because I’ll keep
them. I’ve been taking things slow for you," I said and started the
car, driving toward her house. “If I had my way you’d be living in
my house and I’d be fucking waking up to you every morning and
going to sleep with you in my arms.”

“Don’t say things like that.”

“Why the hell not?”

“How many women have you had living with you?
I couldn’t do it and be kicked out when you’ve had enough.” Tears
slid down her cheeks and I tried to reign myself in but I was

“I haven’t lived with any other women. I’m
friggin' nineteen. You are the only woman besides the cleaners and
my mother to ever be in my rooms. You will be the only one—ever—to
be in there.”

“I just can’t do this.”

I was angry, and Jade wouldn’t even look at

“I can’t get attached to you, you’ll break my
heart. I haven’t been with anyone. I’m not experienced like you and
I don’t have a mansion or even anything close. I have fifty dollars
to my name and it isn’t even mine, it’s yours, you snuck it into my
bag. Sure, tomorrow I’ll have two hundred in my account thanks to
Centerlink, but I bet it isn’t even a quarter of what’s in your

“What on Earth brought all this on? You’re
acting crazy.”

“I’m not. I’m being realistic and protecting
myself. We can have a relationship like we’ve been having, but I’m
just asking you to tone it down, and stop saying things that will
hurt me later.”

The insane girl believed what she was saying.
How the hell was I supposed to make her see I was serious? I pulled
into the pub and drove around to the back.

“Fucking hell, Jade, I don’t want to leave
you now my but parents just got home and I said I would spend time
with them. I’m thinking I need to tell them I’ll see them

“No. Go home to your parents.”

Turning off the car, I ran my hand over my
face. “I don’t know what you want from me. I’ve told you you’re
mine, and I’ll never let you go. I’ve told you I want more, and I’m
taking it slow for you. What more do you want?” I banged on my
steering wheel, anger and frustration flowing through me. I knew if
I stayed here we’d continue this argument, one of us would say
something we regretted. “Look, go inside. I’m going home to cool
off and see my parents. I’ll see you in the morning. Promise me
you’ll stay here?” If she went out I’d crack.

“I promise.” She got out of the car and ran
up the stairs.

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