Stephen (16 page)

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Authors: Kathi S Barton

Tags: #Paranormal, #Paranormal Romance, #power, #shape shifter, #IDS@DPG,, #vampire

BOOK: Stephen
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What do you think of your house?” Her house? Clar didn’t have one and started to ask her what she meant when she continued. “I’d never been there before last week. I thought for some reason that it would be sort of smallish and all black and dark. Who knew he knew how to decorate?”

house is nice.” Clar emphasized “his” because she didn’t own a thing. The credit card he’d given her before she left had her name on it, which had surprised her, but she’d been rushed out the door before she could tell him no. And then there was the phone.

You’re ringing.” She looked at Gab, who nodded to her waist. “I think either your ass is ringing or your cell phone is going off. Might want to answer it. Mates can be pissy if they can’t reach out and touch you when they need to.”

Pulling out the stupid thing, it took her another ring before she was able to answer it. She knew she was short to the caller, but was frustrated more than she could say. The person at the other end was quiet for so long she thought she’d hung up on them. Finally they hung up and she put the phone back.

You okay?
She nearly cried out when Stephen spoke to her. He’d asked her last night not to block him anymore. She’d known she’d been doing it, but she’d been so sated when he’d woke her up by bringing her to another climax that she was sure he’d done it on purpose.

Someone is calling me and not talking. And did you know that there are three women with me and not just Gab? And also, they took me to a boutique, not to a used clothing place like I’d asked to be taken to.
She blew her bangs out of her eyes and felt her frustration begin to build.
Why am I doing this?

As much as I love having you naked all the time, where I can come up behind you and bend you over whatever is close, I think Kasen would be embarrassed.
Clar felt her face heat up because Stephen had bent her over a chair and taken her that way when she’d gotten up to shower. Then he’d taken her in the shower while she’d been in there, as well as back to bed when they’d dried off. She was either going to be broken when he got tired of her or worn the hell out all the time.

You do know that I can hear your thoughts now, right?
He laughed, and she did stomp her foot this time.
I’m not going to break you. I might wear you out, but that’s fun too. And I’m not going to get tired of you. I know we have things to discuss, but we’re together now. Forever.

How long is forever to you?
She wanted to take the words back as soon as she said them, but knew she couldn’t. Clar wasn’t used to this, people and him, especially him. She wanted things to slow down, take it easy.

You know how long forever is.
She had expected him to be pissed, but he didn’t sound like it. And that was another thing. He’d changed, and she wasn’t sure what to make of it.
What do you mean, I’m different? Is it a good thing, you think?

I don’t know. You’re…I know this sounds mean, but you’re being nice to me. Why? You got what you wanted. I’m sleeping with you. What little sleep we get, that is.

You think that’s all I want…of course you do. And why not? I’ve been a real bastard, but I promise you I’m going to change. Not because I want to fuck you, but because I want to make love to you.
She told him she didn’t love him.
And that’s all right too. We’ll just learn to like each other first. And if it happens, it happens. I would very much like to make it up to you, all the things I’ve done to hurt you. And I know that I have.

I do like…
She looked around the room and felt something. Looking at the other women, she knew that Thor felt it too because she came toward her with her hand on her gun. Even Gab had tensed up.
Someone is making us very nervous.

Where are you? Are the other women with you?
She told him they were rounding up the wagons now.
I’m sending Samuel and Jimmy. I can’t come to you yet.

She had no idea why, but she did feel better that someone was going to help out. There was something out there, and she had no idea what it was.
Send Vinnie too. I’m not sure why, but I think…Stephen? What does your vamp look like?

Christ. Blonde with dark eyes. I don’t remember what the actual color is, but dark. She’s tall and wears heels that make her look taller. Small breasts that she for some reason displays when she’s out.
It wasn’t her, which she should have known because it was light out
. I’m coming to you.

Don’t. If I need you to rescue us, then I need you to be healthy.
Gab handed her a gun, and she put it in the back of her pants.
I’m armed now.

She saw him before he saw her. Her stepfather was talking to a group of men as well as a female vamp, and pointing in different directions in the upscale mall. Clar wondered how the vamp could be out during the day when Stephen couldn’t. Clar looked at Kennedy when she said it was wolf blood that was helping her. Clar told Stephen everything.

She’s not a full blood. Probably changed by a made vampire too. That would be my guess as to why she can be out during the daylight. But she has to be in pain no matter what her breed is. The sun hurts all of us on some level.
She told him thanks.
Look at your stepfather. Is he burning too?

He was. His skin looked red and blistered. He kept wiping it with a handkerchief as well. And she realized he’d lost a great deal of weight. Moving into his mind, she found more information than she wanted, but decided to think about it later. Right now they had to get the hell out of there before someone got hurt.

I think he knows we’re here. Not which shop, but that we’re here.
Stephen growled, and she laughed.
It’s not like I can’t take him, and with these other women here, I’m pretty sure we can take the wolves as well.

