Stephan (11 page)

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Authors: Hazel Gower

Tags: #new age, #young love, #adult romance, #jk publishing, #new adult contemporary romance with sex, #new adult college, #new adult and college, #new adult and college romance, #new adult 17 plus, #new adult school college

BOOK: Stephan
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Before Steve left, I asked, “When can I see

“I’ll send a nurse to get you when she’s
ready.” I nodded to Steve and watched him walk away.

I turned to my family, my mum had tears
running down her cheeks and Derick looked dazed. Dad looked how I
felt, furious. “I should have killed him. I should have moved her
in as soon as I knew who she was to me.”

Mum hugged me. “This isn’t your fault,

“Never again. I will listen to my instinct.
Never again will I hesitate. Never again.”

Chapter Seven




My whole body hurt. I didn’t think I’d ever
been in this much pain before. I forced my eyes open to a white
bright light but they barely moved. A sob rocked me and I fought to
keep my tears contained. They wouldn’t help me. They never did. My
head pounded and my body wouldn’t move. Moaning, I felt a heavy
weight on my arm and I knew the feeling, it was a cast.

A face leaned over me. I couldn’t see any
features. “Miss Black, you’re awake. Do you know where you

I cleared my dry throat. “Hospital,” I

“Yes, you’re in recovery at Reed Creek
Memorial Hospital. What is your pain at the moment? One being none
at all to ten being extreme.”

“Hundred.” I was more than ten I knew.

“I will go get you some pain relief and tell
the doctor you’re awake and we’ll look into getting you to a

I didn’t say anything. I was in too much
pain. I moaned, and closed my eyes again.


I came in and out of consciousness a lot. I
don’t remember much but pain. When I came to and my eyes finally
opened enough for me to see, I let the tears fall and gave over to
the despair.

“Little bit, are you in pain? Do you want me
to get the nurse?”

I sobbed harder as soon as I heard his voice.
“You’re here? Now you can see me for what I am…trash.”

“You are anything but, you’re my treasure.
And I wouldn’t be anywhere else, Jade.”

I cried harder, because I didn’t want Stephan
to ever see this side of my life. It was bad enough he was seeing
me beaten and broken. “I don’t want you to see me like this.”

“What? Why?”

“I look terrible. Now you can see with your
own two eyes how bad I am for you.” My heart broke he was seeing me
like this. I bet the police were called. I’d be moved to foster
care. At least I wouldn’t get hurt any worse from Stephan if they
moved me.

“You are beautiful to me.” He stroked my
cheek, which made me cry harder.

“I’m so sorry. So, so, sorry.”

“Why are you apologizing? You have no reason
to apologize.”

“Yes, yes I do. Not only am I sorry you saw
me like this, but I’m sorry for leaving you.”

“What? You’re not making any sense. You
didn’t leave me.”

“I’m going to. DoCS will take me. I won’t be
able to be with you if I’m living so far away. You won’t want to be
with me after this.”

“You’re not going anywhere, I promise. Even
if you did, I would follow. I will always want to be with you.” He
stroked my cheek and I leaned into his touch, basking in his


I was going crazy. Stephan wouldn’t leave me
alone. I’d been stuck in the hospital for five days. The police had
come and questioned me. I couldn’t tell them anything besides the
obvious of what Grandpa had done to me. I found out on the second
day Grandpa had been arrested and would be going to jail for a long
time. They’d gotten a warrant, searched the apartment and pub, and
found all his drugs. He wasn’t even given bail. I’d never be going
back to him. The police came to see me again and told me they would
have more questions when they were ready. I cried for hours after I
found out, not because I loved my grandpa or because I wanted to
live with him. I cried because one door had closed for me. I now
had no known family. I was now a State problem to deal with until I
turned eighteen. I cried because I knew I’d be moved. I’d lose all
my new friends and any chance I had with Stephan.

On the third day I was told who my new
guardians were and I was pissed. “What the hell, Stephan. I have
been worrying and upset over leaving all my new friends here and
starting over again and you didn’t think to tell me your fucking
parents have custody. I cried and wailed over it all and you never
said anything.” Right then I wished he was closer and sitting next
to my good hand so I could punch him.

The wanker shrugged. “I told you, you weren’t
going anywhere. I told you I wouldn’t let you.”

