Strictly Yours: Hooded Pleasures, Book 3 (18 page)

Read Strictly Yours: Hooded Pleasures, Book 3 Online

Authors: Sheryl Nantus

Tags: #Erotic;Romance;Domme;submissive;love

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She kept her firm grip on him and let out a low giggle.

Nathan resisted the urge to say anything.

Two can play at this game.

He dipped his fingers lower and was rewarded by a surprised gasp. Her hips thrust up as he increased the pressure, rubbing his middle finger back and forth.

“Nathan.” It was both a statement and a question tied up in a single word.

He swirled his middle finger in her slickness before sliding down and in, choking back a groan as she bucked again and stroked him hard enough to bring him racing to the edge.


I sure as hell don’t have much left.

“Condom.” It was a question and a curse crushed into one word.

Nathan released her and swiveled to one side. He dug in a side drawer, thankful he kept supplies on hand.

“Let me.” She plucked the slender packet from his hand and tore it open with her teeth. “On your back.”

Her tone left no room for discussion.


He laid back and put his hands at his sides, waiting.

She rolled it onto him with slow steady strokes, pushing him even closer to the edge.

“Very good,” she murmured. “Now let’s give us both a reward.”

Jen straddled him, stealing his breath away as he resisted the urge to flip her over and take control.


She grabbed the back of his neck and dove down for a hard, punishing kiss, her weight settling as she slid down and pulled him into her. A soft gasp escaped as Jen closed her eyes and arched back, taking him even deeper.

Nathan thrust upward in a natural reaction as his hands settled on her hips to balance and steady her.

Jen opened her eyes, and he saw the fire, the heated desire threatening to swamp them both.

“Not yet,” she said through gritted teeth.

The wavering whisper told him she was already close, much closer than he’d thought.

All for him.

All because of him.

“Mine,” Nathan growled and flipped them over, keeping a firm grip on her arms, pinning them to her sides so she couldn’t escape.

Jen let out a squeak as he began to drive into her, dropping harsh kisses down her neck as he slid both hands under to cup her bottom. He squeezed tight, rewarded with a series of low cries, rising in momentum as he increased his pace.

Her hands, now free, dug into his back. Fingernails scraped across bare skin, leaving long, skittering marks as if she’d flogged him.

“Mine.” The throaty promise was all he could manage as he felt himself surging inside, charging a finish line he’d been racing toward for weeks, months.

“Yours.” The single response sent him soaring over the edge, her breathless cry joining his own.

Chapter Sixteen

She’d had sex before.

The first time had been with Mikey Johannson, a gangly classmate in high school who had been her best friend before becoming her lover. It’d been a fumbling, clumsy experience, but joyful in its own way.

Since then, she’d had lovers. Men who had popped in and out of her life with startling speed once they discovered what she did on the side. A few submissives at Boots ’n’ Chains had bid for her ongoing attention, but she’d wanted nothing more than the release, the physical exhaustion that came with a good session—no commitment, no real dedication other than to pleasure each other to the best of their abilities.

No promises. Just a fast coupling, enough to keep her sated and happy until the next man came along.

She couldn’t imagine going back now.

This—this hadn’t been sex.

This had to be love.

She had no idea her toes could curl that way.

“One sec,” Nathan murmured into her hair. He dropped a quick kiss.

She sighed as Nathan rolled off and turned away to dispose of the condom. Jen shivered as the cool air washed over her already sensitized skin.

“Back.” Nathan pulled her close, spooning her from behind. His heated breath battered the back of her neck, fast and staggered as his arms went around her, his body heat chasing away the cold.


Her legs felt like rubber, her entire body quivering with small tremors vibrating from her core outward.

“I—” She couldn’t find the words to express how she felt.

“Yeah.” The hoarse whisper came in her ear. “That.”

Jen giggled with the last of her energy. “Sleep. Again. Yes?”

“Yeah.” The soft kiss on her earlobe sent her back into slumber. “That.”

* * * * *

The next time Nathan woke, the room was shrouded in darkness. It took his eyes a second to adjust and to focus in on the clock.

Seven thirty-five. In the evening.

The woman fitfully sleeping in his arms stirred slightly and mumbled something before falling silent again.

He carefully disentangled himself and rolled out of bed. His stomach was rumbling, and there was no avoiding the need for food.

Jen rolled into the warm spot he’d left behind, wrapping herself in the blankets.

Nathan chuckled as he reached for his sweatpants.

She’ll be hungry when she gets up too.

He padded down the stairs as quietly as he could, trying to avoid the squeaky steps.

He was starving for pancakes.

It took only a few minutes to pull the instant mix out of the cupboard and dig the griddle out from the bottom drawer, a few more to set things in motion.

The familiar routine helped settle his nerves.


Yeah. That.

Nathan snatched up the phone and tapped in a number before tucking it under his ear while stirring the batter.

