Stone Cold: An MC Erotic Romance (4 page)

BOOK: Stone Cold: An MC Erotic Romance
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She screamed as her head came off the bed, tossing her hair into the air, her eyes wide, as though witnessing this new and threatening orgasm striding toward her with malicious intent, "Oh fuck! I can't stop!" she howled from deep in her lungs, her words low and guttural. 


Chad grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled her up and back. Her body came off the bed, as his other arm reached around her, grappling her, taking a firm hold of her breast, and then squeezing it harshly. She cried out, expecting pain, but the abuse of her breasts only mixed into the storm that powered her rising climax, feeding it, lifting it to another level.


In a state close to panic, Victoria quaked and fucked back on his thrusts, feeling her climax rising into something which truly appeared too big for her to handle. In panic, she tried to think of an escape, but there was nothing. She couldn’t stop her hand from rubbing her clit or her hips from pounding her ass back against Chad’s fucking cock! Her body was under a compulsion to fuck herself, and this monster of a climax was the only way to stop her lust.


Her ass climaxed first, with such amazing force her whole body felt the rush of the orgasmic agony. Then her clit climaxed -- sharp and wild, adding a lightning storm to the full-body climax from her ass, which continued to roll her over. She fought like a wild animal inside Chad’s grasp, trying to escape the consuming orgasms, but Chad was too strong. Her voice was hoarse with begging pleas for mercy, but Chad continued to pound into her ass, which fanned the orgasm into wave after wave of release and swelling agony.


Inside this storm she felt Chad climax. His fast, merciless pounding faltered and then he was jolting inside of her. He let go of her breast and her hair, grabbing her with both hands on her shoulders and drove his orgasm inside with unyielding strength.


Her ass was wild for him though. He couldn't take her too hard any longer. Whatever he did, her ass wanted more.


When he let go of her she fell to the mattress, bouncing off the bed, her body writhing with confusion and fulfillment. While she clawed and gasped at the bedspread, his cock came out of her ass and the sudden emptiness caused her to fuck at the air behind her, seeking anything to fill her again.


Chad lay down on the bed beside her, watching as her body seethed and settled down. Her mind reeled from the experience, filled with so many unknowns and new sensations there were no thoughts or names to begin with, so a strange silence settled into place. Her legs hurt from tensing up so much they were cramped, her calf muscles were knotted, and her toes clenched so hard she didn't think they would ever relax again.


Sliding forward she stretched out across the mattress, twisting and clawing weakly as she did.


For a long time she just laid still, while aftershocks rippled across her abs.


Chad began rubbing her ass again with his large hands, and she loved the feeling of his deep penetrating contact pressing into the muscles of her cheeks. His petting and soothing instilled in her a feeling of being deeply cared for, and she trusted his husbandry.


"Holy shit!" she breathed, once her heaving chest would let her.


"You have a really sweet ass baby. Really sweet," Chad told her, but his voice was hoarse and filled with exhaustion now. The sound of him being so spent, and so fulfilled, swelled her with pride and warmth.


"Just for you, Chad," she promised him. "I'll never let anyone else do that to me. Only you."


Thinking back on that night, while riding through Juarez Mexico, hugging against Chad’s broad back, a tremble of desire passed through her ass.


Chad took her in the ass again a few nights later and the climaxes he brought her to were just as untamed and devouring as the first time she experienced sex with her ass.


She smiled and wiggled a little on the seat of the bike. Perhaps she still had enough energy to do something for him when they arrived at the house, she decided.








Cesario Ramos' hacienda was basically a well-landscaped military compound. Chad pulled the V-rod up to the front gate and waited as a middle-aged Mexican walked up, looking him and Victoria over, while carrying an automatic weapon across his shoulder for the world to see. His partner hung back a little, inside the doorway of the little shack that served as a guard shelter.


Watching, Chad could tell that neither of them had any professional training. The man approaching them was walking directly into the other man's line of fire, and the other man wasn't doing anything about it. This didn't give Chad much comfort.


An armature with an Uzi was sometimes twice as dangerous. Armatures spooked too easy, and sometimes shot you even though you were a friendly. Chad watched the man's eyes as he looked them over, and then came back to look Victoria over a lingering second time. In Spanish he said, "My name is Chad, I should be expected."


The guard nodded, "Si, you are expected Mr. Chad. Pull up to the house and the doorman will show you inside."


"Thank you," Chad nodded.


The man nearest the guard shelter reached inside, pulled a switch, and the large metal gate rolled back. Chad waited, and then idled the large bike through the gate and up the path. He spotted two other roaming guards near the path, and two more in the parking area moving among the vehicles as he pulled up next to a set of three other Harley's and parked.


He recognized Mike's bike right away, and then placed the other two as Jeff's Shovelhead, and Tom's Lowrider. "Gang's all here," he murmured, and wondered a little more uneasily why he was summoned.


Jeff was the club's Master at Arms. A tough man and the most dependable in a firefight Chad had ever come across. Tom was the Vice President of the Club -- equally as tough as Jeff and completely ruthless in violent situations. Tom was closer to being a thug than just about anyone else in the club, except for his level of patience. The man could wait-out a glacier in January. Once the violence began, however, Tom was the most likely candidate to come out of the storm alive.


