Steven Gordon 3: The Modloch Empire (4 page)

Read Steven Gordon 3: The Modloch Empire Online

Authors: J W Murison

Tags: #space adventure, #Aliens, #Space Opera, #steven gordon series

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I discovered the
unit on an old freighter and had it duplicated. I am making all of
my students learn on it.’

Your students?’ It
was an inquiry.

Yes, over the past
few years I have opened a number of educational institutions back
on my home world, and a space academy not far from my base on the
Moon. Since the emergency we have turned it into a military style
academy. Students are under no obligation to join the Earth Defence
Corps afterwards of course. However, at this moment, if you wish to
cross the great barrier, it is the only way.’

Fascinating. Do you
use the unit?’

Every chance I get.
My ship had some papers on it and I taught myself how to use it. I
translated those papers into an academic course that all our
navigators must take and have had a unit built into all of our
ships. As yet only the first of those capable of using it have
begun to reach the fleet. Some proper instruction from an expert
would be invaluable. If I could purchase any of your books or
papers, I would be grateful.’

The Modloch was scowling now, ‘May I
ask some personal questions?’

Steven shrugged, ‘Why not? Isn’t that
what this whole evening is about?’

You have built
academies, have a say on your world’s ship building. Are you
sitting at the right table?’

Steven sighed, ‘I have built schools,
academies, universities, hospitals, teaching hospitals, hotels,
shopping malls, houses, space freighters and whole battle fleets.
You name it, I have probably built it. I presume you would like an

The Modloch was struck speechless for a
moment. ‘You are under no obligation to explain anything to me
Captain. I am, however, insanely curious.’

Steven laughed and launched into as
short an explanation as he could. During that time the next course
was set down in front of them. By the time they had finished the
course Steven had finished his explanation.

The Modloch Professor sat quietly for a
long time and Steven was beginning to believe he had lost him. The
Professor eventually put his large fork down into his huge bowl and
dabbed his muzzle with his napkin. ‘If what you tell is the truth
then you are most definitely sitting at the wrong table. You should
be up there with the industrialists.’

I am not an
industrialist, though I do hire out ships and space in my malls.
The money from those enterprises pays the staff in many of my
projects but not all. The World’s Resource Unit has now taken over
the running of the Earth Defence Force and the Academy. Individual
countries pay for the members of their armed forces. In fact it is
all a bit of a mess. Everything is so new. Being first into outer
space from my planet gave me the opportunity to gather large
quantities of precious metals and gemstones, much of which I
converted into cash. The yearly interest from those accounts keeps
everything else running pretty smoothly.’

How did you build
all those things in such a short period of time?’

Builder technology.
If it weren’t for that the Human race would now be

The Modloch Professor sat back, ‘Ah
yes, I see. Still, it must have cost a lot for the materials to
build a whole fleet.’

Steven shook his head, ‘In real terms
it cost us nothing. Earth was full of something we call rubbish
dumps. Advanced reclamation and processing of the type you have is
unknown on Earth. We simply reclaimed vast amounts of materials
from rubbish dumps then converted the materials into whatever form
we needed them in, feeding it all into the automated dock yards we
had built. The huge landfill sites have been a sore in the side of
every government on Earth since they were first conceived. They
were only too happy to allow us to do whatever we wished with them
as long as it got rid of their problem.’

Astounding, simply
astounding. I do know what you are talking about of course. Once
upon a time we had the same problem. Then advanced reclamation
became a reality. There were many companies that got rich in
discovering those old sites and reclaiming the materials within
them. I understand completely where you are coming from. Are you
still building ships?’

Yes of course. We
now have a fleet that protects our home world and the solar

You are still not
charging your government for the privilege of building these

No. As long as I am
getting the materials for free, I see absolutely no reason to
charge them. After all, the survival of my whole race depended on
it, and still does.’

A waiter took away their plates, and
the President captured Steven’s attention for ten minutes. When he
turned back the Professor began talking again.

Captain Gordon. I
have little doubt that what you have told me is true. From a life
time of being a teacher, I have come to recognise if someone isn’t
being quite truthful – even those not of my own species. Please
forgive me if I am being a little forthright.’

You have nothing to
apologise for. I understand how hard it is to believe. I have
trouble believing it myself. The Human race has thrust itself into
the future with a gusto I could never have envisioned a few years
ago. We were a divided race. Many countries fighting each other.
Now we are one race in a densely populated galaxy, fighting for our
right to simply exist.’

I was very sceptical
about sitting at a table with a meat-eater, but I have to say that
you have changed that view quite dramatically. A person of your
integrity is very hard to come by in this universe. To do so much
for no reward or gain is extremely rare. I would like to invite you
to the academy at your own convenience.’

Steven was delighted, ‘I would love to
come and visit sir. Would it be possible to take my partner and
maybe sit in on a couple of lessons?’

Nothing would give
me greater pleasure Captain.’


The waiters came back and disturbed
them once more. They put a mushroom which floated in a brown liquid
in a sealed glass in front of the Modloch Professor. When they were
finished the Emperor made a small speech welcoming Humans to his
Empire, cracked open the glass and downed the contents. His people
followed suit. There was a communal gasp of delight.

The Professor finished shuddering, ‘Oh
that was exquisite. You did not partake?’

I recognise the
mushroom sir. It is from Earth and is highly poisonous to our

How did you know we
would like it?’

