Read Strictly Yours: Hooded Pleasures, Book 3 Online

Authors: Sheryl Nantus

Tags: #Erotic;Romance;Domme;submissive;love

Strictly Yours: Hooded Pleasures, Book 3 (21 page)

BOOK: Strictly Yours: Hooded Pleasures, Book 3
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“Of course. Let me go see what we can do about that.” Colleen gave her another hug. “He’s a tough one. He’ll be fine.”

“Yes,” Jen agreed. “And he’s mine.”

* * * * *

Nathan gingerly touched the bandages covering the wound. The dull throbbing was a testimony to the strength of the pain drugs they’d given him, and he suspected there was something in the intravenous bag the nurses had insisted stay hooked up.

The head detective had clucked his tongue after hearing the whole story.

“You should have called us in.” The pen flew across the notebook paper. “Guy like this could have snapped and started killing anyone, everyone.”

“The other victim wasn’t interested in pressing charges. The other incidents could be put down to random vandalism. Believe me—if I’d had something to get him back behind bars, I would have used it.” Nathan hadn’t given Charles’s name and wasn’t going to. Dan, the HP lawyer, had swept in as soon as he could and laid down the rules for his participation. Nathan could have held out for the police union rep but figured he’d be better off with Dan.

“Still—” The detective closed the notebook. “Doesn’t look too good.”

Nathan knew he was referring to a variety of things, the least of which being Nathan’s continued employment.

“We’ll be in touch.” The detective left.

Nathan heard him talking to one of the officers standing in the hall.

The laughter made Nathan grind his teeth together.


He closed his eyes.

Maybe I can get a job in some small town.

The house was paid off, so—


Nathan opened his eyes to see Jen standing by his bed.

“Hey yourself.” He grinned. “You okay?”

“I’m fine. How are you feeling?” She pulled up the single chair to sit beside him.

He lifted the blanket to show off his bandages. “Between this and the concussion, it’s enough for them to keep me overnight.” Nathan chuckled. “Like I’ll get any sleep. As soon as I can check out I’ll go home in the morning and recuperate there.” He gestured at the white pad, the surgical tape pinning it to his side. “Leave a bit of a scar, but the doctor doesn’t see any permanent effects.”

Other than making me unemployed.

“That’s great.” She reached out and took his hand, careful to avoid the IV line. “I’m glad.”

“Looks like you won’t be worrying about Tanner for a few decades. He’s going down for attempted murder on both of us. They can argue mental illness, but either way, he’s headed back to prison.” He smiled. “It’s over. You won’t have to worry about him anymore.”

She entwined their fingers. “
won’t have to.” A sad smile appeared. “You’re going to have to quit the force now, aren’t you?”

“Probably.” There was no use lying to her. “The union’ll do what they can, but the gossip and the whispers wouldn’t make it easy to stay even if I wanted to.” He shook his head. “I can tell you I don’t care what they think but I’d be lying. And I don’t want some desk job where they hide me in the back and laugh about me in the front.”

“I’m sorry.” Jen sighed. “I shouldn’t have brought you into this. I—”

He silenced her by putting her hands to his lips and dropping gentle kisses on her skin. “I don’t regret a thing. You were right, and I’m glad you felt you could trust me with that information.” He paused. “And your love.”

She wiped away tears with her free hand. “Damn. I thought I was done crying.”

Nathan chuckled. “It was the right place and the right time for both of us.” He squeezed her fingers. “We’ll make do.”

A rapping came at the door.

They both turned to see Wendy and Evan standing there.

“May we come in?” Wendy asked.

Nathan nodded his approval, and they came to the bed.

“How are you doing?” Wendy spoke first.

The shrug sent aching pain through both shoulders. “I’ll survive.”

“Good,” she replied. “I’m sorry this had to happen. Especially to you two.” Wendy shook her head. “When we set up Hooded Pleasures, we worried about something like this. With the services we provide it was only a matter of time before someone thought about targeting either the clients or the employees.” She looked at Jen. “Even though he didn’t know anything about HP or what we do, it highlights the dangers. And while we’ve kept this out of the media there’s no guarantee this won’t happen again.”

“I agree.” Nathan shifted his weight, finding a more comfortable position. “And with the need for secrecy I can see the problems taking it to the police would entail.”

