Stephen (15 page)

Read Stephen Online

Authors: Kathi S Barton

Tags: #Paranormal, #Paranormal Romance, #power, #shape shifter, #IDS@DPG,, #vampire

BOOK: Stephen
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I don’t want your coat.” She shivered as he moved behind her to help her slip it on. “I’m just fine the way I am.”

Please?” She let him put it on her, and when he pulled her hair out of the coat, he lifted it to his nose. “You smell of my shampoo. I’m sorry for that. I should have had Kasen get you something more girly.”

There is no reason for you to go to the extra expense. If you’d rather I didn’t use your things, just say so and I can use soap. I have before.” He took her hand and held it until she stopped trying to pull away. “Do you always get what you want?”

Yes.” He held her hand as they moved toward the tree line. “Most people are afraid of me. I’m not a mean man, but I guess I’m a tad on the intense side. As for the shampoo, I didn’t mean I didn’t want you to use mine, but I thought you’d like something of your own.”

I can get my own things if I do.” He nodded and waited for her to speak again. He was really trying to figure out a way to bring up her wardrobe, and when she spoke, he almost missed what she said. “Mr. Kasen said he’d do my laundry. I have a few extra clothes and thought I could just wash them up, but he insisted.”

I’m glad you brought that up. I was wondering if you’d allow me to get you some things to wear.” She jerked at her hand, and he stopped and looked at her rather than let her go. “I assure you that I can afford it. And I really want to buy them for you. I’ve been remiss in not taking care of it before now. You need so many things.”

You think I’m poor? Do you think that if you buy me a few dresses that I’ll let you fuck me again?” He felt his temper rise and tried his best to rein it in. “I’m not a cheap whore that you can buy off with pretty things.”

No, you’re not. You’re my mate.” He pulled her body to his, and he felt his beast rise. “You’re driving me insane with need. Do you know that? I want to press you to the closest tree and take you hard and fast. Then when I’ve satisfied just a little of the craving I have for you, I want to take you to my lair and make love to you over and over until you’re as sated as I am.”

Stephen pulled her up by her ass, and she wrapped her legs around his waist. He wanted to make her want him, delve into her mind and show her what it could be like if she’d only let him. When she wrapped her arms around his shoulders, he moaned and took her mouth. Christ, she tasted better than he remembered.

The tree seemed miles away, but he moved them toward it. As soon as he had her pressed against it, he lifted her higher until her breasts were at his mouth. Suckling at them through her shirt, he knew immediately that she was braless and lifted his head from her bounty.

Feed me.” She reached down with trembling fingers and pulled one of the buttons free before she looked up at him. He could see her lust. Her need was as hard as his. “Tell me now that you don’t want me. If you don’t, then I’m going to take you now.”

It changes nothing.” He growled low and watched her fingers work at the next button. “I don’t love you. I’m not…I’m not capable of it.”

He put his hands on the hem of the shirt and ripped it open. Her breasts were tight with her need, and her nipples were hard as his cock. Licking first one then the other, he looked at her again.

This changes everything, and you know it. And though I don’t love you either, we’ll see what tomorrow brings us.” He took her mouth again before she could speak. Then moving down her neck to her breast again, he suckled hard enough at her nipple to have her cry out. He rocked hard against her pussy as he slid his hands down the back of her pants. The tearing sound echoed through the woods.

Not here.” Stephen growled again at her. “Please, there are others here. Many of them, and I don’t want them watching us.”

Nodding, he held her to him and willed them to his lair. He’d never had a woman in there before, and promised himself he’d show her around later; but right now, he wanted to be buried as deep in her as he could get and empty himself in her.


Clar was nervous. Now that he’d done as she’d asked, she wasn’t sure what do to. Their sex before…it had been so consuming that she was overwhelmed by it and him. She pushed at his shoulders when he laid her on the bed.

Should we be using condoms?” He smiled at her, and she felt stupid. “I’m not ready for kids yet, and I don’t know you well enough to know if you’re full of something I don’t want to catch. You’ve probably been with hundreds of women.”

Probably.” She slapped his chest and noticed that he was bare. Running her fingers over his bare chest, she touched his nipple and felt it pucker under her fingers. “Don’t stop touching me, please. I’m as sensitive as you are there.”

I’ve never touched a man before.” When he didn’t tell her to stop, she moved her hand to his other breast. “When I was in high school, I was fat. And the only guy who would have sex with me wasn’t into foreplay.”

You really shouldn’t talk about other men in our bed.” He moaned when she rolled his nipple between her thumb and finger. “You want to explore me? I’ll allow it, but you will return the favor.”

Explore you how?” He rolled to his back, taking her with him. He was naked, she realized, and sat up, feeling his cock at her ass. “Have you had sex with a great many women?”

She ran her fingers over his chest to his navel and smiled when he sucked in his belly. His groan had her pulling away from him, but he put her hands back. Clar looked at him.

You may touch me anywhere you wish. I will tell you that I like what you’re doing and what I don’t like if you will tell me as well.” She nodded. “Now where were we? Oh yes, women. Yes, a great many. Men too if you want to know. But I’ve been around a very long time. Almost three thousand years. Sex had become…well, boring I guess you could say. I played where I wanted and with whom I wanted. But as for diseases, I can’t get them or give them to you, or anyone for that matter.”

