Read Stuff White People Like Online

Authors: Christian Lander

Tags: #General, #Humor, #Topic, #American wit and humor, #Popular Culture, #Adult, #Popular culture - United States, #Race identity, #Whites, #Satire And Humor, #Topic - Adult, #Race awareness, #Whites - United States

Stuff White People Like (38 page)

BOOK: Stuff White People Like
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63 Expensive Sandwiches
64 Recycling
65 Coed Sports
66 Divorce
67 Standing Still at Concerts
68 Michel Gondry
69 Mos Def
70 Difficult Breakups
71 Being the Only White Person Around
72 Study Abroad
73 Gentrification
74 Oscar Parties
75 Threatening to Move to Canada
76 Bottles of Water
BOOK: Stuff White People Like
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