Stricken Trust (Stricken Rock) (16 page)

BOOK: Stricken Trust (Stricken Rock)
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“Sir,” another man says, walking over to the table. “Sir, this is a no gun establishment,” a manager states and the scared shitless waiter runs to fill our drink orders, without another word.

James ignores the man and pulls out his wallet and produces a card, placing it into the man’s hand.

“Oh, I’m so sorry,” he says to James, hands him back the card and dismisses himself like a dog with a tail between his legs.

“What was that all about?” I whisper, leaning cross the table a little so nobody can overhear.

“Which part? The man staring at your chest or the manager?”


“The boy should know better than to be disrespectful and stare at any woman’s chest, especially yours. He needed to be taught a lesson. Plus, I don’t take kindly to men ogling my woman.” He winks at me lovingly. “Most places you’re not allowed to carry concealed weapons without a permit. And others you can’t even carry them with one. It depends on the state or facility. But I have more than a permit to carry. I have a government stamp because of my military and federal career. Giving me every right to carry a gun even on an airplane, into a school building, federal building, or anywhere else. They are highly classified job classifications to warrant such a stamp of approval. I’m just one of about five thousand in the U.S with this level of clearance.”

Oh wow. If it’s possible, I think James just became even hotter. I knew he worked internal affairs for the U.S after his military career I never realized how deep he was really in.

“So what did you have to do in order to get that clearance?” I ask, truly interested.

“Tests, training, evaluations, more tests, and the government clearances that are difficult to achieve.”

“Okay, but you don’t work for the government anymore, do you?” I raise a brow.

He leans back in his seat and breathes in deep. “Well… Not on an official capacity. But in a way, yes.”

Whoa! Wait a damn minute. He’s supposed to be a bodyguard for Stricken. Not some undercover government operative.

“Are you undercover?” Now I’m very concerned.

Reaching across the table he grabs my hands and holds them into his and our waiter drops off our drinks. James gives him a gaze that tells him to scram, and he does.

“Sweetheart, I’m not going to lie. I’m not undercover. But I’m what the government calls a safe link. I have knowledge of certain information that has not been written for the purpose of keeping it secret. So they have people go through classes to have the information imbedded in their brain. This way if the government needs the knowledge they can ask me for it and no one can steal it because I’m the only person retaining it. Sure, someone could try to kidnap me and break me down for the information, but I’ve been tortured not just in Iraq but through testing for this job that I hold.”

“So what you’re telling me is you know some secret stuff no one else on the planet knows and you’re keeping it safe just in case the government needs the information?”

He nods. “Yes. That’s the gist.”

Oh my god. James is a secret operative just like he was in the military and that means he’s still government property.

James waves over the waiter. “I’ll have a cheeseburger deluxe with waffle fries and my wife will have a chicken breast sandwich with avocado, tomato, mayo, provolone cheese, lettuce and onion. On the side she would like onion rings with ranch. That’ll be all,” he orders and the waiter just nods, writing down our order with wide eyes and a shaky hand. I didn’t pick what I wanted but apparently James decided the boy had enough interaction with my breasts, so he was deciding for me. We order all the time together. It’s no surprise that he knows what I’d eat. I’m a chicken fanatic. He truly does know what I like and what I don’t. Both in and out of the bedroom.

Our food arrives and we eat in peace, chatting like an old married couple. The babies kick a few times and I giggle at the sensation. Feeling your babies kick inside you makes all the difference in the world. It makes the horniness, the constant peeing and the hunger, all worth it.

We finish eating and James escorts me, on alert, per usual, to the Suburban. He opens my door.

“Sir,” a man says coming out of nowhere, instantly putting James in protect mode. He blocks my body by stepping in front of me and using his hand, he pushes me up into the truck.

“What do you want?” James asks, his voice on guard.

“I’m wondering if I could get a picture of Emily?” The man in a jean jacket and black pants on says and reaches behind him. But before he can bring his hand back around, James has his gun out and pointing straight the man’s head. My heart leaps into my chest and the man freezes.

