Submissive Beauty (26 page)

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Authors: Eliza Gayle

Tags: #romance

BOOK: Submissive Beauty
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“I love your curves.” He twisted her in his arms until her back pressed against his chest. “You’re so willing to please me. So eager to serve, despite your innocence. It’s the most exciting thing I’ve seen in a very long time.”

“I’m hardly innocent,” she whispered.

Big, rough hands wrapped around her breasts and cupped them tightly. “In my world, you are as sweet and innocent as they come.” He plucked at her nipples, alternating between soft, light pinches and hard, tight ones that took her breath away. Fresh desire stirred between her thighs as more moisture coated her lips. He wanted to drive her crazy, she was sure of it.

Next to them, David shifted in his seat, and she felt his arm brush across her side. A soft gasp parted her lips when his hand trailed along the inside of her thigh from knee to the top of the thigh. She held her breath as he inched closer, until the edge of his nails scraped against the wet flesh.

“I’m not sure how much more of this I can take?”

“You’ll be fine,” David’s low voice reassured.

“I don’t want to disappoint you and come without permission.”

“Relax, Gabby. You’re too worried. This isn’t about stressing you out.”

“It feels like a test.”

“You can’t think of it like that.” Thomas pulled at her nipples until she gasped with erotic pain. “Your job is to feel. Simply do as you’re told and trust in us enough to know what you need. We will see to your pleasure.”

“I can’t stop worrying.”

Two fingers pinched her clit and squeezed. At first, the sensation of pleasure zinged through her until the pressure continued to the point of pain, and not the good kind.

“Do you want us to stop? We can turn around and head back home right now if that’s what you want?”

Did she? They’d probably keep bringing her to the edge of orgasm until she managed to let go of her fear, but she wasn’t sure she could do it. The sight deprivation was beginning to get to her, and she naturally worried they would take her somewhere and push too far.

David pressed his fingers tightly together until she screamed out. He immediately released the aching bud and fluttered his fingers through her outer lips. She breathed in through her nose and out through her mouth as her pulse throbbed in her sex. One minute, she couldn’t think beyond the pleasure or pain they gave her, and the next, she could only focus on what might happen. Thomas was right she needed to let go, but it was much harder than he made it sound.

“You haven’t answered me,” Thomas reminded her.

She opened her mouth to make him stop, and two fingers plunged into her cunt. Electricity shot through her veins and straight to her core as David finger fucked her.

“Let go of the worries, my beauty. David has two fingers shoved inside you, and you’re so wet all I can hear is the sound of you sucking him in and out with each thrust.”

Oh God, Thomas was right. The juicy sound filling the car turned her on even more as her heart beat erratically and she allowed herself to race headlong toward the precipice of no return.

“That’s it, Gabrielle. Give me what I want. Surrender to the pleasure without worrying about what comes next or who might see you or any other question that is racing through your mind.”

She couldn’t talk. Her hips bucked, and she fucked down on David’s fingers.
Oh God. Oh God
. She couldn’t stop it. Sensation rushed through her veins, and the increased pressure Thomas applied to her nipples made her crazy with need.

“Oh, yes. Oh I can’t. Oh my God.”

“Ah yes, that’s it.”

He pulled harder on her nipples until the pain exploding in her should have killed everything she felt, but it didn’t. Every zing, every pulse increased threefold.

“Come now, Gabrielle. Right fucking now!” Thomas’s voice exploded in the car as dots danced in front of her eyes. She pushed harder against the fingers, burying David so deep inside she wondered if his whole hand was in there.

A burst of white light exploded in her head as her muscles tightened and convulsed. Breath whooshed from her lungs as her whole body bucked forward. Her mouth opened to scream, but it was impossible to scream with no breath.


“Yeah. She had that one coming for a while now.”

She barely heard David and Thomas as every muscle in her body clenched and released over and over as she jackknifed into a sitting position. Her wild pants echoed around her as David’s fingers slowed to an easier pace. She’d probably be sore from that, but to say it had been mind blowing put it mildly.

“I think we’re finally getting to the heart of our pretty little submissive.”

“We definitely hit something. Hell, I almost came again in my pants.” His hand slowly eased from her quaking pussy, and she heard the distinct sound of him sucking on his fingers and smacking his lips.

“You? You just had your dick in her mouth. I’m going to have bull fucking balls by the time we get there.”

The car slowed, pulled to the side and stopped.

“We’re here, Sir.” The driver spoke with an edge to his voice as well. Obviously, the show they’d put on had gotten to him. Gabby counted to ten in her head, attempting to calm her racing heart but nothing worked. Her body was taut and wrung out, and if they told her to get out and walk now, she was afraid she’d fall flat on her face.

“We’re just going to sit here for a while,” Thomas explained to the driver.

“No problem, boss. You mind if I go and catch a smoke?”

“Sure, go ahead.”

The driver’s door opened and closed, and she presumed he’d gotten out.

“You know the poor guy is looking for some place to jack off, don’t you?”

David laughed. “Of course, I do. Can you blame him? If I didn’t know what we had in store for our beauty, I’d probably be jerking off right now.”

“Don’t tell me the infamous Master Thomas has lost his cool.”

“Smart ass. Just because Gabrielle is the only sub in this car, don’t think I’d hesitate to whip your ass if it needed it.”

“Very funny.”

Thomas snuggled her tight against his chest once again and smoothed his palm up and down her back. She stole strength from that touch and used it to recover from her ordeal. She didn’t know what else to call what had happened. Fuzz still wove its way through her mind as she tried to understand this intense vulnerability crawling inside her. She was torn between the need to cry and the need to express her feelings. Emotion swelled until she nearly choked from it. She liked listening to the two of them have a conversation because, if either of them asked her anything serious, she’d end up on her knees expressing her love.