“Argh, I didn’t think it meant me coming to
live with you. How on Earth did your parents get custody? Do they
have a foster care license?”

“Nope. They know a lot of people. Plus did
you know your grandfather signed a document giving them

“No because no one told me.”

“I’m telling you now.”

“Grr, you drive me crazy. You know that

The wanker shrugged again.

That was two days ago. Right now I was about
ready to kill him. I was meeting his parents for the first time.
They’d thought to give me time to recover a little before they
introduced themselves. I was grateful. Supposedly I had met
Stephan’s father, but I didn’t remember. The last thing I
remembered from the other night was running from my grandpa.

Tomorrow, if all was still going well, they
were releasing me. I wanted to get up and shower, the nurse had put
a bag over my cast and I had waterproof dressings over the stitches
on my legs. I’d been given a walking frame to help me get to the
bathroom and to stay standing. My body was still battered and
bruised. It hurt like a mother to walk and I’d only done it when
Stephan wasn’t around to carry me.

Now I wanted to have my first shower, so I
wouldn’t smell when I met his parents. I’d gotten a sponge bath
from the nurses and they’d made Stephan leave, but he was refusing
to leave now.

“No way, I’m not going. You need me in case
you fall in the shower.”

“There is a nurse call button if that
happens, and I won’t fall cos I have the walker.”

“I said no.” He crossed his arms over his

I eased off the bed and grabbed the walker.
He took it from me and lifted me into his arms. “Put me down now,
Stephan. I can walk to the shower.”

“No. You can’t walk to the shower or stand
for that long. You either walk to the shower and I stand watching
you in the shower, making sure you don’t fall, or you let me carry
you and I wait with the curtain closed.”

“Argh, I hate you.”

“No you don’t.”

He was right, but I’d never admit it to him.
I looked over at the nurse’s button, wondering how long they would
take to come if I pressed it. They’d help me get him out.

“Don’t even think about it. I’m taking you to
the shower. I’ve already put clean underwear, a nighty, and other
girly stuff Mum thought you’d need.”

“Ah, what a sweet thing to do.”

Stephan shook his head. “She’s sweet? And me
who’s been looking after you isn’t?”

“Your mum isn’t pissing me off now by taking
over and being bossy. I bet she’d listen if I told her I could walk
to the bathroom and shower on my own.”

“I bet she would, but I’m not my mother. So
tough luck for you.” He walked with me in his arms to the bathroom,
sitting me on a seat he’d placed in there. I rolled my eyes
heavenward praying for patience. He turned on the shower taps
fiddling with them. “Okay. It should be perfect temperature

I raised my eyebrow, because really, I could
get my own water to the temperature I wanted. Stephan stared at me
and I glared back. I crossed my arms over my chest, which was hard
to do with a cast, and gave my best death stare. I wasn’t taking my
gown off until he left. No way was he seeing me naked…er again.

“Do you need me to help you undress?”

“No. Get out.” He didn’t move so I stood,
hobbling toward him. “Out now, Stephan, or so help me God I will
kill you.”

The wanker smiled. “Okay, little bit, I’ll be
out the door. Call me when you get in the shower.”

Ha, I wasn’t going to call him. He left and
shut the door and locked it, grinning at my win.

Stripping out of my hospital gown and
underwear was a workout. I slowly made my way back to the running
water and eased under it, wincing when it hit my still tender
flesh. I was glad Stephan wasn’t in the bathroom. He would have
freaked when I’d winced and taken me out. He’d become more
overbearing than ever. I told myself over and over he was looking
after me, but today it wasn’t helping.

At the side I noticed a pink overnight bag.
Opening it I saw everything I could ever need. The bag was stuffed
full of shampoo, conditioner, body wash, face scrub, bunch of
creams, a new toothbrush, and toothpaste. She’d even added a small
sewing kit, and a miniature manicure set. I stayed in the shower
for as long as I could and used most of my new things.

I sighed and got out when I heard, “I’m
coming in now if you don’t answer me. I’ll break the fucking door
if I have to.”

Turning off the shower, I wrapped the towel
around me and yelled, “I’m fine. Stay calm and don’t even think of
coming in here.”

