Stoned (The Stone Series) (42 page)

BOOK: Stoned (The Stone Series)
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“Feels good? Want more?”




“Are you ready for me to begin?”


“Hmm Mmm”


I feel the leather of the riding crop laid first softly on my buttocks then drawn up my back. Damian starts to create a rhythm and a pattern on my body. I concentrate on that…my buttocks, back, buttocks, leg, shoulder, leg…then back to my buttocks only to repeat the sequence over and over again…softly and slow, to the beat of the pulsing music from the main room. No pain just sensations and then they increase to just the tip of pain, they teeter on the edge for minutes maybe hours, time is gone to me. Then there is pain, bursts of it with each slap of the crop, but with each burst of pain comes the magic glow of pleasure then it all stops. Damian’s hand runs over my heated skin and I feel his cool moist lips brush my shoulder then my buttocks.


“So pink and pretty” he murmurs.


The next feeling is stronger as Damian begins to use what I suspect is his suede flogger over my thighs and buttocks working his way up my back to my shoulders. He is gentle with it, never whipping me for pain just brushing the leather across my body. My limbs go weak and my body heats up, my body is relaxed except for the urgency I feel between my legs, an urgency to come.


“Baby, are you with me? You okay?” When I am unable to answer his voice becomes spiked with worry, “Sydney, answer me. Now”


“Here” I murmur.


“Only slightly, you’re gone for me aren’t you. It feels that good doesn’t it?”


I don’t answer, I can’t. This forces Damian to walk around the cross to look into my eyes, he lifts my chin so I am looking at him and he grabs my face in both of his hands and covers my mouth, licks my lips, bites them. His mouth demands more and I allow him entrance, he consumes me with his tongue, his lips. He allows his fingers one quick plunge into the river between my legs and when I arch my hips into him begging for more he growls, “You are so goddamn fucking gorgeous, angel. I need you so bad. I want you to come for me first though like this, just for me…I own every one of your orgasms, they have all been mine and I love it.  I’ve loved watching every one of them.”


My pussy begins to involuntarily clench so hard I’m afraid I may come without his permission; I don’t want to disappoint him.


“Ah, you like that? You like knowing what you do to me don’t you? You’re a naughty girl. Do you want to come now? I bet you do, don’t you? Can’t respond though I imagine.”




“I got you.”


Damian presses his finger over my tight clit then makes circles as he puts another finger inside me and curves it to find my G-spot. When he pumps his fingers in between swipes at my G-spot and I feel an overwhelming need to come, a need to succumb so when his other hand finds and pinches my nipple and he orders, “Come for me now, darling.” I let go. I scream out his name as I fall further down into my abyss. My body shakes, it pulls on my restraints and I feel the quick pinch of metal against my skin and then the tears start to run down my face, I am coming so hard, coming apart and then Damian’s arms are on me and I feel him releasing me. I collapse into his arms and he lifts my limp still trembling body into his arms and carries me to his bed.




Sydney’s body is trembling and limp in my arms, she is panting and tears are flowing, she can’t catch her breath, so fucking amazing. She is still floating in subspace from her adrenaline and endorphin levels but I’m worried about the crash that may come next. I know these are tears of overwhelming emotions, I feel them building in me as well.


I carry her and place her over my lap, cradling her in my arms like a small child. I grab the blanket on the bed and wrap it around her then I reach for a bottle of water. I hold it to her lips and help her to drink some of it then I take a few swigs myself. I called The Society earlier today after her bold idea to come here and I asked them to make the necessary arrangements for me including setting up the scene with my toys, clean cuffs and chains, this water. I asked them to get my private room ready for my use in case she couldn’t carry out the scene in public.


Right now I need to know how far gone she is so I know if I need to be providing her after care or if I can make love to her like my body is desperately craving.


“You here with me now, baby?” I ask. She looks up at me and I can see her almost blank stare, her eyes are glossy and just beginning to refocus. “Angel, you are so deep in your pretty little subspace, it’s so beautiful.  I am so fucking hard for you; I need to make love to you…fuck you good. Yes?”


“Yes” she manages.


“Let me make sure you’re ready for me. Here, lay back and open for me.” I command and before my sentence is even complete she is spread wide open for me with a look of need on her face. I dive tongue first into her pussy and taste her sweet and salty womanhood, her come on my tongue. She jumps at my touch and I hold her still by her hips. As I am lapping at her she begs, “Need to come more…again, please.”


“Ah, baby. Okay. I’ll take care of you but this time let my cock make your tight pussy come. I need to be inside of you. Must come too…”


My cock is so hard and my balls are so tight it’s painful; I am going to come within seconds of burrowing into her body. I have no power left to hold back, I’ve been holding back through the whole scene, I could have come in my pants like a teenager if I wasn’t careful when I was playing her.


I enter her throbbing pussy, she is sopping wet and so excruciatingly tight she makes me weak in the knees. I have to work my way in through the tightness, one, two three pushes before I am granted full access by her body. She moans and the sound fills my ears and stirs my throbbing cock. I pin her with my grasp on her waist and thrust into her over and over. I have to remind myself to breathe, to listen to my body, if I don’t this is going to be over way before I want it to. I grasp her nipple in my mouth and nip at it with my teeth. I watch as it turns from its pretty pick color to just shy of red, beautiful. She closes her eyes and rolls her head to the side with a moan and a tight clench of her pussy. I can’t help but groan.