Her fingers danced along his ribs and he moaned. She found she liked the sound and looked for other places to touch him to hear it. When he put his hands on her hips, she thought he was going to pull her off him, but all he did was adjust her. She felt his cock now as it pressed between her nether lips. It was the most erotic thing she’d ever felt.

You’re wet.” She nodded and moaned when he rolled his hips upward. “Have you ever masturbated?”

Yes. It’s not all that satisfying. But then sex in general isn’t.” She rolled her hips when he did and moaned again. “Except with you. I come a great deal with you.”

As do I with you.” This time when he gripped her hips, he told her to sit up on her knees. “I’m going to show you how to ride me. I know you wish to explore, but I need to be inside of you now.”

He held his cock as he helped her lower herself over him. He filled her, completely. And when she sat back on him, he was deeper still. As he pulled her hips forward, she realized what he wanted.

Touching him, she knew, brought him pleasure, but she was enjoying it too. Maybe more than him. When he held her hips, she again thought he was going to stop her, but he only held her to him. When he took her hands and put them to her breasts, the weight of them in her hands made her want to touch every part of herself as well.

Lift them up and play with your nipples.” She did as he instructed and cried out when he sat up. His groin touched her clit, and she thought she’d come just from that. “Do you have any idea how beautiful you are right now? Riding me and giving yourself pleasure is a sight I’ll never forget.”

I want you to suck my nipples.” He didn’t hesitate but lifted one up with her hands and suckled at just the tip. “Harder please? I could come this way.”

He nipped at her, and she cried out. The next time he bit her, she came apart with a quick but satisfying climax. She started to roll off him when he held her again.

Not yet. I need you to let me feed from you.” She looked at him, not really understanding until he showed her his fangs. “I won’t hurt you, but I’d very much like to nurse from your breast and take my fill of you.”

She rocked forward hard, wondering if he was serious. Her pussy heated up just watching him lick the tip of her breast, and then she held onto him when he took more of her into his mouth. The tiny pinch was gone almost as soon as she felt it, but then he suckled hard and she cried out. She felt his bite through her entire body.

More.” He groaned when she begged him for more. “Please, I need more. I want to come with you. Please, Stephen, help me.”

He rolled her over until her back was on the bed. She wrapped her ankles around him as he moved in and out of her. Stephen lifted his head and looked at her and she saw blood, her blood, on his mouth.

When I come in you, I want you to feed from me.” She nodded, then shook her head. “You don’t wish to find the same pleasure I do when I feed from you?”

I don’t know how. I’ll hurt you if I try.” He shook his head and smiled at her. “Are you going to help me or not? I’m so close now that I want to touch myself so I can get relief.”

Christ.” He fucked her again and again, his cock not just filling her but becoming a part of her until she felt her pussy tighten again. She felt him lick her throat, and then he looked at her again. “Think of biting me. Christ, hurry. I’m going to come as soon as you sink your teeth into me.”

She felt them then. Her mouth hurt for all of a second, then she felt the need to bite him. He told her to lick his throat until she could feel his pulse, then to bite.

Bite me hard. And when you do, your mouth will fill and I want you to suck me down.” He was pounding into her now, his cock touching her so deep she knew that tomorrow she’d be sore. When he licked her again she did the same to his throat and felt the pounding pulse. Sinking her fangs into him she felt him do the same. Clar came apart with a scream as soon as he drew at her throat.

Nothing could have ever prepared her for the way his blood felt going down the back of her throat. The taste alone was enough to take her over the edge, and when she drew at his throat, taking more of him into her, she came again, her body falling over the edge of a great cliff before she lifted up, only to fall again and again. When he threw back his head, tearing his mouth from her neck and her mouth from him, she dug her nails into his arms as another, more powerful climax gripped her. As she tumbled over into it, she screamed out his name even as he pulled her to him and bit her again. Clar felt the darkness reach up and jerk her into it. And she knew when she woke, if she did, nothing would ever be the same.

Chapter 9


What do you think of this one?” Clar looked at the shirt and felt herself cringe from it. Gab laughed and hung it back on the rack. “I guess you’re not into that much color. Me either if you want the truth.”

Clar turned from the rack of shirts and decided that there was no one ready for that much color. She thought of the amount of pinks and yellows that had gone into the material and wondered if that was why it was so expensive. A single shirt should never cost eighty-five dollars.

I don’t know why we’re doing this.” Clar looked at Kennedy and Thor as they rummaged through the stacks of blue jeans and piled them onto the lady who was helping them. “I could have done well with going to some second-hand place and picking up a pair or two of pants and a few tee-shirts.”

You could have, I suppose, but what fun would that have been?” Gab handed her a navy blue blouse that looked like it was made of silk. She caught herself wondering if it would feel as good as Stephen’s shirts had on her bare breasts, and glared when Gab laughed. “Yeah, been there a lot too.”

He makes me crazy.” Gab nodded and put the blouse on the ever growing pile. “Have you ever known anyone who can say so much with just a single moan?”

You have him moaning, do you? Well, that’s always a good thing.” Clar wanted to stomp her foot. “You should try having him howl. Jimmy can howl like nobody’s business. Especially when he’s in the moment.”

Clar flushed again. These women had been talking like this since they’d picked her up this morning. Sex, sex, sex. She wondered if they thought of anything else. Clar had agreed to go out with Gab, but the rest had shown up when they’d gotten to the mall. It was an ambush, plain and simple.

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