Nothing to do with
me sir. It was your ambassador while he was on Earth. I have no
idea how he discovered the mushroom.’

Did you know all of
the food tonight was supplied by the Emperor from his own garden?
All of the grasses come from your planet. I have to say it is the
best banquet I have ever attended. How has it been for

As banquets go, this
is only the second I have ever attended. This one is by far the
best in terms of splendour. In the terms of food, however, it comes
a very bad second.’

The Professor howled with what Steven
could only presume was laughter.

That was well put.
If however the Emperor had produced meat at this banquet, it would
have caused insult to all.’

I understand, but we
don’t just eat meat. There are many different types of grasses or
grass type species on our planet. From a few of them we make a
thing called bread which is a staple in all of mankind’s diet. We
discovered during our long journey here that the ambassador gained
a liking for some types of bread, mostly wheat, rye and corn. We
don’t kill all of our animals. From many we collect milk which we
turn into other products such as butter and cheese. Something else
our ambassador took a liking to. He couldn’t eat too much of it
however as it gave him bad gas.’

The Professor laughed, ‘Your people get
more intriguing every moment Captain. This evening has become an
unexpected pleasure.’



Charlie found himself laughing; the
Modloch in front of him too barked a laugh.

Well if it isn’t the
freak himself.’

Well well, Mr

You can stow that
Ambassador shit Charlie, just call me Chief.’

Charlie nodded, ‘You got your old job
back then.’

With a bloody great
pay rise as well. It’s good to see no one’s assassinated you

I heard they were
considering throwing you out an air lock.’

The Chief Engineer of the city ship
sighed, ‘It was bloody close. Lucky for me, by the time they had
finished arguing about it, my condition had improved.’

Space plague huh? I
thought they would have done you in for sure.’

It was so damn close
it still makes me shudder to think about it. The law states that
they should have cooked me, but I knew far too much for them not to
try to heal me.’

You mean you kept
that big gob of yours shut?’

Damn right I

They both laughed, ‘Still, the Emperor
kept his word and made me Chief Engineer of the city ship. Just so
you know, I have never mentioned your special talent.’

You have my thanks
for that Chief. I can control it at will now, so it is permanently
switched off.’

Good to hear it.’
The Chief looked around, ‘Why the hell are you here?’

Charlie looked mystified, ‘I have no
idea. We must be the two lowest ranked bodies here.’

I would say we

You should have seen
the faces of the Modloch officers sat around me when they realised
what my rank really was. You would have thought I had shit in their

The Chief laughed, ‘Doesn’t surprise me
none. Most of those here are nobles from noble families and that
includes the military. I think the Emperor is trying to prove

Charlie became serious for a moment,
‘You look like shit by the way. Was it bad?’

The smile slipped from the Chief’s
face, ‘Never felt anything like it before. For a while I was
praying to die.’

Charlie nodded, ‘Aye, I know that
feeling well enough.’

The Chief looked round. The food was
finished and the tables and chairs had been cleared away. Now the
guests mingled with each other. They could see Steven surrounded by
academics; he seemed happy enough.

Who else is here
from the crew?’

Tapper is here
somewhere. He was sitting with the toffs nearer the top of the hall

What are toffs? That
didn’t translate.’

A term used for
those of noble birth.’

Ah, I get it. Who


The white witch
herself huh? I hope I don’t bump into her.’

No much chance of
that. She is with the royal party. Her sister is married to our
King, so she is well out of our reach.’

Good, I saw the
pretty Mya up there as well.’

Aye she is here. I
think that’s about it.’

So why the hell are
you here and not some of your officers?’

Charlie shrugged, ‘I have no idea.’

Want to grab a drink
and get out of this shithole?’

I could do with a

The Chief grunted, ‘Still smoking that
disgusting weed. Well you had better not do it in here. You will
set off the fire alarms.’ The Chief delved into his robes and
pulled out a silver flask. ‘Shall we inspect the Emperor’s

Charlie laughed, ‘Let me guess: Star

I promised I would
give you a taste, didn’t I?’

You sure

Charlie followed the Chief to a strange
wonderland. He had never seen any of the plants before; they gave
off a strange, heavy scent in the moonlight. With two moons, a full
and a half moon, they could almost see the colours.

Do you have your
tester?’ Asked the Modloch.

Charlie produced a small box and the
Chief poured a drop into it. A green light came on. ‘Good to go.
Fit for Human consumption. Told you, didn’t I?’

Charlie laughed, ‘You sure did.’ The
Chief offered the first drink and Charlie took a sip. It was an
unfamiliar taste but not unpleasant. Then came the kick. ‘Oh aye
Chief. That isn’t bad at all.’

It doesn’t have the
punch of that malt whisky you Scots are so fond of, but it still
has a kick.’

Charlie lit up, ‘Aye, I would say as my
first taste of alien alcohol, it isn’t bad at all.’

Charlie had just finished his cigarette
when Steven’s voice sounded in his head. Charlie put the stub of
the dead cigarette into his sporran. ‘Steven wants me. It seems
like Tapper is on the hunt. I’ve told him we are out here in the
garden.’ Charlie waited a few seconds for Steven to answer. ‘I have
to meet Tapper at the side entrance we came out of.’

The Chief grunted, ‘Maybe we will find
out what you are here for.’


Tapper met them just as they reached
the entrance, ‘Hello Chief, good to see you again. Sergeant, the
King wishes for you to attend his presence.’

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