Submissive Beauty (25 page)

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Authors: Eliza Gayle

Tags: #romance

BOOK: Submissive Beauty
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Panic rose inside her. “But—”

His fingers pressed against her mouth as his other hand wrapped around her throat only applying the slightest bit of pressure. “No words. No arguing. Just do as you’re told, and you’ll be perfectly safe. You still trust us, right?”

Scenarios swam through her head. Her in a crowd at Sanctuary. Them taking her to a play party. Any number of things could happen. One thing she’d learned was that Thomas was the master at creative. She sucked in a deep breath and attempted to calm her racing heart. She’d had a rough day, but unless she confessed what had happened, she had no excuse to not follow their express orders.

“Yes, Sir, I do.”

“Perfect.” He grabbed her hand. “Just hold onto me and listen to my voice. I’ll tell you everything that you need to know.”

She gripped his fingers tightly.

“Okay, you don’t have to hold on that tight. Relax. Take a few deep breaths. Do you remember your safe word?”

She nodded her head.

“Good. If things get to be too much, you know what to do. But I think you’ll enjoy what we have planned for you very much.”

He turned her around and led her to the door. The outside air rushed over her, puckering her nipples again from the sudden sensation. Every sound came to her in stereo: The leaves of the trees rustling, some birds nearby, David’s shoes walking ahead of them down the path and even faint sound of cars down on the street. She didn’t worry at the moment about anyone seeing her. Thomas’s property had been landscaped to afford him the maximum amount of privacy, and she knew no one could see her. But what if they could? How would that make her feel? Strangers staring at her body. If they were going out with her wearing nothing but a blindfold and a collar she should probably expect at some point to be in a public place.

A sudden rush of fear gripped at her gut. What if Scott had followed her here? Could he be somewhere watching her now? Panic rose in the form of bile in her throat that she struggled to withhold. Sweat broke out on her brow, and she fought the need to rip off the blindfold and run.

“Can anyone see me like this?” She had to know.

“Gabrielle, you have to trust that I would never put you in a position that could harm you. Neither would David.”

“I’m scared.”

“I know you are, sweetheart, and that’s fine. It’s normal to be a little afraid of the unknown, but try to focus on me and David, how we will always put your safety and pleasure first. Your trust and obedience please us very much.”

Her heart soared at his words. He was right. She did believe that neither of them would do anything to hurt her. They cherished her, and so far, they’d never given her any reason to think anything else.

Unlike that bastard Scott.

No. She had to get him out of her head. He didn’t belong here and had no right to any piece of her. She belonged to David and Thomas, and only, they held those rights.

Then why aren’t you telling about this afternoon?

She knew it was wrong but hoped that it would never come back to haunt her. She could and would put Scott and his lame attempts to scare of her out of her mind. She deserved to enjoy this night with her men as much as they deserved her total obedience. She could hear the hum of an engine now and a car door opening.

“Good evening, Sir.”

Gabby’s back stiffened and her steps faltered at the unfamiliar voice. Thomas’s hand tightened on hers in reassurance.

“Evening, Troy. Thanks for coming.”

“My pleasure, Sir. Anytime.”

The sound of fabric rubbing against a slick surface was her only indication that David may have already gotten into the car. Her legs felt like Jell-o as she imagined the stranger leering at her and her not being able to do a thing about it. Covering herself was not an option.

“Gabrielle, you’re about one foot from the entrance to the car so lift your arm and feel the roof to get your bearing.” He placed her right hand along the top edge of the car, and she felt for the roof with the other.

“There you go, honey. You’ve got it. Now, slowly step into the backseat.”

With David’s words guiding her and her hands feeling the way, she stepped into the car. She gasped when she moved to sit and her ass hit cold leather seats, chilling her.

“I’m proud of how you’re handling this. Wasn’t sure what you would do when you realized someone else was watching you,” David whispered.

“It’s not the most comfortable feeling, that’s for sure. But I think I’ll live.”

“Oh, you’ll do more than live, sweetheart. We plan to take things to a whole new level tonight, and I’m very excited.” He grabbed her hand and led it to his crotch, placing her fingers across the bulge in his pants.

The hard length strained against the material, and the urge to release him overwhelmed her.

“See what looking at you does to me? That and thinking about that ass of yours all night is likely going to drive me crazy.”

The seat on the opposite side sank as she guessed Thomas had gotten in beside her. This blindfold was getting on her nerves a little. Not being able to see what was going on around her left her feeling open and vulnerable in a whole new way.

“We’re ready, Troy.”

“Thank you, Sir.”

Thomas’s shoulder brushed against her shoulder, and she automatically curled into his heat without taking her hand from David’s erection. He’d yet to dismiss her.

“You’re beautiful, Gabrielle.”

She flushed hotly at his words.

“Thank you,” she said.

She heard the distinct slide of a door or compartment opening and ice tinkling into a glass. Thomas was obviously fixing himself a drink, and every sound seemed louder than possible.

After the splash of liquid, the glass was placed in her hand and led to her lips.

“Drink. It will help you relax.”

“I-I’m…” she stuttered.

“Don’t worry. I have no intention of letting you get drunk. Lots of alcohol and scening never mix well. It’s just something to take the edge off until we get to our destination. And…while you do that, I can play with this pretty pussy.”

Fingers feathered across her lower lips, teasing the seam where her arousal from inside the house lingered, waiting…

She moved to grab the glass with both hands.

“No, no, no.” David grabbed her hand and returned it to his thigh. “I need your hand here, Gabrielle.” His hands brushed against hers while he unfastened his pants. She imagined his thick girth as it burst free from the confines of his clothes.

Moments later, he lifted her hand again and wrapped it around his hot and hard erection, even guiding her up and down a few strokes.

“Oh yeah, just like that.”