“You do not get a picture of her. You will not touch her. What you will do, is put your hands above your head and you will back away slowly. If you so much as flinch, I will shoot you in the knee. Do you understand me?” He orders the man, who nods slowly and hesitantly puts his hands in the air.

“I was just reaching for my cell phone to take a picture, man. I’m sorry. I didn’t know. I’m a huge fan of Stricken and I noticed her when you two were walking out of the restaurant. I don’t want any trouble.” The man talks fast and then takes in a deep breath.

I reach out and touch James’s shoulder that instinctively flinches and then settles into my touch.

“James, if he wants a picture and he’s a fan, he’s obviously not a crazy lunatic. Frisk him if you must but let me take a picture with him. You nearly scared the man to death,” I say in a near whisper, so the man can’t hear me.

“Seems that Ms. Bronwyn is going to give you want you want. But I will need to frisk you first to make sure you’re not packing.”

The man nods again but doesn’t move. He’s beyond scared. James lowers his gun but doesn’t holster it. He shuts my door and pats down the man up and down three times before he says something to him and he drops his hands and produces his iPhone.

James reopens my door and I slide out, as I hold onto his hand.

“Here.” I reach out and take the man’s phone. “James, can you please take a picture of us?” I hand him the phone and he frowns, but takes it.

“Thank you so much. Everyone back home loves you and thinks you’re so beautiful. They’re going to be so jealous,” the guy says as I stand next to him and wrap my arm around his back. He goes to place his arm around mine and James gives him the evil eye, so he refrains.

James snaps a few pictures and hands the man back the phone. “Enjoy,” I say, and head back to the truck with James on my tail, blocking my body. He helps me back into the Suburban without a word and I’m fairly certain he’s angry with me.

He gets in too and we head back to the cabin. I reach out my hand to touch him but he pulls away. Yep, he’s angry. I didn’t do anything wrong. I felt bad for the poor guy, he had a damn gun pointed at his head. I didn’t want to him to completely write off the band because of James doing his job.

The truck stops outside the cabin and I get out without waiting this time. I’m getting the silent treatment anyhow, so two can play at that game.

“Oh no you don’t,” he scolds as I head up the few steps into the cabin.

“What? So now you’re talking to me?” I sass.

His hands find my waist and he pulls me to him. My belly touching his crotch. I’m short. I can’t help it.

“I’m not angry. I was a little hyped up is all. I didn’t want to take it out on you. Pulling a gun on someone isn’t something I take lightly. The man posed a threat, Emily. I will not take your life or the babies lives lightly. You are my number one priority.”

I reach up and cup his face in both my hands. “I love you. You big goon. I know you wouldn’t pull a gun on the man if you weren’t worried. But you don’t think that your feelings might have had something to do with your reaction to both the man at the diner and afterward? He isn’t the first man to want to pull out a camera to snap my picture, Calvin James. It happens all the time and yes you protect me. But only once, other than tonight, have I seen you pull a gun on somebody. And that was on Deacon.”

His shoulders slump. “I love you so much. I can’t risk your life for anything. I’d rather pull a gun and be wrong, than not and something happens. I can’t lose you. This famous shit is bigger than you’ve ever imagined, I’m sure. You know it’s bad Mama Bear. And this papa can’t let you get hurt.”

“The man at the diner wasn’t going to hurt me, he just stared at my boobs,” I remind him with a cute smile. He’s adorable for wanting to protect me. But, he has to realize just because he loves me doesn’t mean everyone is a threat. He’s always had my back but I think being in Colorado has not only made his feelings flourish but brought us down from the crazy life we were dealing with for weeks back home. It’s been a nice vacation.

“Yeah… Okay,” he shrugs. “But, in my defense, those are my breasts and I’m not a fan of any man checking them out.”

I pull his face down to my level and kiss him. Awe, he’s so wonderful. His lips are soft and sweet on mine and I wrap my arms around his neck. And he sweeps me up into his arms, carrying me into the house. Laying me on the couch, our lips still locked he reaches up my dress and rubs my pussy through my boy shorts. I groan into his mouth, surrendering to his will.