I wish I could be there.
She found she wanted him there too.
That’s the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me, other than you liked sucking my dick. I enjoyed that as well. I’m getting hard just thinking about it.

Are you trying to distract me?
He laughed.
Stop it. I have to think. There has to be a way for us to get out of here without anyone getting hurt. I just have to think a minute.

The woman who had been hovering around them since they’d walked in came up to her. Clar knew she was a cat but not what kind. She smiled at her and let enough of herself go that Clar knew she was a panther. She led them to the back room.

I’ll hold your things and have them sent to the house for you. Samuel called and told me to see if I could get you out of here, or at least somewhere safe until he arrived.” Clar moved to the door with the other three and to the service door. “An alarm will sound, but by the time security gets here, you’ll be long gone.”

Thank you.” Kennedy hugged the younger woman and spoke to her for just a minute longer. When she was finished, they pushed open the heavy door and were in the lot just as a large SUV came to a screeching halt in front of them. The man was out and had her before she could think to fight him. When he squeezed her tight and said her name, she stilled.

My name is Hawk, and I’m going to let you go now. Will you try not to hurt me?” His laughter bubbled out as he continued. “Vinnie said you were a hellion. Come on and get in. I’ve orders to take you to one of the offices downtown.”

The ride was made a little more bearable because Kennedy had them all laughing. She wasn’t sure why they thought some of the things she was saying was funny, but then Clar didn’t have a lot of interaction with other women. And that saddened her for some reason. Clar didn’t join in too much because all she could think about was she could have gotten any or all of them hurt. And the fact that Edward was going to use her as bait. Just as they stopped, Kennedy hit her in the head with the palm of her hand.

You think you’re the only one with these super powers?” She started to tell her she didn’t have any when she hit her again. “You healed my mother-in-law. If that doesn’t qualify for super power, then I don’t know what does.”

He wants to turn me over to the vamp that wants to kill Stephen.” Kennedy nodded and pulled her to her for a hug. For the first time in a very long time, Clar welcomed the touch. But she did pull away first. “I don’t want to get anyone hurt.”

Then see that you don’t. Come on in. They’ve rounded up the troops, and there is even some food if I don’t miss my bet.” Kennedy laughed as she got out of the big car. “I’m always hungry, it seems. Must be all the sex.”

Rolling her eyes, Clar got out. She’d either have to think of things to say that wouldn’t embarrass her, or simply figure out a way to blush less. She doubted anything would help that.


Stephen wanted to take her into his arms and tell her that things would be all right. But they wouldn’t, not until this was settled. He was ready to get up and tell the family he and Clarice were going back to the house when Summer came to stand in front of him. He asked her if she wanted his seat.

Oh heavens no. I don’t think I’ve sat for more than ten minutes since she touched me. You’ve no idea what a pleasure I find in having my legs tired and my feet achy from walking too much.” He stood up anyway. “I’d very much like to take a walk. Would you accompany me?”

He looked at Clar, who had been sitting in the same chair since he’d gotten there an hour after they had. She’d spoke to him, but he could tell she was distracted. And no matter how hard he tried, she’d blocked him out again. Kennedy had asked him to let her work it out. She was scared shitless, and she needed time. Moving to her, he touched her cheek and she looked at him with a glassy look.

I’m going to take a walk.” She nodded and smiled at him, but made no effort to stand. He’d hoped she’d ask to go with him, but she only looked away again and seemed to zone out. Stephen went with Summer to the yard just behind the offices they were in.

Have you told her yet?” Stephen looked at Summer, wondering if he’d missed something in her conversation. “Clar, have you told her that you love her yet?”

I don’t love her.” He’d answered too quickly and they both knew it. “I don’t. We’re just working out being together without wanting to kill each other. Neither of us is in love.”

If you say so.” Stephen nodded at her, but he didn’t think she believed him. “Did she tell you that this Edward person wants to use her as bait to get you? He plans to turn you over to Velvet.”

She’d not told him, but he’d figured it out. Why else would he take a bunch of wolves to a mall in the daylight but to get her? What he was trying to figure out was how he’d known she was going to be there. His mind drifted to Summer’s original question.

I don’t love her. Why did you ask me that?” She looked at him and shook her head. “Is it only hopeful thinking? Did she ask you to see if I loved her? No, that wouldn’t be like her, she’d ask me herself.”

She would. Then give you a good kick in the butt if it wasn’t the answer she thought it should be.” Stephen smiled, knowing she was correct. “You don’t love her, so what does it matter why I thought so?”

I don’t.” He felt stupid when he said it that way. His tone had been sharp and he’d not meant it to be. “She doesn’t much care for me either. The only reason we’re together is because…well, we sort of have a mutual interest right now.”

You mean sex.” Stephen flushed, and he felt like he was ten again. “It’s all right, Stephen, I know a little about sex and mates. But sex isn’t everything.”

It’s not, but it’s all we have.” He felt his heart take a funny twist, and he rubbed it before continuing. “Does she think that I’ll turn her over to Barron? She doesn’t, does she?”

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