Stephan (15 page)

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Authors: Hazel Gower

Tags: #new age, #young love, #adult romance, #jk publishing, #new adult contemporary romance with sex, #new adult college, #new adult and college, #new adult and college romance, #new adult 17 plus, #new adult school college

BOOK: Stephan
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I shrugged. “You’re not meant to notice.
You’re a student so you wouldn’t have been questioned by any of the
undercover bodyguards.” I didn’t want to scare her more than she’d
already been scared but I wanted Jade to know she was safe. “You’re
safe at the school. We’ve never had any incidents where we’ve
needed the security. It’s all just a precaution. I’m sure tonight
was nothing and you were just caught in some gang fight.” I was
lying, but I didn’t want Jade to worry.

“If you say so.” She hugged me and I held her
tight, calming my ragged nerves. I couldn’t let anything happen to
her ever again. I wouldn’t let anything happen.


It was late and I didn’t want to move. I
didn’t want to let Jade go.

“We have school in the morning. I still want
to go. But…well…can I sleep with you…in your bed? I um…I’ll be
wearing a nighty and…er…you could put me back in my own bed once I
fall asl—”

I was so shocked Jade asked to sleep in my
bed it took me a moment to respond. “Jade of course you can sleep
with me. You know, I would have had you back in my bed as soon as
you got here almost a week ago.”

She sighed. “I know. I’m doing it tonight
because I was scared and you make me feel safe. I need that

I was willing to take her, however, she was
willing to come to me. Jade eased off my lap and stretched, pushing
her shoulders back and her chest out—tempting me. . My body ached,
reminding me it had been weeks without any satisfaction. But oddly
enough I didn’t care. All I cared about was making sure Jade was
happy and cared for. When she was ready it would make it all the

Jade walked toward the stairs and I got up to
follow. She went into her room and I walked to my own putting in my
code and leaving the door open for Jade. I went to the bathroom and
did my business, coming back to bed, stripping and getting into the
covers. Jade came in not long after in silk pink shorts and a white
cotton tank top. Her hair was in a plait and she had a fresh clean
face. She went to the opposite side of the bed from me and climbed
onto it.

“Please tell me when I get in you won’t be

“Can’t do that. I haven’t slept with clothes
since I reached puberty.” I yanked the covers off and gathered her
to me. She squealed and closed her eyes. I chuckled. “You’re
clothed. So you’re safe.”

“Ha, I’m in bed with you, Stephan. The
clothes I have on couldn’t stop you.” Her legs settled on either
side of me and she laid on me, her arms resting on my arms.

I stroked her back. “I know you’re not ready.
I promise I’ll wait for however long you need to be ready. You’re
important to me, Jade, and I want you happy and safe.” She sighed
and snuggled against me. I loved the feel of her against me. I
wished we were skin to skin but I knew she wasn’t ready and Jade
was worth waiting for, I was sure. “Right now I want you to lie
down and sleep.

“Don’t think I’ve forgotten about earlier
today. I haven’t. I’m pissed at you. If you ever treat me like that
poor woman at the movies I swear we’ll be through and I’ll never
give you another chance.” She eased up and cupped my face. “The
next woman or girl who throws themselves at you, you better throw
them off quicker than you did today. If not I swear I’ll drag them
off by their hair and kill you. If you want me to give this,” she
let my face go and pointed to me and then herself, “a chance, then
you need to take me serious when I say this. I will never become
one of those women. I won’t chase you around. I won’t follow you
like a puppy waiting for any attention. I will not beg you to do
anything. I am my own woman.”

I pulled her down and brushed my lips over
hers. “Good. I don’t want that.” I kissed her, fusing my mouth to
her mouth, showing her she was all I wanted, and I didn’t need what
she’d said. All I needed was her.