Evan looked at Wendy before speaking. “Which is why we’d like to offer you a job. Director of Security for Hooded Pleasures. It’s a new position, and we’re not quite sure what we’re going to do with it, but we agree it’s necessary and something you’re well qualified for.”

Nathan must have looked more shocked than he felt, because Wendy jumped in.

“You know both sides. The legal and the personal. We’ve got lawyers on call. You’ve met Dan. We do have other law enforcement people we network with, but most of them are clients and therefore rather shy about going too far, not to mention they already have full-time jobs. You’d be helping all of us to stay safe.”

“Safe, sane and consensual,” he murmured, finding the mantra surprisingly relevant.

“You don’t have to decide right now,” Evan added. “Take your time. I know it’s a big decision to leave the police force, and we don’t want to put any pressure on you. We’ll offer comparable rates and benefits, and you’ll have carte blanche to come up with your own program.”

“Thank you,” Nathan managed before stifling a yawn with his free hand.

“Let’s go.” Wendy nudged Evan. “Jen, drop me a call when things get settled.”

Before either of them could answer, the pair slipped out the door.

“That was interesting,” Nathan said before yawning again. “Sorry I’m exhausted.”

“I’ve no idea what from,” Jen deadpanned. “But I’ll let you get some rest.” She went to pull away but he kept a tight grip on her hand.

“Are we going to—” He paused, his strength and energy waning.

“Yes.” She leaned over and kissed him. “We’re going to make this work so hard, it’ll have you grinning for a week. Now get to sleep and I’ll be back in the morning to help you get home.” She shot him a saucy wink before heading for the door. “Guess I’ll have to take it easy on you for a few days.”

He smiled as he drifted off, already imagining their future.

* * * * *

Nathan signed the clipboard and handed it back to the nurse. “Thank you.”

She nodded and ripped off the bottom pages. “This is a prescription for pain pills. Keep the wound clean and dry. See your doctor in a week to get those stitches out, and if you see any redness or signs of infection you get medical help immediately. Any bad headaches, you get your butt back here.” The redhead looked at Jen. “You’re driving him home?”

Jen nodded. She’d brought in a change of clothing for Nathan and now held the plastic bag holding the bloody clothing Nathan had arrived in.

“He needs to rest.” The older woman gave Nathan a scathing glare. “No strenuous activity. Between the concussion and the stitches, he’s in no condition to do any hard work.” She turned back to Jen. “I know men. He’ll want to be out and about in no time, pushing his limits. I’m counting on you to keep him in his place.”

“Oh, I will.” The Domme voice sent a welcome shiver up Nathan’s spine, centering in his groin. “I’ll make sure he stays put.”

* * * * *

She’d taken the last of her vacation days with Colleen’s blessing and a warning to call in if there were any issues with Nathan’s wound. Instead of staying away, her boss had shown up not long after she’d put Nathan to bed.

“I know he’s a tough guy. He’d have to be.” Colleen sat on the couch. “How’s he feeling?”

“Like he got beaten up and shot by a madman,” Jen replied, bringing two cups of coffee into the room. “He’s upstairs, sulking because I won’t let him take a shower.”

“Good idea. Sponge baths for a bit longer. He’s probably looking forward to those.” Colleen dug in her purse and handed her a nondescript box. “Made you up a care package. I’ve included extra bandages and tape in there, along with some lotion. Save you a few dollars.”

Jen smiled. “Thanks. He’s already gotten the pain pills, but he’s refusing to take them.”

“Men.” Colleen rolled her eyes. “Make him take them if you see he’s in agony. He might be a sub but he’s also only human.” She eyed Jen. “And no raunchy sex. Regular old vanilla’ll have to do you for a few weeks.”

Jen gave her an innocent look. “I know not of what you speak.”

“I’m sure.” Colleen sipped her coffee. “Just don’t call me if he pulls those out and needs to be restitched. The longer you keep him on his back and still, the faster he’ll heal.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.” Jen smiled and picked up her own mug. “Thanks for the help.”

“Don’t forget I want an invite to the club when you get around to it.” She laughed. “Suzanne’s getting more curious by the day. And I wouldn’t mind seeing you in action.”

“Promise.” Jen nodded. “I’ll drop you a line.”

“Good.” Colleen looked around the room. “So when do you plan to move in?”

Jen almost choked on her coffee. “What?”