The glass in her hand faltered as she lost her focus. With Thomas tickling the outer edges of her pussy and David using her to jerk him, drinking anything from a glass was the last thing she could concentrate on.

“Gabrielle, don’t drop that glass.” Thomas warned just as his finger spread her lips apart and delved between the sensitive flesh.

She couldn’t think; she couldn’t process. The hard cock, the finger in her sopping pussy, the strange car and even the stranger driving were too much. Arousal burned frighteningly high as her limbs began to shake. They were going to make her come like this, and she’d end up spilling her drink across them all.

“I-I can’t,” she gasped, searching for enough air.

“Yes…you can,” Thomas assured her. “What you can’t do is come yet. That’s for much later. Think about the glass in your hand. Think about Troy glancing at you every few seconds in the rear view mirror, think about where we might be taking you.”

Oh God, the torture. He had to stop, or she’d lose it all. She couldn’t control it. “Can’t control.”

“Exactly, you aren’t supposed to control anything. Your body belongs to us. We control what happens to it.” Thomas swirled through her juices, spreading them from clit to anus before dipping inside once again, but this time with two fingers filling her.

,” David groaned.

“I think you’re going to make him come. Do you want him to come for you?”

“Yes, Sir, I do.”

Thomas grabbed the glass from her hand and slid his finger from her cunt. “Then take him with your mouth and suck him off. Give him that gift.”

She quickly turned in the seat and bent her head and swallowed his cock to the edge of her hand. Immediately, her tongue went to work, stroking and licking every inch of the softest skin she’d ever touched. Thomas’ hands fitted around her waist and jerked her to her knees so that her ass tilted up in his direction, leaving her completely open to him. His fingers returned to her pussy and thrust inside.

“Hell, woman, you are so fucking wet.”

“That’s because she likes this. Likes when she gets to suck cock and get her pussy played with. Don’t you, Gabrielle?”

She moaned around David’s cock and focused on making him come. She couldn’t think about Thomas and what he did to her, or she’d be breaking all the rules. Which didn’t stop her from pushing back against his hand so that he was fucking in and out of her sex. She was surrounded by need that practically vibrated the car.

For several minutes, no one said a word. Gabby only heard the sounds of fingers sucking in and out of her pussy, David’s moans, her slurps on his dick and the constant hum of the car engine. She took more until David pushed at the back of her throat and her gag reflex kicked in. Lifting slightly, she took a deep breath as her eyes watered. Once again, she slowly moved down his length, this time swallowing as he hit the back of her throat.

“Oh shit,” David groaned.

She smiled around him and flicked her tongue along his sensitive underside from the root to the ridge of the crown. He pulsed against her tongue. His hand grabbed the back of her head and held her down.

“That’s it, baby. Make him come.” Thomas’ fingers increased their tempo, and she struggled to ignore the friction he created inside her.

When her own desire threatened to overtake her, David tightened his grip in her hair and shouted his release. Pulse after pulse of salty semen filled her mouth, and she greedily swallowed it. His hips jerked, keeping his cock lodged at the back of her throat.

When he tugged at her head, she slowly slid up and off him with a pop and a smile plastered to her face. Thomas had stopped moving his fingers, and she panted for air in a struggle to catch her breath.

“Holy hell, that was incredible.” David’s fingers cupped her chin, his thumb stroking over her full bottom lip.

The touch sent a quick shiver down her spine and jerked her hips. That tiny move caused her vaginal muscles to clench around Thomas’ fingers, and she moaned at the sensation that streaked through those nerve endings.

“I know, baby. You want to come so bad you can practically taste it. And believe me I want nothing more than to give you that satisfaction, when I think you’re ready.”

Gabby whimpered.

“We’ve got a plan, and as much as you tempt me, we’ll be sticking to it.” He withdrew his fingers and wet tears sprang in her eyes.

She was going to die; she just knew it. Why did they insist on torturing her like this? She rested her cheek against David’s denim covered thigh and slowed her breathing. Her muscles wound tight, making it difficult for her to move in the small space. With the slowing beat of her heart, she noticed the outside noise and remembered they were in a car, heading down the road with a strange driver in the front witnessing everything she’d done. She braced herself for a wave of humiliation that never came.

She’d loved giving David what he needed, and knowing they were both enjoying this trip so far was all that mattered. What did she care if some man she’d likely never see again had played witness? Thomas and David were here and watching out for her. She trusted them not expose her to anything harmful.

Warm fingers caressed her bottom, before Thomas grabbed her hips and pulled her onto his lap. She snuggled against his chest and listened to the elevated pace of his heart. It was an incredible comfort and turn on to know that he’d been affected as well.

Fingers pushed at her lips. “Clean me, Gabrielle.”

Her mouth opened and sucked them in, her own tangy flavor exploding over her taste buds. She wrapped her tongue around them and suckled deeply. Her body still quivered with need, but it had subsided to a bearable level. For now.

“Such a good girl.”

David shifted, and she heard the distinct rasp of his zipper as he readjusted himself. Maybe they would arrive at their destination soon.

As Thomas’s fingers slid from her mouth, she desperately wanted to see his eyes. In a normal scene, she garnered much of her strength from keeping her gaze connected with his. The intensity and raw power that always radiated from the man made her feel secure and cared for. “I wish I could see your eyes.” She’d said the words before she’d even thought to hold them back.

“I know you do, beauty. Rest assured, neither David nor I plan to leave your side for even a moment.”

His arms wrapped around her and pulled her tight in his lap, his hard cock pressed against her hip. Her heart constricted in her chest. He needed her to follow through in whatever he had planned, and truth be told he’d not asked her to do anything she didn’t want to on a deep down primal level. She liked that he pushed her limits every chance he got. She’d discovered already so many things she would have never known she liked.

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