Stone Cold: An MC Erotic Romance (2 page)

BOOK: Stone Cold: An MC Erotic Romance
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“First of all, it’s not
, it’s
. You are my woman. Kathy is a club bitch. She goes with whatever patch holder is willing to take her, or fuck her where she stands. She belongs to the club. You don’t. You are with me. And no, none of us would willingly share club business with Kathy or any of the other club bitches. They get too high and if you don’t keep a cock stuff in there, they move their mouths too much,” he explained, trying to sound patient. “I don’t mind talking to you about what I can, and there will likely be many things I will not wish to discuss, but in this case, the truth is, I really don’t know.”


“So, Kathy is like a whore?” she asked a little wide-eyed.


“No, not really. She’s like a woman that is owned by the club. I wouldn’t have to pay to fuck her. If she wasn’t with another member at the time, I could just lift her skirt and fuck her. She wouldn’t object, and most of the time she would be eager to do it.”


He watched Victoria process this, “So, like, how does she live? I mean, she doesn’t seem to have a job or nothing.”


“She lives on couches, and guys give her shit, like drugs and stuff. Buy her clothes some times. Bitches like her can usually eat at any patch holder’s house.”


“So, she just moves around, and whoever has her, has her? How did that happen to her?”


“She volunteered. All of them did. It’s how she wants to live.”


Victoria made a face, “Sounds like a shit way to live. No wonder she’s pissed off all the time.” She spent several moments processing this, “But, you don’t use her, right? I mean, I take care of you, don’t I?”


“You take care of me just fine,” Chad nodded.


“Would you let her stay at the house if she needed a place?”


I might,” he nodded, then finished his coke, and pulled out some cash for the check.


“You would?” she asked a little surprised.


“She’s still part of the club, and we take care of our own, so, yeah, it could happen,” he shrugged, sliding out of the booth.


Victoria slurped down the rest of hers and then ran for the bathroom, her expression still processing this new information about the club and the women. When she came out of the diner, Chad already had the bike started and pointed toward the freeway. She ran up, got her helmet on and then slipped onto the backseat, “Do all the members share their women?”


Chad paused a moment, trying to catch up to where her mind took her during her bathroom trip, “No.”


“So, Mexico, Juarez and then the house, right?”


“Right,” he nodded. “Ready?”


She squeezed him tight, “For you? Always.”






Victoria watched the city of Juarez slide by while holding on to Chad on the back of his bike. She was tired, and sore. She wondered if Chad was really going to want sex from her tonight, after such a long ride. She hoped he was just as tired as she was, and would only want to sleep. Maybe she could suck him off, but even this duty would challenge and perhaps exceed the last of her stamina.


Chad was hers. She liked the sound of that. He was wild and strong, and dangerous. But after more than four weeks of living with him, she was still the one in his bed.


This was not a small deal to her. There were plenty of challengers to fight off and out-perform. And the fray she found herself in was ruthless. Holding on to Chad wasn’t like being in a relationship with anyone else, anywhere else. The club bitches, and other women, were all over him every time they went to the Drunken Maiden, or visited the home of another patch-holder. The fact that she was on his arm, riding behind him, and living in his house meant nothing to these women! There was no doubt in Victoria’s mind that if they caught Chad during a moment of weakness, or found Victoria letting up on her diligence, they would act ruthlessly to take him from her.


During one of the parties, she was exposed to just how far these women would go. All around her, at the party, she saw women performing sexual acts for the men. Sometimes, it was not their man. She noticed some of the women were shared by their men. Then, when she left Chad’s side for less than a minute to get a fresh beer for him, one of the women tried to suck his cock! The woman was on her knees, breasts bare, with her ass in a g-string, laughing and pulling at his belt, asking him to let her suck him off! Right in the middle of the room!


Victoria pushed the bitch away from him, knocking her over. When she turned to Chad, the thought crossed her mind that maybe Chad
to be sucked off in the middle of the room. There were plenty of people engaged in various sexual acts around them. Maybe Chad was turned on and wanted a climax.


After glancing back at the bitch she pushed to the floor, Victoria’s resolve to be Chad’s girl strengthened. She turned back to him and asked if he wanted her to do it for him, to suck him off. Chad looked her over, smiled, and then put his arm around her, and kissed her forehead, "I'm good. But I'm taking your ass when we get home."