“Yes, Nathan?” the operator said.

He wasn’t surprised at the Hooded Pleasures switchboard having caller identification.

“I’d like to cancel my contract.”

There was no shock or surprise in her voice, no indication he’d said anything unusual. “I see. You understand you have a waiting period if you’d like to change your mind. It’s listed in the paperwork. You’re welcome to return but will have to go through the acceptance process again.”

“I know. And I won’t be changing my mind.” Saying the words made it real, made what had happened a few hours ago permanent.

“I see. Would you mind if Wendy or Evan called you to discuss this? To confirm it’s really what you want.”

“Not at all.” Nathan paused, unsure how much the dispatcher knew about what was going on. “I’m with Jennifer right now. I understand she’s quit as well.”

“I know.”

“She said there’s going to be a bodyguard on her for another week. Can you confirm this?”

Trust but verify.

“One minute. Please hold.” The canned music droned on as he poured out various-size pancakes on the hot griddle.

“Yes. I’ve verified that arrangement. It’s ongoing until the situation is resolved. Is there anything else I can do for you?”

“No.” He spotted Jen shyly peeking around the corner. “Thank you for all your help.”

“Thank you for your patronage. Have a good evening.” The phone went silent.

Jen came into sight wearing one of his blue uniform shirts and nothing else. She sniffed the air. “I woke up to the most delicious smell.”

He put the phone down and flipped the pancakes with a spatula. “Wonder what that could be.”

“You quit HP.” She strolled up to the marble island.

Nathan nodded. “Wendy and/or Evan will probably call. I might or might not answer. Depends on what I’ve got in my hands at the time.” He gave her a flirty wink and relished the pink appearing on her cheeks.

Jen drew a finger along the cold surface. “I—” She licked her lips. “I don’t want you to think I quit because of Tanner, some mid-life crisis or something silly like—”

Nathan cut her off with a crushing hug, still holding the spatula. “I never thought that.”

She sniffled as she pulled back to look at him. “You were always the one I looked forward to seeing the most. I want you to know.”

He held back a growl. “And now I’m the only.”

“Yes.” She looked around him. “The pancakes are burning.”

Nathan released her to spin around and flip them. “I can always make another batch.”

“Nah. I love when things are well done.” She settled on one of the stools. “Now what?”

“I have to go to work tonight. As do you. Wendy was right on that point.” He raised the spatula. “We can’t afford to let Tanner or whoever this is dictate our lives. We’ll eat; I’ll get ready for work and escort you home before reporting for my shift.”

“The guard’s probably still outside.” Her lower lip jutted out far enough to tempt him. “He’ll follow me back to my building.”

“Humor me on this.” Nathan slid the first four pancakes onto a plate. “Syrup’s in the cupboard.”

She went over and retrieved the bottle. “Then what?”

“I’ll make a few calls tomorrow morning and see if we can put the heat on Tanner. Get his parole officer to do more checks on him, maybe pull him in for an appointment and have him account for his time. If he’s spent time following you around and stalking the others he’ll have gaps he can’t explain, times he was off the grid. It might not be enough to put him back in, but if he knows he’s being watched, he might break. Or at the least, bugger the hell off for now.”

“You definitely think it’s him.”

It wasn’t a question.

Nathan nodded. “Despite my wanting to give him the benefit of a doubt, I don’t see why anyone else would be doing this to you. I could be wrong, but I don’t think so.”

“I wish I knew why.” Jen poured herself a cup of coffee. “I don’t understand.”

Nathan shrugged as he set up his own plate. “I’m sure it makes perfect sense to him, in his own mind. But we can’t risk either of us getting hurt. Not now. Even though we’ve both quit Hooded Pleasures doesn’t mean we’re not targets.”

“You’re the target.” She corrected him as she drizzled maple syrup over her stack. “Right now he’s keeping away from me.”

“Still,” Nathan continued, not willing to relinquish control, “I’ll follow you home and then go to work,” he repeated.

“Are you armed?”

“Nope.” He nodded toward the living room. “I have a retractable baton in my car, under the seat.”

“You don’t have your pistol here.” He heard the curiosity mixed with sadness in the question. “Why?”

“Rules. It stays at the station in my locker until I sign on for my shift, like my uniform. So it goes.” He picked up the bottle and began dousing his own pancakes. “But I’m a cop. He might not be brave enough to take me on. He might run at you before he goes to me. Depends on how his little warped mind works.”

Jen stayed silent as she worked on her coffee and pancakes.

Nathan didn’t push her. He knew she was annoyed and upset and more than a little worried about him.

He finished off his meal and looked at the clock. “Almost time to get changed and get going.”

Jen dipped her fork in the syrup on the empty plate and drew long looping circles. “You do have time for a shower.”

“I do.” He grinned as she approached him, still holding the sticky fork.