When I grab her face and cover her mouth with mine, plunging my tongue into her mouth with the same urgency my cock is pumping into her body she tightens and her orgasm explodes around my cock. My own orgasm rips through me with such an intensity I am overcome by my own emotions. I was so focused on her this orgasm hit me by surprise. I collapse and pull her body close to mine on the bed, barely breathing as I do. “Ahh, baby. I don’t have words for how fucking good that just was. You coming back to me yet? Let me see your eyes.”


She looks at me, her eyes still lost in her little subbie world. I rub her back and keep her body pulled tight into mine so she won’t get cold. I feel her start to shake from the come down and I understand how she feels, I’m coming down from just as tall a high as she is. We lay there until our bodies warm, our heart rates calm and Sydney comes back to this world.




When I open my eyes Damian is smiling at me, “Now that that is taken care of I might be able to get through a quiet diner before I’ll need to have you again” he says as he sits up on the bed and pulls me up with him. He stands and again takes me with him. He pulls me into his side and nuzzles my neck then inhales my hair. “Come, beautiful. We should get home and eat something. I need to take care of you, make sure you’re hydrated and have some food. How are you feeling?”


“Okay, great. I…it was…Wow! It was…I liked it.”


“Yeah, me too, baby. Come on, let’s go home now. You did well, you were amazing.”


Damian dresses and helps me to dress then he wraps me in a blanket to keep me warm. We exit The Society and Damian presses his lips to mine before we climb into the car. At that same moment we are blinded by flashing lights and assaulted by reporters begging for a statement. “Get them the fuck out of here” Damian yells at Dominick as he ushers me inside the car to safety.


“Why are they here? They know about The Society?” I want to know.


Damian reminds me that he’s often followed and photographed by the media and when they sense there’s a story they come out in full force. “I’ve been waiting for this to happen, they’ve been posting pictures and stories about the mystery girl who has won my heart. That would be you, by the way. They got your name somehow. I knew it would only be a matter of time until they followed us here.”


It’s all too much to deal with, our experience at The Society, Ryan and Mark, the press, I fall asleep on the ride back to the penthouse and when we arrive at the building Damian carries me inside. I don’t become fully alert until we enter the penthouse to find it in full action mode. The security team is in Damian’s home office, Mrs. Ford is busy cooking in the kitchen and a man who is no doubt Damian’s father is on his couch with a woman who must be his mother and I look like I have just been fucked and fucked good, which of course I have, numerous times over the course of the last few hours.


“Mom, Father.” Damian says in greeting to his parents as his mother approaches him and plants a motherly kiss on his cheek and brushes a stray lock of his “just fucked my girlfriend good in the backseat of a limo then played her and fucked her again at my kinky sex club” hair out of his face.


“Are you going to introduce us to your friend, Damian?” his mother asks.


“Brett and Carrie Stone, Sydney Cooper, my girlfriend” Damian stresses girlfriend.


“Yes, well that’s why we are here. We need to speak with you in private. Miss Cooper would you excuse us a minute please?” his father asks as he tries to tug Damian from me but Damian is not about to let up on the grip he has on my hip.


“Anything you have to say to me you can say right here in front of Sydney or you can both leave.”


“Don’t be that way Damian, we’re just concerned is all” explains Carrie Stone who is as strikingly beautiful as her daughter with long straight blond hair, still looking like a model herself.


“Oh, concerned? Well, now I understand because you two have been the most concerned parents on the planet” Damian sarcastically retorts. “What the fuck is this about?” he roars at them with more aggression than is warranted.


“Okay, well we wanted to do this in private but you’ve given us no choice” Brett Stone states.


Looking at Brett Stone is like looking at the Damian of the future. He told me he looks like the men from his mother’s side and after meeting Tate I agree but he looks just like his father too, it’s amazing. This is what I hope I get to look at every morning when I wake up and every night before I go to bed in twenty five years. For a man in his early fifties Brett Stone doesn’t look a day over forty. He is muscular and tall like his son with dark hair that he wears clipped short and close. He is a force in the room as is his son and everyone can feel the struggle for power between them.


Mr. Stone continues to tell Damian that he received a phone call from a business associate who he claims is a good man, my step father, Richard. Richard told Mr. Stone that I was a sick and disturbed girl who only cared about money. He told Mr. Stone that when I was younger I would lie and make up things just to get attention. Then as I got older the lies got worse and I began telling people that his son had raped me. He says it was untrue and he had to do something to protect my mother from any more pain. He told Mr. Stone that he gave me money and as soon as he offered it to me I took it and ran and never looked back. He told Mr. Stone that he’s been protecting my mother from me and my evil ways for years but then he saw a picture of Damian and I in the papers and had to stop me before I did the same thing to Damian. Richard told Mr. Stone that I was only interested in Damian’s money and as soon as I got my hands on it I would destroy him.


The only thing keeping me standing is Damian’s grip on my body but even his grip can’t keep my stomach from hurling its contents onto Damian’s leather shoes. 


“Don’t tell me you were stupid enough to knock her up too” his father says and Damian loses it.


“Fuck off and get out” Damian calls over his shoulder, he kicks off his puke ruined shoes as he scoops me up in his arms and carries me to the bedroom. He pauses long enough before leaving the room to tell Dominick to be sure his parents are gone before he returns.


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