Read Stone Temptation [Texas Stallions 3] Online

Authors: Morgan Fox

Tags: #Romance

Stone Temptation [Texas Stallions 3] (18 page)

BOOK: Stone Temptation [Texas Stallions 3]
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James couldn’t believe Gracie wanted him the way she did. She was unrelenting with her desires. Everything about her mesmerized him.

He froze the moment Stone had placed her on the blanket. Nothing had prepared him for the fevered arousal that surged through him, ripping all coherent thought from his body. 

His cock ached as he stood back, wickedly enjoying the view of Gracie’s body as she pleasured Stone. Even now that her perfect mouth was wrapped around his cock sucking him to the back of her throat, he couldn’t believe what was happening.

Dreams and fantasies had plagued him for more years than he cared to remember. Had things not gone so horribly wrong with Adam, he would’ve approached Gracie long ago. His gut churned knowing she had always been the girl for him.

Once Stone had entered her pussy, the suction of her mouth on his cock intensified. Every fiber of his being sprung to life, vibrating as if he’d been jolted full of electricity. The harder Stone pumped his hips against her, the faster and harder she sucked him. He wasn’t going to survive much longer. The last thing he needed was to come before he had a chance to be buried inside her heavenly body. Stone might want things fast and hard, but he didn’t. He wanted to savor every moment, enjoy every taste, every touch.

Groaning, he placed his hands on her face and forced her to look at him. Every muscle in his body tightening as he silently begged her to stop.

As if reading his thoughts, she released her hold on him, taking one final lick from the head of his cock. “I want to know,” she said on a breathless whisper. “I want to know what having you inside me feels like. You and Stone.”

His eyes widened. His heart exploded. Blinking hard, he asked, “Together?” He had to be sure. He assumed they’d do something like this, but he wasn’t exactly positive how they would do it. Like they had done, his cock in her mouth, Stone’s cock in her pussy, and then they’d switch? Or was it something so much more erotic?

From the way she stared at him, sexual fever burning in the depths of her eyes, he now understood what she meant.

“Are you sure, Gracie?” James asked, nerves sinking into the pit of his stomach.

He’d never done anything like this before. His sexual life was boring compared to what they were doing in the woods behind his home. Missionary and doggie style had been his main methods of pleasuring a woman, and he had done so without the help of another man.

“Oh, yes,” she said, panting. “I’m so very sure.”

“I have an idea,” Stone chimed in.

Why did more nerves suddenly fill my stomach when he said that?

“Follow my lead.” Stone eased out of her, and he heard Gracie sigh as if saddened by their sudden separation. 

He lay down on the blanket beside Gracie. “Sit on my lap, but face James.” His directness seemed so natural, his demeanor so much like Clay’s. No wonder they had been best friends. They were freaking peas in a pod. James didn’t know if he should laugh at the similarities or run screaming.

Gracie did as instructed and straddled Stone’s lap. Stone then moistened his cock with Gracie’s damp pussy and moistened his fingers by spitting on them. James’s cock hardened to a fierce ache as he watched Stone stretch her anus with his fingers, teasing and tormenting her. After a moment, he pressed his engorged cock inside her. Gracie’s legs came up, and her arms fell back in the crab position. Stunned by the pleasure on her face, James knelt down and kissed her. Her greedy mouth sucked on his tongue. She grasped his hand and guided it to her breast. Tenderly he massaged her, dragging his thumb over her erect nipple. Breaking the kiss, he sucked the delicious pink berry into his mouth, flicking his tongue over the tip. Instantly his fingers trailed down her stomach, discovering her swollen clit. Her damp pussy pulsed against his hand each time Stone pushed inside her. Her body arched, shoving her breast against his face.

His lips buried against her warm flesh, he confessed, “I want to be inside you. I need to be inside you.” The need was overwhelming.

Gracie moaned, her body trembling as he stroked her clitoris. 

“Yes,” she whispered. “Do it now.” She was practically begging him to fill her pussy with his cock.

James was new to this kind of pleasure, but he didn’t need a road map to know what he was supposed to do next. As if understanding him, Stone stopped thrusting and gave him a moment to seat himself inside her. As he slowly entered her, he couldn’t tear his eyes away. Her body was so tight, so warm, but nothing compared to the loving glow in her enticing blue eyes. 