His words sent a spike of fear and apprehension through her, electrifying her for the rest of the night, while she wondered if he meant to take her from behind, or if he really meant to fuck her in the ass? She had heard about anal sex, of course, but never engaged in it with anyone. Would he really do that to her?


Victoria squirmed a little on the back seat of the bike as Chad drove them through Juarez, under the blazing stars, remembering that revealing night with Chad.


Her first night with Chad she was giddy, and filled with the excitement of the unknown. There was also an undercurrent of fear, because she couldn’t cut loose the idea that Chad might hurt her. He was handsome, and strong, and very attractive, but she also could sense that he was very dangerous. She still marveled at her boldness with him their first night together, and her claiming of him the next morning. Only four weeks later she understood just how bold she really was. Her actions boarded on stupidity. Dangerous stupidity. She understood now, after several object lessons, just how fortunate she was that Chad made the advance on her, and not one of the other men in that bar.


The night of that party she was forced to understand that in this world, the world of outlaw bikers, keeping Chad to herself, was going to require far more from her than good sex and emotional promises. It wasn’t enough to keep the other women away from him, she had to supply what they were offering as well.


So far she allowed Chad to use her in ways she never believed she would experience – or wanted to experience. Whether it was because she had a twist in her that found these submissions sexually arousing, or if it was because being with him was more important than the possible embarrassment or discomfort the act might put her through, she didn’t know.


One night, hanging out at the tavern just after midnight, Chad took her against the back wall. He didn’t ask her, or explain what he was going to do, he just pressed her face against the wall, lifted the skirt she was wearing, and tore away her panties.  Feeling the fabric of her panties being ripped off her, was her first clue that Chad intended to fuck her, right there in the bar!


When she felt his cock pressing against her pussy, she was still stunned that he was doing this. People had to be watching. They were in the dark area back by the office door, but they weren’t hidden at all.


She had a moment, she realized, that she could tell him to stop. She believed he would too. But she also believed that if she did play that card, it would be the beginning of the end with him. So the question became, was she willing to be fucked in public by him, in order to be his woman? The answer came surprisingly fast, and instead of struggling, she lifted her ass so that he could enter her easier.


The resulting climax from that sex was so intense she couldn't stand straight after he was done. Chad had to hold her against him, so she didn’t slide down the wall. When she turned around, expecting the lewd grins of an audience, ready to face them with defiance, she found no one watching them. She wondered if he planned it that way, or if he cared if someone watched her.


She took some solace in the fact that Chad had made it clear that she wasn't a club bitch. He made it plain she wasn't available for any of the other patch-holders to use, like the club bitches were. She was exclusive to him. She still wasn't sure if he was exclusive to her, and that caused some mental mind-fucks when he left the house without her to visit his friends or go to the club. She knew other women wanted him. Shit, he was good looking, a patch-holder, seemed to have enough cash to live on, and had one of the better bikes she had seen in the club. He was a stud.


When they arrived home from that party, she was worried about his announced intention for taking her in the ass. She hoped that he was just saying it, like a joke or something. It scared her a little because all she had heard about anal sex from her girlfriends was that it hurt. Chad’s cock was a monster, and his vigor during climax was close to violence. The only imagery her mind was coming up with was her bent over the bed, screaming in pain, while he fucked her with a smile on his face. It wasn’t an appealing image. 


Hoping he forgot or wasn’t serious, she came in the door with the plan of getting him a beer and then distracting him with other pleasures. She was on her way to the kitchen when he told her to stop. She stopped and turned to face him. Then he told her to strip off her clothes.


She was wearing a leather vest and some leather pants, both of which he bought for her. Victoria stood near the middle of the living room. She hesitated for only a moment, because of the open curtains, and then stripped her clothing for him. Having no experience at stripping for a man, she didn’t know how to put on a show, but she gave it her best. Once she took her panties down her long legs, she straightened back up and presented herself for his inspection, by curving her spine, lifting her ass, and pressing out her breasts. He walked around her, devouring her with his eyes, while her body shivered with expectation.


Reaching out he slapped her on the ass, setting her right cheek stinging. She yipped in surprise, but didn't cower or try to move away from him. "Look at that ass," he said. "Not even a jiggle. Solid as a fucking rock."