“Good.” She placed it at the hollow of his neck and began to draw it over his chest, the wet tines tangling in his chest hair. “I think we both need to clean up a bit.”

He groaned as she pulled the fork over one nipple. “Yes, Mistress.”

Jen felt a thrill of anticipation tickle her spine as she led him upstairs, slowly unbuttoning his uniform shirt.

The bathroom was small and efficient, the shower stall barely big enough for one, much less two.

They’d make it work.

She turned to Nathan and let the shirt fall off her shoulders, baring herself to him. He stood there patiently, hands at his sides.

“How hot do you want it?” She leaned into the shower and twisted the handles.

“As hot as you can take it.” His arms went around her from behind, holding her tight.

She felt something prodding the base of her spine and realized he’d already shucked the sweat pants.

“I see.” It took all her control to pay attention to the water temperature, playing with the taps until a hot, steamy balance was achieved.

Jen arched back as Nathan nibbled on her neck, her control waning fast.

“In.” She stepped into the stall, not waiting to see if he’d follow.

She heard a drawer open and close and guessed he was raiding a condom stash.

She appreciated a man who was prepared for every situation.

The hot water drizzled over her long hair, the heat seeping into her weary muscles.

A hand reached around her to pick up the washcloth and bar of soap.

“Let me get your back.”

The long leisurely strokes had her sighing as she twisted back and forth under his touch. He ran down to her ankles and back up to the base of her neck, down over her arms and out to her fingertips.

“May I do your front?” he whispered.

“I’ll kill you if you don’t.”

His hands reached around to cup her breasts as he continued his gentle worship, the soapy washcloth swirling over each nipple with precision before sliding down over her belly.

But no lower.

It was like there was an invisible line he wasn’t going to cross, keeping his hands above her navel.

Jen wriggled her hips in an effort to encourage him.

It didn’t work.

“Nathan.” She put as much frustration and desire as she could into the one word.


She could hear the laughter in his reply, the smoky desire underlying the need to play. A ripping noise came from behind and she knew what he was doing.

Jen growled. “If you don’t—”

Before she could finish the sentence, he spun her around and pinned her against the wall. His hands cupped her bottom, and he lifted her effortlessly as she gasped, her legs instinctively curling around his waist.

He slid into her with a growl, drawing a shocked gasp out of her as he filled her completely.

“You’re mine.” Nathan grunted as he set up a punishing pace, driving into her with short determined strokes. “From now on. Only mine.”

The resolve in his voice shocked her, thrilled her even further as the burning started in her core, spiraling out of control.

She could do nothing but hold on, dig her nails into his back and relish the moans as he continued to push her rapidly toward the edge, the speedy thrusts coiling her tighter and tighter even as she dragged her nails over his arms and shoulders, trying to take some control of the situation.

But he’d have none of it. Her hands scrabbled for purchase and found none, his strength holding her up and not allowing her any choice in the matter.

Jen gasped for breath.

I like this.

I want this.

I love—

He roared and plunged into her one final time, her world exploding into a thousand wet tears.

They slumped down as far as they could in the narrow stall, her legs aching as she was caught between lying down and standing up.

“Sorry.” Nathan kept a firm grip on her waist as he twisted and turned to get them both upright again. “I’ll make a plan to renovate the bathroom tomorrow.”

“Good idea.” Jen fought for air, trembling. “I don’t want to be late for work.”

Nathan chuckled as he picked up the washcloth from the floor. “Then let’s get going.”

He hadn’t planned to jump her in the shower, but when opportunity presented itself, he wasn’t going to let it go.

Thank goodness he kept a box of condoms in the bathroom.

Mentally he noted to store some down in the kitchen and living room for any future adventures.

As it was, he couldn’t keep his hands off her despite her slaps and giggles, making what usually took him ten minutes close to an hour.

Nathan twisted to see his back in the full-length mirror partially clouded with steam. The thin scarlet slashes from her nails made him grin even wider, if that were possible.

He’d earned every one.

“What are you smiling at?”

He turned to see Jen wrapping a towel around herself, wet hair hanging off her shoulders.

“Nothing.” Nathan rolled his shoulders. “I’m afraid I have to go get dressed now.”

“As do I.” She took another towel and started on her hair. “Go. Get out of here before I throw you down and have my way with you.”

Nathan looked down, seeing himself growing hard at her words. “I fail to see a problem with this.”

“Go.” She flicked the towel at his cock. “Go.”

He pouted, enjoying her weary expression.

“Go,” she repeated one last time with a nasty towel whip that made contact.

Nathan stepped out of range. “I’ll be downstairs when you’re ready to go home.”

He walked into his bedroom and noticed the time, making mental calculations. It’d be tight but he’d be able to follow Jen home in his car and make it to the station on time.

At least she’d be protected while he was at work.

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