Once he was as deep as he could go, he gently began working his cock up and down. Gracie’s head kicked back, and a wild, primal cry escaped from deep within her chest. Stone pulsed against his cock, the sensation unbelievable. He could feel every stroke, every movement. Both men were seated deep inside her, pleasuring her, loving her. Nothing had ever felt so good, so hot.

Time seemed to stand still as they laid joined together, the three of them in pure, sexual bliss.

Her nails dug into the flesh of James’s back as she clung to him. He held her, keeping her close as he continued to build upon the pulsing rhythm of his hips.

Then it happened.

Gracie cried out, screaming to the heavens as she came, her pussy gripping his cock, milking him. His mind erupted in a sea of pleasure. His cock throbbed as he watched so many emotions wash over her.

He couldn’t stand it any longer, couldn’t hold anything back. He thrust forward, plunging in and out of her in wild strokes. Stone matched his forceful poundings. Together they rode her body, enjoying her as she was enjoying them.

But James wasn’t ready to find his release. He wanted the night to last forever. He hadn’t even had a chance to taste her pussy, to savor the deliciousness he was sure to find.

Quickly, he pulled his cock from her body and replaced it with two fingers, swirling and pumping them as if he were still lodged deep inside her. Then he brought those fingers to his lips, licking them clean.

He was right. She tasted like an exquisite wine that had been aged to perfection. He prayed that there would be more nights like this, nights where he could see the love in her eyes and feel the desire in her touch. Everything was beyond perfect.

He slid his cock back inside her and began to thrust, feeling Stone just as much as he felt her, the three of them joined once more. It only took a few more seconds for both him and Stone to groan with satisfaction. His balls tingled and tightened as his orgasm slammed into him with the force of a wrecking ball. His body shook from the aftershocks.

James closed his eyes, his heart flipping in his chest. He didn’t want to hold back how he felt about Gracie. He couldn’t. The feelings that rose to the surface were too powerful to ignore. He touched her cheek gently, reverently, and before he could stop himself, he admitted, “I love you, Gracie Myles.”

Chapter Eleven


The air swept from her lungs like a vacuum pulling everything out of her. Never in a million years had she expected to hear those words from James, from anyone. Those words were attached to a fantasy she had had long ago, but not now. Her life had been so hard, so full of pain and disappointment. Gazing up at him, she couldn’t believe what she heard.

“Say it again, James,” she begged, reaching out to cup his face in her trembling hands. “Tell me again that you love me.”

He kissed her once more, his lips as soft as the flutter from a butterfly’s wing. “I love you, Gracie. I suppose I always have.” He pressed his lips against hers as gently as the air caressed her skin. His tenderness was so sweet, so passionate. Everything about him was just how she had imagined it would be.

“Oh, James,” she breathed, weaving her fingers into his hair at the back of his neck.

He pressed his forehead against hers. “I’ve waited for so long to have you in my arms. To feel your lips upon mine, your soft skin against me, everything about you has always kept me warm at night.”

Stunned, she couldn’t breathe. What was happening to her was simply unimaginable. She had always felt something for James, a connection that burned hotter than the sun, but to have him now, holding her, kissing her, whispering words of love, seemed too much. Her heart raced, and a wave of anxiety flooded through her body. Something was going to go wrong. She knew it. Nothing could be this perfect, not after the life she had had. Meeting Stone was one thing, but falling in love, that was another story.

“Let me up,” she said in a panic, pushing James back and sliding off of Stone’s lap.

Her body was sticky and sweaty, the scent of sex thick on the air. She had nothing to cover herself with, not even the blanket she’d used when she’d first come outside. Stone’s ass was still on it.

The darkness around her stole her eyesight, but in the near distance she spotted the light off the back of James’s house and aimed for it. Sprinting as quickly as she could, she stubbed her toe and scraped her feet along broken sticks and rocks, doing her best to stay upright. She needed distance from her two lovers, men she couldn’t believe wanted anything more from her than sex. That’s what she was good at. Fucking strangers and getting paid for it.