She blushed from the lust in his voice, and the possessive way he looked her over. She took pride in his possessiveness. She was his, and see wanted to be his.


As he came back around her, he took a hold of her right nipple, pulling it, stretching her breast out with it. She groaned from the pain, while struggling to remain where she was. "Fucking breasts are tight too,” he mused. “Can't believe how sweet this body of yours is Victoria."


She smiled, but didn't say anything, mostly because when he was like this with her, she quavered so deeply with arousal her mind couldn't think of anything to say. No prior lover had looked at her like he looked at her. When he looked at her it was a physical, tangible act. He studied her. The intimacy of his gaze incited a riot of emotions. She could feel his enjoyment of her, and knew she was uniquely important to him.


"You want to be fucked tonight, Victoria?"


"Yes, Chad, you know I do," she whimpered, her nipple still in between his fingers, stretching.


"When are you going to run home little girl?" he asked. His voice slurred a little, and she knew he was more intoxicated than she believed he was at the party. Chad, unlike most of the others, rarely drank to the point of intoxication. Her wariness was slightly aroused by this unusual occurrence, but she didn’t move away. 


"I want to be yours, Chad. Can't I just be yours?" she asked.


He let go of her nipple and she gasped at the release. "Guess we are going to find that out," he told her.


Trembling she wondered what he had planned while biting at her lip.


"Get in the bed Vicky and spread yourself out." He told her.


She didn't hesitate, hurrying to the bed. She positioned herself in the middle of the mattress and fluffed her hair a little. After turning around and laying on her back, she spread her legs for him.


Chad followed her back to the room with a lazy stride. When he got to the door, he pulled a cigarette from his shirt pocket, lit it, and inhaled. Then he looked her over, leaning against the door jam. "Get yourself off. I want to watch you come, Vicky,” his voice was casual, but commanding to her anyway.


Masturbation wasn’t a major skill for her, so she balked for a moment. Her solo sessions were always tentative and faltering. When she did bring herself off, she huddled in her bed, under her sheets, as if she was hiding from herself. On several emotional levels this was probably the case. The feeling that she had to masturbate, that she had no other outlet, was mostly a feeling of shame and inadequacy. Climaxes from her own hand carried the same emotional baggage, weighing them down. When her climax came she didn't let it go far, just enough to satisfy the hunger.


Visualizing her solo experiences, she was certain this wasn't what Chad wanted to see. He wanted her to do herself like he did her. He wanted to see her push herself, and bring herself to a full orgasm. He wanted her to perform for him.


Taking a deep breath, and shoving down her feelings of inexperience and inadequacy, she started with her flushed breasts, where her nipples were hard and tender. Rubbing them with both hands, she moved her hips a little for him. Wishing she had some sort of reference for this, something to use as a guide, she let her right hand soothe down her abs, to her thighs. Then she put her hand on her pussy and found she was already wet and heated. She gasped when her hand rubbed down her clit to her entrance, not expecting to find herself so hot. Her clitoris was hard as a small pebble, and excited to the point of being slightly painful to touch.


She massaged her pussy lips feeling them swell, and then she put a finger inside her opening, gasping as her hand brushed against her clitoris again. Unbidden, her hips rose to take her finger.


Chad watched her with detached interest, making her feel like she wasn't doing enough, fast enough. He took a drag off the cigarette and exhaled, with no sign of arousal. Was he bored?
God please don't let him be bored,
she prayed.


Driven by this rising fear, she started fucking herself with her finger, performing faster and deeper strokes. Her clit was on fire as she did this, and the urge to put her other hand down there was overwhelming, so she gave into the urge, and found her clitoris with two fingers of her left hand.


The first contact with the heated nub was harder than she intended, and a shocking agony lifted her hips off the bed, causing her to moan-out and press her head back into the mattress. Instead of pausing, to let her clitoris recover, she pressed forward, rubbing herself with eager circular strokes, while continuing to fuck herself with her other hand. Her hips twisted in dismay and her ass clenched and pushed off the bed in erratic humps, but she continued to push herself forward.


A single finger was suddenly not enough, so she added a second and then a third, feeling her pussy walls stretch with these added intrusions. The sensation had her shaking her head back and forth in a few moments, fighting against the twisting agony of her growing orgasm.

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