Victoria hopped off the back seat, and walked a little awkwardly for a bit, before her legs would straighten all the way and her ass re-established its place in the grand scheme of things. She giggled a little at her posture and stiffness.


Chad got off after her and stretched his body, trying to limber up as much as possible, and as quickly as possible. The hairs on the back of his neck were bottle-brushed. Something very wrong was going on here. He could feel it like greasy air on his skin.


The front door was opened by an elderly Mexican who came down the short stairway with a spring in his step. Walking up to Chad he said, "Welcome. Please, let me show you to your room."


Chad checked his watch; it was well after midnight, "Thank you. You are very kind." After pulling up his saddlebags, he followed the doorman toward the house.


"It is nothing," the elderly doorman told him with a smile. "Your companions, they are already retired for the night, but I could bring you some cheese and meat to your room if you would like. Perhaps some wine?"


Chad nodded, following the man through the wide double doors, Victoria in tow, "That would be very generous. We have come a long way."


"I will see to it shortly," the man assured him.


"Would you happen to have some bottled water as well?" Chad asked.


, I do, and I will bring some, chilled," he nodded.


The doorman led them to a bedroom on the bottom floor of the three-story home. Chad estimated from what he saw outside, that the house had at least ten bedrooms, perhaps more depending on the areas he couldn't see. When they came in through the foyer they crossed a spacious livingroom furnished with antique pieces of wood and leather.


The bedroom was small and filled almost completely by the large bed it contained, but it did have its own attached room with a shower.


Victoria turned around in the room and then was about to say something when he put a finger on her lips and shook his head slowly. His eyes held hers, "No talking. This is very serious, Victoria," he whispered. "I think we might have walked into something which could be very dangerous. So while we are here, don't speak unless it is absolutely necessary," he whispered.


She came very close, her eyes wide, and whispered in his ear, "Chad, you are scaring me."


He looked her in the eyes, trying to impress on her just how serious this was, "Well, I'm already scared down to my shorts, so be scared quicker and catch up."


Her eyes widened, but she only nodded her head.


"Take a shower. I'll wait for our food." He told her and then, close to her ear, he asked, "Do you speak Spanish?"


She nodded in reply.


"Don't let them know that. You're just a dumb blond biker bitch while you are here, alright?"


She nodded, and he could see her processing this, then she turned and went into the small bathroom. Without closing the door she stripped off her jeans and took off her leather vest. Once naked, she leaned in and started the shower, waiting for it to heat up.


Chad sat on the edge of the large bed, watching her. He shouldn't have brought her. She would have been upset, even angry if he forced her to stay home, but she would have gotten over it.


Why was he summoned? What was going on here that Mike thought he was the best person to call out for?


Chad thought about his skills, going through the ones Mike and the club tended to make use of. He was ex-special forces, and did two tours in Afghanistan. But there were plenty of tough, violent men in the club and Mike had two of the toughest already with him. He spoke Spanish, the Mexican lingo, like a native, but so did others, including Tom and Jeff. What Mike called him for most often was for planning operations. Chad had an insightful mind and strategy came easy for him. Also, his instincts were good.


Right now, those instincts were telling him he had brought Victoria into the middle of something serious. He saw it in the way the street guards acted, and the way the guards out by the vehicles were paying a lot of attention to the bikes. He heard it in the slight quaver of the old doorman's voice. That old man had probably seen more action in his life than Chad had. Anything that could put a quaver into his voice was something to be wary of.


Victoria was in the shower, soaping up her breasts and watching him. Normally this scene would have been very relaxing. He would have loved to forget the world for a while and just watch her bath herself. But the hairs on his neck told him to keep sharp.


The doorman knocked on the door and announced himself. Chad answered, and the door opened slowly. Chad stood and accepted the tray of cut meats and cheese, and the bottle of wine with two bottles of cold water. "Is there anything else I can do for you?"


"Please have us woken for breakfast," Chad asked him.


"It will be my pleasure. Your companions, they wish for breakfast as well," he said and gave Chad a slight smile. "Sleep well, please."


After he was gone, Chad set the tray and bottles in the middle of the bed, and then sat on the edge again. There was no sense worrying at this point. Whatever was going to happen wasn't going to show itself until after breakfast.


Victoria dried off and came out of the wash room. She walked up and wrapped her arms around his head, pressing him into her midriff. Victoria had good instincts too, and knew just how to take care of him.


He cursed himself again for bringing her down here. He knew better, but let her pouting lips fuck with his logic. He rubbed her ass absently with his hands, and then looked up to her eyes, "Eat something while I shower, then we'll go to sleep."


She put a question into her eyes, and he shook his head, "No, and in the morning, keep sharp, alright? I"ll take care of you. I promise."


She nodded her head and bent down, kissing him. She whispered in his ear, "I trust you," slicing a papercut across his heart with those words.


He took a brief shower, and then put on fresh jeans from the saddlebags. Victoria was in a fresh t-shirt, lying across the bed, her long legs and perfect ass willing to satisfy in if he changed his mind. He couldn't say that Victoria made it difficult to think, because seeing her like this had him thinking all kinds of things, just none of them helpful at the moment. 


After eating off the tray and drinking from the wine bottle he set them aside and lay down. Victoria snuggled over to him, putting her head on his chest, her ear to his heart. In moments, both of them were asleep.




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