“Girl, I saw the way he looked at you. You’re not going to be able to keep that tucked away now that you’re together.” Colleen winked. “Call me when you start to pack. I’m excellent at organizing moving parties.”

* * * * *

“I don’t think this is what the doctor was talking about when she suggested bed rest,” Nathan drawled as he propped himself up on the pillows and looked at her.

Jen grinned as she climbed onto the bed, naked.

She was right on time.

It was early morning, a month after his injury and two weeks since Jen had gone back to work.

He knew her system.

She’d dashed to her apartment and checked on her mail, then grabbed a change of clothing to return to his shower and bed, staying with him for the day.

At the rate his pile of laundry in the corner was growing, he might as well just tell her to move in.

Nathan smiled to himself.

He’d broach that subject after dinner.

“She said for you to rest.” Her long blonde hair fell over her shoulders, framing her face. “So just lie back and think of England. Or whatever homeland you might want.”

“You think this is what I want?” He couldn’t help laughing.

It’d become a familiar routine almost every morning since he’d gotten the stitches out. Up until then, she’d treated him like a piece of precious china, catering to his every whim.

He’d taken advantage of it to push her limits, tease her to the point of making her threaten to tie his hands to the bedposts and leave him there overnight while she went to work.

Jen hadn’t yet—but she’d taken great pride in showing him the nylon cords tied to the bedposts for future use.

Nathan sighed as she pulled the blankets back with a flick of her wrist. “I guess I’ll have to suffer.”

“That’s a lot of suffering.” She pointed at his cock, already erect.

“I’m a sadist.” Nathan allowed himself a smirk.

“You’ve taken your pills.” She glanced toward the bedside table, where the small bottle sat.

“Yes, dear. And changed the dressing.” He put his hand over the fresh white bandage. “It’s looking better now that the stitches are out. A week lying around the house has it looking great.”

“Still have to be careful.” She curled up next to him and drew a finger down his chest.

“I could handle the basement.” The words slipped out before he could self-censor them.

Jen paused. “I know you could. I’m not sure if I could.”

Nathan didn’t pursue it. He’d already made plans to tear up the floor, redecorate the room.

He wasn’t sure if it’d be enough. Tanner had desecrated their safe place, and he didn’t know if he’d ever be able to go down there alone again. He’d stumbled down while Jen was at work to clean up the mess left behind by the paramedics and almost thrown up.

“I think I’d like to try the club.”

The words shocked her into stillness, her hand resting over his heart.

“Are you ready?”

“Ready enough.” He took her hand and kissed it before rolling over and pinning her to the mattress.

Her shriek was a mixture of concern and pleasure.


“Hush.” He nibbled on her jawline, working his way around to her mouth. “I’ve had enough of you being on top. Let me do some of the work for once.”

Her protestations turned into whimpers and sighs as he kissed her. His hands skimmed down the sides of her body as he moved against her, feeling the moisture already gathering between her legs at his approach.

“If you pull something and hurt yourself—” Her shallow whisper echoed in his ear.

“Just add it to the list of things you’re dying to punish me for.” Nathan stretched out a hand and retrieved a condom from the drawer. “I know you’ve got one.”

“A long one. And I intend to make you pay for every infraction, every refusal to take your pain pills and—” She let out a grunt of annoyance as he twisted away from her.

“Aren’t you the one who told me low and slow was the way to go?” he joked as he slipped the condom on.

“Been a while since I let you drive,” Jen replied, punctuated with a throaty sigh as he moved back between her legs. “You sure you know the way?”

“Let me see.” Nathan grabbed her hips and pulled her up as he slid home, dragging a long silent scream from her. “I think I remember.”

* * * * *

Jen couldn’t remember the last time Boots ’n’ Chains was so packed. True, it was a Saturday night and one of the few nights each month dedicated to invited guests, but every booth was filled and there was a waiting list for the private rooms. The club was rocking, and as she made her way to the private booth, she passed Kate and Alex, who were sitting at one of the tables, enjoying the shows.

Kate waved her over, the excitement visible on her face. “I can’t believe you’re doing this. That he’s doing this.”

Jen grinned. “It was his idea. As soon as he got better, he started nagging me. Had plenty of ideas while working up the new security department for HP. I decided to let him have some fun as a present for doing so well.”

BOOK: Strictly Yours: Hooded Pleasures, Book 3
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