Fresh tears welled in her eyes. This couldn’t be love. It would be wrong for her to fall in love with two men. When their relationship concluded, she’d feel twice the pain when they walked out the door—something she didn’t feel equipped to handle.

“It’s okay, baby. Let it out. Crossing a barrier you didn’t even know you had is an emotional experience to say the least. I wish I could say that was the toughest thing you’ll experience in your training, but you’ve barely just begun. We still have a few other bridges to cross.”

She sniffled and buried her face in his shirt. He had no idea, and when they found out she was withholding… What would happen then? Would they withdraw from her? There were always more questions than answers.

They sat in silence for a long time. Blindfolded, she had no way to keep track. She listened to their breathing, slow and steady as it lulled her from a state of emotional panic to a calm she desperately needed. They were waiting for her, giving her the time and space she needed until she was ready to get out of the car and follow them to whatever they had in store for her.

Her fingers had been digging into Thomas’s arm, something that probably wasn’t very comfortable. She lifted her head slightly and released her grip. “I’m sorry, I didn’t even realize.”

His hands framed her face and pulled her down for a kiss. It was a light, easy kiss that gave her a taste of the gentle man that was but one side of her Dom. She wasn’t sure she’d seen the extent of his darker side, but she longed to experience it all.

“Don’t apologize. Whatever you need. I’m here for you.”

A pang of guilt struck her gut at the truthful ring in his words. So far, he’d asked for nothing more than her trust and despite her intentions she’d only given him half.

“How are you feeling?” David asked gently, his fingers rubbing at shoulder.

“I’m fine now, but I have to admit that was more intense than I expected.” She kissed Thomas’s lips again, letting her tongue peek out and explore the soft texture and exquisite taste of man. “I’m dying to remove this blindfold.”

David laughed and shifted in the seat. “Yep, I’d say she’s about back to normal and impatient as ever.”

A hand smacked her ass. It wasn’t painful, but she yelped just the same. “I’m not impatient.”

Both men laughed deeply as Thomas lifted her and handed her over to David who placed her in his lap. The door popped open, and from the sounds of movement, Thomas stepped outside. “I think we’re ready to proceed.”

David kissed her cheek and slid her across the bench seat until Thomas grabbed her hands.

“Like before, just listen to the sound of my voice and stay close. We’ll be inside soon.” He pulled her from the car, taking care to duck her head before he tucked her into his side.

Gabby’s heart pounded in her chest as the rush of cool outside air rushed over her. It had to be dark by now, but she had no idea where they were or how exposed her still nude body was to the eyes of strangers. The car door slammed behind her, and David plastered himself to the other side of her body as they began to walk across the grass. The cool blades tickled her feet and she had this crazy idea to break free and run naked. She’d had more than one fantasy of being able to do something that. To work in her garden in the nude. Wouldn’t her neighbors have a heart attack about something like that? Or better yet, what would the HOA have to say. A giggle bubbled up at the image.

“What’s so funny?” Thomas wanted to know.

“It’s nothing. This moment just reminded me of a dream I had once.”

“You had a dream about being led by two men and walking blindfolded.”

“Unfortunately no, I guess my imagination wasn’t quite that bold.”

“What then? Inquiring minds want to know.”

“It’s the grass against my bare feet, the scent of roses and honeysuckle. It reminds me of a recurring dream I’ve had about being in my garden buck naked and being caught by my neighbor who also happens to be the president of our HOA.” She giggled again. “I always thought the look of horror on her face might be worth the embarrassment of doing something that insane.”

Both men froze in place, and they had to grip her arms tighter to keep her from falling. She laughed for a minute until she realized no one else was laughing with her.

“I’m sorry, was that silly? Should I be taking this more seriously?”

“It’s not that exactly. It’s just amazing how things work out sometimes.”

She knitted her brows together in confusion, no idea what David referred to. “What do you mean?”

“You’ll see.” They resumed walking again, leading her carefully once again.

Somewhere in the back of her mind an alarm sounded. Something wasn’t right, and she had no idea what it was. “Where are we?”

“Don’t worry, Gabrielle. You’re safe. We’re almost there, and then we’ll be instructing you on what to expect.”

Now, her stomach cramped with an instinct that told her to run—that all was not well. She tugged at her arms, a renewed desperation to remove the blindfold, but they held her tight, immobile other than her legs, which could only carry her where they led.

She focused on her other senses to listen to the sounds around her for a clue. She heard no cars going by, no people, only a gentle breeze rustling through some trees and bushes, the sound of water babbling from a pond or maybe a small stream and the almost imperceptible faint tinkling of a wind chime from some distance away.

Her nose didn’t help her much either. The outdoor smell of fresh cut grass along with a garden of roses and honeysuckle did little to guide her thought processes except to think of her own garden. Wherever they were, whoever took care of this property had the same kind of gardening interests that she did.

Maybe they were going to a private play party at someone’s home—another sub like herself? The tingle of laughter and excitement she’d felt just short minutes ago dissipated with the continued sinking feeling that she was missing something very important. The grass under her feet changed to a tumbled brick, which she guessed might be a patio.

A looming sense of dread filled her as she followed them another twenty feet or so and then paused. When she heard the scrap of stone on stone, she knew.
No, no, no, it can’t be.
Could they possibly be at her house?

“Where are we?” She tried to hold her voice steady but failed miserably. Scared, she wrenched free from their hold.

“Relax, Gabby. We’re going in now,” Thomas reassured her with a pat on her arm.

Gooseflesh rose across her entire body as shudders racked her body. This can’t be. If they were at her house then Scott was likely watching. Had watched her walk across her own lawn buck freaking naked and wearing a blindfold. Bile rose in her throat and her free hand slapped over her mouth to hold it in. Her body convulsed and tears dripped from her eyes.

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