We broke apart panting to catch our breath
and I knew it was going to be a painful night for me. I laid her
across my chest and her fingers stroked my chest. “Go to sleep,
little bit.” I closed my eyes and I heard the soothing rhythm of
our hearts as it beat together. I waited until her breathing slowed
and her fingers stilled, then I fell asleep holding my one, my soul




Standing with my hands on my hips ready for
school I glared at Stephan. Why did he have to ruin a perfectly
good morning? I was a cold body, I was always cold, I learned it
was just me and I put up with it, but this morning I woke warm,
snug, and listening to the soothing beat of Stephan’s heart. I
hadn’t even been bothered about his hand in my undies cupping my
bare arse. The alarm had gone off and we’d taken our time getting
up, I’d gone to my room to shower and get into my school uniform. I
now had all new school clothes instead of the secondhand ones I’d
bought. I still had Stephan’s jumper he’d given me the first day
I’d met him and because it still smelled of him, I put it on. I
knew Stephan would get a kick out of me wearing it especially now I
had three others in my closet my size.

Stephan had been waiting at my door for me
and together we went downstairs and had breakfast together. It had
been turning out to be the perfect morning until Stephan got off
the phone and David—who I’d met last night because he’d driven
Derick and I away from the gun fire— and a guy named Rex, who I had
yet to meet, came into the kitchen. Stephan introduced them as my
personal bodyguards.

“You’ll share the guards with the ten we

“Holy crap, why the hell does your family
need ten bodyguards? Why on Earth do you think I need two? I don’t
even need one.” I placed my hands on my hips and gave my best death

Stephan shrugged. “We have ten because there
were four in the family, now five with you. Two to each person,
rotating shifts, and two spares for when we need them. Brand will
be interviewing for another two at some stage this week. Brand is
the head of our security, and Royce, is his second. They’ve both
been with the family for years. I think I was about four when Brand
joined the team. Anyway, you’re a part of the family now so David
and Rex will be your day guards so look for them if you need them,
they shouldn’t be far. I’ll be with you when you’re not in class so
you’ll have me with you if you need anything. ”

Okay, so I’ve stepped into the Twilight Zone.
Looking around me I searched for cameras or a TV host lurking and
ready to pop out and tell me this was all a game or a prank. Giving
a tight fake smile to David and Rex I studied the two beefy men as
I held left hand out. “Hi. I’m Jade. I really don’t think you need
to follow me or be my guards. I’ve gone almost eighteen years
without any. I think I’ll be fine for another eighteen or

David raised a blond eyebrow and shook my
hand. “I was there the other week when you were almost beaten to
death. I don’t know if you would have survived anymore of

Darn, I hated it when men were right. I still
thought a bodyguard for me was stupid and a waste of money, but I
knew I wouldn’t win this fight. I shook Rex’s hand too, he was
massive with a bald head and big green eyes, that studied me with
intensity. I knew he was committing every detail to memory.

So I now I had guards, David and a guy named
Rex. I wanted to laugh and not just because one of my guards had
the name of what I’d call a dog if I’d ever been blessed with
having one, but nope, it's because me, a girl who only last week
had less than two hundred dollars to her name, now lived in a mega
mansion and had bodyguards.

Grabbing my new name brand school bag, I
followed a happy Stephan to the garage and got into his jeep. “Am I
going to see that stupid grin every time you get your way and I
don’t argue?” I asked Stephan as he drove down the road grinning
like a loon.

“Probably. You fought me so much for weeks
now I think any time you don’t argue will be a win, win

“Arsehole.” I rolled my eyes, but I wasn’t
hugely bothered. I liked seeing Stephan smile and he had stuck by
me so he deserved a bit of slack.


What the hell was I thinking? You give a man
an inch he thinks he can go a mile. I didn’t need a babysitter.
Stephan had organized one of his mates to watch over me in my
classes. I had no idea I had at least one of his friends in each of
my classes. I could feel eyes on me all the time. It was like I was
in a bad B-movie. Every time a class would finish a friend of
Stephan’s would materialize in front of me to take me to my next
I couldn’t do it on my own
or even with Cassie or any of my other friends.

I put up with this for almost a week and only
because I was worried about Stephan, he was in the bloody home gym
or out at what they called the no go zone, on the property, where
they practiced using guns. It was Friday and today at lunch, I
swear whoever showed their face I was going to wallop them one. Now
I tried very hard not to be violent, especially with my upbringing,
but Stephan brought out a violent streak in me where I wanted to
throttle him and anyone associated with him.

My girlfriends thought it was cute what
Stephan was doing. The bitches had no sympathy for me. I told them
karma would get them but they said they couldn’t wait if they got
someone like Stephan. Ha. They needed to put up with him for even a
day and I bet they wouldn’t say that.