When I didn’t hear anything back I dried
myself and went to over to a very expensive looking pink and black
suitcase. I opened it and groaned, if it was all very girly. I was
a jeans and t-shirt girl, sometimes I wore a skirt and heels, but
these, were, well they were something. They were all in my size and
every piece was name brand. I picked out pink panties. The matching
bra was nice but I knew with my cast I’d never get it on, well not
while I was still bruised and in pain. Rummaging through I found a
bunch of silk and satin PJs. Picking out the one that covered the
most, I put the top on and the pants using the seat to help my

Taking a deep calming breath, I hobbled to
the door, gritting my teeth as the pain in my legs made themselves
known, and I opened the door. I stood still because I knew if
Stephan saw me move he’d flip.

He gave me a slow appraisal. “You look

I knew I still looked like shit, all purple,
black, and yellow, but I had to pick my fights so there was no
point in arguing. “Thanks. It’s nice of your mum to lend me her

“Oh she didn’t lend you anything. She bought
you everything and had them washed and ready for you.”

“What? You’re joking, right? She can’t have.
She would have spent a fortune. They’re all big name brands.”

He shrugged. “She did. Everything is yours,
even the suitcase.” He came to me, picked me up, and wrapped my
good arm around him. “She’s excited. Silly thing even painted a
bedroom suite for you. I told her you were staying in my room with

“I am not.”

He kissed my forehead. “Yeah, little bit, you

Stephan sat me on the bed and I glared at
him. “I most assuredly am not.”

He chuckled. “Uh-huh, you can think that, but
you’re going to get a shock tomorrow to see your things in my room,
which is now our room.”

“I really hate you.”

“No, you really don’t.”

“Argh, stop telling me how I feel.”

Laughter had me glancing at the door to see a
couple in their late forties, standing watching. I felt heat rise
on my cheeks in embarrassment as I realized the couple were
Stephan’s parents. “Oh God kill me now,” I whispered.

A huge smile spread across Stephan’s face and
I sighed. Damn dimples. His parents laughed and I wanted to bury
myself in the covers and hide.

They came further into the room and I could
see where Derick and Stephan got their looks. Stephan’s mother was
gorgeous, she had long blonde hair, big brown eyes with super long
lashes, big thick lips, and a stunning curvy body. Stephan’s father
was his clone or he was his, jet-black hair, deep ocean blue eyes
and strong masculine features. When I looked at him he smiled and
dimples popped on two cheeks. Damn. Who knew an old man could be

Stephan growled and my gazed darted to him.
“Stop checking out my dad.”

“I’m not. Well, I am but it’s just he’s your
clone or…um …I mean you’re his errr clone.”

Stephan’s parents were cracking up with
laughter now. I sank lower into the bed praying I’d turn

“I love her, Stephan. Isn’t she just
adorable?” his mother said. What the hell? I was a lot of things,
but adorable wasn’t one.

“Yes, dear, she’s perfect for Stephan.” His
father patted Stephan’s mother’s hand.

Stephan’s mother came forward to the bed.
“Hi, Jade. I’m Evelin Silverman. And the clone behind me is Lucas
Silverman. It’s so nice to finally meet you. I just wish it was
under better circumstances.”

“Um…nice to meet you too.” I chewed on my
bottom lip. “Thanks so much for all your help. I’ll never be able
to repay you for everything you’ve done for me.” Tears rolled down
my cheeks. Crap. I couldn’t stop them.

“Sweetheart, it was our pleasure. You’re a
part of the family now.” Evelin picked up my good hand and kissed
it. She brushed hair out of my face and tucked it behind my ear. “I
heard some good news, you get to come home tomorrow if the doctor
gives the go-ahead in the morning.”

“Yeah, about that…” I wanted to make sure
they didn’t feel any obligation to help me. I could look after
myself. “If it’s a problem me coming and staying with you, I’m sure
I can find somewhere else to stay. I’ve looked after myself for
almost seventeen years.”

Lucas came next to Evelin and patted my hand.
“Don’t be silly. You would have come and lived with us sooner or
later. If Stephan had his way, he would have had you living with us
the day he meet you. I had Evelin in my house twenty-four hours
after meeting her. It would have been sooner if she didn’t waste
time arguing for those twenty-four hours. You women seem to think
you know what’s best for you.” He shook his head like it was shame
we were stupid.

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