“You’re going to be mine, sweetheart,” he says, pulling his lips from mine for but a moment and smashing them back down, his tongue invades my mouth and I reach out to try and find his manhood. Ravishing my mouth with his tongue, our breathing kicks up a notch and instantly my juices are flowing for him. I need him inside of me.

“Inside now,” I moan into his mouth.

“Yes.” He growls back and pulls me from the couch and carries me into the kitchen; like I’m as light as a feather and plops my butt on top of the island.

Pushing my dress up, he rips the sides of my panties and discards them like trash on the floor. Unzipping his pants, he reveals his hard cock through the zipper and positions himself between my legs. He’s not waiting to have me. He’s claiming me now. Yes!

“I can’t wait,” he grunts and slams his cock into my eager hole. I screech out at the sudden pleasurable onslaught of ecstasy. My walls pulsate around him and I break into a huge body rolling orgasm. I scream out his name as my body convulses and I hold onto him for support as I ride out the waves of pure heaven.

“That’s right sweetheart.” He kisses my neck and continues to plow into me without reservations. “I need you.” He laps my neck with his tongue and my hands find his hair holding him to me. Oh, he feels so nice. Oh yes, James, give it to me. His balls slap my ass, as he hammers my core into sated submission.

“James I’m….oh god… I’m close,” I moan, throwing my head back, tugging on his hair. Oh shit. I’m going to come again.

“Come for me sweetheart. I love you so much. I’m going to come too. I’m close. Come with me. Come with me,” he groans, heaving hot breaths on my neck.

“I’m…I’m… Oh… fuck.” I hump into him and tense up. My walls suck around his thick shaft and I come apart into a billion tiny little pieces. He moans on my neck, jerking into me and we both break apart together. Both of our bodies convulsing and melding in climatic union of the souls. Inaudible sounds escape my lips as I uncurl my toes and open my eyes. To see the most perfect man smiling down at me with his hands rubbing my hips and his cock still buried deep inside my core. I bite my lip and choke back a tear.

Oh I’m going to cry. I’m so going to cry. It’s going to happen. This is the most perfect moment and it’s going to go away starting tomorrow. We have to go back to the world of California and Stricken tomorrow. I don’t ever want this to end. This isn’t fair. This so isn’t fair.

“Mama Bear, what’s wrong?” His eyes turn from happiness to concern, as I bunch up my face, wrap my arms around his neck and pull him to me and hide my sadness into the crook of his neck. A sob breaks loose and I lose it, tears free flowing down my cheeks. My body whimpering with bittersweet happiness. I can’t go back to the way things were. I want to be with James. Just as Claire couldn’t lead me on, I can’t lead Johnathan on. But will I have to? What does James want?

Holding me by the shoulders, he pulls my tear soaked face from him and looks me straight in the eyes. “You need to tell me what’s wrong. It’s not normal to cry after we have sex. Was I too rough? I know we’ve not had urgent sex. I’m sorry, I couldn’t stop myself. I needed inside of you.”

I shake my head. “It was perfect, just like you.” I cover my face and break down again. The tears choking out and my body shaking. I can’t leave this place. I want to stay here in our perfect paradise of James and Emily forever.

His hands caress my shoulders. I know he’s trying to sooth me. My Teddy Bear is trying to make me feel better. He’s so good at that. Lifting me, he cradles me into his arms like a baby and carries me to the couch, sitting down and keeping me nestled in his warm comforting arms. My butt pressed into his lap.

“Tell me what’s wrong,” he coaxes with a sweet gentle tone.

“I don’t want to leave. I don’t know what you want when we get back. I don’t know anything,” I cry.

“What do you want is the question?” He states.

“I know I love you.” I kiss his chest and pull my hands from my eyes.

“Awe there’s my beautiful woman. This was an amazing two weeks, Emily. I will cherish it forever. But I’ve not been naive thinking we are going to continue this once we get back. I know Johnathan is who you want. He’s the father to your children. I’ve known that since the beginning. I’m just happy to be spending the time I can with you.”

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