She reached the back door and pulled on the handle. As the door opened, a massive body closed in around her, shoving her chest up against the door. As she spun around, Stone glared at her. His eyes were filled with a heated vengeance.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” he asked gruffly. “You can’t keep running away from me every time you get a little freaked out.” He held her solid even though she tried to wiggle out of his hold. “I know what it’s like to be scared, Gracie. I know what it’s like not to trust others.” He took her hand and held it against the scars on his face. “I trusted someone, and this is what happened to me.”

Her eyes watered, every emotion imaginable surging within her. Staring into Stone’s eyes, she could see the pain of his past and knew he wanted desperately to let those memories go. She wanted the same thing.

“I don’t know how,” she muttered. “I’m trying to find a way, but I just can’t.” She hung her head and closed her eyes.

Stone placed his finger under her chin, raising it to meet her gaze. “It will never be easy for us, Gracie. The battle scars we carry are hard to ignore, but together we can sure as shit try.”

He pulled her into his arms. “It wasn’t fair that James told you he loved you. It wasn’t right that he beat me to it.” He cupped her face in his hands. “Gracie, I’ve been alone for so long, I can’t imagine being without you.”

She sniffled. “How can you be with me knowing what I was, what I’ve done?”

He smiled warmly. “Gracie, that doesn’t matter to me. What matters is that you are happy and with me.”

She arched her brow. “And James? What about him?”

“So you want him, need him like you do me?”

She hesitated, gazing up at him. She feared this was a loaded question and the answer would explode right in her face. But if things were going to work between them, she had to tell the truth. “I don’t know why this happened or even how the three of us got here, but I’d be lost without either one of you. My heart wouldn’t survive it, and that’s what I’m most afraid of.”

He brushed the back of his knuckles over the side of her face. “Then this is how it will be, the three of us.”

She hadn’t seen James until he stepped up from the shadows, but she had a feeling that he’d been there all along.

“I’m not going anywhere, Gracie, and from what I can tell, neither is Stone.” James drew closer, and Stone crowded her as if afraid she’d try to run again.

“It’s just so hard to believe,” she whispered, glancing from Stone to James and back again. “I seem to make a mess of things everywhere I go.”

“That’s not true,” Stone said sharply. “You’ve done nothing but warm my soul. I’ve never felt so at home in my life, and I owe that all to you, Gracie.” Stone’s voice was raw and rough as he spoke. 

“And if that’s not enough to show you how important you are to us, you should know that had you not shown up in Temptation, I’d still be thinking about the ‘what could’ve been.’ For more years than I wish to consider, I’ve been trapped by the ghost of my past. You helped me let go of all that. I’m ready to start a future…with you.”

“And Stone?” She asked, a soft smile pulling at her lips.

James grinned. “And Stone,” he confirmed.

Stone shot her a crooked grin. “See, you have nothing to worry about. James and I can figure out how to play nice.” He glared at James. “I’m sure of it.”

James’s smile widened. “Yes,” he said through clenched teeth. “We can definitely play nice.”


* * * *


Later that night, Stone watched as Gracie slept. Her sweet face was so peaceful and content. Amber strands of her hair nestled around her face and neck, igniting a soft glow to the color of her skin. The lips he had kissed for hours so full and sumptuous. If he didn’t mind waking her, he’d enjoy sampling them, over and over again.

His heart couldn’t take much more. She had done something to him. She’d turned him into a man who no longer thought of only himself, but of her. She was heaven-sent. There was no other way to describe her.

Staring at her, he wondered how long it had been since she slept like that, so serene and restful. The connection the three of them shared was alarming, and he found himself smiling as he studied the way she and James snuggled together. His arm lay draped over her side, pulling her close, keeping her safe.

At least with James, he didn’t have to worry so much about her. He knew the deputy would protect her, no matter what. It was no longer just his job that encouraged his need, but his admitted love for the woman he now held.

Stone felt a tug in his chest, and he knew exactly what that sensation meant. He’d gone and fallen in love. For so long, he’d been a man afraid to get too close. He didn’t want to be hurt the way he had as a child, but watching Gracie and James now, he realized he finally had the family he’d always wanted. If Clay could actually forgive him, that would be a bonus.

BOOK: Stone Temptation [Texas Stallions 3]
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