I wasn’t even sleeping in my bed, not that I
minded. I enjoyed Stephan’s heat and falling asleep to the sound of
his heartbeat. We never had a break from each other, we drove home
every afternoon and it was driving me batty. He was super careful
and he made every excuse under the sun to go straight home and not
anywhere else. I missed hanging out at the beach, going to Cassie’s
house or even rugby practice. Ah, rugby practice, half naked
boys…mmm. It was tonight and I was going whether Stephan went or

I turned to Cassie as the bell went off,
grabbed her arm, and almost ran out of the classroom before anyone
could catch us. I whispered, “I’m going to rugby practice this
afternoon. I have to get out of the house besides coming to school.
Stephan needs to go too and if I’m there he will.” I yanked her
into a little corner before the end of the buildings, and glanced
around to make sure none of Stephan’s lackeys were listening.
“Stephan is driving me crazy. My last period is free. So is
Derick’s. I’m going to beg him to take me home and then to rugby
practice. I need drool therapy. Derick is such a pussy cat with me,
he’ll cave and take me. Evelin promised me she’d help with Stephan
too, even she thinks her son is being a bit much.”

Cassie’s eyes grew wide, a huge grin spread
over her face, and she giggled. Crap. Familiar arms slid around my
waist and I turned to look into deep blue eyes and a smirking

“Somehow I don’t think my brother would
appreciate being called a pussy cat.” I groaned and hoped he hadn’t
heard much else.

“I’d also like to know why you think rugby is
drool therapy.”

“Grr, none of your business. It’s girly

He grinned at me and… and…stupid dimples. I
bit my cheek and tried to look anywhere but at him. Friggin' Cassie
thought this was just hilarious. The bitch.

Fingers settled under my chin and he guided
my head back up so I gazed at him. “Everything about you is my
business.” He leaned down and brushed his lips over mine, just
enough to make me shiver and want more.
Stay strong, stay
. His thumb brushed my cheek and his body gravitated to
mine until we were a breath away. I closed my eyes and cursed my
willpower where Stephan was concerned. “Little bit, open those
pretty chocolate pools.” The pad of his fingers traced my lips.

Oh the A-hole. He was fighting dirty. I
cracked one eye open. “Leave. Cassie and I to have some girly talk
and I’ll tell you later.” I would, I just didn’t say how late I’d
tell him, like before bed. I opened my other eye and stared up at
him with an expression I hoped looked like I couldn’t lie or hurt a

“Fine. Don’t leave school grounds.” He took
my lips and this time his mouth opened, his tongue sought mine and
I met him, eager for his taste and to show him how happy I was he
let me win. I ended the kiss, pulling away, smiling up at him.

“Don’t think you won. I’m going to go talk to
my brother.”

I had ways to get around Derick, he was a
softy. He also enjoyed annoying Stephan. So I nodded, hooked arms
with Cassie and went in the opposite direction as Stephan.


“What do you want, Jade?”

I batted my eyelashes at Derick and tried to
look cute, but probably looked retarded instead.

“Are you in pain?”

Yep, retarded. I’d never been one of those
girls who needed to try to get her way with a guy so I had no idea
what to do. I was sure they stood in front of a mirror and
practiced. Who had time to do that?

Sighing, I gave up on trying to act cute to
get my way. “I want to come to rugby practice tonight. I need you
to drive me.” I followed Derick as he walked toward the school car

“Why would I take you? You’re my brother’s
girl.” He scowled at me. “I wouldn’t want you to think I’m a pussy

Argh, stupid Stephan. “Your brother took it
way out of context. Plus if I go then Stephan would come.” I hugged
him but he pushed me away.

“No way, Jade. I already got shit for your
comment today. I don’t need to give Stephan and our friends more
ammo. Keep your hands and any part of you to yourself too. You have
seen Stephan and how crazy he gets when anyone even looks your way,
let alone touches you. I’m his twin brother and he chews me a new
one. No way. Stay away. Stephan is crazy lately and I don’t intend
to add to it. He’ll come back to rugby when he’s ready. I’ll take
you home now but I’m not taking you to practice.”

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